BAHAHAHAAA! Megyn K to the Dick: "Wrong, sir."

KELLY: You mentioned that, you know, the status of forces agreement and President Obama has taken a lot of heat for not negotiating that with Maliki. However, critics point out that it was President Bush who did sign the deal that said we'd get all U.S. forces out of there by the end of 2011.

D. CHENEY: With a status forces agreement for a stay behind force.

KELLY: And when the President -- our current president sought to renegotiate that, al Maliki didn't want it, that's what the President's defenders say. That he tried, he wanted to keep some stay behind forces that would protect the gains our troops had made, but Maliki made it too tough.

D. CHENEY: No, that's not quite accurate, Megyn. What happened was our generals recommended a stay behind forces from 14,000 to 18,000. The White House rejected it. So the military came back with the recommendation of 10,000. The White House rejected it. They took it all the way down to 3,000. I think by the time they got to the level, the Iraqis looked at it. And believed that we weren't serious, that Obama was absolutely committed to completely withdraw from Iraq, and they were unable to come to an agreement, but I think in part because the Iraqis didn't think he really wanted one and he certainly didn't push it. We have agreements like that with 40 nations around the world. They should have been able to come to an agreement with the Iraqis, and I think that failure to do so is what has precipitated the current crisis.

So it was Obama who decided to change what Bush had signed for, and dump the stay-behind force that Bush wanted, to help Iraq keep all the gains our troops had made?

It is exactly what happened.

And the result is exactly what was predicted would happen.

So what do we hear now?

It is exactly what happened.

And the result is exactly what was predicted would happen.

So what do we hear now?

We still have large U.S. troop forced in Germany, Japan, Italy, and Korea, expressly to make sure those countries didn't go back to the way they were before we fought them. Iraq seems to be the only major country where we pulled all our troops out almost immediately... and now we're seeing the result.
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"Without a question, we need to disarm Saddam. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime .... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction .... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real ...."Kerry , Jan. 23. 2003.
"I can support the President (Bush). I can support an action against Saddam Hussein, because I think it's in the long-term interests of our national security." - Hillary Clinton, Sept. 15, 2002

"If I had been President in October of 2002," (wagging her finger), "I would not have started this war. I would not!" - Hillary Clinton, Feb. 2, 2007
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How come you rightwing neanderthals aren't talking about this story this morning?
Megyn ain't Cheney's bitch, so you shouldn't be either. Where's Politicalchic today?
Let the disowning of the Fox News Primetime Darling begin! (cackle...cackle...snort)

Megyn Kelly to Dick Cheney: Wrong, sir

6/19/14 6:35 AM EDT
FOX News’ Megyn Kelly had some tough questions for former Vice President Dick Cheney on Wednesday night, after he and his daughter, Liz, offered a scathing review of the Obama administration’s foreign policy.

“In your op-ed [in the Wall Street Journal], you write as follows: ‘Rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many,” Kelly said on her show “The Kelly File.” “But time and time again, history has proven that you got it wrong as well sir.”

Read more: Megyn Kelly to Dick Cheney: Wrong, sir - Kendall Breitman -

I saw the interview and would ask Megyn what she would do if Saddam allowed 100,000 children a year to starve to death

Why don't you just make it a million? :lol:
"I can support the President (Bush). I can support an action against Saddam Hussein, because I think it's in the long-term interests of our national security." - Hillary Clinton, Sept. 15, 2002

"If I had been President in October of 2002," (wagging her finger), "I would not have started this war. I would not!" - Hillary Clinton, Feb. 2, 2007

"What difference at this point does it make?
It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator.
Now, honestly, I will do my best to answer your questions about this, but the fact is that people were trying in real time to get to the best information."
In Context: Hillary Clinton's 'What difference does it make' comment | PolitiFact Wisconsin

What goes around comes around.............
How come you rightwing neanderthals aren't talking about this story this morning?
Megyn ain't Cheney's bitch, so you shouldn't be either. Where's Politicalchic today?
Let the disowning of the Fox News Primetime Darling begin! (cackle...cackle...snort)

Megyn Kelly to Dick Cheney: Wrong, sir

6/19/14 6:35 AM EDT
FOX News’ Megyn Kelly had some tough questions for former Vice President Dick Cheney on Wednesday night, after he and his daughter, Liz, offered a scathing review of the Obama administration’s foreign policy.

“In your op-ed [in the Wall Street Journal], you write as follows: ‘Rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many,” Kelly said on her show “The Kelly File.” “But time and time again, history has proven that you got it wrong as well sir.”

Read more: Megyn Kelly to Dick Cheney: Wrong, sir - Kendall Breitman -

Why would you think she was Cheney's bitch to begin with? Why would you think of her in terms of who's bitch she is?

And btw so what? Those of us on the right have challenged many things the Bush administration did. They are wrong on things too. I have yet to see a majority of the Obama sheeple say anything negative about the President.
So you just proved that FOX is fair and balanced and defeated every far left talking point about FOX NEWS.

Good for you little far left solider.

no. it proved the cheney wing of the GOP is in conflict with the isolationist wing.

which we all knew.

little rightwingnut child.

but thanks for proving that people who think faux news is "fair and balanced" are the least informed people

Plus, this is SOP for FOXNEWS: Ask a tough question of a Rightwinger, get a lame response, then don't follow up or call them on it. It happened again with this interview - Cheney's response:

"No, I just fundamentally disagree, Reagan — I mean, Megyn," Cheney replied.
And that was the end of Megyn's grilling.
I saw the interview and would ask Megyn what she would do if Saddam allowed 100,000 children a year to starve to death because he would not
certify his WMDs were destroyed especially when Saddam's son-in-law who was in charge of WMDs had defected and described existing WMDs development.

Of course you would because reality isnt what you deal with...Hypotheticals and conspiracies of doom and gloom is your forte'.

What I noticed is that you didnt disagree with her assessment of him being wrong.


Of course he was wrong. There were NO WMDs found in Iraq.
The issue is why would any compassionate feeling person THINK a leader like Saddam would refuse to say that the WMDs were destroyed if it
would save 100,000 children from starving? Would you not believe a leader that knowing his country's children are starving JUST because he
won't certify there were NO WMDs?
Almost everyone except obviously hard hearted ignorant people probably like you couldn't believe Saddam would be ok with 100,000 children starving
when all he need do to lift the embargo would certify there were NO WMDs!

And then of course YOU being omniscient would say Saddam's defected son-in-law the #2 guy in Iraq's WMD programs was full of sh...T! Right?
YOU knew that all along as well as these democrats BEFORE Cheney.

"..deny Iraq the capacity to develop WMD".Bill Clinton,1998
"..most brutal dictators of Century", Biden,1998
"Iraq compliance with Resolution 687 becomes shell game"..Daschle 1998
"He will use those WMDs again,as he has ten times since 1983" ..Berger Clinton Ntl. Secur. Advr 1998
"posed by Iraq's refusal to end its WMD programs" Levin 1998
"Saddam has been engaged in development of WMDs which is a threat.."Pelosi 1998 WHERE'D SHE GET THIS INFORMATION BEFORE BUSH?
"Hussein has chosen to spend his money on building WMDS.."Albright 1999

What you dont seem to realize is that someone saying the milk is spilled is not the same as the person who spills the actual milk.

So you can quote people all day long but only one person went to war. And it wasnt Pelosi.

Face it...All your hypotheticals dont mean shit because at the end of the day....You were wrong. Just like plenty of people tried to tell you and now after TRILLIONS spent and THOUSANDS of lives lost you want to spread the blame around equally.

But thats what hard headed people do....They push forward ignoring opposing positions then when the shit hits the fan they try to wipe the shit no everyone else too :lol:
How come you rightwing neanderthals aren't talking about this story this morning?
Megyn ain't Cheney's bitch, so you shouldn't be either. Where's Politicalchic today?
Let the disowning of the Fox News Primetime Darling begin! (cackle...cackle...snort)

Megyn Kelly to Dick Cheney: Wrong, sir

6/19/14 6:35 AM EDT
FOX News’ Megyn Kelly had some tough questions for former Vice President Dick Cheney on Wednesday night, after he and his daughter, Liz, offered a scathing review of the Obama administration’s foreign policy.

“In your op-ed [in the Wall Street Journal], you write as follows: ‘Rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many,” Kelly said on her show “The Kelly File.” “But time and time again, history has proven that you got it wrong as well sir.”

Read more: Megyn Kelly to Dick Cheney: Wrong, sir - Kendall Breitman -

I saw the interview and would ask Megyn what she would do if Saddam allowed 100,000 children a year to starve to death

Why don't you just make it a million? :lol:

I saw the interview and would ask Megyn what she would do if Saddam allowed 100,000 children a year to starve to death from U.S. sanctions.
"UNSCOM has nevertheless done a remarkable job. Its inspectors the eyes and ears of the civilized world have uncovered and destroyed more weapons of mass destruction capacity (In Iraq) than was destroyed during the Gulf War.

"This includes nearly 40,000 chemical weapons, more than 100,000 gallons of chemical weapons agents, 48 operational missiles, 30 warheads specifically fitted for chemical and biological weapons, and a massive biological weapons facility at Al Hakam equipped to produce anthrax and other deadly agents.

"It is obvious that there is an attempt here, based on the whole history of this operation since 1991, to protect whatever remains of his capacity to produce weapons of mass destruction, the missiles to deliver them, and the feed stocks necessary to produce them." - Bill Clinton, Feb. 16, 1998
How come you rightwing neanderthals aren't talking about this story this morning?
Megyn ain't Cheney's bitch, so you shouldn't be either. Where's Politicalchic today?
Let the disowning of the Fox News Primetime Darling begin! (cackle...cackle...snort)

Megyn Kelly to Dick Cheney: Wrong, sir

6/19/14 6:35 AM EDT
FOX News’ Megyn Kelly had some tough questions for former Vice President Dick Cheney on Wednesday night, after he and his daughter, Liz, offered a scathing review of the Obama administration’s foreign policy.

“In your op-ed [in the Wall Street Journal], you write as follows: ‘Rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many,” Kelly said on her show “The Kelly File.” “But time and time again, history has proven that you got it wrong as well sir.”

Read more: Megyn Kelly to Dick Cheney: Wrong, sir - Kendall Breitman -

KELLY: You mentioned that, you know, the status of forces agreement and President Obama has taken a lot of heat for not negotiating that with Maliki. However, critics point out that it was President Bush who did sign the deal that said we'd get all U.S. forces out of there by the end of 2011.

D. CHENEY: With a status forces agreement for a stay behind force.

KELLY: And when the President -- our current president sought to renegotiate that, al Maliki didn't want it, that's what the President's defenders say. That he tried, he wanted to keep some stay behind forces that would protect the gains our troops had made, but Maliki made it too tough.

D. CHENEY: No, that's not quite accurate, Megyn. What happened was our generals recommended a stay behind forces from 14,000 to 18,000. The White House rejected it. So the military came back with the recommendation of 10,000. The White House rejected it. They took it all the way down to 3,000. I think by the time they got to the level, the Iraqis looked at it. And believed that we weren't serious, that Obama was absolutely committed to completely withdraw from Iraq, and they were unable to come to an agreement, but I think in part because the Iraqis didn't think he really wanted one and he certainly didn't push it. We have agreements like that with 40 nations around the world. They should have been able to come to an agreement with the Iraqis, and I think that failure to do so is what has precipitated the current crisis.

So it was Obama who decided to change what Bush had signed for, and dump the stay-behind force that Bush wanted, to help Iraq keep all the gains our troops had made?

We still have large U.S. troop forced in Germany, Japan, Italy, and Korea, expressly to make sure those countries didn't go back to the way they were before we fought them. Iraq seems to be the only major country where we pulled all our troops out almost immediately... and now we're seeing the result.
Cheney was president?

That's actually a good question.

Since he had filed for 5 deferments during the war in Viet Nam he couldn't endure the criticism that would bring in a presidential campaign. So he positioned himself to be the wizard behind the curtain in Bush's "Oz".

Oh. Now I understand your posts.

They still are childish and non factual.....but I get it now.

You are a far left conspiracist.

Good for you.

Really now? If I am all that what does that make you?

If this was a lie (below) then I think Cheney would have had a hell of a law suit, but he didn't contest this. Why?

Cheney's Five Draft Deferments During the Vietnam Era Emerge as a Campaign Issue
Published: May 1, 2004

"""But by 1963, ferment in Vietnam was rising. Mr. Cheney enrolled in Casper Community College in January 1963 — he turned 22 that month — and sought his first student deferment on March 20, according to records from the Selective Service System. After transferring to the University of Wyoming at Laramie, he sought his second student deferment on July 23, 1963.

On Aug. 7, 1964, Congress approved the Gulf of Tonkin resolution, which allowed President Lyndon B. Johnson to use unlimited military force in Vietnam. The war escalated rapidly from there.

Just 22 days later, Mr. Cheney married his high school sweetheart, Lynne. He sought his third student deferment on Oct. 14, 1964.

In May 1965, Mr. Cheney graduated from college and his draft status changed to 1-A. But he was married, which offered him some protection.

In July, President Johnson announced that he was doubling the number of men drafted. The number of inductions soared, to 382,010 in 1966 from 230,991 in 1965 and 112,386 in 1964.

Mr. Cheney obtained his fourth deferment when he started graduate school at the University of Wyoming on Nov. 1, 1965.

On Oct. 6, 1965, the Selective Service lifted its ban against drafting married men who had no children. Nine months and two days later, Mr. Cheney's first daughter, Elizabeth, was born. On Jan. 19, 1966, when his wife was about 10 weeks pregnant, Mr. Cheney applied for 3-A status, the "hardship" exemption, which excluded men with children or dependent parents. It was granted.

In January 1967, Mr. Cheney turned 26 and was no longer eligible for the draft."""

Cheney' - s Five Draft Deferments During the Vietnam Era Emerge as a Campaign Issue -

Cheney is nothing but a big pussy draft dodger, plain n' simple. Didn't want to serve his country and point a gun at anyone. He prefers shooting his friends on hunting trips.
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KELLY: You mentioned that, you know, the status of forces agreement and President Obama has taken a lot of heat for not negotiating that with Maliki. However, critics point out that it was President Bush who did sign the deal that said we'd get all U.S. forces out of there by the end of 2011.

D. CHENEY: With a status forces agreement for a stay behind force.

KELLY: And when the President -- our current president sought to renegotiate that, al Maliki didn't want it, that's what the President's defenders say. That he tried, he wanted to keep some stay behind forces that would protect the gains our troops had made, but Maliki made it too tough.

D. CHENEY: No, that's not quite accurate, Megyn. What happened was our generals recommended a stay behind forces from 14,000 to 18,000. The White House rejected it. So the military came back with the recommendation of 10,000. The White House rejected it. They took it all the way down to 3,000. I think by the time they got to the level, the Iraqis looked at it. And believed that we weren't serious, that Obama was absolutely committed to completely withdraw from Iraq, and they were unable to come to an agreement, but I think in part because the Iraqis didn't think he really wanted one and he certainly didn't push it. We have agreements like that with 40 nations around the world. They should have been able to come to an agreement with the Iraqis, and I think that failure to do so is what has precipitated the current crisis.

So it was Obama who decided to change what Bush had signed for, and dump the stay-behind force that Bush wanted, to help Iraq keep all the gains our troops had made?

We still have large U.S. troop forced in Germany, Japan, Italy, and Korea, expressly to make sure those countries didn't go back to the way they were before we fought them. Iraq seems to be the only major country where we pulled all our troops out almost immediately... and now we're seeing the result.

What part of abiding by an international treaty do you not get?

U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement
The U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement (official name: Agreement Between the United States of America and the Republic of Iraq On the Withdrawal of United States Forces from Iraq and the Organization of Their Activities during Their Temporary Presence in Iraq) was a status of forces agreement (SOFA) between Iraq and the United States, signed by President George W. Bush in 2008. It established that U.S. combat forces would withdraw from Iraqi cities by June 30, 2009, and all U.S. forces will be completely out of Iraq by December 31, 2011."""

U.S.?Iraq Status of Forces Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
6/19/14 6:35 AM EDT
FOX News’ Megyn Kelly had some tough questions for former Vice President Dick Cheney on Wednesday night, after he and his daughter, Liz, offered a scathing review of the Obama administration’s foreign policy.

“In your op-ed [in the Wall Street Journal], you write as follows: ‘Rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many,” Kelly said on her show “The Kelly File.” “But time and time again, history has proven that you got it wrong as well sir.”

Do you remember the post-election coverage on Fox in 2012 when Ms. Kelly snapped at Carl Rove and even pulled a live cameraman back into the hallways of the Fox inner complex to corner her producers and accost them as to how they screwed up the polling or the coverage...I forget exactly why but Megyn was PISSED OFF at Carl Rove.

Poor thing. She's quite naive or at least fancies that she could actually have a career as an impartial journalist at Fox. She had some sudden "time off" back in 2012 after her open confrontation with Rove. And she may be heading for some more. Cheney doesn't consent to anything as a matter of grace. The fact that he sat with Kelly and gave her a chance to berate him too should scare and not delight her. I sense a sacrafice and a message sent at Fox to anyone else who doesn't tow the Cheney line.

I could be wrong. Stay tuned... [my respect for Megyn Kelly skyrocketed after her live attack on Rove and her producers at Fox that night in 2012. It's what Chris Christie would've done. It was uncommon valor; a thing we should be promoting and rewarding]

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