Biden Invites Tidal Wave of Illegals into the U.S.


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Biden Invites Tidal Wave of Illegals into the U.S.
Welcome to the business boom for smugglers of illegal migrant children.
Biden Invites Tidal Wave of Illegals into the U.S. | Frontpagemag
1 Mar 2021 ~~ By Joseph Klein

Joe Biden, the open borders president, is proposing amnesty legislation to provide the 11 million plus illegal aliens in this country a pathway to citizenship. During his CNN-hosted town hall meeting on February 17, Biden confirmed that such a pathway for citizenship must be included in any immigration bill that he would consider signing. The term “alien” would no longer be used in U.S. immigration law. Until the illegal aliens successfully complete the path to U.S. citizenship under Biden’s “reform” legislation, they are to be referred to as “noncitizen,” which is defined as “any person not a citizen or national of the United States.”
In the meantime, through executive action, Biden is handcuffing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers in arresting and detaining illegal immigrants in the United States for eventual deportation. U.S. District Judge Drew Tipton at least managed to slow things down a bit. He issued a nationwide preliminary injunction on February 23rd against moving ahead with implementation of Biden’s 100 day pause on most deportations. But Biden’s political appointees at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) are undoubtedly searching for any loophole they can find.
The overflow has forced the Biden administration to reopen border detention facilities to house unaccompanied migrant minors who have entered the country illegally, often with the assistance of smugglers. One reopened facility with bars in its windows will house up to 700 migrants, aged 13 to 17. This facility was used by the Trump administration for just a month back in 2019. When Trump was in the White House, such facilities were called “cages” by Trump haters. Biden himself said, “Under Trump, there have been horrifying scenes…at the border of kids being kept in cages.”
Now, with Biden in the White House, the same facility used during the Trump administration has been rechristened by Biden’s lapdogs in the media as an "overflow facility” or "emergency facility.” There is no end to the left’s hypocrisy.
So far, Joe Biden has used his presidential powers to kill the Keystone XL pipeline, ending employment of at least 11,000 Americans, while expanding the pipeline for more illegal aliens to enter the country and take jobs away from Americans. He is also maneuvering to move the illegal aliens already in this country through the citizenship pipeline. Something is very rotten in Biden's vision of America.

All Joey Xi has done is to given the Narco-Cartels of Mexico an extra income by trafficking children and their drugs.
Already we have witnessed an uptick of ilegal alien trafficking rising by 120% and it hasn't reached it's apex.
Look to see gang violence to spike as illegal alien
invaders from different Central American shitholes revive old animosities.
To those Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies who have never read the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.​
Nowhere does it say leave borders open for anyone in the world to come. Our Constitution only applies to the citizens. It also applies to those that come here legally by permission as we believe in just laws.
Biden Invites Tidal Wave of Illegals into the U.S.
Welcome to the business boom for smugglers of illegal migrant children.
Biden Invites Tidal Wave of Illegals into the U.S. | Frontpagemag
1 Mar 2021 ~~ By Joseph Klein

Joe Biden, the open borders president, is proposing amnesty legislation to provide the 11 million plus illegal aliens in this country a pathway to citizenship. During his CNN-hosted town hall meeting on February 17, Biden confirmed that such a pathway for citizenship must be included in any immigration bill that he would consider signing. The term “alien” would no longer be used in U.S. immigration law. Until the illegal aliens successfully complete the path to U.S. citizenship under Biden’s “reform” legislation, they are to be referred to as “noncitizen,” which is defined as “any person not a citizen or national of the United States.”
In the meantime, through executive action, Biden is handcuffing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers in arresting and detaining illegal immigrants in the United States for eventual deportation. U.S. District Judge Drew Tipton at least managed to slow things down a bit. He issued a nationwide preliminary injunction on February 23rd against moving ahead with implementation of Biden’s 100 day pause on most deportations. But Biden’s political appointees at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) are undoubtedly searching for any loophole they can find.
The overflow has forced the Biden administration to reopen border detention facilities to house unaccompanied migrant minors who have entered the country illegally, often with the assistance of smugglers. One reopened facility with bars in its windows will house up to 700 migrants, aged 13 to 17. This facility was used by the Trump administration for just a month back in 2019. When Trump was in the White House, such facilities were called “cages” by Trump haters. Biden himself said, “Under Trump, there have been horrifying scenes…at the border of kids being kept in cages.”
Now, with Biden in the White House, the same facility used during the Trump administration has been rechristened by Biden’s lapdogs in the media as an "overflow facility” or "emergency facility.” There is no end to the left’s hypocrisy.
So far, Joe Biden has used his presidential powers to kill the Keystone XL pipeline, ending employment of at least 11,000 Americans, while expanding the pipeline for more illegal aliens to enter the country and take jobs away from Americans. He is also maneuvering to move the illegal aliens already in this country through the citizenship pipeline. Something is very rotten in Biden's vision of America.

All Joey Xi has done is to given the Narco-Cartels of Mexico an extra income by trafficking children and their drugs.
Already we have witnessed an uptick of ilegal alien trafficking rising by 120% and it hasn't reached it's apex.
Look to see gang violence to spike as illegal alien
invaders from different Central American shitholes revive old animosities.
To those Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies who have never read the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.​
Nowhere does it say leave borders open for anyone in the world to come. Our Constitution only applies to the citizens. It also applies to those that come here legally by permission as we believe in just laws.
They have been told they had 100 days to get here to cash in on the boondoggle.
That was over a month ago.
Biden Invites Tidal Wave of Illegals into the U.S.
Welcome to the business boom for smugglers of illegal migrant children.
Biden Invites Tidal Wave of Illegals into the U.S. | Frontpagemag
1 Mar 2021 ~~ By Joseph Klein

Joe Biden, the open borders president, is proposing amnesty legislation to provide the 11 million plus illegal aliens in this country a pathway to citizenship. During his CNN-hosted town hall meeting on February 17, Biden confirmed that such a pathway for citizenship must be included in any immigration bill that he would consider signing. The term “alien” would no longer be used in U.S. immigration law. Until the illegal aliens successfully complete the path to U.S. citizenship under Biden’s “reform” legislation, they are to be referred to as “noncitizen,” which is defined as “any person not a citizen or national of the United States.”
In the meantime, through executive action, Biden is handcuffing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers in arresting and detaining illegal immigrants in the United States for eventual deportation. U.S. District Judge Drew Tipton at least managed to slow things down a bit. He issued a nationwide preliminary injunction on February 23rd against moving ahead with implementation of Biden’s 100 day pause on most deportations. But Biden’s political appointees at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) are undoubtedly searching for any loophole they can find.
The overflow has forced the Biden administration to reopen border detention facilities to house unaccompanied migrant minors who have entered the country illegally, often with the assistance of smugglers. One reopened facility with bars in its windows will house up to 700 migrants, aged 13 to 17. This facility was used by the Trump administration for just a month back in 2019. When Trump was in the White House, such facilities were called “cages” by Trump haters. Biden himself said, “Under Trump, there have been horrifying scenes…at the border of kids being kept in cages.”
Now, with Biden in the White House, the same facility used during the Trump administration has been rechristened by Biden’s lapdogs in the media as an "overflow facility” or "emergency facility.” There is no end to the left’s hypocrisy.
So far, Joe Biden has used his presidential powers to kill the Keystone XL pipeline, ending employment of at least 11,000 Americans, while expanding the pipeline for more illegal aliens to enter the country and take jobs away from Americans. He is also maneuvering to move the illegal aliens already in this country through the citizenship pipeline. Something is very rotten in Biden's vision of America.

All Joey Xi has done is to given the Narco-Cartels of Mexico an extra income by trafficking children and their drugs.
Already we have witnessed an uptick of ilegal alien trafficking rising by 120% and it hasn't reached it's apex.
Look to see gang violence to spike as illegal alien
invaders from different Central American shitholes revive old animosities.
To those Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies who have never read the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.​
Nowhere does it say leave borders open for anyone in the world to come. Our Constitution only applies to the citizens. It also applies to those that come here legally by permission as we believe in just laws.

None of your art is the truth.

The David Horowitz Freedom Center is unique among conservative think tanks whose emphasis is on public policy and institutional reform in that it sees its role as that of a battle tank, geared to fight a war that many still don’t recognize. For 27 years, since its founding in 1988, the Center has been warning that the political left has declared war on America and its constitutional system, and is willing to collaborate with America’s enemies abroad and criminals at home to bring America down. For most of those years the Center was a voice crying in the wilderness with few willing to recognize the threat from the enemy within, a fifth column force that was steadily expanding its influence within the Democratic Party. With the election of a lifetime radical to the White House in 2008, the perceptions of conservatives began to change. But the Center remains unique as an organization dedicated to the war and to developing strategies to win it.
The Mission
The David Horowitz Freedom Center is best seen as a School of Political Warfare. The Center’s mission is to defend free societies which are under attack from enemies within and without, both secular and religious. The Center’s focus and the School’s curriculum have two agendas:
1. Identify the enemy and understand his nature
2. Devise ways to attack and neutralize him
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Wouldn't surprise me if Demorats mail absentee ballots to C. America.
Biden Invites Tidal Wave of Illegals into the U.S.
Welcome to the business boom for smugglers of illegal migrant children.
Biden Invites Tidal Wave of Illegals into the U.S. | Frontpagemag
1 Mar 2021 ~~ By Joseph Klein

Joe Biden, the open borders president, is proposing amnesty legislation to provide the 11 million plus illegal aliens in this country a pathway to citizenship. During his CNN-hosted town hall meeting on February 17, Biden confirmed that such a pathway for citizenship must be included in any immigration bill that he would consider signing. The term “alien” would no longer be used in U.S. immigration law. Until the illegal aliens successfully complete the path to U.S. citizenship under Biden’s “reform” legislation, they are to be referred to as “noncitizen,” which is defined as “any person not a citizen or national of the United States.”
In the meantime, through executive action, Biden is handcuffing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers in arresting and detaining illegal immigrants in the United States for eventual deportation. U.S. District Judge Drew Tipton at least managed to slow things down a bit. He issued a nationwide preliminary injunction on February 23rd against moving ahead with implementation of Biden’s 100 day pause on most deportations. But Biden’s political appointees at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) are undoubtedly searching for any loophole they can find.
The overflow has forced the Biden administration to reopen border detention facilities to house unaccompanied migrant minors who have entered the country illegally, often with the assistance of smugglers. One reopened facility with bars in its windows will house up to 700 migrants, aged 13 to 17. This facility was used by the Trump administration for just a month back in 2019. When Trump was in the White House, such facilities were called “cages” by Trump haters. Biden himself said, “Under Trump, there have been horrifying scenes…at the border of kids being kept in cages.”
Now, with Biden in the White House, the same facility used during the Trump administration has been rechristened by Biden’s lapdogs in the media as an "overflow facility” or "emergency facility.” There is no end to the left’s hypocrisy.
So far, Joe Biden has used his presidential powers to kill the Keystone XL pipeline, ending employment of at least 11,000 Americans, while expanding the pipeline for more illegal aliens to enter the country and take jobs away from Americans. He is also maneuvering to move the illegal aliens already in this country through the citizenship pipeline. Something is very rotten in Biden's vision of America.

All Joey Xi has done is to given the Narco-Cartels of Mexico an extra income by trafficking children and their drugs.
Already we have witnessed an uptick of ilegal alien trafficking rising by 120% and it hasn't reached it's apex.
Look to see gang violence to spike as illegal alien
invaders from different Central American shitholes revive old animosities.
To those Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies who have never read the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.​
Nowhere does it say leave borders open for anyone in the world to come. Our Constitution only applies to the citizens. It also applies to those that come here legally by permission as we believe in just laws.

None of your art is the truth.

The David Horowitz Freedom Center is unique among conservative think tanks whose emphasis is on public policy and institutional reform in that it sees its role as that of a battle tank, geared to fight a war that many still don’t recognize. For 27 years, since its founding in 1988, the Center has been warning that the political left has declared war on America and its constitutional system, and is willing to collaborate with America’s enemies abroad and criminals at home to bring America down. For most of those years the Center was a voice crying in the wilderness with few willing to recognize the threat from the enemy within, a fifth column force that was steadily expanding its influence within the Democratic Party. With the election of a lifetime radical to the White House in 2008, the perceptions of conservatives began to change. But the Center remains unique as an organization dedicated to the war and to developing strategies to win it.
The Mission
The David Horowitz Freedom Center is best seen as a School of Political Warfare. The Center’s mission is to defend free societies which are under attack from enemies within and without, both secular and religious. The Center’s focus and the School’s curriculum have two agendas:
1. Identify the enemy and understand his nature
2. Devise ways to attack and neutralize him
This is one of of the paid china shills that hate America I was talking about,this troll cannot except reality that her hero Obama was a clone of bush,a mass murderer of women and children as well,poor baby shill,your lies have been exposed,this truth he posted hurts your feelings.:itsok:
Biden Invites Tidal Wave of Illegals into the U.S.
Welcome to the business boom for smugglers of illegal migrant children.
Biden Invites Tidal Wave of Illegals into the U.S. | Frontpagemag
1 Mar 2021 ~~ By Joseph Klein

Joe Biden, the open borders president, is proposing amnesty legislation to provide the 11 million plus illegal aliens in this country a pathway to citizenship. During his CNN-hosted town hall meeting on February 17, Biden confirmed that such a pathway for citizenship must be included in any immigration bill that he would consider signing. The term “alien” would no longer be used in U.S. immigration law. Until the illegal aliens successfully complete the path to U.S. citizenship under Biden’s “reform” legislation, they are to be referred to as “noncitizen,” which is defined as “any person not a citizen or national of the United States.”
In the meantime, through executive action, Biden is handcuffing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers in arresting and detaining illegal immigrants in the United States for eventual deportation. U.S. District Judge Drew Tipton at least managed to slow things down a bit. He issued a nationwide preliminary injunction on February 23rd against moving ahead with implementation of Biden’s 100 day pause on most deportations. But Biden’s political appointees at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) are undoubtedly searching for any loophole they can find.
The overflow has forced the Biden administration to reopen border detention facilities to house unaccompanied migrant minors who have entered the country illegally, often with the assistance of smugglers. One reopened facility with bars in its windows will house up to 700 migrants, aged 13 to 17. This facility was used by the Trump administration for just a month back in 2019. When Trump was in the White House, such facilities were called “cages” by Trump haters. Biden himself said, “Under Trump, there have been horrifying scenes…at the border of kids being kept in cages.”
Now, with Biden in the White House, the same facility used during the Trump administration has been rechristened by Biden’s lapdogs in the media as an "overflow facility” or "emergency facility.” There is no end to the left’s hypocrisy.
So far, Joe Biden has used his presidential powers to kill the Keystone XL pipeline, ending employment of at least 11,000 Americans, while expanding the pipeline for more illegal aliens to enter the country and take jobs away from Americans. He is also maneuvering to move the illegal aliens already in this country through the citizenship pipeline. Something is very rotten in Biden's vision of America.

All Joey Xi has done is to given the Narco-Cartels of Mexico an extra income by trafficking children and their drugs.
Already we have witnessed an uptick of ilegal alien trafficking rising by 120% and it hasn't reached it's apex.
Look to see gang violence to spike as illegal alien
invaders from different Central American shitholes revive old animosities.
To those Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies who have never read the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.​
Nowhere does it say leave borders open for anyone in the world to come. Our Constitution only applies to the citizens. It also applies to those that come here legally by permission as we believe in just laws.

None of your art is the truth.

The David Horowitz Freedom Center is unique among conservative think tanks whose emphasis is on public policy and institutional reform in that it sees its role as that of a battle tank, geared to fight a war that many still don’t recognize. For 27 years, since its founding in 1988, the Center has been warning that the political left has declared war on America and its constitutional system, and is willing to collaborate with America’s enemies abroad and criminals at home to bring America down. For most of those years the Center was a voice crying in the wilderness with few willing to recognize the threat from the enemy within, a fifth column force that was steadily expanding its influence within the Democratic Party. With the election of a lifetime radical to the White House in 2008, the perceptions of conservatives began to change. But the Center remains unique as an organization dedicated to the war and to developing strategies to win it.
The Mission
The David Horowitz Freedom Center is best seen as a School of Political Warfare. The Center’s mission is to defend free societies which are under attack from enemies within and without, both secular and religious. The Center’s focus and the School’s curriculum have two agendas:
1. Identify the enemy and understand his nature
2. Devise ways to attack and neutralize him
This is one of of the paid china shills that hate America I was talking about,this troll cannot except reality that her hero Obama was a clone of bush,a mass murderer of women and children as well,poor baby shill,your lies have been exposed,this truth he posted hurts your feelings.:itsok:

I have no hero.
Biden Invites Tidal Wave of Illegals into the U.S.
Welcome to the business boom for smugglers of illegal migrant children.
Biden Invites Tidal Wave of Illegals into the U.S. | Frontpagemag
1 Mar 2021 ~~ By Joseph Klein

Joe Biden, the open borders president, is proposing amnesty legislation to provide the 11 million plus illegal aliens in this country a pathway to citizenship. During his CNN-hosted town hall meeting on February 17, Biden confirmed that such a pathway for citizenship must be included in any immigration bill that he would consider signing. The term “alien” would no longer be used in U.S. immigration law. Until the illegal aliens successfully complete the path to U.S. citizenship under Biden’s “reform” legislation, they are to be referred to as “noncitizen,” which is defined as “any person not a citizen or national of the United States.”
In the meantime, through executive action, Biden is handcuffing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers in arresting and detaining illegal immigrants in the United States for eventual deportation. U.S. District Judge Drew Tipton at least managed to slow things down a bit. He issued a nationwide preliminary injunction on February 23rd against moving ahead with implementation of Biden’s 100 day pause on most deportations. But Biden’s political appointees at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) are undoubtedly searching for any loophole they can find.
The overflow has forced the Biden administration to reopen border detention facilities to house unaccompanied migrant minors who have entered the country illegally, often with the assistance of smugglers. One reopened facility with bars in its windows will house up to 700 migrants, aged 13 to 17. This facility was used by the Trump administration for just a month back in 2019. When Trump was in the White House, such facilities were called “cages” by Trump haters. Biden himself said, “Under Trump, there have been horrifying scenes…at the border of kids being kept in cages.”
Now, with Biden in the White House, the same facility used during the Trump administration has been rechristened by Biden’s lapdogs in the media as an "overflow facility” or "emergency facility.” There is no end to the left’s hypocrisy.
So far, Joe Biden has used his presidential powers to kill the Keystone XL pipeline, ending employment of at least 11,000 Americans, while expanding the pipeline for more illegal aliens to enter the country and take jobs away from Americans. He is also maneuvering to move the illegal aliens already in this country through the citizenship pipeline. Something is very rotten in Biden's vision of America.

All Joey Xi has done is to given the Narco-Cartels of Mexico an extra income by trafficking children and their drugs.
Already we have witnessed an uptick of ilegal alien trafficking rising by 120% and it hasn't reached it's apex.
Look to see gang violence to spike as illegal alien
invaders from different Central American shitholes revive old animosities.
To those Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies who have never read the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.​
Nowhere does it say leave borders open for anyone in the world to come. Our Constitution only applies to the citizens. It also applies to those that come here legally by permission as we believe in just laws.

None of your art is the truth.

The David Horowitz Freedom Center is unique among conservative think tanks whose emphasis is on public policy and institutional reform in that it sees its role as that of a battle tank, geared to fight a war that many still don’t recognize. For 27 years, since its founding in 1988, the Center has been warning that the political left has declared war on America and its constitutional system, and is willing to collaborate with America’s enemies abroad and criminals at home to bring America down. For most of those years the Center was a voice crying in the wilderness with few willing to recognize the threat from the enemy within, a fifth column force that was steadily expanding its influence within the Democratic Party. With the election of a lifetime radical to the White House in 2008, the perceptions of conservatives began to change. But the Center remains unique as an organization dedicated to the war and to developing strategies to win it.
The Mission
The David Horowitz Freedom Center is best seen as a School of Political Warfare. The Center’s mission is to defend free societies which are under attack from enemies within and without, both secular and religious. The Center’s focus and the School’s curriculum have two agendas:
1. Identify the enemy and understand his nature
2. Devise ways to attack and neutralize him
This is one of of the paid china shills that hate America I was talking about,this troll cannot except reality that her hero Obama was a clone of bush,a mass murderer of women and children as well,poor baby shill,your lies have been exposed,this truth he posted hurts your feelings.:itsok:

I have no hero.
You could have fooled us with your hypocrisy and double standards doing this all the time when we all take you to school that asswipe Obama expanded the policys of bush and was a mass murderer of women and children same as him.could have fooled us sense this is what you do everytime when you can’t counter those facts.:scared1:
:lmao::laughing0301::abgg2q.jpg: You should marry smellybozo,he lives in the same state you do and shares the same fucked up logic you do as well and also cowardly evades facts his hero Obama was a clone of you both lie and cowardly evade facts that Obama lied to the people when he said he would reverse bush’s policys but instead expanded them american hater.
I thought Biden was compassionate dear Democrats?? His border policies are going to create nothing but pain for a lot of kids because Their parents decided to cut them loose for the US border. It's all about Biden sending out the signal that our border laws will not be enforced.

Just because Biden may feel compassionate doesn't make his actions good for anyone. He's like the bad parent who ruins his kids life by giving him whatever he wants. At the same time he wants to give amnesty for the 20 million already here + waving in more to come, the 15 $ minimum wage hike is predicted to cause 1,000,000 Americans to be laid off work and probably damage the efficiency of small businesses who relied on employees.... now we will have more Americans looking for work along with more immigrants who did not come here the right way, and at the exactly worse possible time. Renaming the cages as holding facilities doesn't really count for kindness.

How is this compassionate, people? Sure, the feds can cut more unemployment checks, and raise taxes on those who are still working, but as people get laid off, things like drug use, alcoholism, domestic violence, suicide and crime will spike up again.

Again Democrats, how does this make Biden a nice guy? just because he smiles, says the magic words of compassion and makes idiotic executive orders? Trump may have been crude in language at times, but the actual policies he implemented helped Americans, and people actually had some hope of a better future.
Biden Invites Tidal Wave of Illegals into the U.S.
Welcome to the business boom for smugglers of illegal migrant children.
Biden Invites Tidal Wave of Illegals into the U.S. | Frontpagemag
1 Mar 2021 ~~ By Joseph Klein

Joe Biden, the open borders president, is proposing amnesty legislation to provide the 11 million plus illegal aliens in this country a pathway to citizenship. During his CNN-hosted town hall meeting on February 17, Biden confirmed that such a pathway for citizenship must be included in any immigration bill that he would consider signing. The term “alien” would no longer be used in U.S. immigration law. Until the illegal aliens successfully complete the path to U.S. citizenship under Biden’s “reform” legislation, they are to be referred to as “noncitizen,” which is defined as “any person not a citizen or national of the United States.”
In the meantime, through executive action, Biden is handcuffing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers in arresting and detaining illegal immigrants in the United States for eventual deportation. U.S. District Judge Drew Tipton at least managed to slow things down a bit. He issued a nationwide preliminary injunction on February 23rd against moving ahead with implementation of Biden’s 100 day pause on most deportations. But Biden’s political appointees at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) are undoubtedly searching for any loophole they can find.
The overflow has forced the Biden administration to reopen border detention facilities to house unaccompanied migrant minors who have entered the country illegally, often with the assistance of smugglers. One reopened facility with bars in its windows will house up to 700 migrants, aged 13 to 17. This facility was used by the Trump administration for just a month back in 2019. When Trump was in the White House, such facilities were called “cages” by Trump haters. Biden himself said, “Under Trump, there have been horrifying scenes…at the border of kids being kept in cages.”
Now, with Biden in the White House, the same facility used during the Trump administration has been rechristened by Biden’s lapdogs in the media as an "overflow facility” or "emergency facility.” There is no end to the left’s hypocrisy.
So far, Joe Biden has used his presidential powers to kill the Keystone XL pipeline, ending employment of at least 11,000 Americans, while expanding the pipeline for more illegal aliens to enter the country and take jobs away from Americans. He is also maneuvering to move the illegal aliens already in this country through the citizenship pipeline. Something is very rotten in Biden's vision of America.

All Joey Xi has done is to given the Narco-Cartels of Mexico an extra income by trafficking children and their drugs.
Already we have witnessed an uptick of ilegal alien trafficking rising by 120% and it hasn't reached it's apex.
Look to see gang violence to spike as illegal alien
invaders from different Central American shitholes revive old animosities.
To those Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies who have never read the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.​
Nowhere does it say leave borders open for anyone in the world to come. Our Constitution only applies to the citizens. It also applies to those that come here legally by permission as we believe in just laws.
We are preparing to sue President Biden for unprecedented damages of forcing Covid-19 hardships on border state deaths that will far and away exceed Cuomo's unscrupulous placement of covid victims into nursing homes. In Texas, where Idioto mucho Biden stopped completion of the wall that would have protected us from willy nilly border we will have a lot more than 15,000 deaths from covid-infected immigrants crossing without so much as a temperature test on account of the sociopathic Democrat Party's desire to punish severely Trump supporters.

We will protect our border with minuteman again if we are forced to protect people in Texas from the epidemic the charlatan leaders of the Democrats and RINOs who would support killing all the Texans they can.

Biden is starting a civil war, and he and his evil Democrat Party will go down in history as mass murderers, infectors, and poisoners by way of mass weapon of destruction that a pandemic is in his own nation. He better get his act the hell together or he, Pelosi, and Schumer will divide this nation that will never have one iota of brotherly love in the future. Oh, wait. The Democrats already cancelled brotherly love as a sentimental relic of the past in order to kill off red states.

Cuomo murdered 15,000 Americans in his unprecedented arrogant stunt of declining Trump's floating hospital that would have saved the lives of those 15,000 senior citizens Cuomo sent to early graves. Biden Democrats will murder X1K more, or roughly, 15,000,000 in 4 border and destination locations for infected crossers.

I cannot describe my anger and hatred of the murders of my fellow Texans the Demonrats are planning for Texans that Biden, Schumer, Pelosi, and the hateful atheists of the Democrat Party and those unbelievably nasty computer kings who supported that unscrupulous crooked election that Donald Trump had stolen from him by DNC criminals.

You oughtn't to mess with Texas and our people's health.
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Biden Invites Tidal Wave of Illegals into the U.S.
Welcome to the business boom for smugglers of illegal migrant children.
Biden Invites Tidal Wave of Illegals into the U.S. | Frontpagemag
1 Mar 2021 ~~ By Joseph Klein

Joe Biden, the open borders president, is proposing amnesty legislation to provide the 11 million plus illegal aliens in this country a pathway to citizenship. During his CNN-hosted town hall meeting on February 17, Biden confirmed that such a pathway for citizenship must be included in any immigration bill that he would consider signing. The term “alien” would no longer be used in U.S. immigration law. Until the illegal aliens successfully complete the path to U.S. citizenship under Biden’s “reform” legislation, they are to be referred to as “noncitizen,” which is defined as “any person not a citizen or national of the United States.”
In the meantime, through executive action, Biden is handcuffing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers in arresting and detaining illegal immigrants in the United States for eventual deportation. U.S. District Judge Drew Tipton at least managed to slow things down a bit. He issued a nationwide preliminary injunction on February 23rd against moving ahead with implementation of Biden’s 100 day pause on most deportations. But Biden’s political appointees at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) are undoubtedly searching for any loophole they can find.
The overflow has forced the Biden administration to reopen border detention facilities to house unaccompanied migrant minors who have entered the country illegally, often with the assistance of smugglers. One reopened facility with bars in its windows will house up to 700 migrants, aged 13 to 17. This facility was used by the Trump administration for just a month back in 2019. When Trump was in the White House, such facilities were called “cages” by Trump haters. Biden himself said, “Under Trump, there have been horrifying scenes…at the border of kids being kept in cages.”
Now, with Biden in the White House, the same facility used during the Trump administration has been rechristened by Biden’s lapdogs in the media as an "overflow facility” or "emergency facility.” There is no end to the left’s hypocrisy.
So far, Joe Biden has used his presidential powers to kill the Keystone XL pipeline, ending employment of at least 11,000 Americans, while expanding the pipeline for more illegal aliens to enter the country and take jobs away from Americans. He is also maneuvering to move the illegal aliens already in this country through the citizenship pipeline. Something is very rotten in Biden's vision of America.

All Joey Xi has done is to given the Narco-Cartels of Mexico an extra income by trafficking children and their drugs.
Already we have witnessed an uptick of ilegal alien trafficking rising by 120% and it hasn't reached it's apex.
Look to see gang violence to spike as illegal alien
invaders from different Central American shitholes revive old animosities.
To those Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies who have never read the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.​
Nowhere does it say leave borders open for anyone in the world to come. Our Constitution only applies to the citizens. It also applies to those that come here legally by permission as we believe in just laws.
We are preparing to sue President Biden for unprecedented damages of forcing Covid-19 hardships on border state deaths that will far and away exceed Cuomo's unscrupulous placement of covid victims into nursing homes. In Texas, where Idioto mucho Biden stopped completion of the wall that would have protected us from willy nilly border we will have a lot more than 15,000 deaths from covid-infected immigrants crossing without so much as a temperature test on account of the sociopathic Democrat Party's desire to punish severely Trump supporters.

We will protect our border with minuteman again if we are forced to protect people in Texas from the epidemic the charlatan leaders of the Democrats and RINOs who would support killing all the Texans they can.

Biden is starting a civil war, and he and his evil Democrat Party will go down in history as mass murderers, infectors, and poisoners by way of mass weapon of destruction that a pandemic is in his own nation. He better get his act the hell together or he, Pelosi, and Schumer will divide this nation that will never have one iota of brotherly love in the future. Oh, wait. The Democrats already cancelled brotherly love as a sentimental relic of the past in order to kill off red states.

Cuomo murdered 15,000 Americans in his unprecedented arrogant stunt of declining Trump's floating hospital that would have saved the lives of those 15,000 senior citizens Cuomo sent to early graves. Biden Democrats will murder X1K more, or roughly, 15,000,000 in 4 border and destination locations for infected crossers.

I cannot describe my anger and hatred of the murders of my fellow Texans the Demonrats are planning for Texans that Biden, Schumer, Pelosi, and the hateful atheists of the Democrat Party and those unbelievably nasty computer kings who supported that unscrupulous crooked election that Donald Trump had stolen from him by DNC criminals.

You oughtn't to mess with Texas and our people's health.
I wish you luck,don’t be optimistic to think the lawsuit will go anywhere though,we have the most corrupt court system in the world and this past election proved it goes all the way up to the top to the Supreme Court and remember politicians get away with crimes everyday especially presidents so dont expect anything from the lawsuit
Biden Invites Tidal Wave of Illegals into the U.S.
Welcome to the business boom for smugglers of illegal migrant children.
Biden Invites Tidal Wave of Illegals into the U.S. | Frontpagemag
1 Mar 2021 ~~ By Joseph Klein

Joe Biden, the open borders president, is proposing amnesty legislation to provide the 11 million plus illegal aliens in this country a pathway to citizenship. During his CNN-hosted town hall meeting on February 17, Biden confirmed that such a pathway for citizenship must be included in any immigration bill that he would consider signing. The term “alien” would no longer be used in U.S. immigration law. Until the illegal aliens successfully complete the path to U.S. citizenship under Biden’s “reform” legislation, they are to be referred to as “noncitizen,” which is defined as “any person not a citizen or national of the United States.”
In the meantime, through executive action, Biden is handcuffing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers in arresting and detaining illegal immigrants in the United States for eventual deportation. U.S. District Judge Drew Tipton at least managed to slow things down a bit. He issued a nationwide preliminary injunction on February 23rd against moving ahead with implementation of Biden’s 100 day pause on most deportations. But Biden’s political appointees at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) are undoubtedly searching for any loophole they can find.
The overflow has forced the Biden administration to reopen border detention facilities to house unaccompanied migrant minors who have entered the country illegally, often with the assistance of smugglers. One reopened facility with bars in its windows will house up to 700 migrants, aged 13 to 17. This facility was used by the Trump administration for just a month back in 2019. When Trump was in the White House, such facilities were called “cages” by Trump haters. Biden himself said, “Under Trump, there have been horrifying scenes…at the border of kids being kept in cages.”
Now, with Biden in the White House, the same facility used during the Trump administration has been rechristened by Biden’s lapdogs in the media as an "overflow facility” or "emergency facility.” There is no end to the left’s hypocrisy.
So far, Joe Biden has used his presidential powers to kill the Keystone XL pipeline, ending employment of at least 11,000 Americans, while expanding the pipeline for more illegal aliens to enter the country and take jobs away from Americans. He is also maneuvering to move the illegal aliens already in this country through the citizenship pipeline. Something is very rotten in Biden's vision of America.

All Joey Xi has done is to given the Narco-Cartels of Mexico an extra income by trafficking children and their drugs.
Already we have witnessed an uptick of ilegal alien trafficking rising by 120% and it hasn't reached it's apex.
Look to see gang violence to spike as illegal alien
invaders from different Central American shitholes revive old animosities.
To those Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies who have never read the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.​
Nowhere does it say leave borders open for anyone in the world to come. Our Constitution only applies to the citizens. It also applies to those that come here legally by permission as we believe in just laws.
We are preparing to sue President Biden for unprecedented damages of forcing Covid-19 hardships on border state deaths that will far and away exceed Cuomo's unscrupulous placement of covid victims into nursing homes. In Texas, where Idioto mucho Biden stopped completion of the wall that would have protected us from willy nilly border we will have a lot more than 15,000 deaths from covid-infected immigrants crossing without so much as a temperature test on account of the sociopathic Democrat Party's desire to punish severely Trump supporters.

We will protect our border with minuteman again if we are forced to protect people in Texas from the epidemic the charlatan leaders of the Democrats and RINOs who would support killing all the Texans they can.

Biden is starting a civil war, and he and his evil Democrat Party will go down in history as mass murderers, infectors, and poisoners by way of mass weapon of destruction that a pandemic is in his own nation. He better get his act the hell together or he, Pelosi, and Schumer will divide this nation that will never have one iota of brotherly love in the future. Oh, wait. The Democrats already cancelled brotherly love as a sentimental relic of the past in order to kill off red states.

Cuomo murdered 15,000 Americans in his unprecedented arrogant stunt of declining Trump's floating hospital that would have saved the lives of those 15,000 senior citizens Cuomo sent to early graves. Biden Democrats will murder X1K more, or roughly, 15,000,000 in 4 border and destination locations for infected crossers.

I cannot describe my anger and hatred of the murders of my fellow Texans the Demonrats are planning for Texans that Biden, Schumer, Pelosi, and the hateful atheists of the Democrat Party and those unbelievably nasty computer kings who supported that unscrupulous crooked election that Donald Trump had stolen from him by DNC criminals.

You oughtn't to mess with Texas and our people's health.
I wish you luck,don’t be optimistic to think the lawsuit will go anywhere though,we have the most corrupt court system in the world and this past election proved it goes all the way up to the top to the Supreme Court and remember politicians get away with crimes everyday especially presidents so dont expect anything from the lawsuit
Lawsuits will be in international courts as Bidens ilk rid themselves of 3 of the 4 border states mourning the needless deaths of millions of citizens. Our good for nothing SCOTUS who did nothing to review the evidence Republicans had on precinct chairmen in election 2020 will not have to shame themselves protecting the institution of honest voting in this nation which has been railroaded by Pelosi to a certain point past no return in the most contemptible corruption of trust ever fouled on this country that was once the beacon of global peace. It is over.
The ICE agents definitely need to be retrained- moving away from their previous function as Border Guards, and getting accustomed to becoming Border Greeters, welcoming the Illegals to this country like similar staff is paid to do at Walmart and Costco.
Biden Invites Tidal Wave of Illegals into the U.S.
Welcome to the business boom for smugglers of illegal migrant children.
Biden Invites Tidal Wave of Illegals into the U.S. | Frontpagemag
1 Mar 2021 ~~ By Joseph Klein

Joe Biden, the open borders president, is proposing amnesty legislation to provide the 11 million plus illegal aliens in this country a pathway to citizenship. During his CNN-hosted town hall meeting on February 17, Biden confirmed that such a pathway for citizenship must be included in any immigration bill that he would consider signing. The term “alien” would no longer be used in U.S. immigration law. Until the illegal aliens successfully complete the path to U.S. citizenship under Biden’s “reform” legislation, they are to be referred to as “noncitizen,” which is defined as “any person not a citizen or national of the United States.”
In the meantime, through executive action, Biden is handcuffing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers in arresting and detaining illegal immigrants in the United States for eventual deportation. U.S. District Judge Drew Tipton at least managed to slow things down a bit. He issued a nationwide preliminary injunction on February 23rd against moving ahead with implementation of Biden’s 100 day pause on most deportations. But Biden’s political appointees at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) are undoubtedly searching for any loophole they can find.
The overflow has forced the Biden administration to reopen border detention facilities to house unaccompanied migrant minors who have entered the country illegally, often with the assistance of smugglers. One reopened facility with bars in its windows will house up to 700 migrants, aged 13 to 17. This facility was used by the Trump administration for just a month back in 2019. When Trump was in the White House, such facilities were called “cages” by Trump haters. Biden himself said, “Under Trump, there have been horrifying scenes…at the border of kids being kept in cages.”
Now, with Biden in the White House, the same facility used during the Trump administration has been rechristened by Biden’s lapdogs in the media as an "overflow facility” or "emergency facility.” There is no end to the left’s hypocrisy.
So far, Joe Biden has used his presidential powers to kill the Keystone XL pipeline, ending employment of at least 11,000 Americans, while expanding the pipeline for more illegal aliens to enter the country and take jobs away from Americans. He is also maneuvering to move the illegal aliens already in this country through the citizenship pipeline. Something is very rotten in Biden's vision of America.

All Joey Xi has done is to given the Narco-Cartels of Mexico an extra income by trafficking children and their drugs.
Already we have witnessed an uptick of ilegal alien trafficking rising by 120% and it hasn't reached it's apex.
Look to see gang violence to spike as illegal alien
invaders from different Central American shitholes revive old animosities.
To those Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies who have never read the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.​
Nowhere does it say leave borders open for anyone in the world to come. Our Constitution only applies to the citizens. It also applies to those that come here legally by permission as we believe in just laws.
This is obviously true the fact paid commie shill Penelope says it is not,that’s all the proof in the world it IS,most the people on this board laugh at that shills
This is Obama's dream of his father's. It is called the browning of America. It is what you voted for, and it is the death knell for our country...
True. WHITE folks made this country great. ALL of our inventors ,Industrialists ,investors ,and builders were of European stock.

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