Best Concise Description of How the 2020 Election was Stolen


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
"The Democrat regime interfered in the election, plain and simple. Local officials did so by unlawfully changing rules at the last minute. Big Tech did so by hiding damaging information on their preferred candidates and censoring conservatives. Billionaire activists did so by pumping hundreds of millions of dollars into government offices in the blue areas of swing states to run get-out-the-vote operations. The media did it by lying to voters, day in and day out."

And lest we all forget, the rules changes - some of them blatantly illegal and unconstitutional - were conjured up by the DNC's nationwide army of attorneys, based on the phony pretext that the election could not be safely conducted in person, due to the Corona Virus, thus mail-in voting was essential (which begs the question, why do we still have it?).

And notice one additional factor - or the lack of it - FRAUD is not even mentioned. With this illegal dastardly game plan, fraud was not necessary. All that was necessary was sending hordes of paid volunteers into ghettos, nursing homes, homeless encampments and Black churches to harvest the votes of those who never bothered to vote before.

So the perpetual Democrat comment of, "You can't show any proof of fraud!" becomes moot. Not necessary. Election was stolen without it.
"The Democrat regime interfered in the election, plain and simple. Local officials did so by unlawfully changing rules at the last minute. Big Tech did so by hiding damaging information on their preferred candidates and censoring conservatives. Billionaire activists did so by pumping hundreds of millions of dollars into government offices in the blue areas of swing states to run get-out-the-vote operations. The media did it by lying to voters, day in and day out."

And lest we all forget, the rules changes - some of them blatantly illegal and unconstitutional - were conjured up by the DNC's nationwide army of attorneys, based on the phony pretext that the election could not be safely conducted in person, due to the Corona Virus, thus mail-in voting was essential (which begs the question, why do we still have it?).

And notice one additional factor - or the lack of it - FRAUD is not even mentioned. With this illegal dastardly game plan, fraud was not necessary. All that was necessary was sending hordes of paid volunteers into ghettos, nursing homes, homeless encampments and Black churches to harvest the votes of those who never bothered to vote before.

So the perpetual Democrat comment of, "You can't show any proof of fraud!" becomes moot. Not necessary. Election was stolen without it.
Got it . The election was stolen by using completely legal means that the right had the same legal opportunity to use. Is that the point you are trying to make?
"The Democrat regime interfered in the election, plain and simple. Local officials did so by unlawfully changing rules at the last minute. Big Tech did so by hiding damaging information on their preferred candidates and censoring conservatives. Billionaire activists did so by pumping hundreds of millions of dollars into government offices in the blue areas of swing states to run get-out-the-vote operations. The media did it by lying to voters, day in and day out."

And lest we all forget, the rules changes - some of them blatantly illegal and unconstitutional - were conjured up by the DNC's nationwide army of attorneys, based on the phony pretext that the election could not be safely conducted in person, due to the Corona Virus, thus mail-in voting was essential (which begs the question, why do we still have it?).

And notice one additional factor - or the lack of it - FRAUD is not even mentioned. With this illegal dastardly game plan, fraud was not necessary. All that was necessary was sending hordes of paid volunteers into ghettos, nursing homes, homeless encampments and Black churches to harvest the votes of those who never bothered to vote before.

So the perpetual Democrat comment of, "You can't show any proof of fraud!" becomes moot. Not necessary. Election was stolen without it.
Bill Barr's DOJ rigged the election? sucks to be a constantly whining little band of bitches, doesn't it? Sad..what the right wing in this country has come to.
Just..cant't..let..him..go..can you? :auiqs.jpg:
Meet one of the charter members of the whiny bitch society...

Note the substantive responses. Illegal rules changes, nothing. Compromised DoJ, nothing. Compromised Media, nothing. Illegal hordes of Democrat-focused poll workers, nothing.

Yep, the Lefties are just full of substance.
1. All rules changes were perfectly legal and approved by all controlling authority, including the courts.
2. Accusations of DoJ compromise without credible proof is just whining and repeating conspiracy theories.
3. Dahmer got bad press too. Don't like bad press? Don't be an asshole.
4. What you call Illegal hoards of Democratic-focused workers don't seem to exist since nobody has ever presented credible evidence of them.

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