Bernie's college loan forgiveness trick.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Sometimes a drowning person will drag others under as they go down. That’s pretty much explains the scam of college loans and the people who never understood the Latin phrase, “Caveat Emptor”. For the newly college-educated and the parents stuck with the Ponzi bills of that education, it means “Let the buyer beware”.

College has changed tremendously over the decades. Actual coursework has been dumbed down to attract tuition money, especially for liberal arts colleges. Instead of training students to do useful things that benefit society, many liberal arts institutions have become stooge factories for political correctness to produce idiosyncratic outcomes of interest to academics but worthless to the general population.

While many of today’s college graduates waste time and money on what is essentially four extra years of high school, they often find themselves four years behind someone who went right to work-only they’re stuck with a huge bill for their wasted effort. They know all about white privilege and transgender rights, but they can barely read the contents of restaurant menu and they can’t put together anything in writing that would qualify as a respectable grocery list.

This is what makes Bernie Sanders so dangerous because he is telling people who bought a pig in a poke that he will force the rest of working America to pay the bad debt. Imagine if someone went to a casino and gambled away all their rent and food money. Then a politician comes along and says, Hey, elect me and I’ll make your neighbors pay your gambling tab. It’s got nothing to with socialism, it’s a way for people going down for the third time to drag the rest of us down with them.

Many who would vote for Sanders couldn’t care less about his admiration for Fidel Castro, they see a way for a new, ultra-progressive government to impose onerous taxation on you and I to pay for their mistakes. Your government has already taken away your company pensions and health insurance and replaced them with handicap parking spaces and electric shopping cart scooters because it thinks you are too stupid to know the difference.

It’s marching Corona Virus through Mexico into your neighborhoods because bureaucratic arrogance thinks microbes will bow down to central planning. Bernie Sanders is the ultimate nightmare to destroy the American dream. The Democratic party is done. Payday loan center colleges have seen to that. should be free.

Just like K-12

K-12 is only "free" in the Failed Government School system. Parents usually have to pay if they give a shit about education.

Crazy Bernie's plan would be a catastrophe to the country. Having millions of college educated people who have no employable skills is not going to be good. Getting people out of Free College is going to be a problem as well, a lot of students will want to stay around in college for many, many years, like the immortal Sonny Drysdale did.
Look at Bernie's ideas on how to finance his dream policies. Most fourth graders have better math skills and economic understanding.
He is talking lawsuits paying for large parts of it. I guess he doesn't understand that all of that means lower taxes from those companies even if they keep things in the U.S. after that.
He talks about higher taxes on people who can afford to move money out of the U.S. before he could even enact the tax.
The biggest thing anyone with even a small amount of sense sees is that even if he could win the lawsuits, get his higher taxes and all his nonsense policies enacted he would only have enough money for one year then the economy tanks and we are stuck with a broken bank because we can't borrow 6 or 7 Trillion a year.
How about just making current bank interest rates retroactive to when the loans were foisted off on, er, that is, were offered to students?
We saved the banks, can't we do something for the students?
College should NEVER be free but it should also not cost what it costs. That aside, what is truly scary about Sanders is he is advocating not only free college but also student loan forgiveness AND free child care and free healthcare. You could take every dollar from every billionaire in America and you wouldn't even make a dent paying for all of that.
How about just making current bank interest rates retroactive to when the loans were foisted off on, er, that is, were offered to students?
We saved the banks, can't we do something for the students?

No one forced the borrowers to accept the rates that were offered.

BTW, student loans are usually provided without the borrower offering any collateral and often times, without the borrower having any source of income to pay it back. Further, they don't require responsible co-signers.

That kind of loan is very risky for the lender, the chance of default is relatively high.

The rates offered by the Dept of Education are very competitive to the rates offered by Shylocks who also make this kind of loan. And the DOE won't break your arm if you don't pay.
How about just making current bank interest rates retroactive to when the loans were foisted off on, er, that is, were offered to students?
We saved the banks, can't we do something for the students?
Sander's confiscatory policies go after taxpayers but if he were serious about improving the country he would dispossess America's colleges and Universities of the trillions they have in banks from alumni donations. He would also curtail tax breaks many colleges get nationally and locally and use that money to relieve student debt. The students are the least culpable in this scam.
Sometimes a drowning person will drag others under as they go down. That’s pretty much explains the scam of college loans and the people who never understood the Latin phrase, “Caveat Emptor”. For the newly college-educated and the parents stuck with the Ponzi bills of that education, it means “Let the buyer beware”.

College has changed tremendously over the decades. Actual coursework has been dumbed down to attract tuition money, especially for liberal arts colleges. Instead of training students to do useful things that benefit society, many liberal arts institutions have become stooge factories for political correctness to produce idiosyncratic outcomes of interest to academics but worthless to the general population.

While many of today’s college graduates waste time and money on what is essentially four extra years of high school, they often find themselves four years behind someone who went right to work-only they’re stuck with a huge bill for their wasted effort. They know all about white privilege and transgender rights, but they can barely read the contents of restaurant menu and they can’t put together anything in writing that would qualify as a respectable grocery list.

This is what makes Bernie Sanders so dangerous because he is telling people who bought a pig in a poke that he will force the rest of working America to pay the bad debt. Imagine if someone went to a casino and gambled away all their rent and food money. Then a politician comes along and says, Hey, elect me and I’ll make your neighbors pay your gambling tab. It’s got nothing to with socialism, it’s a way for people going down for the third time to drag the rest of us down with them.

Many who would vote for Sanders couldn’t care less about his admiration for Fidel Castro, they see a way for a new, ultra-progressive government to impose onerous taxation on you and I to pay for their mistakes. Your government has already taken away your company pensions and health insurance and replaced them with handicap parking spaces and electric shopping cart scooters because it thinks you are too stupid to know the difference.

It’s marching Corona Virus through Mexico into your neighborhoods because bureaucratic arrogance thinks microbes will bow down to central planning. Bernie Sanders is the ultimate nightmare to destroy the American dream. The Democratic party is done. Payday loan center colleges have seen to that.
Thank to Obama, greatest predatory lender in human history should be free.

Just like K-12

K-12 is only "free" in the Failed Government School system. Parents usually have to pay if they give a shit about education.

Crazy Bernie's plan would be a catastrophe to the country. Having millions of college educated people who have no employable skills is not going to be good. Getting people out of Free College is going to be a problem as well, a lot of students will want to stay around in college for many, many years, like the immortal Sonny Drysdale did.
What’s catastrophic is making higher education so expensive that few can afford it.

I fear you can’t see the forest for the trees. Open your fucking eyes. should be free.

Just like K-12

K-12 is only "free" in the Failed Government School system. Parents usually have to pay if they give a shit about education.

Crazy Bernie's plan would be a catastrophe to the country. Having millions of college educated people who have no employable skills is not going to be good. Getting people out of Free College is going to be a problem as well, a lot of students will want to stay around in college for many, many years, like the immortal Sonny Drysdale did.
What’s catastrophic is making higher education so expensive that few can afford it.

I fear you can’t see the forest for the trees. Open your fucking eyes.

Actually,the percentage of young people in college is rising, not falling should be free.

Nothing is free.

By the time you factor in all the bullshit taxes like the ones I pay, our education system is likely the most expensive on earth yet we likely have the most dismal end results or return on our investment.
In the end we'd likely be much better off if mom and dad had to sit down at the end of the month and write a check for Jonny's and Susan's school. And if those schools were private businesses that had to compete in an open market, we'd get way more bang for the buck. In addition, what good teachers there are would be making a lot more money than they can get from any gubberment, especially if you eliminate their union's cut.
When the colleges push degrees in gender studies (and teach students that you can't look in your pants and tell what gender you are), maybe the professors should work for FREE!!! should be free.

Just like K-12

K-12 is only "free" in the Failed Government School system. Parents usually have to pay if they give a shit about education.

Crazy Bernie's plan would be a catastrophe to the country. Having millions of college educated people who have no employable skills is not going to be good. Getting people out of Free College is going to be a problem as well, a lot of students will want to stay around in college for many, many years, like the immortal Sonny Drysdale did.
What’s catastrophic is making higher education so expensive that few can afford it.

I fear you can’t see the forest for the trees. Open your fucking eyes.
Government student loans are the driver

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