Back to the stone age! Machine counting ballots on the chopping block.

No, Stormy, it is you who don't seem to understand. Algorithms CHANGE things.

That's what they do.

So why would you need to change a tabulation?


Not all algorithms change things. An algorithm is nothing more than sequence of well-defined instructions. Tabulating machines have to have an algorithm so they know where to put the tally for each bubble they read.
Personally, I'm all for this. No, not that I think it's a good idea. But if a few states out there want to go back to a slow and costly counting of all the ballots by hand, then let them make fools of themselves. It's going to be all the more hilarious if it really does become a big time deep red state phenomenon where all the morons who were whining about the last election taking so long to determine have to spend weeks watching their state continue counting ballots after final results have been projected.

The silly thing about it is that usually, the ballots are all counted by hand anyway. Most local election boards spend the time between elections doing a full hand audit of the last election. Having the machines simply allows everything to be done faster and less expensively.

Trump backers push election change that would make counting slower, costlier and less accurate

You couldn't pay me enough to count scantron ballots by hand
...and illegal voting should be a capital offense.
So far, the only people caught casting illegal ballots have been 98% Republican. You want to see all those republicans put to death, though their illegal votes could not change a precinct, much less a state or the national election?
Really, you support capital punishment for all those that engaged in insurrection against the United States of America on 1/6? These subversives should be in jail, but not sure about capital punishment.
You're funny. Keep it up with all the free puerile entertainment.
Not all algorithms change things. An algorithm is nothing more than sequence of well-defined instructions. Tabulating machines have to have an algorithm so they know where to put the tally for each bubble they read.

No, they don't. A tabulation machine has as many keys as there are candidates. Key one candidate one, key two candidate two. Etc.

Where is the operating instruction?


It's in our fucking face.

When confirmed video of ballot box stuffing is presented, how do you react? Do you smile that Reich troops are ensuring the rule by the party?

We don't lack proof, we're buried in proof. We have you Nazis and your lying fuck press who support election fraud.


FACT 1: OpenDataPA allowed anyone to download the Mail Ballot Request CSV database showing the life cycle of every mail-in/absentee ballot, which PA periodically updates.

FACT 2: There have been 4 known versions up this database so far. A Nov 6th Version, Nov 10th Version, Nov 16th Version, and Dec 16th Version. The changes between versions were never disclosed to the public.

FACT 3: Access to the database was blocked on November 21st after viral videos drew public attention and then were unblocked on November 25th after Pennsylvania certified Vice President Joe Biden on November 24th.

FACT 4: On December 3rd, HereIsTheEvidence released the HereIsTheEvidence Analyzer to enable anyone (including journalists) to verify/find anomalies in election data.

The HereIsTheEvidence Analyzer was applied to the December 16th dataset and this is what was found:​

1. 161,774 mail-in ballot records were changed between Nov 10th version and the Dec 16th Version. Of the changes, 116,840 ballots were given new return dates.

2. 69,004 ballots were marked “Returned” after November 3rd.

3. 19,660 ballots were marked “Returned” after November 6th.

4. Counties allowed new ballots to be filled out after the election.

5. OpenDataPA has a visualizer to explore the current dataset, but it hides ballots received after November 3rd.

6. As laid out in the Texas lawsuit, Pennsylvania’s mail-in ballot anomalies at 118,426 affected ballots. The anomalies from this December 16th version shows:
  • 161,774 records have alterations
    • Of these alterations:
      • 116,840 were Returned Dates changes
      • 69,004 were marked “Returned” after Nov 3rd
      • 19,660 were marked “Returned” after Nov 6th
  • 13,450 ballots have been deleted since Nov 10th
  • 10,415 Return Date with no Mail Date
  • 5,052 Applications Returned after Ballot Mailed
  • 1,034 Applications Approved after Application Returned

Totaling: 191,725 mail-in ballots were touched by alterations, illegality, or anomalies according to

In Pennsylvania’s response to the Texas lawsuit, they did not address the mail-in ballot anomalies.

Mail-in ballots touched by alterations, illegality, or anomalies in Pennsylvania​

I didn't read any of that because there is still not a plausible theory that can account for Biden's margin of victory. Cheating that big would be obvious to even the most skeptical observer.
I didn't read any of that because there is still not a plausible theory that can account for Biden's margin of victory. Cheating that big would be obvious to even the most skeptical observer.

Yeah, that's why 80% of the electorate KNOWS they cheated you retard.
Not all algorithms change things. An algorithm is nothing more than sequence of well-defined instructions. Tabulating machines have to have an algorithm so they know where to put the tally for each bubble they read.

Add algorithm to the long list of concepts Trolling Traitor doesn't understand.

Algorithm: : a procedure for solving a mathematical problem (as of finding the greatest common divisor) in a finite number of steps that frequently involves repetition of an operation

broadly : a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem or accomplishing some end

A decision tree by nature "changes things" as it has to know which accumulator is incremented based on the input.
No, they don't. A tabulation machine has as many keys as there are candidates. Key one candidate one, key two candidate two. Etc.

Where is the operating instruction?


This is a tabulation machine used for voting. The machine scans the ballot and then tabulates the results. There has to be instructions to tell it what to do with what it is scanning.

Yeah, that's why 80% of the electorate KNOWS they cheated you retard.
But you still can't say how it was all managed. It's all just a feeling you have. It's the same feeling you get when your team loses and you blame the officials.
This is a tabulation machine used for voting. The machine scans the ballot and then tabulates the results. There has to be instructions to tell it what to do with what it is scanning.

Yeah, I know how fraudulent ones work, idiot. People have been warning about them for decades.

But you still can't say how it was all managed. It's all just a feeling you have. It's the same feeling you get when your team loses and you blame the officials.

Sure we can. A good chunk of it is above. Read it.

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