Biden starts student loan payoffs 6 months ahead of schedule

Why do right wingers go batshit crazy when poor people get a financial break? They fine with tax breaks for billionaires, interest free forgiveable loans to mega corporations,, but give a person making less than $120,000 per year a tax break, and the nation is going to hell in a handbasket.

How selfish and greedy are you Lisa???
The tax payer will be funding this you moron.
Let's talk about the Billions of dollars, $$$$$, corrupt individuals receive from Foreign Countries for Brand/Influence/Votes/etc.

Both fucking Parties.
I don't pick sides.
You don't have what it takes to be on my side. We push people like you away.

The only people who will take you in are people who tolerate everything.
What’s your point? Taxpayers fund lots of things. The question should be, is it a worthy expenditure?
Yes we do fund a lot of things and the majority of that shit needs to go to. Over 30 trillion in debt and now we have to pay for some entitled little shits Doctorate in 16th Century Kabuki Theater. When they don't get that 7 figure a year job they expect do we pay for that shit to ?
Beginning In February, six months ahead of schedule, Biden is buying more votes with other people’s money by canceling “crippling” loans that were originally $12,000 or less. Two questions for discussion:

1) A original loan of $12,000 or less is hardly crippling, especially for college-educated professionals in their 30s. Why is Biden giving this gift to higher earners, when people with high school diplomas have car loans of $30,000?

2) Didn’t the SCOTUS rule this unconstituional? Isn’t this a show that Biden has no respect for our system of government?

Let’s cut all aid to Israel and use it to pay down student loan debt for Americans.
Yes we do fund a lot of things and the majority of that shit needs to go to. Over 30 trillion in debt and now we have to pay for some entitled little shits Doctorate in 16th Century Kabuki Theater. When they don't get that 7 figure a year job they expect do we pay for that shit to ?
The right has been claiming the country is going bankrupt longer than the left has been talking about Global Warming and there’s still controversy over which would happen first! :cool-45:
The right has been claiming the country is going bankrupt longer than the left has been talking about Global Warming and there’s still controversy over which would happen first! :cool-45:

In purely economic terms...the US is teetering

Spending has to be reigned in
Of course. He IS antisemitic. You notice how the a-hole races in on a topic on student loans to make a dig against Israel? We send more money to Arab countries, and he doesn’t mention them.

I know that.

Psst.... they're easy to spot

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