Ben Carson: ‘I deeply regret’ saying homosexuality is a choice

If you people would stop trying to tell others how to live!

Too funny.

“I do not pretend to know how every individual came to their sexual orientation. I regret that my words to express that concept were hurtful and divisive. For that I apologize unreservedly to all that were offended.”

It seems like every other day some GOP wannabee is backtracking on something stupid he said.

How long will this apology tour phase last?

Ben Carson I deeply regret saying homosexuality is a choice MSNBC
If you weirdos would stop talking about the benefits of being weird there wouldn't be a problem. You're like snakes waiting in the tall grass.
What exactly does pro-gay mean? I think that reveals your own mindset than someone elses. Gee, conservatives want a conservative candidate, go figure. I haven't heard of anyone running on any homosexual or abortion platform. So yes, it's the media's fault for being the dishonest smear mongers they are.
Edgetho illustrates my point in Post 140:

"Carson is done. Never apologize for the truth. Never. As soon as the Orwellian scum in the dimocrap party have you doing that.... It's over. Carson needs to disappear"

The media knows this and will take advantage of it.

The flaw in Edgetho's argument is that Carson was not speaking the truth when he said homosexuality is a choice.

Carson demonstrated a great deal of integrity for admitting his mistake.

For many it is a choice. Carson did not say that it was a choice for all gays. What he said is 100% correct

So your take on it is that Carson is willing to lie, to the point of denying what you think he actually believes to be the truth, to be elected........right? Sounds like a perfect example of conservative values to me.

there is no lie, what he said is true. He was merely correcting the misquotes from the left.

An apology and correcting a misquote aren't the same thing.
If you people would stop trying to tell others how to live!

Too funny.

“I do not pretend to know how every individual came to their sexual orientation. I regret that my words to express that concept were hurtful and divisive. For that I apologize unreservedly to all that were offended.”

It seems like every other day some GOP wannabee is backtracking on something stupid he said.

How long will this apology tour phase last?

Ben Carson I deeply regret saying homosexuality is a choice MSNBC
If you weirdos would stop talking about the benefits of being weird there wouldn't be a problem. You're like snakes waiting in the tall grass.
I'm not telling you anything but to stfu.
My , having a little fit are you , child.

If you people would stop trying to tell others how to live!

Too funny.

“I do not pretend to know how every individual came to their sexual orientation. I regret that my words to express that concept were hurtful and divisive. For that I apologize unreservedly to all that were offended.”

It seems like every other day some GOP wannabee is backtracking on something stupid he said.

How long will this apology tour phase last?

Ben Carson I deeply regret saying homosexuality is a choice MSNBC
If you weirdos would stop talking about the benefits of being weird there wouldn't be a problem. You're like snakes waiting in the tall grass.
I'm not telling you anything but to stfu.
Isn't it a positive when people are willing to rethink their position on issues? Or does that only apply to Dems? The left has fun condemning people who disagree, but are just as nasty when someone softens their opinion.

I watched the interview between FOX Host Mike Wallace and Walker.

The complete change of position by Walker on his immigration stance was amazing. I can't believe that the good ideas and practices that he endorsed as gov. before have now somehow become awful ideas that he couldn't support at all.

And the change appears to be because he is considering a Presidential run.

That's not becoming more educated. That's pandering. Even Wallace thought so. Watch the interview.
If a politician is going to change their position that drastically, it ought to be because they somehow became more enlightened and encompassing. Not because they could became more radical, narrow and divisive.

They can't get to White House nirvana just on the votes of staunch Republicans. Someone needs to explain that to the base repub voter.

Kasich will be a good candidate.
Too funny.

“I do not pretend to know how every individual came to their sexual orientation. I regret that my words to express that concept were hurtful and divisive. For that I apologize unreservedly to all that were offended.”

It seems like every other day some GOP wannabee is backtracking on something stupid he said.

How long will this apology tour phase last?

Ben Carson I deeply regret saying homosexuality is a choice MSNBC

I see, only Obama is praised for "evolving" on the issue. And he evolved quickly after Biden opened his big mouth and put him on the spot.

Isn't it a positive when people are willing to rethink their position on issues? Or does that only apply to Dems? The left has fun condemning people who disagree, but are just as nasty when someone softens their opinion.

...because RWnuts are so sympathetic when their fellow RWnuts 'soften' their positions...
its biology 101 dingleberry, did you spend that class dreaming about little joey jones?

Red, I can tell that you are greatly offended by two men or women who love each other engaging in sexual acts for their pleasure.

What do you think about this activity of heterosexual men and women;
(from Wiki)
Public sex, referred to in the UK as "dogging", is sexual activity that takes place in a public context. It refers to a person or more than one person performing a sex act in a public placeor in a private place but can be viewed in a public place. Such private places can include the back yard or even the bedroom with the curtains open. It also includes such acts in a semi-public place, where the general public is free to enter, such as a shopping mall. Public places where sex acts can be performed include a car (commonly called "parking"), on a beach, in the woods, as well as in a theatre, bus, street, toilet, cubicle or cemetery.

These people have sex with people they don't even fucking KNOW.

What should be done with their perversion?
It should be elevated to a a Sacrament...if you follow the gay agenda.
My , having a little fit are you , child.

If you people would stop trying to tell others how to live!

Too funny.

“I do not pretend to know how every individual came to their sexual orientation. I regret that my words to express that concept were hurtful and divisive. For that I apologize unreservedly to all that were offended.”

It seems like every other day some GOP wannabee is backtracking on something stupid he said.

How long will this apology tour phase last?

Ben Carson I deeply regret saying homosexuality is a choice MSNBC
If you weirdos would stop talking about the benefits of being weird there wouldn't be a problem. You're like snakes waiting in the tall grass.
I'm not telling you anything but to stfu.
Not really...thinking about a nap...I'm bored.
You should you child.

My , having a little fit are you , child.

If you people would stop trying to tell others how to live!

Too funny.

“I do not pretend to know how every individual came to their sexual orientation. I regret that my words to express that concept were hurtful and divisive. For that I apologize unreservedly to all that were offended.”

It seems like every other day some GOP wannabee is backtracking on something stupid he said.

How long will this apology tour phase last?

Ben Carson I deeply regret saying homosexuality is a choice MSNBC
If you weirdos would stop talking about the benefits of being weird there wouldn't be a problem. You're like snakes waiting in the tall grass.
I'm not telling you anything but to stfu.
Not really...thinking about a nap...I'm bored.
All you gastric penguins who are belching mouth farts because you are unhappy about marriage equality, get over yourselves.

It is not about you; you are not the center of drama.

Marriage equality is here and won't go away, ever.
When they try to stand on their morals and holier than thou attitude they show what their true character is about, hatred and bigotry.

All you gastric penguins who are belching mouth farts because you are unhappy about marriage equality, get over yourselves.

It is not about you; you are not the center of drama.

Marriage equality is here and won't go away, ever.
It is like he has lived in some bubble for his entire life

How did he miss so much?

How did Barry miss so much?

Obama Says Homosexuality Is A Lifestyle Choice The Daily Caller

Did Obama actually say that "homosexuality is a lifestyle choice"? I don't think so. You seem to have missed the CONTEXT of what he actually said.
Obama was speaking collectively about the homosexual class and not making a declaration of "choice" of sexuality

The lifestyle choice he was referencing was......married

So, obama was against it before he was for it? What caused him to change? money, votes, or both?

Obama is speaking about the gay lifestyle of being married

Yes, Obama changed his opinion on gay marriage, so did I

What is taking you so long?

Of course you did, 'must follow Dear Leader'
Too funny.

“I do not pretend to know how every individual came to their sexual orientation. I regret that my words to express that concept were hurtful and divisive. For that I apologize unreservedly to all that were offended.”

It seems like every other day some GOP wannabee is backtracking on something stupid he said.

How long will this apology tour phase last?

Ben Carson I deeply regret saying homosexuality is a choice MSNBC

He shouldn't have apologized. That was stupid. What he said was dead accurate, and I would assume he's only apologizing because the ignorant left will try to attack him while they continue to throw gay matter in normal America's face.
Its always funny when one of these Repub Clowns accidentally says what he really thinks and then lies to get off the hot seat.

And I do like how the Republicans trot out at least one black guy as a Presidential candidate. Or at least a pretend candidate. Then the Repubs remember why they never support a black candidate for very long. He ain't white.

Always about race with you people.

You don't like a black candidate because he leans right, but we don't like a black candidate (who towers left) because he's black... How freaking typical.
Wasn't Carson one of the top neurosurgeons in the world? I don't understand how he can be so good at that but pretty much a buffoon when it comes to EVERY other subject.
It is like he has lived in some bubble for his entire life

How did he miss so much?

How did Barry miss so much?

Obama Says Homosexuality Is A Lifestyle Choice The Daily Caller

Did Obama actually say that "homosexuality is a lifestyle choice"? I don't think so. You seem to have missed the CONTEXT of what he actually said.
Obama was speaking collectively about the homosexual class and not making a declaration of "choice" of sexuality

The lifestyle choice he was referencing was......married
Is that what you think (rhetorically speaking) he said "think people know that treating folks unfairly, even if you disagree with their lifestyle choice… Let them live their lives and under the law they should be treated equally,”

Nothing about marriage, all about being GAY.... Nice try at a BIG LIE....Anyone want to question this retard, listen to the audio!

Did Obama actually say that "homosexuality is a lifestyle choice"? I don't think so. You seem to have missed the CONTEXT of what he actually said.
Obama was speaking collectively about the homosexual class and not making a declaration of "choice" of sexuality

The lifestyle choice he was referencing was......married

So, obama was against it before he was for it? What caused him to change? money, votes, or both?

Obama is speaking about the gay lifestyle of being married

Yes, Obama changed his opinion on gay marriage, so did I

What is taking you so long?

Of course you did, 'must follow Dear Leader'
I changed my position on gay marriage before Obama did

What is taking you so long?
Wasn't Carson one of the top neurosurgeons in the world? I don't understand how he can be so good at that but pretty much a buffoon when it comes to EVERY other subject.
It is like he has lived in some bubble for his entire life

How did he miss so much?

How did Barry miss so much?

Obama Says Homosexuality Is A Lifestyle Choice The Daily Caller

Did Obama actually say that "homosexuality is a lifestyle choice"? I don't think so. You seem to have missed the CONTEXT of what he actually said.
Obama was speaking collectively about the homosexual class and not making a declaration of "choice" of sexuality

The lifestyle choice he was referencing was......married
Is that what you think (rhetorically speaking) he said "think people know that treating folks unfairly, even if you disagree with their lifestyle choice… Let them live their lives and under the law they should be treated equally,”

Nothing about marriage, all about being GAY.... Nice try at a BIG LIE....Anyone want to question this retard, listen to the audio!
As usual, your posts are outright deception

Can't change your spots can you?
Did Obama actually say that "homosexuality is a lifestyle choice"? I don't think so. You seem to have missed the CONTEXT of what he actually said.
Obama was speaking collectively about the homosexual class and not making a declaration of "choice" of sexuality

The lifestyle choice he was referencing was......married

So, obama was against it before he was for it? What caused him to change? money, votes, or both?

Obama is speaking about the gay lifestyle of being married

Yes, Obama changed his opinion on gay marriage, so did I

What is taking you so long?

Of course you did, 'must follow Dear Leader'
I changed my position on gay marriage before Obama did

What is taking you so long?

Obama never changed his position - he lied about his position to get elected.
It is like he has lived in some bubble for his entire life

How did he miss so much?

How did Barry miss so much?

Obama Says Homosexuality Is A Lifestyle Choice The Daily Caller

Did Obama actually say that "homosexuality is a lifestyle choice"? I don't think so. You seem to have missed the CONTEXT of what he actually said.
Obama was speaking collectively about the homosexual class and not making a declaration of "choice" of sexuality

The lifestyle choice he was referencing was......married
Is that what you think (rhetorically speaking) he said "think people know that treating folks unfairly, even if you disagree with their lifestyle choice… Let them live their lives and under the law they should be treated equally,”

Nothing about marriage, all about being GAY.... Nice try at a BIG LIE....Anyone want to question this retard, listen to the audio!
As usual, your posts are outright deception

Can't change your spots can you?

And as usual, you lie about it!...Here EVERYONE listen again! Not a damn thing about marriage, it's about LIFESTYLE!

Obama Says Homosexuality Is A Lifestyle Choice The Daily Caller

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