Berkeley is speech is coming, free speech is coming!

From Berkeley's website:

Ben Shapiro visit: Safe navigation, other logistics and resources

Support and counseling services for students, staff and faculty
We are deeply concerned about the impact some speakers may have on individuals’ sense of safety and belonging. No one should be made to feel threatened or harassed simply because of who they are or for what they believe. For that reason, the following support services are being offered and encouraged:
Support Resources
  • Mental health counseling: Counselors at University Health Services (UHS) at the Tang Center are available on a drop-in basis for urgent concerns: Counseling and Psychological Services website (link is external) or 510.642.9494 (after hours counseling line 855.817.5667. There are mental health professionals trained to provide support to individuals from a wide array of identities, including traditionally marginalized or disenfranchised groups.

Incredible :laugh2:
Tucker to Pro-Antifa Professor: Do You Teach Students That 1st Amendment Rights Don't Apply?

This fag, a criminal justice PROFESSOR, is an antqueefa leader.

John Jay college.

We should yank all public funding of all schools, from Kindergarten on.


That guy is a freak. He got triggered so bad he almost had a fit lol
They are mentally ill and should be institutionalized.

And I don't mean in academia.

There is something that went wrong in their brains. I used to think that was a joke. Well, the joke was on me
Tucker to Pro-Antifa Professor: Do You Teach Students That 1st Amendment Rights Don't Apply?

This fag, a criminal justice PROFESSOR, is an antqueefa leader.

John Jay college.

We should yank all public funding of all schools, from Kindergarten on.


That guy is a freak. He got triggered so bad he almost had a fit lol
They are mentally ill and should be institutionalized.

And I don't mean in academia.

There is something that went wrong in their brains. I used to think that was a joke. Well, the joke was on me
They're cultists. Brainwashed.
Tucker to Pro-Antifa Professor: Do You Teach Students That 1st Amendment Rights Don't Apply?

This fag, a criminal justice PROFESSOR, is an antqueefa leader.

John Jay college.

We should yank all public funding of all schools, from Kindergarten on.


That guy is a freak. He got triggered so bad he almost had a fit lol
They are mentally ill and should be institutionalized.

And I don't mean in academia.

There is something that went wrong in their brains. I used to think that was a joke. Well, the joke was on me
They're cultists. Brainwashed.

I think one of the main differences between us and personality. They are easily indoctrinated and lazy as well as wanting to be liked. It is a personality flaw

So here's the video from the Ben Shapiro (whoever the fuck he is) speech last night, in which he announced his plot to gas Jews, Mexicans and Muslims, murder millions of innocent people, turn our Police into the Gestapo (although some Regressives here say they already are) and launch a full military attack on the planet at the end of the speech.

Actually, it looks he just mocks the snowflakes and otherwise just talks about freedom of speech, identity politics and PC, has a long Q&A, and just sounds like an extended version of the regular stuff you'd see on cable teevee any day from a conservative to all kinds of hootin' and hollerin'.

But no doubt, he's VERY thankful to the Regressives who have made him a national conservative superstar with their silly whining.

How fucking silly this all is. Grow up, snowflakes.
There are different degrees of nazism. From out and out sieg heilers to those who are more self aware and recognise that the ideology is unpopular.
They try to square this by stating that the nazis were/are socialists rather than monsters who gassed Jews/Gays/minorities and the sick.
They seem to have found a home on this site.

Differing degrees eh? So, in other words, a Nazi is who we say a Nazi is, right?

A nazi is somebody who says he is a Nazi.
No. I'd make a buzzing sound, but that would likely trigger some need for the progressives on this forum to seek counseling for hurt feelings or something.

That buzzing sound would probably be the dildo in your ass.
People always give themselves away with comments like this.
That's pillars sock. She rides on the Nazi horse all the time...hahaha... It took a while to recognize the pattern.

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