BBC, Fox News, PBS...Most Trusted


May 23, 2014
I teach a college class on “News Media and Politics.” I require my students to watch programs from the various networks. Results match this study. Six years running, Bret Baier Report and Newshour on PBS have always come out as top ranked. BBC America is also highly regarded. Winning the most biased has consistently been Maddow, Matthews and Anderson Cooper. Don Lemon edged out Cooper last year.
BBC, Fox News, PBS ranked as TV's most trusted news brands
I teach a college class on “News Media and Politics.” I require my students to watch programs from the various networks. Results match this study. Six years running, Bret Baier Report and Newshour on PBS have always come out as top ranked. BBC America is also highly regarded. Winning the most biased has consistently been Maddow, Matthews and Anderson Cooper. Don Lemon edged out Cooper last year.
BBC, Fox News, PBS ranked as TV's most trusted news brands
BBC and PBS are a joke.

Bret Baier is a fake.
I teach a college class on “News Media and Politics.” I require my students to watch programs from the various networks. Results match this study. Six years running, Bret Baier Report and Newshour on PBS have always come out as top ranked. BBC America is also highly regarded. Winning the most biased has consistently been Maddow, Matthews and Anderson Cooper. Don Lemon edged out Cooper last year.
BBC, Fox News, PBS ranked as TV's most trusted news brands
BBC and PBS are a joke.

Bret Baier is a fake.
Not the finding of this study or 6 years of 50+ students a semester.
I teach a college class on “News Media and Politics.” I require my students to watch programs from the various networks. Results match this study. Six years running, Bret Baier Report and Newshour on PBS have always come out as top ranked. BBC America is also highly regarded. Winning the most biased has consistently been Maddow, Matthews and Anderson Cooper. Don Lemon edged out Cooper last year.
BBC, Fox News, PBS ranked as TV's most trusted news brands
BBC and PBS are a joke.

Bret Baier is a fake.
Not the finding of this study or 6 years of 50+ students a semester.
Because most people are idiots.
I teach a college class on “News Media and Politics.” I require my students to watch programs from the various networks. Results match this study. Six years running, Bret Baier Report and Newshour on PBS have always come out as top ranked. BBC America is also highly regarded. Winning the most biased has consistently been Maddow, Matthews and Anderson Cooper. Don Lemon edged out Cooper last year.
BBC, Fox News, PBS ranked as TV's most trusted news brands
BBC and PBS are a joke.

Bret Baier is a fake.
The BBC and PBS state facts. Facts are the enemy to you sick fucks.
I teach a college class on “News Media and Politics.” I require my students to watch programs from the various networks. Results match this study. Six years running, Bret Baier Report and Newshour on PBS have always come out as top ranked. BBC America is also highly regarded. Winning the most biased has consistently been Maddow, Matthews and Anderson Cooper. Don Lemon edged out Cooper last year.
BBC, Fox News, PBS ranked as TV's most trusted news brands
The fux entertainment news is just funny shit. Duetchworld and the others are reasonable.
I teach a college class on “News Media and Politics.” I require my students to watch programs from the various networks. Results match this study. Six years running, Bret Baier Report and Newshour on PBS have always come out as top ranked. BBC America is also highly regarded. Winning the most biased has consistently been Maddow, Matthews and Anderson Cooper. Don Lemon edged out Cooper last year.
BBC, Fox News, PBS ranked as TV's most trusted news brands
I watch Fox...I prefer Tucker Carlson over them all really. BBC I don't trust they are Anti Trump but the Independent and Mirror I like to red...PBS I have never watched or read.
I teach a college class on “News Media and Politics.” I require my students to watch programs from the various networks. Results match this study. Six years running, Bret Baier Report and Newshour on PBS have always come out as top ranked. BBC America is also highly regarded. Winning the most biased has consistently been Maddow, Matthews and Anderson Cooper. Don Lemon edged out Cooper last year.
BBC, Fox News, PBS ranked as TV's most trusted news brands
BBC and PBS are a joke.

Bret Baier is a fake.
The BBC and PBS state facts. Facts are the enemy to you sick fucks.
Baier is factual as well. I know you won admit it because it is Fox. I really am disappointed in CNN. Lemon, Cuomo and Cooper are just ridiculous.
I teach a college class on “News Media and Politics.” I require my students to watch programs from the various networks. Results match this study. Six years running, Bret Baier Report and Newshour on PBS have always come out as top ranked. BBC America is also highly regarded. Winning the most biased has consistently been Maddow, Matthews and Anderson Cooper. Don Lemon edged out Cooper last year.
BBC, Fox News, PBS ranked as TV's most trusted news brands
I watch Fox...I prefer Tucker Carlson over them all really. BBC I don't trust they are Anti Trump but the Independent and Mirror I like to red...PBS I have never watched or read.
I like Tucker as well. He does have a tendency to search for the looney liberals on campus and destroy them. Nothing wrong with that...but down the middle of the road...straight news it’s Baier.
Good selections although I usually avoid television news since it puts me at the mercy of their editorial control of what's newsworthy. Much rather do a Google search on issues of my own interest limiting the criteria to news within the last week. For example, one item of my interest is NAFTA and of the resulting news items today the one that first catches my eye is Bloomberg's article of July 31, U.S. and Mexico Nearing Nafta Car Deal, Sources Say
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I teach a college class on “News Media and Politics.” I require my students to watch programs from the various networks. Results match this study. Six years running, Bret Baier Report and Newshour on PBS have always come out as top ranked. BBC America is also highly regarded. Winning the most biased has consistently been Maddow, Matthews and Anderson Cooper. Don Lemon edged out Cooper last year.
BBC, Fox News, PBS ranked as TV's most trusted news brands
BBC and PBS are a joke.

Bret Baier is a fake.
Not the finding of this study or 6 years of 50+ students a semester.
Because most people are idiots.
I'm reminded of the concept that if everyone else is wrong, maybe it's really just you.
I teach a college class on “News Media and Politics.” I require my students to watch programs from the various networks. Results match this study. Six years running, Bret Baier Report and Newshour on PBS have always come out as top ranked. BBC America is also highly regarded. Winning the most biased has consistently been Maddow, Matthews and Anderson Cooper. Don Lemon edged out Cooper last year.
BBC, Fox News, PBS ranked as TV's most trusted news brands
I watch Fox...I prefer Tucker Carlson over them all really. BBC I don't trust they are Anti Trump but the Independent and Mirror I like to red...PBS I have never watched or read.
I like Tucker as well. He does have a tendency to search for the looney liberals on campus and destroy them. Nothing wrong with that...but down the middle of the road...straight news it’s Baier.
I like Tucker because he is also one of the FEW on Fox who aren't neocon hawkish on foreign policy etc....I DESPISE that asshole Shepard Smith...he belongs on CNN or MSNBC.
I teach a college class on “News Media and Politics.” I require my students to watch programs from the various networks. Results match this study. Six years running, Bret Baier Report and Newshour on PBS have always come out as top ranked. BBC America is also highly regarded. Winning the most biased has consistently been Maddow, Matthews and Anderson Cooper. Don Lemon edged out Cooper last year.
BBC, Fox News, PBS ranked as TV's most trusted news brands
BBC and PBS are a joke.

Bret Baier is a fake.
Not the finding of this study or 6 years of 50+ students a semester.
Because most people are idiots.
You two are definitely leading members of that group.
Nobody trusts the BBC.

BBC = Bullshit Broadcasting Corporation
Whenever possible I find it best to avoid the middleman when it comes to news and head straight to the source. Along with NAFTA that I spoke of in an earlier post I also follow the job numbers to make judgment how well it is going with the administration's goal of revitalizing America's manufacturing jobs. This Friday I suspect folks on the board to be posting about July's job numbers and using as their news source whatever media spins the report most to their own liking. I like to get it straight from the horse's mouth and form my own opinion initially.

I teach a college class on “News Media and Politics.” I require my students to watch programs from the various networks. Results match this study. Six years running, Bret Baier Report and Newshour on PBS have always come out as top ranked. BBC America is also highly regarded. Winning the most biased has consistently been Maddow, Matthews and Anderson Cooper. Don Lemon edged out Cooper last year.
BBC, Fox News, PBS ranked as TV's most trusted news brands

Worth noting a Rasmussen poll showed Fox as the winner of the first annual fake news winner. Sean Hannity is by far the most biased. His bosses at Fox News had to order him to lay off Seth Rich.
I teach a college class on “News Media and Politics.” I require my students to watch programs from the various networks. Results match this study. Six years running, Bret Baier Report and Newshour on PBS have always come out as top ranked. BBC America is also highly regarded. Winning the most biased has consistently been Maddow, Matthews and Anderson Cooper. Don Lemon edged out Cooper last year.
BBC, Fox News, PBS ranked as TV's most trusted news brands

Worth noting a Rasmussen poll showed Fox as the winner of the first annual fake news winner. Sean Hannity is by far the most biased. His bosses at Fox News had to order him to lay off Seth Rich.
Yes he is...but overall as a network...Fox is more balanced. They have Shepherd Smith who is a gay anti-Trump guy. Baier is the best. PBS is good. NPR very biased...taxpayer supported...and CNN is just sad.
I teach a college class on “News Media and Politics.” I require my students to watch programs from the various networks. Results match this study. Six years running, Bret Baier Report and Newshour on PBS have always come out as top ranked. BBC America is also highly regarded. Winning the most biased has consistently been Maddow, Matthews and Anderson Cooper. Don Lemon edged out Cooper last year.
BBC, Fox News, PBS ranked as TV's most trusted news brands

Worth noting a Rasmussen poll showed Fox as the winner of the first annual fake news winner. Sean Hannity is by far the most biased. His bosses at Fox News had to order him to lay off Seth Rich.

It wouldn't surprise me that Sean's new bosses are in the tank for Hillary.
I teach a college class on “News Media and Politics.” I require my students to watch programs from the various networks. Results match this study. Six years running, Bret Baier Report and Newshour on PBS have always come out as top ranked. BBC America is also highly regarded. Winning the most biased has consistently been Maddow, Matthews and Anderson Cooper. Don Lemon edged out Cooper last year.
BBC, Fox News, PBS ranked as TV's most trusted news brands

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