Ben Carson -confused about his own history of getting welfare?

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
First he did get welfare:

No doubt, Mother Carson deserves tremendous credit, but – in the words of a political sound bite from the last presidential election – she didn’t do it alone. Carson, in his book, tells how his grades improved tremendously when a government program provided him with free eyeglasses because he could barely see. Not only that, in “Gifted Hands” we read this nugget: “By the time I reached ninth grade, mother had made such strides that she received nothing but food stamps. She couldn’t have provided for us and kept up the house without that subsidy.”

He writes elsewhere, “As I’ve said, we received food stamps and couldn’t have made it without them.”

Then there's this:
Ben Carson So Glad His Welfare Mom Wasn t Dependent On Government Wonkette

And from another source:

What a lying liar. He's so typical of right wingers who have used government assistance to advance their own lives and then want to destroy it for others just like Rep. Paul Ryan and Sen. Marco Rubio. Their personal cases are always so much different than yours and mine when the time comes that we might need government assistance to help survive. I can make the case that when you rob from poor people the help that welfare, unemployment, food stamps, etc, gives them, you are aiding in their downward spiral and despair.

Let's see why Ben Carson believes his welfare assistance was justified which makes him a principled Conservative and your government assistance makes you a losing moocher.

Carson has an excuse as to why the situation with his mother is completely different from the situations with everyone else currently on welfare:

It’s hard not to see Carson’s own upbringing coming into view here. He grew up in meager surroundings in Detroit and Boston, in a family that made use of public assistance programs like food stamps. The culture was different then, Carson insists. “I think there was a time when people were not proud of taking handouts,” he said. “There were more people who did have that drive and determination. You do what you have to do."

So according to Carson, it's okay to accept government assistance as long as you feel bad about it. And he seems to think that nobody who is on welfare today feels shame, cause apparently nobody seems to demonize it or anything. But even so, what about all that stuff about self reliance and bootstrapping and whatnot? Once you accept government aid, doesn't Ronald Reagan begin weeping from White Heaven?

I was curious about this because of something peach174 wrote. She did not include a link so I'm just linking it to her post.

Carson has said many times that his mom was against welfare.

Benjamin Carson: My mother worked as a domestic, two, sometimes three jobs at a time because she didn't want to be on welfare. She felt very strongly that if she gave up and went on welfare, that she would give up control of her life and of our lives, and I think she was probably correct about that. And, so she worked very hard. Sometimes we didn't see her for several days at a time, because she would go to work at five in the morning and get back after 11:00 p.m., going from one job to the next. But, one thing that she provided us was a tremendous example of what hard work is like, and she was also extremely thrifty. She would go to the Goodwill, she'd get a shirt that had a hole and put a patch on it and put another one on the other side to make it look symmetrical, and she sewed her own clothes. She would take us out in the country on a Sunday and knock on a farmer's door and say, "Can we pick four bushels of corn, three for you and one for us?" and they were always glad at that deal. And she'd come home and she'd can the stuff, so that we would have food. She was just extremely thrifty and managed to get by that way. No one ever could quite figure out how she was able to do what she did. She would drive a car until it fell apart, and then she would buy a new car because she saved every dime and every nickel, stuck it under the mattress, and when it came time, years later, to buy a new car, she could do it. And, the neighbors said "What is it with this woman? What is she doing?" Because our mother was a very attractive woman and they figured, you know, she was selling her body and doing all kinds of things like that. But in fact, she had to endure that kind of ridicule, as well as work extremely hard. But, she figured it would pay off in the long run.

One of 24 siblings, half of whom she never knew, Ben Carson's mother Sonya grew up in foster homes until the tender age of thirteen--the youngest you can be and yet be called a teenager. At thirteen she married a man who called her his "china doll" and some years later had two sons.

When she found out her husband was a bigamist she made the difficult decision--her sons loved their father dearly--to leave him. Renting out the house she received in the divorce settlement, Sonya, with her sons, temporarily moved into a tenement with one of the sisters she did know, and took 2 and sometimes 3 jobs as a domestic to support herself and her sons. She had only attended school up to third grade.

Ben Carson and the Mother Behind the Man
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Did Rubio, Ryan or Carson become lifetime homeless? I don't see any of them pushing a grocery cart.

That's the whole point.

Never mind that all three flat out lied. The real point here is that all three got a leg up. They were saved from a possible lifetime of poverty by welfare. They go welfare and/or other assistance but now want that same assistance taken away from others.
Those fellows was lucky, I worked my way through college and ate a lot of wish sandwiches.....

Me too.

Whatever else is true or not, I believe that as human beings, we should not allow other human beings to go hungry or homeless. Sadly, there are some who believe in animal shelters but would not walk across a street to help a homeless human being.

Those fellows was lucky, I worked my way through college and ate a lot of wish sandwiches.....

Me too.

Whatever else is true or not, I believe that as human beings, we should not allow other human beings to go hungry or homeless. Sadly, there are some who believe in animal shelters but would not walk across a street to help a homeless human being.


Liberals show tremendous compassion in pushing for generous government spending to help the neediest people at home and abroad. Yet when it comes to individual contributions to charitable causes, liberals are cheapskates.

Arthur Brooks, the author of a book on donors to charity, “Who Really Cares,” cites data that households headed by conservatives give 30 percent more to charity than households headed by liberals. A study by Google found an even greater disproportion: average annual contributions reported by conservatives were almost double those of liberals.

They want to reform it not do away with it.


That's funny.

Paul Ryan 111th Congress
H.R. 4529
To provide for the reform of health care, the Social Security system, the tax code for individuals and business, job training, and the budget process.

You'll understand if I wait to read the fine print before I pass judgment on their "generosity".

In fact, the Repubs have always been favor of the most draconian measures and always aimed at punishing the poor, elderly, children, handicapped, vets for being poor, elderly, children, handicapped and vets and Lyin'Ryan has been among the worst.

I have little doubt that the right would turn the US into Dickens' England and I'm waiting to hear of some jackass to suggest we cut off the hands of the next person who steals to eat.
Those fellows was lucky, I worked my way through college and ate a lot of wish sandwiches.....

Me too.

Whatever else is true or not, I believe that as human beings, we should not allow other human beings to go hungry or homeless. Sadly, there are some who believe in animal shelters but would not walk across a street to help a homeless human being.


Liberals show tremendous compassion in pushing for generous government spending to help the neediest people at home and abroad. Yet when it comes to individual contributions to charitable causes, liberals are cheapskates.

Arthur Brooks, the author of a book on donors to charity, “Who Really Cares,” cites data that households headed by conservatives give 30 percent more to charity than households headed by liberals. A study by Google found an even greater disproportion: average annual contributions reported by conservatives were almost double those of liberals.

Why isn't that attitude reflected here?

In any event, Carson and other Repubs lied about their own background. Most of them say they were born in a log cabin they built after cutting down the trees themselves.
Those fellows was lucky, I worked my way through college and ate a lot of wish sandwiches.....

Me too.

Whatever else is true or not, I believe that as human beings, we should not allow other human beings to go hungry or homeless. Sadly, there are some who believe in animal shelters but would not walk across a street to help a homeless human being.


Liberals show tremendous compassion in pushing for generous government spending to help the neediest people at home and abroad. Yet when it comes to individual contributions to charitable causes, liberals are cheapskates.

Arthur Brooks, the author of a book on donors to charity, “Who Really Cares,” cites data that households headed by conservatives give 30 percent more to charity than households headed by liberals. A study by Google found an even greater disproportion: average annual contributions reported by conservatives were almost double those of liberals.

Why isn't that attitude reflected here?

In any event, Carson and other Repubs lied about their own background. Most of them say they were born in a log cabin they built after cutting down the trees themselves.

It is. How many billions of times have we said that Repubs give more to charity?
No they didn't.
None of them have ever said that.
I was curious about this because of something peach174 wrote. She did not include a link so I'm just linking it to her post.

Carson has said many times that his mom was against welfare.

Benjamin Carson: My mother worked as a domestic, two, sometimes three jobs at a time because she didn't want to be on welfare. She felt very strongly that if she gave up and went on welfare, that she would give up control of her life and of our lives, and I think she was probably correct about that. And, so she worked very hard. Sometimes we didn't see her for several days at a time, because she would go to work at five in the morning and get back after 11:00 p.m., going from one job to the next. But, one thing that she provided us was a tremendous example of what hard work is like, and she was also extremely thrifty. She would go to the Goodwill, she'd get a shirt that had a hole and put a patch on it and put another one on the other side to make it look symmetrical, and she sewed her own clothes. She would take us out in the country on a Sunday and knock on a farmer's door and say, "Can we pick four bushels of corn, three for you and one for us?" and they were always glad at that deal. And she'd come home and she'd can the stuff, so that we would have food. She was just extremely thrifty and managed to get by that way. No one ever could quite figure out how she was able to do what she did. She would drive a car until it fell apart, and then she would buy a new car because she saved every dime and every nickel, stuck it under the mattress, and when it came time, years later, to buy a new car, she could do it. And, the neighbors said "What is it with this woman? What is she doing?" Because our mother was a very attractive woman and they figured, you know, she was selling her body and doing all kinds of things like that. But in fact, she had to endure that kind of ridicule, as well as work extremely hard. But, she figured it would pay off in the long run.

One of 24 siblings, half of whom she never knew, Ben Carson's mother Sonya grew up in foster homes until the tender age of thirteen--the youngest you can be and yet be called a teenager. At thirteen she married a man who called her his "china doll" and some years later had two sons.

When she found out her husband was a bigamist she made the difficult decision--her sons loved their father dearly--to leave him. Renting out the house she received in the divorce settlement, Sonya, with her sons, temporarily moved into a tenement with one of the sisters she did know, and took 2 and sometimes 3 jobs as a domestic to support herself and her sons. She had only attended school up to third grade.

Ben Carson and the Mother Behind the Man

BTW, that is one wacko website you quoted.



And check out some of the other opinions.
Pretty typical liberal tactic.

They push government programs like Welfare, food stamps etc. as much as they can, telling everyone how wonderful they are.

Then when a conservative does what they say, and uses the programs, they turn around and bash him and denigrate him for it.

Aren't you glad such people are running a large part of our government?

Remember that Thomas Jefferson opposed slavery all his life, and even put passages into the Declaration of Independence listing slavery as abusive.

But he also owned slaves all his adult life, not releasing them until he died.

That was because as long as he had to compete with other plantation that also used slaves, he couldn't succeed unless he had slaves of his own, whose labor he could steal as all slaveowners did.

So he worked to eliminate ALL slavery in the U.S., not just his own, so he could keep the playing field level and not destroy his own family. Brutal, but he didn't create the world he grew up in. He only tried to change it. Unfortunately, southern liberals (now known as Democrats) fought him so hard, threatening to block the colonies' attempts to declare Independence, that his attempts to eliminate slavery failed.

It took a major war several generations later, with hundreds of thousands of lives lost, to finally defeat the Democrats' insistence on pretending black people weren't people at all but only "property", so they could keep them enslaved.
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Pretty typical liberal tactic.

They push government programs like Welfare, food stamps etc. as much as they can, telling everyone how wonderful they are.

Then when a conservative does what they say, and uses the programs, they turn around and bash him and denigrate him for it.

Aren't you glad such people are running a large part of our government?

Post a link to where anyone said that.


What people object to is these jerks lying about their own history and then working to take assistance away from others.

But then, you KNOW that, don't you.

I was curious about this because of something peach174 wrote. She did not include a link so I'm just linking it to her post.

Carson has said many times that his mom was against welfare.

Benjamin Carson: My mother worked as a domestic, two, sometimes three jobs at a time because she didn't want to be on welfare. She felt very strongly that if she gave up and went on welfare, that she would give up control of her life and of our lives, and I think she was probably correct about that. And, so she worked very hard. Sometimes we didn't see her for several days at a time, because she would go to work at five in the morning and get back after 11:00 p.m., going from one job to the next. But, one thing that she provided us was a tremendous example of what hard work is like, and she was also extremely thrifty. She would go to the Goodwill, she'd get a shirt that had a hole and put a patch on it and put another one on the other side to make it look symmetrical, and she sewed her own clothes. She would take us out in the country on a Sunday and knock on a farmer's door and say, "Can we pick four bushels of corn, three for you and one for us?" and they were always glad at that deal. And she'd come home and she'd can the stuff, so that we would have food. She was just extremely thrifty and managed to get by that way. No one ever could quite figure out how she was able to do what she did. She would drive a car until it fell apart, and then she would buy a new car because she saved every dime and every nickel, stuck it under the mattress, and when it came time, years later, to buy a new car, she could do it. And, the neighbors said "What is it with this woman? What is she doing?" Because our mother was a very attractive woman and they figured, you know, she was selling her body and doing all kinds of things like that. But in fact, she had to endure that kind of ridicule, as well as work extremely hard. But, she figured it would pay off in the long run.

One of 24 siblings, half of whom she never knew, Ben Carson's mother Sonya grew up in foster homes until the tender age of thirteen--the youngest you can be and yet be called a teenager. At thirteen she married a man who called her his "china doll" and some years later had two sons.

When she found out her husband was a bigamist she made the difficult decision--her sons loved their father dearly--to leave him. Renting out the house she received in the divorce settlement, Sonya, with her sons, temporarily moved into a tenement with one of the sisters she did know, and took 2 and sometimes 3 jobs as a domestic to support herself and her sons. She had only attended school up to third grade.

Ben Carson and the Mother Behind the Man

BTW, that is one wacko website you quoted.



And check out some of the other opinions.

Where do you get chemtrails?
It was Natural Health and Strategies
Ben Carson and the Mother Behind the Man
Academy of Achievement.
Academy of Achievement The Hall of The American Dream
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