Baptist Hospital?

Not our problem.

Aren't you sick of playing world police while our nation declines?

Child trafficking
Uncontrolled border

All problems we should be focusing on TOGETHER AS A UNIFIED PEOPLE. But instead we blow our taxes for everyone else's problems.


What I find amazing is that the very things that our founders warned against (and are totally unconstitutional) are what some here seem to be cheering for. We were never meant to be an aggressively interventionist imperialistic, self-appointed world's policeman.

I think the problem is too many people have not yet realized that our government has been taken over by corrupt globalists, and they are not trustworthy. Their wars are not based on truth, but false pretexts. Yet people cheer them on, out of being deceived. It really is sad iyam.
Israel has bombed hospitals, schools, and residential buildings in the past killing untold numbers of innocents. This is nothing new for them. It is new for Americans who haven’t educated themselves on the heinous nature of the Israeli government.
The facts are already out that it was IDF who bombed that hospital filled w/innocent elderly, women and children.

Things aren't going well for that Yahoo.
The facts are you’re full of shit. As if there was any question. Your shit tribe hit their own hospital with their garbage missile attacks. So not only are the turd people responsible for killing 1300 Jews they just killed 1000 of their own.

And you still support these retards.
Israel already stated it wasn't them. Further they documented a nearby Hamas rocket attack was launched in the direction of the hospital and it's most likely one or more Hamas rockets failed and hit the hospital. Now all you squad members apologize to Israel.
Hamas' rockets do not have the capability to inflict the type of damage the Israeli rockets did.

Sorry, try another lie slick.
Who cares. It’s amazing how one stupid vote can destroy your life. Just ask Venezuela, North Korea, Cuba, etc. they all voted for what they got.
Don't you think it matters that most of the Gazan's today had absolutely nothing to do w/whatever was voted oh so many years ago?
Don't you think it matters that most of the Gazan's today had absolutely nothing to do w/whatever was voted oh so many years ago?
Nope, they voted for it to begin with. Kind of like how you black idiots keep voting for democrats. You deserve to be in inner city shitholes trying to exist on welfare and never meeting your father. Your grandparents voted for that and you keep voting for it as well. These morons deserve the same in Gaza.

Maybe some day both of you will get your head out of your ass.
Nope, they voted for it to begin with. Kind of like how you black idiots keep voting for democrats. You deserve to be in inner city shitholes trying to exist on welfare and never meeting your father. Your grandparents voted for that and you keep voting for it as well. These morons deserve the same in Gaza.

Maybe some day both of you will get your head out of your ass.
"They" weren't old enough to vote dumb dumb.
"They" weren't old enough to vote dumb dumb.
Your grandparents voted for you. Your parents kept voting for it and now you do as well. All the while your grandparents went from being married raising kids to having those kids having kids and not being married because of government benefits to you. The fatherless welfare recipient who has no family or family wealth to work with and no chance of doing better.

Black families in the 50’s and early 60’s had a much better chance at improving themselves than you do.
Your grandparents voted for you. Your parents kept voting for it and now you do as well. All the while your grandparents went from being married raising kids to having those kids having kids and not being married because of government benefits to you. The fatherless welfare recipient who has no family or family wealth to work with and no chance of doing better.

Black families in the 50’s and early 60’s had a much better chance at improving themselves than you do.
Half the population of Gaza is under 18. Hamas won parliamentary seats in a 2006 election and then violently seized power from the Palestinian Authority in 2007.

Most of the population of Gaza was either not born yet or too young to vote .

Things are not as you have been told

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