Bachmann: Americans fear 'rise of Soviet Union'

Again, those were flubs already made. There have been threads acknowledging them. What I find very interesting is the same people who laughed at President Obama's 57 state flub and Joe Biden's FDR flub refuse to even dare criticize or laugh at Bachmann's.

Who says she flubbed at all?

You attack because you are a partisan, not because there is any merit to your claim.

Eye on Russia: Russia's*resurgence -

Even CNN fears a reemergence of the Soviet Empire.
Did you read that article? doesn't say anybody should be afraid of Russia.
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This article doesn't say Russia is a threat to the US. So what if Cheney and Bush were, or are, afraid of Putin. And screw Georgia...that's none of our business.

Whether you (or I) agree with Bachmann's conclusion is irrelevant. The partisan hacks attempted to use the "She Stoopud" slander. My only point is that she has a basis for her statement - it isn't stupidity, regardless of whether you agree with her assessment.
This article doesn't say Russia is a threat to the US. So what if Cheney and Bush were, or are, afraid of Putin. And screw Georgia...that's none of our business.

Whether you (or I) agree with Bachmann's conclusion is irrelevant. The partisan hacks attempted to use the "She Stoopud" slander. My only point is that she has a basis for her statement - it isn't stupidity, regardless of whether you agree with her assessment.
Why do you think Bachmann is qualified?...or I guess I should you?

She's been in politics less time than Obama. She's never run a business, that business that she co-owned with her husband was run by him. She spent most of her time at home raising all those foster kids because her husband told her she had to, and she obeyed. So no executive experience, no business experience.......wha????
Why do you think Bachmann is qualified?...or I guess I should you?

Whether I think she qualified or not is irrelevant to this thread. The basis of Modbert's claim is pure slander. Trashing the opposition, nothing more.

I have not voted for a Republican for president since Ronald Reagan. At this time, Herman Cain is the only candidate who would change that pattern.
Again, those were flubs already made. There have been threads acknowledging them. What I find very interesting is the same people who laughed at President Obama's 57 state flub and Joe Biden's FDR flub refuse to even dare criticize or laugh at Bachmann's.

Who says she flubbed at all?

You attack because you are a partisan, not because there is any merit to your claim.

Eye on Russia: Russia's*resurgence -

Even CNN fears a reemergence of the Soviet Empire.
Did you read that article? doesn't say anybody should be afraid of Russia.

You DO NOT want to bring up facts around upsets and confuses him.
Bachmann: Americans fear 'rise of Soviet Union'

GOP presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann said today that Americans "fear the rise of the Soviet Union" during an appearance on a conservative radio talk show.

The Soviet Union broke up into 15 separate republics 20 years ago. Boris Yeltsin was the first freely elected leader of Russia, the largest of those republics.

"What people recognize is that there's a fear that the United States is in an unstoppable decline. They see the rise of China, the rise of India, the rise of the Soviet Union and our loss militarily going forward," Bachmann said on Jay Sekulow's radio show.


I'd say that most Americans fear the rise of the Tea Party... because let's see, you can't be a progressive(they're the enemy), you can't be a Moderate(they're just the enemy in sheep's clothing), you can't be a libertarian(because they're weird), you can't be a poor(fucking tics on the ass of society), you can't be gay(they're an abomination), you CAN be of a different race(Officially... Unofficially? not so much).

If there's any cause for concern about Jack boots and goose's them.
I'm reminded of Ford's assertion in his debate against Carter that "There is no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe and there never will be under a Ford administration..." In both cases the quotes were made by people elected to the House of Representatives who failed or will probably fail to be elected to higher office.
Bachmann: Americans fear 'rise of Soviet Union'
GOP presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann said today that Americans "fear the rise of the Soviet Union" during an appearance on a conservative radio talk show.

The Soviet Union broke up into 15 separate republics 20 years ago. Boris Yeltsin was the first freely elected leader of Russia, the largest of those republics.
Bachmann: Americans fear 'rise of Soviet Union'

GOP presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann said today that Americans "fear the rise of the Soviet Union" during an appearance on a conservative radio talk show.

The Soviet Union broke up into 15 separate republics 20 years ago. Boris Yeltsin was the first freely elected leader of Russia, the largest of those republics.

"What people recognize is that there's a fear that the United States is in an unstoppable decline. They see the rise of China, the rise of India, the rise of the Soviet Union and our loss militarily going forward," Bachmann said on Jay Sekulow's radio show.


pretty whacky, she should have made the point that putin is after all a Checkist and is creating his own soviet style nation sans the "union"....dumb.
Bachmann: Americans fear 'rise of Soviet Union'

GOP presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann said today that Americans "fear the rise of the Soviet Union" during an appearance on a conservative radio talk show.

The Soviet Union broke up into 15 separate republics 20 years ago. Boris Yeltsin was the first freely elected leader of Russia, the largest of those republics.

"What people recognize is that there's a fear that the United States is in an unstoppable decline. They see the rise of China, the rise of India, the rise of the Soviet Union and our loss militarily going forward," Bachmann said on Jay Sekulow's radio show.

LOL! Well you see, here's the deal: While Obama was spending $200M a day in India, making sure that only one drilling permit was granted all year so that gay people could be cured with prayer, the Founding Fathers abolished Russian slavery on Elvis' birthday!

The woman just can't help but have the stupid come falling out every times she opens her mouth!

This post brought to you by someone who has posted Biden gaffes, started threads about how Obama sucks as a president, Obamacare is evil, unions are evil, and named at least two Conservative Women he would support as presidential candidates. In other words, the whackjobs will now claim I'm a "Liberal who just hates strong conservative women":lol: (Someday they'll understand: It's not the woman part, not the Conservative part - it's the stupid...)
Whackmann and Eskimo Barbie are great! They bring so much hope to Democrats and so much laughter to the rest of us.
Bachmann: Americans fear 'rise of Soviet Union'

GOP presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann said today that Americans "fear the rise of the Soviet Union" during an appearance on a conservative radio talk show.

The Soviet Union broke up into 15 separate republics 20 years ago. Boris Yeltsin was the first freely elected leader of Russia, the largest of those republics.

"What people recognize is that there's a fear that the United States is in an unstoppable decline. They see the rise of China, the rise of India, the rise of the Soviet Union and our loss militarily going forward," Bachmann said on Jay Sekulow's radio show.


There is no CCCP
Clearly her ignorance and stupidity are infinite.


She’s showing her contempt for the American people by trying to exploit their fear.

Either way yet more compelling evidence as to her being unfit to serve as president.

Note I'm not referring to a 'flub,' rather the idiocy and ignorance exhibited by the statement in full.

She must have been reading Texas history books

heh...Nominee for post of the year award – well done.

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