Biden Has A Serious Problem - Crisis Of Confidence


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Citizens, experts, lawmakers across political parties question Biden’s leadership after Afghan disaster

Citizens, experts, lawmakers across political parties, and Allies question Biden’s leadership after Afghan disaster​

Even before Biden was declared the Democratic Party's Presidential nominee almost EVERYONE knew Biden was not physically / mentally up to the challenge of being President. Through campaigning and as President Biden has stammered, gone off on 'tangents', wandered off topic, wandered away from the podium, completely blanked, told literally EVERYONE he is not in charge and is not ALLOWED to answer questions, and those he does answer - as he has admitted - are pre-coordinated, pre-canned, pre-scripted with Biden carrying fist-fulls of 'cheat' cards and an ear-piece in an ear to get help while talking. His handlers have even gone as far as literally cutting his microphone off so he can't talk anymore. All of this has, at times, led to members of BOTH parties bringing up the idea of removing Joe via Impeachment or the 25th Amendment.

He has gone from one scandal to the next, non-stop, so far in his months of being President; however, the latest has been a complete and utter disaster. The handling of the pull-out of Afghanistan was both a tactical and strategic, humiliating catastrophe. Again, politicians on both sides have demanded Biden step down and/or insists that he much be Impeached. Our foreign allies are furious and pretty much done with Biden.

At the G7 summit Biden 'reassured' our foreign allies that the United States would evacuate their people when the time came, that none would be left behind. He told the American people, in front of the world, that he would not pull out of Afghanistan until every American had been evacuated.

Everything Biden said would NOT happen DID happen. The pull-out was horrendous - every tactical mistake that could be made was made, destroying our ability to complete the mission. During the pull-out, getting the truth from the Biden administration was like pulling teeth, and when different Biden Cabinet position speakers talked they contradicted themselves.

The evacuation was going so poorly that UK and France sent in their own special forces teams to rescue their people instead of leaving them in the hands of Biden. Retired US Special Ops members traveled to Afghanistan themselves and did what Biden/Austin/Milley would not allow our own troops to do - identify, locate, and rescue Americans.

In the end, Biden broke his promise not to leave until every American had been rescued, leaving behind US and allied civilians,

The UK's Parliament was so enraged they voted to hold President Biden in Contempt of Parliament and has since vowed NOT to support any more US military endeavors as long as Biden is President.

Biden's word means NOTHING now, not to Americans or allies.

'President Biden is facing a crisis of confidence in his ability to serve as commander in chief due to the overwhelming negative fallout he is receiving over the botched Afghanistan withdrawal, which left 13 U.S. service members dead and Americans and Afghan allies stranded.

Former defense officials, military leaders and members of Congress on both sides of the aisle have criticized Biden for leaving Americans behind as the last U.S. C-17 plane took off from Kabul Monday night, despite the president's promise weeks ago that "If there are American citizens left, we're going to stay until we get them all out."

Foreign policy experts are also warning that the international credibility of the U.S. has diminished, as both allies and adversaries now view America and the Biden administration as weak and unable to protect its own citizens and crucial partners from the Taliban and terrorist attacks.

In addition, families of the 13 service members killed by an ISIS-K attack near the Kabul airport last Thursday are expressing outrage at Biden for his bungled decisions that directly led to the deaths of their loved ones.

Public confidence in Biden has also diminished due to the Afghanistan withdrawal, according to a CBS News poll released last week, which found that the majority of Americans do not consider Biden to be competent, focused or effective at the job. In addition, the president's overall approval rating dropped to 50%, down from 58% in July, and 74% said the removal of U.S. troops has gone very or somewhat badly.

Not helping his case, Biden has never been right on any foreign policy decision he has ever made, AND it was his old boss, Barak Obama - we are being reminded of over and over now - who declared of Biden, "Never underestimate Joe's ability to F* things up!"

Biden just gave a speech in which he tried to 'REASSURE' the American people after the failed Afghanistan pull-out, that everything is GREAT.
- I don't know about you, but I am tired of politicians acting like we are all stupid, attempting to 'blow sunshine up our collective asses' while lying theirs off.

After 13 US servicemen and women died and hundreds of civilians were left behind - after Biden vowed not to - Biden called the Afghanistan disaster an “Extraordinary Success”.


A few roadblocks stand in the way of Biden 'reassuring' anyone he is still (or ever was) able to serve as President and Commander and Chief:

1. He is a cold-blooded, shameless, bald-faced LIAR. The man literally told people the US would not pull out until all citizens had been evacuated. After 13 deaths and hundreds left in terrorist hands he declared to the world that his f*ed-up mission was a 'Extraordinary Success'.

2. Psaki is DONE is he wants to restore nay credibility to his administration. She has been caught in so many lies and spreading misinformation that she HAS to go, she may be the only person with almost as little credibility as Biden.

3. His 'War Team' are proven LOSERS who completely f*ed up the withdrawal from Afghanistan: Austin, Milley, & McKenzie. Biden won't fire any of them, but as long as he keeps the military architects of the Afghanistan Failure in power no one will ever trust them or Biden as CC and Chief again.

This President has become such a disaster that when he is able (rarely) to put two coherent sentences together, some of his listeners feel an unwarranted optimism that he might be coming out of his mental fog. Not happening. Joe must go
This President has become such a disaster
'Has BECOME'? Dementia-ravaged, hide-in-the-basement-Biden has been one from the start.

I can't believe his wife has been part of this 'elder abuse', allowing her husband to be used like this.
The greatest administration in U.S history! Name ONE administration that has received more votes.
'Received more votes'?!


I can hardly believe that snowflakes would drag out this argument, as it makes them look like complete idiots.

Declaring 'Biden got more votes than any other President in history' is declaring that YOU BELIEVE racist, dementia-ravaged, 'never been right about any foreign policy decision he has ever made', gaffe-machine, 'never underestimate Biden's ability to f* things Up' (said his former boss, Obama) Biden was / is more popular that Barak Obama, the 1st African American President in US history'....

I'm not saying the election was stolen, but when a Truck driver from NEW YORK says he was paid to drive thousands of ballots to another state in the middle of the night, signed an affidavit to that affect, and ASKED to take a polygraph test, I don't just completely ignore him like Democrats and snowflakes did.

Well, Congrats, snowflakes - Biden is EXACTLY who we knew he was before the election: a racist, dementia-ravaged, mentally unstable, weak, spineless, lying traitor who took millions from both the CCP and Russians during his Presidential run, who completely f*ed up the withdrawal from Afghanistan, and lied by declaring he would not leave until every American was evacuated, instead leaving hundreds of Americans behind to the 'mercy' of ISIS and Al Qaeda.

74% of Americans say he handled the exit from Afghanistan extremely badly...while just yesterday he declared to the world it was an 'EXTRAORDINARY SUCCESS'. Our allies have abandoned us, 13 Americans dead - the 1st dead Americans in 18 months, the most in 10 great news - Biden got the most votes in the last election so that makes everything 'ok'.

This, from devotees of the orange buffoon.

It was a nice try to add something meaningful to the conversation, but you still FAILED. Why don't you head back to the kids' table and try to come up with another 'zinger', then come back and try again.
Ol' Mac strikes a nerve again.
Hardly, snowflake. 'ol' Mac' needs to work on his reading comprehension....or was that the 'snappy come-back you came up with over at the Kids' table? Fail. Go back and try again.
Not so serious as it is only with once grand old party, now the Neo-GOP, the Rat Fink party of Snitching on your neighbors for fun and profit.

Holy Hypocrites Batman.
Rightwing logic:

Trump is awesome because he negotiated with Taliban the Afghanistan withdrawal frame work and Biden is a senile loser because he actually had the balls to go through with it and bring troops home.

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