Back to the stone age! Machine counting ballots on the chopping block.

Exactly.The point is most these “conservatives” know this election fraud scam is a lie. What they really want is to undo American democracy.

"undo American Democracy"

Let's see if I have this right. Those who want adequate oversight of our voting system to help ensure the actual will of the people is represented are being accused of undoing American Democracy by Stalinists such as yourself who only care that your fellow Stalinists are placed into power.

Orwell must be rolling in his grave.
There will be a day when all the dead will rise according to the bible. I think Revelations was talking about a day in Nov 2022
Declare @bidenwins int

Set @bidenwins = (Select Trumpvote from ballots where not isnull(bubblefilled,0))

The above SQL code adds a vote to biden each time it finds a Trump vote.

Two lines of code.

What was your point?

What you have provided is a snippet of code that performs an algorithm. Good job so far.

Okay, now tell can the algorithm be manipulated to produce a false result, i.e. a result different than what was intended by the algorithm in the first place?

Because, as best as I can tell, there would be no way to manipulate your little algorithm here. The algorithm will perform exactly the same, every single time.
"undo American Democracy"

Let's see if I have this right. Those who want adequate oversight of our voting system to help ensure the actual will of the people is represented are being accused of undoing American Democracy by Stalinists such as yourself who only care that your fellow Stalinists are placed into power.

Orwell must be rolling in his grave.
Our voting system already has adequate oversight. What republicans want is a result that matches their foregone conclusion.
Really, you support capital punishment for all those that engaged in insurrection against the United States of America on 1/6? These subversives should be in jail, but not sure about capital punishment.

I know you Nazis seek death for any who protest against your filthy Reich.

Fun Facts.

Number of fires set by democrat brown shirts of BLM in 2020 - 2,176
Number of fires set by protesters at the 1/6 Reichstag fire - 0

Number of police murdered by democrat brown shirts of BLM in 2020 - 39
Number of police murder by protesters at the 1/6 Reichstag fire - 0

Number of firearms used by democrat brown shirts of BLM during their insurrection - over 1,000
Number of firearms used by protesters at the 1/6 Reichstag fire - 0

Number of Rapes at the democrat insurrection of CHAZ - 19
Number of Rapes by protesters at the 1/6 Reichstag fire - 0 - oh come on, Conservatives don't RAPE people, only democrats do that - unfair question

Number of prosecutions for the riots and insurrection by the democrat brown shirts of BLM - 0
Number of prosecutions for protesting against democrats on 1/6 - over 700
I know you Nazis seek death for any who protest against your filthy Reich.

Fun Facts.

Number of fires set by democrat brown shirts of BLM in 2020 - 2,176
Number of fires set by protesters at the 1/6 Reichstag fire - 0

Number of police murdered by democrat brown shirts of BLM in 2020 - 39
Number of police murder by protesters at the 1/6 Reichstag fire - 0

Number of firearms used by democrat brown shirts of BLM during their insurrection - over 1,000
Number of firearms used by protesters at the 1/6 Reichstag fire - 0

Number of Rapes at the democrat insurrection of CHAZ - 19
Number of Rapes by protesters at the 1/6 Reichstag fire - 0 - oh come on, Conservatives don't RAPE people, only democrats do that - unfair question

Number of prosecutions for the riots and insurrection by the democrat brown shirts of BLM - 0
Number of prosecutions for protesting against democrats on 1/6 - over 700
These uneducated authoritarians all have one trait in common -- they believe the ends justifies the means.

The ends happen to be one party rule with their party in total control of all facets of American life. They will support anything to achieve this objective.
I know you Nazis seek death for any who protest against your filthy Reich.

Fun Facts.

Number of fires set by democrat brown shirts of BLM in 2020 - 2,176
Number of fires set by protesters at the 1/6 Reichstag fire - 0

Number of police murdered by democrat brown shirts of BLM in 2020 - 39
Number of police murder by protesters at the 1/6 Reichstag fire - 0

Number of firearms used by democrat brown shirts of BLM during their insurrection - over 1,000
Number of firearms used by protesters at the 1/6 Reichstag fire - 0

Number of Rapes at the democrat insurrection of CHAZ - 19
Number of Rapes by protesters at the 1/6 Reichstag fire - 0 - oh come on, Conservatives don't RAPE people, only democrats do that - unfair question

Number of prosecutions for the riots and insurrection by the democrat brown shirts of BLM - 0
Number of prosecutions for protesting against democrats on 1/6 - over 700
Save me your Nazi bullshit, Colonel Klink. You’re the biggest damn Nazi on this board with your Goebbelesce posts. Even now you posts are beyond idiotic. The “Brown shirts“ are the ones seeking to violently halt the peaceful transfer of power.

But of course you are insane so I wouldn’t expect you to understand that.

I do give you credit for being able to type while you’re in your straightjacket!
Sure, you Nazis can and do rig our elections.

Obviously you want no more oversight.

DUH, you care only about power for your Reich.
I don't care about more oversight as long as it's non partisan. The problem is you people who will continue to make voting more burdensome and the counting more partisan every time you lose.
Gather round kiddies - is BIG LIE TIME!

Here's 143,379 illegal ballots, that you lie about.

View attachment 621461
While I understand your sentiment, there is the problem of proof in court. So far, you people have either found none or been too stupid to get it in front of a judge, so normal people that didn't ride the short bus as a child, do not believe you anymore.
Its a little more than simply counting the ballots

a simple optical reader cannot be hacked

but a complicated ballot processor that can be hacked is what democrats really want

I'm not sure what kind of machines, or distinctions between machines, you're hypothesizing. But I agree that election security relies on machines that are resistant or immune to surreptitious tampering.

One of the most important keys to this, IMO, is offline machines. Anything kind of network access is an inherent risk, in and of itself. A secure ballot machine will only be able to be accessed from itself.

Tamper seals are important as well. Access to the hardware where the programming code resides should only be possible through sealed access points that have documentable tamper seals. These are usually numbered, and detailed logs are kept, typically requiring multiple people to sign off every time a seal is removed and replaced.

I tell ya, everyone should volunteer to be an election judge a few times in their lives. It's so informative to see how the whole process works, how detailed and complex it is. It really gives you an appreciation for how great this country is and everything that goes into protecting the integrity of our free, fair, open elections.
I don't care about more oversight as long as it's non partisan. The problem is you people who will continue to make voting more burdensome and the counting more partisan every time you lose.
The fact is this in a nutshell.

God Almighty himself could count the vote, and if it goes against the result that these so-called conservatives want, they will cry voter fraud.

What you have provided is a snippet of code that performs an algorithm. Good job so far.

Okay, now tell can the algorithm be manipulated to produce a false result, i.e. a result different than what was intended by the algorithm in the first place?

Because, as best as I can tell, there would be no way to manipulate your little algorithm here. The algorithm will perform exactly the same, every single time.

Well, that's why you did porn instead of something which required intellect.

The code shows how votes can be changed, dumbass.
Jesus Christ himself could count the vote, and if it goes against the result that these so-called conservatives want, they will cry voter fraud.

There go the liberals with their dead voters again.
You just ignore all evidence - because you fully support election fraud as long as it gives power to your Reich.
What evidence? Despite the various minor irregularities all this digging has uncovered you still can't say how that translates into Biden cheating. You're talking about a vote rigging operation orders of magnitude larger than anything on record. A conspiracy of thousands of people of both parties involved and no one is talking, no one got caught. It's too big to be believable.
Well, that's why you did porn instead of something which required intellect.

The code shows how votes can be changed, dumbass.

The claim was that an algorithm can be manipulated. The question is, how would one manipulate an algorithm?

I don't think there is any doubt at all that it would be easy to write a snippet of code that would wrongly count ballots instead of correctly counting them. So, are you saying that your concern is that the code itself cannot be trusted? Do you feel that there are inadequate safeguards to ensure that the programming used is reliable?

Because that would be a different thing than manipulating an existing algorithm.
The claim was that an algorithm can be manipulated. The question is, how would one manipulate an algorithm?

I don't think there is any doubt at all that it would be easy to write a snippet of code that would wrongly count ballots instead of correctly counting them. So, are you saying that your concern is that the code itself cannot be trusted? Do you feel that there are inadequate safeguards to ensure that the programming used is reliable?

Because that would be a different thing than manipulating an existing algorithm.
This goes back to voting machine companies keeping their operating systems secret. Open source code on standardized machines would solve this problem. Put the whole thing online and offer large bounties to anyone who can hack the voting machine, change a single vote and get out undetected.

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