Bachman: John Quincy Adams - Founding father at nine years old.

Yes, if only she used the words founding father and not forebearer.

Keep up the good liberal fight though. It's absolutely riveting.


She did use the word "secretary". She said this 9 year old worked as his father's secretary.

My, what a "bright" child. Such a child would never be allowed to stay in today's Republican Party. Too much of an "elitist" and an "intellectual". Pity.
How many posters believe the founding fathers worked tirelessly to end slavery in America?

Those who defend Bachmann.

Ms. Bachmann is truly an ignorant twit.

But she does have 23 "foster" children. All teenage girls who now know how to cook, clean and baby sit her children. But they aren't doing it for free. They get food and a place to live.

Wonder how much the state pays?

But it is nice to employ so many. I really am applauding her for that. Taking these girls and teaching them a trade.
Trash what? She was given a chance to walk that back. She didn't. She wanted to make the point that the founding fathers worked tirelessly to end slavery. They didn't. Many of the major ones died owning slaves. And I say that knowing they were the "Liberals" of the time.

She didn't say he was a founding father. She called him a forebearer, which is different, and accurate.

You want to really not concede that you messed this one up because you didn't actually read her quote?

Go to 1:05.

She ABSOLUTELY says he's a founding father.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Bachmann Spars with Stephanopoulos over whether John Quincy Adams was a "Founding Father"‬‏[/ame]

That is what you are referring to?

She specifically talks about John Quincy Adams working with his father, who was a founding father.

She calls him a young boy.
She didn't say he was a founding father. She called him a forebearer, which is different, and accurate.

You want to really not concede that you messed this one up because you didn't actually read her quote?

Go to 1:05.

She ABSOLUTELY says he's a founding father.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Bachmann Spars with Stephanopoulos over whether John Quincy Adams was a "Founding Father"‬‏[/ame]

That is what you are referring to?

She specifically talks about John Quincy Adams working with his father, who was a founding father.

She calls him a young boy.

She says he was a FOUNDING FATHER.

Why can't you people ever admit you are wrong?
She didn't say he was a founding father. She called him a forebearer, which is different, and accurate.

You want to really not concede that you messed this one up because you didn't actually read her quote?

Go to 1:05.

She ABSOLUTELY says he's a founding father.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Bachmann Spars with Stephanopoulos over whether John Quincy Adams was a "Founding Father"‬‏[/ame]

That is what you are referring to?

She specifically talks about John Quincy Adams working with his father, who was a founding father.

She calls him a young boy.

Did the founding fathers work tirelessly to end slavery in America?

That is what you are referring to?

She specifically talks about John Quincy Adams working with his father, who was a founding father.

She calls him a young boy.

Did the founding fathers work tirelessly to end slavery in America?

Absolutely not.

That is what you are referring to?

She specifically talks about John Quincy Adams working with his father, who was a founding father.

She calls him a young boy.

She says he was a FOUNDING FATHER.

Why can't you people ever admit you are wrong?

Sure. She thinks he is a founding father at 9. Or perhaps she couldn't articulate herself well as Stephanopoulos goes after her.

If she wasn't articulate, I couldn't care less.

I don't think she would be in the position she is in if she were stupid.

You can underestimate and ridicule her all you would like. I don't think she'll lose sleep knowing she hasn't captured your ever important vote.
Some of the founding fathers were vehemently opposed to slavery. Some were not. Is that the point of this thread?

Are libs going to start in with blacks were only considered 3/5ths a person?
Joe Biden: FDR: President and on television in 1929 .

oh hell yeah, classic, I'll always remember that and, the best imho- W- 'strategery' forever, in fact I use the word whenever I can, never fails to get a laugh.:lol:

Well... the word Radio could easily have been misspoken as Television when you think about the fact that TV has pretty much taken over the media world(except on RW Radio, that is). FDR was the first to address the Nation with "Fireside Chats" on the airwaves. However... it was a gaff on Biden's part.

But the simple fact is, no one butchers history and claims it as "the way the Country Should be run" better than Tea Party Candidates.
She did use the word "secretary". She said this 9 year old worked as his father's secretary.

My, what a "bright" child. Such a child would never be allowed to stay in today's Republican Party. Too much of an "elitist" and an "intellectual". Pity.

Not when he was nine, dipstick. He was nine when the Declaration of Independence was signed. He was 20 when the Constitution was ratified.
Here is her quote, since you are too ashamed to post it and would rather deliberately perpetuate a lie.

"I think it is high time that we recognize the contribution of our forbearers who worked tirelessly--men like John Quincy Adams, who would not rest until slavery was extinguished in the country," Bachmann said.

ZOMG!!! Bachmann said foreskin!

The Left is as bankrupt as they've left this country.
Joe Biden: FDR: President and on television in 1929 .

oh hell yeah, classic, I'll always remember that and, the best imho- W- 'strategery' forever, in fact I use the word whenever I can, never fails to get a laugh.:lol:

Well... the word Radio could easily have been misspoken as Television when you think about the fact that TV has pretty much taken over the media world(except on RW Radio, that is). FDR was the first to address the Nation with "Fireside Chats" on the airwaves. However... it was a gaff on Biden's part.

But the simple fact is, no one butchers history and claims it as "the way the Country Should be run" better than Tea Party Candidates.

"there's no possibility to restore 8 million jobs lost in the Great Recession." -- Joe Biden
Some of the founding fathers were vehemently opposed to slavery. Some were not. Is that the point of this thread?

Are libs going to start in with blacks were only considered 3/5ths a person?

Which founding fathers won out in the making of the Constitution, the vehemently opposed or the not vehemently opposed?

Blacks weren't considered 3/5ths of a person? Was this good or bad?

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