Birth fairy


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
$birth fairy.jpg

Here is a rare picture of the elusive birth fairy. As soon as the fetus is born she waves her magic wand and turns it into a baby.

Nothing to see here Mr. Abortion Doctor. It must have been a false positive.
Thank goodness for the Birth Fairy.

Ga. mother accused of stabbing newborn to death - Yahoo! News

ATHENS, Ga. (AP) — Police in north Georgia say an infant was stabbed to death at an Athens house, hours after being born.

Imagine that, in a country with free birth control and abortion on demand, she still has the baby and then kills it anyway. There is just no pleasing you people. Maybe what the left needs is a free human disposal once they are born.

$abortion pic.jpg
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I can tell it's time for some abortion jokes.

Knock, knock.

Who's there?

You'll never know

A fetus wakes up one day only to discover than he is being aborted. He then turns to the doctor and screams, "What the hell are you doing?" The doctor then turns to the mother and says, "Don't worry, they are not all this stupid."

Why did the fetus cross the road at the abortion clinic?
Because they moved the dumpster.

Why must all Jews and unwanted babies die in mass?
What do they expect? That's what happens to people who take all our money.
View attachment 22255

Here is a rare picture of the elusive birth fairy. As soon as the fetus is born she waves her magic wand and turns it into a baby.

Spoken like someone who has no idea WTF they are talking about.

I think that was the point- to sound like a prototypical pro-abortion Democrat

The conversation usually goes something like this.

Me: I think that human life begins at conception. All life has various stages from conception down to old age and death.

Them: The unborn are not living, they are a simple parasite.

Me: How can you say they are not living? Is it OK to kill them right before birth so long as they are not sticking out of the womb?

Them: I see, so you want a return to back alley abortions and girls impregnated by their father who are forced to have their babies?

Me: Calm down, I was merely discussing when life actually occurs. So when do you think it occurs?

Them: The Supreme Court has already heard Roe vs. Wade and concluded that the unborn are indeed not human.

Me: But they came to no such conclusion.

Them: I see, so you want to return to a theocracy with the religious right in charge?

Me: It was nice talking to you.
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There is no room for 'I think' when if comes to when a human life.begins. The science on that was settled long ago. Arguing that a living organism is not alive due to location or inconvenience of the fact is like arguing that a sphere is flat because hate Capernicus' challenge to the authority of the church

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