Ben Shapiro destroying another smart alec BLM moron.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

But but but she has an English accent. Therefore, she has to be sooooo smart.

The left are so pathetic.
Morons come in all sizes shapes and skin tones, see below for another group. Theowl32 is in this set. Fake, nah, some believe. LOL

"The rich satisfactions of a politics of villainy! Complicated decades-long tales of technological advance and social change dissolve into the self-satisfied sneer on a hated face. All around me I saw it reproduced, mostly behind bars, on “Crooked Hillary” buttons and “Hillary for Jail!” sweatshirts and much, much worse. “Hillary Clinton murders children!” a middle-aged woman waiting in the two-mile-long line had shouted. “It’s been proved. Hillary Clinton rapes and murders children.”

Not long before I had learned from a small businessman, a produce wholesaler, that the former secretary of state was “a degenerate alcoholic”—a subtext of Trump’s frequent assertion that she “lacked the stamina to be president”—and that FBI director James Comey was on “suicide watch,” the latter words pronounced sarcastically and to a circle of nodding knowing grins, because of course thus far in their careers “the Clintons have killed at least twenty people.”

The words were tossed off calmly, by people with children and cars and jobs, people who watch television and attend PTA meetings and perhaps even read the newspapers. And of course listen to the radio, which had battened on Clinton conspiracy theories for decades. And so we had passed the hours waiting for him in that aircraft hangar by batting around above our heads two red, white, and blue beach balls with the words “Crooked Hillary” inscribed prominently upon them. Hit it! Hit it harder!"

The Real Trump
Plain and simple BLM is an extremely racist group, no two ways about it. Fact
There's a correlation with economic policy. That BLM idiot is just SURE she knows what's in the hearts of others, just as progressives are absolutely sure they know what's best for other people's money.

It's a sickness. Can we get a pill or something? A shot to cure hubris?
Plain and simple BLM is an extremely racist group, no two ways about it. Fact
in my lifetime, i have never seen any public place with "Bathrooms For Whites Only" and a sub-par bathroom for black people.
At a flea market here, I saw bathroom signs that read coloreds only, coloreds, or whites only, I don't recall really. They were for sale for almost 100 dollars a piece. It was several years ago. I don't think anyone bought them.

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