Believe It Or Not

Not to worry, I'm disgusted at the way hard-line muslim countries are run, and at what goes down there (ex: Saudi Arabia). But what I'm saying is that Israel likes to compare itself to western democracies with real human rights, when in fact, you just put them on par with freaky muslim theocracies, which is a more apt comparison. For Israel to be part of the gang of so called real countries, as you mention, the standard is much higher, although maybe not quite "UTTERLY PERFECTIONIST". So in fact as you suggest, Israel is no better then any Allah-loving sandtrap. Keep up the good work.

Wrong again I "suggested" that Israel is a country in the middle east-----responding in the best way possible to the customs of the area------ie the customs of your fellow jihadists who solve their little family feuds by slitting the throats of infants and DEMANDING "respect" for their "gods"
Like you say, the Israelis are going down to their level, or perhaps they were always at that

Like I said----you are unable to address any issue other than with trite little mindless "sayings"
WE can mince around the issue of human rights or we can debate the word Palestine, but regardless of who wins the debates the issue of the people calling themselves Palestinians is going to plague Israel until either those people are satisfied that they are being treated fairly and with respect or they are driven out of the land now called Israel.
Wrong again I "suggested" that Israel is a country in the middle east-----responding in the best way possible to the customs of the area------ie the customs of your fellow jihadists who solve their little family feuds by slitting the throats of infants and DEMANDING "respect" for their "gods"
Like you say, the Israelis are going down to their level, or perhaps they were always at that
Like I said----you are unable to address any issue other than with trite little mindless "sayings"

YOU compared israel to arab shitholes.:clap2:
WE can mince around the issue of human rights or we can debate the word Palestine, but regardless of who wins the debates the issue of the people calling themselves Palestinians is going to plague Israel until either those people are satisfied that they are being treated fairly and with respect or they are driven out of the land now called Israel.
Yeah, the issue of the people calling themselves Jews and Israelis who have established their country in the ancient historical homeland of their ancestors, is going to plague the Arabs and Muslims until they stop their hatred, violence, terror, and their genocidal desire to kill all Jews.
Like you say, the Israelis are going down to their level, or perhaps they were always at that
Like I said----you are unable to address any issue other than with trite little mindless "sayings"

YOU compared israel to arab shitholes.:clap2:
Israel is actually more democratic and tolerant than European countries. Which European country would put up with Arab animals doing what they have done? Maybe you need to brush up a little on European history.
Like I said----you are unable to address any issue other than with trite little mindless "sayings"

YOU compared israel to arab shitholes.:clap2:
Israel is actually more democratic and tolerant than European countries. Which European country would put up with Arab animals doing what they have done? Maybe you need to brush up a little on European history.

Israel has fences to keep certain ethnicities out. It also allows for only 15% of knesset seats for arabs, no matter how big the arab population. You're joking, right?
He's talking at the Arabs that invaded the area once the Jews arrived, that suddenly started calling themselves Palestinians as of 1967. Prior to that they would call themselves Syrians, Egyptians, or Jordanians.

Actually, prior to 1950-s the land was called PALESTINE, and those living on it -- PALESTINIANS: Palestinian Arabs; Palestinian Jews...
YOU compared israel to arab shitholes.:clap2:
Israel is actually more democratic and tolerant than European countries. Which European country would put up with Arab animals doing what they have done? Maybe you need to brush up a little on European history.

Israel has fences to keep certain ethnicities out. It also allows for only 15% of knesset seats for arabs, no matter how big the arab population. You're joking, right?
How many countries have fences to keep their borders safe, including the US, Saudi Arabia, etc.? 20% Arab population of Israel, represented by max of 15% sounds about right to me. How many Arabs in the French parlaiment representing the 25% Arabs living in France? How many Muslims in German and British Parlaiments? Has Israel passed a law banning veils and other Islamic gear in public like Europeans have, YOU IGNORANT FOOL?
Israel is actually more democratic and tolerant than European countries. Which European country would put up with Arab animals doing what they have done? Maybe you need to brush up a little on European history.

Israel has fences to keep certain ethnicities out. It also allows for only 15% of knesset seats for arabs, no matter how big the arab population. You're joking, right?
How many countries have fences to keep their borders safe, including the US, Saudi Arabia, etc.? 20% Arab population of Israel, represented by max of 15% sounds about right to me. How many Arabs in the French parlaiment representing the 25% Arabs living in France? How many Muslims in German and British Parlaiments? Has Israel passed a law banning veils and other Islamic gear in public like Europeans have, YOU IGNORANT FOOL?

Neither the US nor Saudi Arabia are fenced in.
Israel gives out seats based on skin color. Please try again.
Israel has fences to keep certain ethnicities out. It also allows for only 15% of knesset seats for arabs, no matter how big the arab population. You're joking, right?
How many countries have fences to keep their borders safe, including the US, Saudi Arabia, etc.? 20% Arab population of Israel, represented by max of 15% sounds about right to me. How many Arabs in the French parlaiment representing the 25% Arabs living in France? How many Muslims in German and British Parlaiments? Has Israel passed a law banning veils and other Islamic gear in public like Europeans have, YOU IGNORANT FOOL?

Neither the US nor Saudi Arabia are fenced in.
Israel gives out seats based on skin color. Please try again.
The US has a fence along it border with Mexico you fucking idiot. And here's the Saudi fence, along with a small number of a long list of countries that have fences.

The Saudi–Yemen barrier is a physical barrier constructed by Saudi Arabia along part of its 1,800-kilometer (1,100*mi) border with Yemen. It consists of a network of sandbags and pipelines, three metres (10*ft) high, filled with concrete[1] and fitted with electronic detection equipment.[2]

Name Country Built Length (km) Type
Baghdad Wall Adhamiya, Iraq Under construction 5 Civil pacification
Belfast Peace Lines United Kingdom (Northern Ireland) 1969–present 0.5 (average) Civil pacification
Botswana/Zimbabwe Botswana and Zimbabwe 2003 500 Anti-illegal immigration
Brunei/Limbang Brunei and Limbang 2005 20 Anti-illegal immigration
Ceuta border fence Spain 2001 8 Anti-illegal immigration
China/Hong Kong China 1960s -early 32 Internal barrier
China/Macau China 1870 0.34 Internal barrier
China/North Korea China and North Korea Under construction 1,416 Anti-illegal immigration
Egypt-Gaza barrier Egypt 1979, subterranean barrier under construction 3.1 Anti-terrorism and anti-illegal immigration
Malaysia-Thailand border Thailand and Malaysia Proposed 650 Anti-terrorism
Melilla border fence Spain 1998 11 Anti-illegal immigration
Indo-Bangladeshi barrier India Under construction 3,268 Anti-illegal immigration
Indo-Burma barrier India Under construction 1,624 Anti-drug smuggling and anti-terrorism
Indian Kashmir barrier India 2004 550 Anti-terrorism (disputed territory)
Iran-Pakistan barrier Iran and Pakistan Under construction 700 Anti-drug smuggling
Israeli West Bank barrier Israel - West Bank Under construction 703 Conflict Zone (disputed territories)
Kazakh-Uzbekistan barrier Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan 2006 45 Anti-drug smuggling
Korean Wall North Korea and South Korea 1953 248 Conflict zone
Kruger National Park South Africa and Mozambique 1975 120 Anti-illegal immigration
Kuwait-Iraq barrier Kuwait and Iraq 1991 193 Conflict zone
Pakistan-Afghanistan barrier Pakistan Proposed 2,400 Anti-terrorism
Russia/Chechnya Chechnya (Russia) Proposed 700 Anti-terrorism (disputed territory)
Saudi-Yemen barrier Saudi Arabia and Yemen 2004 75 Anti-illegal immigration
Sharm el-Sheikh Egypt 2005 20 Anti-terrorism
Turkmen-Uzbekistan barrier Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan 2001 1,700 Anti-illegal immigration
Last edited:
The right to return to their lands is precisely what the Israeli state is based on.
I doubt that israeli state is based on the return of palistanians, but palistanians are sure free to explore the lands of their forefathers in Algeria, Sudan, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, and maybe thump a right of return once or twice.
How many countries have fences to keep their borders safe, including the US, Saudi Arabia, etc.? 20% Arab population of Israel, represented by max of 15% sounds about right to me. How many Arabs in the French parlaiment representing the 25% Arabs living in France? How many Muslims in German and British Parlaiments? Has Israel passed a law banning veils and other Islamic gear in public like Europeans have, YOU IGNORANT FOOL?

Neither the US nor Saudi Arabia are fenced in.
Israel gives out seats based on skin color. Please try again.
The US has a fence along it border with Mexico you fucking idiot. And here's the Saudi fence, along with a small number of a long list of countries that have fences.

Separation barrier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Saudi–Yemen barrier is a physical barrier constructed by Saudi Arabia along part of its 1,800-kilometer (1,100*mi) border with Yemen. It consists of a network of sandbags and pipelines, three metres (10*ft) high, filled with concrete[1] and fitted with electronic detection equipment.[2]

Name Country Built Length (km) Type
Baghdad Wall Adhamiya, Iraq Under construction 5 Civil pacification
Belfast Peace Lines United Kingdom (Northern Ireland) 1969–present 0.5 (average) Civil pacification
Botswana/Zimbabwe Botswana and Zimbabwe 2003 500 Anti-illegal immigration
Brunei/Limbang Brunei and Limbang 2005 20 Anti-illegal immigration
Ceuta border fence Spain 2001 8 Anti-illegal immigration
China/Hong Kong China 1960s -early 32 Internal barrier
China/Macau China 1870 0.34 Internal barrier
China/North Korea China and North Korea Under construction 1,416 Anti-illegal immigration
Egypt-Gaza barrier Egypt 1979, subterranean barrier under construction 3.1 Anti-terrorism and anti-illegal immigration
Malaysia-Thailand border Thailand and Malaysia Proposed 650 Anti-terrorism
Melilla border fence Spain 1998 11 Anti-illegal immigration
Indo-Bangladeshi barrier India Under construction 3,268 Anti-illegal immigration
Indo-Burma barrier India Under construction 1,624 Anti-drug smuggling and anti-terrorism
Indian Kashmir barrier India 2004 550 Anti-terrorism (disputed territory)
Iran-Pakistan barrier Iran and Pakistan Under construction 700 Anti-drug smuggling
Israeli West Bank barrier Israel - West Bank Under construction 703 Conflict Zone (disputed territories)
Kazakh-Uzbekistan barrier Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan 2006 45 Anti-drug smuggling
Korean Wall North Korea and South Korea 1953 248 Conflict zone
Kruger National Park South Africa and Mozambique 1975 120 Anti-illegal immigration
Kuwait-Iraq barrier Kuwait and Iraq 1991 193 Conflict zone
Pakistan-Afghanistan barrier Pakistan Proposed 2,400 Anti-terrorism
Russia/Chechnya Chechnya (Russia) Proposed 700 Anti-terrorism (disputed territory)
Saudi-Yemen barrier Saudi Arabia and Yemen 2004 75 Anti-illegal immigration
Sharm el-Sheikh Egypt 2005 20 Anti-terrorism
Turkmen-Uzbekistan barrier Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan 2001 1,700 Anti-illegal immigration
Like I said, neither country is fenced in. You lose.
The right to return to their lands is precisely what the Israeli state is based on.
I doubt that israeli state is based on the return of palistanians, but palistanians are sure free to explore the lands of their forefathers in Algeria, Sudan, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, and maybe thump a right of return once or twice.

So you're saying that NO arabs are indigenous to the general area known as Palestine?

And if we follow your attempt at logic, don't we all descent from Lucy and her gang, who were in Africa? So shouldn't the Jews AND the arabs go back there?
Like you say, the Israelis are going down to their level, or perhaps they were always at that
Like I said----you are unable to address any issue other than with trite little mindless "sayings"

YOU compared israel to arab shitholes.:clap2:

Actually I did not-----I correctly stated that Israel is a RESPONSE to the filth you support Israel's response is not emulation----Your remarks are childish and shallow
Like I said----you are unable to address any issue other than with trite little mindless "sayings"

YOU compared israel to arab shitholes.:clap2:

Actually I did not-----I correctly stated that Israel is a RESPONSE to the filth you support Israel's response is not emulation----Your remarks are childish and shallow

You just said again that Israel can't rise above arab sandtraps.:clap2:
WE can mince around the issue of human rights or we can debate the word Palestine, but regardless of who wins the debates the issue of the people calling themselves Palestinians is going to plague Israel until either those people are satisfied that they are being treated fairly and with respect or they are driven out of the land now called Israel.
Yeah, the issue of the people calling themselves Jews and Israelis who have established their country in the ancient historical homeland of their ancestors, is going to plague the Arabs and Muslims until they stop their hatred, violence, terror, and their genocidal desire to kill all Jews.

Yup. You and I are in absolutely accord.

All these attempts to give one side or the other the historical higher MORAL ground are rather silly.

It no longer matters if the people are Palestinians, it no longer matters if Israel ought to have been reconstituted, either.

The facts on the ground will NOT be decided by these historical debates.

Nobody gives a crap about these debates because these peoples (both of them) are fighting for their lives.

Morality and historical rationalizations mean doodle-squat to people fighting for their lives.
So tell us from where these Palestinians you speak of originated into Gaza & the West Bank if not from Egypt & Jordan.

Good Lord NO! Israel should find a way to get Egypt & Jordan to take back Gaza & the West Bank along with their Palestinians. The last thing we want to do is still leave the Palestinians in Israel. Right Ima?

So they should deport all the Pals to other arab countries and take the WB and Gaza back for Israel?

So you'd give the WB to Jordan and Gaza to Egypt? Even though the Pals are neither Jordanian or Egyptian? So the Pals get screwed off their land AGAIN? :cuckoo:
Neither the US nor Saudi Arabia are fenced in.
Israel gives out seats based on skin color. Please try again.
The US has a fence along it border with Mexico you fucking idiot. And here's the Saudi fence, along with a small number of a long list of countries that have fences.

Separation barrier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Saudi–Yemen barrier is a physical barrier constructed by Saudi Arabia along part of its 1,800-kilometer (1,100*mi) border with Yemen. It consists of a network of sandbags and pipelines, three metres (10*ft) high, filled with concrete[1] and fitted with electronic detection equipment.[2]

Name Country Built Length (km) Type
Baghdad Wall Adhamiya, Iraq Under construction 5 Civil pacification
Belfast Peace Lines United Kingdom (Northern Ireland) 1969–present 0.5 (average) Civil pacification
Botswana/Zimbabwe Botswana and Zimbabwe 2003 500 Anti-illegal immigration
Brunei/Limbang Brunei and Limbang 2005 20 Anti-illegal immigration
Ceuta border fence Spain 2001 8 Anti-illegal immigration
China/Hong Kong China 1960s -early 32 Internal barrier
China/Macau China 1870 0.34 Internal barrier
China/North Korea China and North Korea Under construction 1,416 Anti-illegal immigration
Egypt-Gaza barrier Egypt 1979, subterranean barrier under construction 3.1 Anti-terrorism and anti-illegal immigration
Malaysia-Thailand border Thailand and Malaysia Proposed 650 Anti-terrorism
Melilla border fence Spain 1998 11 Anti-illegal immigration
Indo-Bangladeshi barrier India Under construction 3,268 Anti-illegal immigration
Indo-Burma barrier India Under construction 1,624 Anti-drug smuggling and anti-terrorism
Indian Kashmir barrier India 2004 550 Anti-terrorism (disputed territory)
Iran-Pakistan barrier Iran and Pakistan Under construction 700 Anti-drug smuggling
Israeli West Bank barrier Israel - West Bank Under construction 703 Conflict Zone (disputed territories)
Kazakh-Uzbekistan barrier Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan 2006 45 Anti-drug smuggling
Korean Wall North Korea and South Korea 1953 248 Conflict zone
Kruger National Park South Africa and Mozambique 1975 120 Anti-illegal immigration
Kuwait-Iraq barrier Kuwait and Iraq 1991 193 Conflict zone
Pakistan-Afghanistan barrier Pakistan Proposed 2,400 Anti-terrorism
Russia/Chechnya Chechnya (Russia) Proposed 700 Anti-terrorism (disputed territory)
Saudi-Yemen barrier Saudi Arabia and Yemen 2004 75 Anti-illegal immigration
Sharm el-Sheikh Egypt 2005 20 Anti-terrorism
Turkmen-Uzbekistan barrier Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan 2001 1,700 Anti-illegal immigration
Like I said, neither country is fenced in. You lose.
Like I said you're illiterate and fulla shit. Now get lost.
So tell us from where these Palestinians you speak of originated into Gaza & the West Bank if not from Egypt & Jordan.

Good Lord NO! Israel should find a way to get Egypt & Jordan to take back Gaza & the West Bank along with their Palestinians. The last thing we want to do is still leave the Palestinians in Israel. Right Ima?

So you'd give the WB to Jordan and Gaza to Egypt? Even though the Pals are neither Jordanian or Egyptian? So the Pals get screwed off their land AGAIN? :cuckoo:
They migrated from Mars, but it wasn't easy. When they first squatted on Mars, they started bombing Martians and killing their children because they claimed Mars was also stolen ancient Palestinian territory. And if you look closely into your telescope on clear nights you will see Islam's fourth holiest site, the Grand Pooper Scooper Mosque. Although many Muslim clerics have interpreted that when Mohammad died, his soul mysteriously flew riding on an ass-tronaut donkey to the Pooper Scooper Mosque on Mars, unfortunately the Martians did not handle the fact that the Pooper Scooper Mosque was built SMACK on top of Martians Holiest site, which the Palestinians are now claiming as their own, so they zapped their filthy asses to earth and the rest is history.

True story...
So tell us from where these Palestinians you speak of originated into Gaza & the West Bank if not from Egypt & Jordan.
So you'd give the WB to Jordan and Gaza to Egypt? Even though the Pals are neither Jordanian or Egyptian? So the Pals get screwed off their land AGAIN? :cuckoo:
They migrated from Mars, but it wasn't easy. When they first squatted on Mars, they started bombing Martians and killing their children because they claimed Mars was also stolen ancient Palestinian territory. And if you look closely into your telescope on clear nights you will see Islam's fourth holiest site, the Grand Pooper Scooper Mosque. Although many Muslim clerics have interpreted that when Mohammad died, his soul mysteriously flew riding on an ass-tronaut donkey to the Pooper Scooper Mosque on Mars, unfortunately the Martians did not handle the fact that the Pooper Scooper Mosque was built SMACK on top of Martians Holiest site, which the Palestinians are now claiming as their own, so they zapped their filthy asses to earth and the rest is history.

True story...
Ass, poop... something you want to tell us, Mr Gay Avatar?

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