Strong Language


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2013
Do you approve of the language in this video?


Warning: Graphic Language

Also, do you approve the use of the N-word? Think about it while you watch the vid.

Do you approve of the language in this video?


Warning: Graphic Language

Also, do you approve the use of the N-word? Think about it while you watch the vid.


Low class, ignorant and mentally deficient violent people annoy me.
Do you approve of the language in this video?


Warning: Graphic Language

Also, do you approve the use of the N-word? Think about it while you watch the vid.


I neither approve nor disapprove of one's using the "N-word." Having grown up with a Southern patrician and racist father and several black women who worked in our home, I think have pretty good understanding of what that word means to users and to objects of that word, especially when it's used as a personal or general aspersion. I just think folks who use that word know what it means as thoroughly as I and they mean all of it when they use it.

I don't have a place to approve or disapprove of another's use of the word. I do have the right to disapprove of the individual who, by using that word, demonstrate they harbor and accept the attitudes and beliefs inherent to the word's meaning.

FWIW, the "N-word" isn't the only one of its class, though it probably is the first word of ilk that I discovered. The "C-," "B-," and "F-words" are pretty much the same in being heavily burdened terms, at least as far as I'm concerned.

Lastly, I consider using it more telling about the user than about the persons at whom the terms are directed. After all, if I don't know the person at whom the word is directed, I can't even be sure they fit even the most superficial definition of the term. In contrast, I know exactly who used the term and that they did use a word having all that "baggage" is enough. Moreover, the object of the aspersion doesn't need to do much at all to demonstrate the inapplicability of the insult, whereas the user of it immediately has a lifetime's worth of work to do to show they either didn't mean what they said or that they have changed their attitudes. That's a near impossible level of sincerity and contrition to have to convince others one has.

Do you approve of the language in this video?

A lot of what was said in that video was incomprehensible to me. I can tell those women were ticked off, but what they were saying was often garbled.

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