Bird flu spreads to new countries, threatens nonstop “war” on poultry

Tom Paine 1949

Diamond Member
Mar 15, 2020
CHICAGO, Feb 15 (Reuters) - Avian flu has reached new corners of the globe and become endemic for the first time in some wild birds that transmit the virus to poultry, according to veterinarians and disease experts, who warn it is now a year-round problem.

Reuters spoke to more than 20 experts and farmers on four continents who said the prevalence of the virus in the wild signals that record outbreaks will not abate soon on poultry farms, ramping up threats to the world's food supply….

Bird flu spreads to new countries, threatens non-stop "war" on poultry
Damn it! I love my Omelettes! Damn expensive already.

Eggs are / were a key cheap and almost universally available protein source. With the Russian/Ukraine war getting even hotter, now both grain and egg shortages, and high prices, will continue — many poor countries will especially suffer.
20 experts and farmers on four continents who said the prevalence of the virus in the wild signals that record outbreaks will not abate soon on poultry farms
Been hearing the sky is falling over avian flu for about a six months now. I don't put a lot of stock in it. More panic porn to distract the electorate. However I was interested to read that in our neck of the woods they have found it in a couple raccoons and a bobcat. Figure it must come from eating infected birds. I saw the media in CA go through these motions 11 or 12 years ago. Had everyone collecting up dead birds they found--not much ever came of it.
Well if bird foo extincts the tweeties, it will save me a mint in bird seed.
Damn it! I love my Omelettes! Damn expensive already.

Eggs are / were a key cheap and almost universally available protein source. With the Russian/Ukraine war getting even hotter, now both grain and egg shortages, and high prices, will continue — many poor countries will especially suffer.

Eggs at our local Aldi down $1.30 from last week to $3.65. What a bargain.
If the Bird Flu epidemic gets much worse, American poultry growers may have to consider vaccinating chickens / hens — like the Europeans are starting to.

Then our egg and fried chicken lovers can take sides as our politicians enter into political “cock fights” over this issue. No jokes about “chicken masks” please! This could be serious.

I should add that the vaccines being used around the world for poultry are mainly mRNA vaccines — see the article above for details.

The Chinese have apparently — for now — controlled their outbreaks and eggs there are cheaper than in the U.S.

There are also complicated economic and trade issues here. And Bird Flu can mutate easily, creating need for new vaccines. Details in the article above.

Finally, assuming the vaccines are adopted here and work reasonably well, would U.S. anti-vax types give up eating ham & eggs and fried chicken, or go ahead and enjoy the poor mRNA-injected chickens & poultry products? Hmmm …
H5N1 came from the Lugar Labs in Ukraine.
Crusuder Frank can always be counted on to spread anti-U.S. Russian propaganda, sh*t he spreads everywhere w/o the slightest attempt to back it up.

Even here, where I attempt to keep an amused tone, he has to insert his totally ridiculous and unsubstantiated anti-American lies. This is where our Trump cultists have ended up!
Crusuder Frank can always be counted on to spread anti-U.S. Russian propaganda, sh*t he spreads everywhere w/o the slightest attempt to back it up.

Even here, where I attempt to keep an amused tone, he has to insert his totally ridiculous and unsubstantiated anti-American lies. This is where our Trump cultists have ended up!

The CCP boy chimes right in!

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