Berkeley is speech is coming, free speech is coming!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
They act like Attila the Hun is on his way. Berkeley staff are carping (now) about how they must allow speech they don't agree with in order to protect free speech (hey, where have we heard that before? Oh yeah! It's what everybody said when Berkeley shut down Milo, and Coulter, and whoever else their students threatened to kill while pelting each other with feces, urine and ejaculate)....apparently they have climbed on board with this novel concept and are effusively embracing it.

Ben Shapiro..the ORTHODOX going to speak tonight. I'm sure he's a huge RACIST.

He's certainly a HOMOPHOBE as well, at least..according to Berkeley communists, who apparently aren't aware that he's there as part of a joint effort with Milo (openly homosexual and decidedly swish).

And I'm POSITIVE that Ann Coulter is a misogyist..she'll be coming too. And Steve Bannon is the anti-Christ himself! Breitbart! OMG!

They're bringing in concrete reinforcements, they've shut down classrooms and have (gasp!) told the cops they may use PEPPER SPRAY for the more violent assaults.

Berkeley staff and students of course pretend the threat of harm comes from the dangerous right wing speakers and ticket holders....but we all know that the real threat is from the communists themselves.

"Shapiro himself seems to find the preparations both surprising and amusing. In an interview with NBC Bay Area he said, “I’m just coming to campus to give a speech about the uselessness of violence in political discourse and in the United States generally as well as the problems with identity politics and now half the city’s being shut down.” He added, “Everyone’s treating it like Godzilla’s coming to town. I know I’ve been working out, but I don’t think I’m that threatening.”

"Asked about the change in policy regarding the use of pepper spray, Shapiro replied, “you get violent with a cop, you get pepper-sprayed. Why is this controversial?”

"Assuming the campus doesn’t burn down tonight, both Milo Yiannopolis and Steve Bannon are scheduled to speak at Berkeley later this month as part of what is being dubbed Free Speech Week. The response to those planned speeches is to literally evacuate the entire campus, at least that’s what 76 members of the Berkeley faculty called for yesterday."

I'm sorry, they're evacuating the campus to protect the students?

No they aren't. They're giving them hall passes and encouraging them to attack the speakers and the ticket holders.

I said yesterday that the staff would do this. They don't want to be anywhere near the action. But they will encourage their students to engage.

"The letter was co-written by seven faculty members, including campus associate teaching professor of African American studies Michael Cohen. It calls upon faculty to take three steps: cancel classes and tell students to stay home; close buildings and departments and allow staff to stay home; and not penalize students who are afraid of coming to campus."

Lol. I wish I could go.

Ben Shapiro on Berkeley: 'Everyone's treating it like Godzilla's coming to town' - Hot Air
Well, counseling centers are set up, classes are being cancelled, and I understand that all triggered students who live on campus will be provided hot cocoa and cookies right before they go to bed so that they can sleep.

If they're still traumatized tomorrow by the thought that someone with a different opinion spoke on campus, they'll be given an extended nappy time during each class.
"Still there seemed to be a troubling implication that listening to views that offend you is hazardous to your mental health."

Especially if your mental health isn't all that steady to being with.

UC Berkeley is sending mixed messages about freedom of speech

The anti-Marxist speaker Amber Cummings, who canceled her previous gig at Berkeley "Thou Shalt Not Speak Ill of Marxism" commieveristy, plans to show up for Free Speech Week.

"In the event description, Cummings asked attendees to bring “Soviet Union flags” and stomp on them as a protest against “Marxist terrorists” in Berkeley. Cummings went on to label Antifa and left-wing activist group By Any Means Necessary, or BAMN, as terrorist groups, warning attendees that Antifa and BAMN could attend and cause violence.

“Berkeley is harboring Marxist Terrorists and we must speak out and protest this. … Let’s stand up to Marxism by stomping on the vile Soviet flag and show our destain (sic) for communism in America,” Cummings wrote, in the Facebook event description. “Please just stomping, no burning of flags please. Let’s be lawful and not act like the animals in Antifa and BAMN.”

Should be fun.

Another anti-Marxist rally is coming to Berkeley during Free Speech Week
Damn those anti-Marxists! They're going to mess up the Black Panther party as they celebrate the $100,000 they received from the National Park Service.

If a bunch of kids die at Berkeley, is the plan to turn it into a monument? Maybe that's what the 100,000 is all about.
They act like Attila the Hun is on his way. Berkeley staff are carping (now) about how they must allow speech they don't agree with in order to protect free speech (hey, where have we heard that before? Oh yeah! It's what everybody said when Berkeley shut down Milo, and Coulter, and whoever else their students threatened to kill while pelting each other with feces, urine and ejaculate)....apparently they have climbed on board with this novel concept and are effusively embracing it.

Ben Shapiro..the ORTHODOX going to speak tonight. I'm sure he's a huge RACIST.

He's certainly a HOMOPHOBE as well, at least..according to Berkeley communists, who apparently aren't aware that he's there as part of a joint effort with Milo (openly homosexual and decidedly swish).

And I'm POSITIVE that Ann Coulter is a misogyist..she'll be coming too. And Steve Bannon is the anti-Christ himself! Breitbart! OMG!

They're bringing in concrete reinforcements, they've shut down classrooms and have (gasp!) told the cops they may use PEPPER SPRAY for the more violent assaults.

Berkeley staff and students of course pretend the threat of harm comes from the dangerous right wing speakers and ticket holders....but we all know that the real threat is from the communists themselves.

"Shapiro himself seems to find the preparations both surprising and amusing. In an interview with NBC Bay Area he said, “I’m just coming to campus to give a speech about the uselessness of violence in political discourse and in the United States generally as well as the problems with identity politics and now half the city’s being shut down.” He added, “Everyone’s treating it like Godzilla’s coming to town. I know I’ve been working out, but I don’t think I’m that threatening.”

"Asked about the change in policy regarding the use of pepper spray, Shapiro replied, “you get violent with a cop, you get pepper-sprayed. Why is this controversial?”

"Assuming the campus doesn’t burn down tonight, both Milo Yiannopolis and Steve Bannon are scheduled to speak at Berkeley later this month as part of what is being dubbed Free Speech Week. The response to those planned speeches is to literally evacuate the entire campus, at least that’s what 76 members of the Berkeley faculty called for yesterday."

I'm sorry, they're evacuating the campus to protect the students?

No they aren't. They're giving them hall passes and encouraging them to attack the speakers and the ticket holders.

I said yesterday that the staff would do this. They don't want to be anywhere near the action. But they will encourage their students to engage.

"The letter was co-written by seven faculty members, including campus associate teaching professor of African American studies Michael Cohen. It calls upon faculty to take three steps: cancel classes and tell students to stay home; close buildings and departments and allow staff to stay home; and not penalize students who are afraid of coming to campus."

Lol. I wish I could go.

Ben Shapiro on Berkeley: 'Everyone's treating it like Godzilla's coming to town' - Hot Air

"Ben Shapiro..the ORTHODOX going to speak tonight. I'm sure he's a huge RACIST. "

Well Milo is a Homo Jew, and look what the Far Left Fascists response to him was, yes the fucking RACIST HOMOPHOBIC Far Left Fascists, what hypocrites.

As with everything else they only LIKE faggots and Jews when the faggots and Jews are also Far Left Fascists.
Damn those anti-Marxists! They're going to mess up the Black Panther party as they celebrate the $100,000 they received from the National Park Service.

If a bunch of kids die at Berkeley, is the plan to turn it into a monument? Maybe that's what the 100,000 is all about.

"If a bunch of kids die at Berkeley, is the plan to turn it into a monument?"

It's shocking that they already do not have a monument to that human filth Saul Alinsky.


^^^^ You ARE in Hell you ugly little Genetically Deficient Commie shit bag.
Yep Here come the Nazis

Nazis also encouraged riots, boycots, and the shut down of free speech, dontcha know.

Background & Overview of Kristallnacht

You mean like the Nazis at Charlottesville?

^^^^ Paid Antifa Agitators Designed to Demonise ALL Conservatives and Libertarians, result = Exactly what the Far Left, the Left and the Cuckservatives with the human slugs in the MSM wanted ie. End Game = ALL Conservative and Libertarian Speech is Hate Speech.
Damn those anti-Marxists! They're going to mess up the Black Panther party as they celebrate the $100,000 they received from the National Park Service.

If a bunch of kids die at Berkeley, is the plan to turn it into a monument? Maybe that's what the 100,000 is all about.

"If a bunch of kids die at Berkeley, is the plan to turn it into a monument?"

It's shocking that they already do not have a monument to that human filth Saul Alinksy.


^^^^ You ARE in Hell you ugly little Genetically Deficient Commie shit bag.

They are building a we know they know it can be done...

BUILD THAT WALL: Berkeley Puts Up Concrete Barriers All Over Town To Stop Antifa At Shapiro Speech

"The city of Berkeley, taking no chances with prospective violence from leftists who oppose the very idea of Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro speaking at the University of California, Berkeley on Thursday night, is erecting concrete barriers around town to prevent protesters from running amok."

They are having to protect themselves from the illegal aliens and other communists they have encouraged to riot. It's hilarious.

"The city of Berkeley is permitting police to use pepper spray if protesters get violent; AP reported police chief Andrew Greenwood vowed to make “very strong, rapid arrests” if any demonstrators carry weapons or wear masks."

We'll see. I think the cops are more terrified than the faculty...

Who want to take the day off, btw... UC Berkeley faculty members want to boycott classes during ‘Free Speech Week’

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