Best Thing To Do If You See A Protester Gluing Themselves To A Work Of Art

Whatever he was protesting had little or nothing to do with a significant work of art. So, why screw around with art at all?

First, protect the masterpiece. Then superglue his bare ass to the floor. Then feed him exlax. A lot It.
The reason they do this stuff is because they're assholes and don't care about anyone but themselves.....and they don't have a proper home....or are on drugs. These cretins usually have nothing that you can take from them.

Actually, you do have a point.
I would quickly set up a slide projector and a screen and show them images of strip mining for rare earth to power EVs.
The problem with people like you is you stand by and let these idiots get away with this without dishing out a serious ass-whipping....which is what they really deserve.
You're worse than they are in my opinion because you stand there and do nothing.
You ask "Where's the Cops???"

When all you have to do is take matters into your own hands......and then these folks would realize that pulling these destructive stunts are dangerous to their health.
make sure to do the same to their video person.

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