Obama's problem with the economy, he's asking the arsonists to help put out the fire.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
Obama didn't cause this mess..Conservative Republicans have. And they refuse..absolutely refuse..to take any responsibility at all for it. They fucked up. Simple as that. They totally own it. Simple as that.

Obama, has for the most part, made a major mistake in:

A. Not attaching any responsibility to the private sector while bailing them out.
B. Didn't vigorously pursue the wrong doers in both the public and private sectors.

And not doing these things have only deepened the problem. In fact..it's given power to the very people who started the meltdown in the economy.

Obama's developed a "Charlie Brown and Lucy" relationship with Republicans. In that they "pretend" to work with him..and then they walk away with the football when Obama goes fully to their side.

-They started a deficit reduction commission, then disowned when Obama wanted to use their suggestions.
-Obama adopted every single provision for the stimulus that Republicans put in..from cutting it in half to making that half, halved again as they suggested in it the form of tax cuts. Then didn't vote for it.
-Absolutely refusing to raise the Debt ceiling after they raised the debt ceiling 19 times for George W. Bush, resulting in 4 trillion dollars of spending.

George W. Bush came into office with 180 billion dollars in surplus and left with over 13 trillion dollars in debt. He fucked up. He owns the whole enchilada. And it isn't the first time a fucking conservative fucked up so royally.

It's high time to get the arsonists out of the fucking way..and send in the REAL firefighters.


They don't like yoiu.
They never will.
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Bush was a great president, maybe the best but it was just them darn Democrats that fucked it allllll up... Do you see how moronic you sound?
Obama didn't cause this mess..Conservative Republicans have. And they refuse..absolutely refuse..to take any responsibility at all for it. They fucked up. Simple as that. They totally own it. Simple as that.

Obama, has for the most part, made a major mistake in:

A. Not attaching any responsibility to the private sector while bailing them out.
B. Didn't vigorously pursue the wrong doers in both the public and private sectors.

And not doing these things have only deepened the problem. In fact..it's given power to the very people who started the meltdown in the economy.

Obama's developed a "Charlie Brown and Lucy" relationship with Republicans. In that they "pretend" to work with him..and then they walk away with the football when Obama goes fully to their side.

-They started a deficit reduction commission, then disowned when Obama wanted to use their suggestions.
-Obama adopted every single provision for the stimulus that Republicans put in..from cutting it in half to making that half, halved again as they suggested in it the form of tax cuts. Then didn't vote for it.
-Absolutely refusing to raise the Debt ceiling after they raised the debt ceiling 19 times for George W. Bush, resulting in 4 trillion dollars of spending.

George W. Bush came into office with 180 billion dollars in surplus and left with over 13 trillion dollars in debt. He fucked up. He owns the whole enchilada. And it isn't the first time a fucking conservative fucked up so royally.

It's high time to get the arsonists out of the fucking way..and send in the REAL firefighters.


They don't like yoiu.
They never will.

What a fantastic analogy.
If he's not part of the solution, then he is part of the problem.


Obama ran as the "Washington outsider" and became the biggest Washington insider like ever... Thanks for pointing that out Swallow, maybe Obama will realize he has been selling out this whole time and change his ways after he reads your thread.
Bush was a great president, maybe the best but it was just them darn Democrats that fucked it allllll up... Do you see how moronic you sound?

He was great at getting Americans killed and melting down the economy.

Something conservatives fully support.:clap2:

Which is why they were pissed that Osama was offed..and Gaddafi's in the gun sites.
this thread is chalk full of stupid. swallow, theres only one thing to say:

Obama didn't cause this mess..Conservative Republicans have. And they refuse..absolutely refuse..to take any responsibility at all for it. They fucked up. Simple as that. They totally own it. Simple as that.

Obama, has for the most part, made a major mistake in:

A. Not attaching any responsibility to the private sector while bailing them out.
B. Didn't vigorously pursue the wrong doers in both the public and private sectors.

And not doing these things have only deepened the problem. In fact..it's given power to the very people who started the meltdown in the economy.

Obama's developed a "Charlie Brown and Lucy" relationship with Republicans. In that they "pretend" to work with him..and then they walk away with the football when Obama goes fully to their side.

-They started a deficit reduction commission, then disowned when Obama wanted to use their suggestions.
-Obama adopted every single provision for the stimulus that Republicans put in..from cutting it in half to making that half, halved again as they suggested in it the form of tax cuts. Then didn't vote for it.
-Absolutely refusing to raise the Debt ceiling after they raised the debt ceiling 19 times for George W. Bush, resulting in 4 trillion dollars of spending.

George W. Bush came into office with 180 billion dollars in surplus and left with over 13 trillion dollars in debt. He fucked up. He owns the whole enchilada. And it isn't the first time a fucking conservative fucked up so royally.

It's high time to get the arsonists out of the fucking way..and send in the REAL firefighters.


They don't like yoiu.
They never will.

Remember these old Obammy songs?

"Elections have consequences?"

"We Won?"

or how about this old favorite

“After they drove the car into the ditch, made it as difficult as possible for us to pull it back, now they want to keys back. No! You can’t drive..."

Yeah, Obammy and the Dems, they played so nicely with others.

How many budgets has Obama actually passed since getting into office?
Bush was a great president, maybe the best but it was just them darn Democrats that fucked it allllll up... Do you see how moronic you sound?


Obama's big problem is that he's behaving like Ghandi with conservatives when he should be channeling George Patton.
Bush was a great president, maybe the best but it was just them darn Democrats that fucked it allllll up... Do you see how moronic you sound?

He was great at getting Americans killed and melting down the economy.

Something conservatives fully support.:clap2:

Which is why they were pissed that Osama was offed..and Gaddafi's in the gun sites.

It was a joke, Bush was crap ass President you shallow fuck. Now I'll shut up and submit that you have a point when you can find something repealed that Bush passed now that Obama is in powah... In fact I'll make it easy on you, you can use ALL 5 years that Dems have been in power of congress (2 1/2 with Obama) to find some repealing of Bush time polices and I'll let you credit Obama for it....

Go ahead, blow our minds...
Obama didn't cause this mess..Conservative Republicans have. And they refuse..absolutely refuse..to take any responsibility at all for it. They fucked up. Simple as that. They totally own it. Simple as that.

Obama, has for the most part, made a major mistake in:

A. Not attaching any responsibility to the private sector while bailing them out.
B. Didn't vigorously pursue the wrong doers in both the public and private sectors.

And not doing these things have only deepened the problem. In fact..it's given power to the very people who started the meltdown in the economy.

Obama's developed a "Charlie Brown and Lucy" relationship with Republicans. In that they "pretend" to work with him..and then they walk away with the football when Obama goes fully to their side.

-They started a deficit reduction commission, then disowned when Obama wanted to use their suggestions.
-Obama adopted every single provision for the stimulus that Republicans put in..from cutting it in half to making that half, halved again as they suggested in it the form of tax cuts. Then didn't vote for it.
-Absolutely refusing to raise the Debt ceiling after they raised the debt ceiling 19 times for George W. Bush, resulting in 4 trillion dollars of spending.

George W. Bush came into office with 180 billion dollars in surplus and left with over 13 trillion dollars in debt. He fucked up. He owns the whole enchilada. And it isn't the first time a fucking conservative fucked up so royally.

It's high time to get the arsonists out of the fucking way..and send in the REAL firefighters.


They don't like yoiu.
They never will.

Remember these old Obammy songs?

"Elections have consequences?"

"We Won?"

or how about this old favorite

“After they drove the car into the ditch, made it as difficult as possible for us to pull it back, now they want to keys back. No! You can’t drive..."

Yeah, Obammy and the Dems, they played so nicely with others.

How many budgets has Obama actually passed since getting into office?

Wait for it..

57 states.

Come CF..you're getting lazy.
Obama didn't cause this mess..Conservative Republicans have. And they refuse..absolutely refuse..to take any responsibility at all for it. They fucked up. Simple as that. They totally own it. Simple as that.

Obama, has for the most part, made a major mistake in:

A. Not attaching any responsibility to the private sector while bailing them out.
B. Didn't vigorously pursue the wrong doers in both the public and private sectors.

And not doing these things have only deepened the problem. In fact..it's given power to the very people who started the meltdown in the economy.

Obama's developed a "Charlie Brown and Lucy" relationship with Republicans. In that they "pretend" to work with him..and then they walk away with the football when Obama goes fully to their side.

-They started a deficit reduction commission, then disowned when Obama wanted to use their suggestions.
-Obama adopted every single provision for the stimulus that Republicans put in..from cutting it in half to making that half, halved again as they suggested in it the form of tax cuts. Then didn't vote for it.
-Absolutely refusing to raise the Debt ceiling after they raised the debt ceiling 19 times for George W. Bush, resulting in 4 trillion dollars of spending.

George W. Bush came into office with 180 billion dollars in surplus and left with over 13 trillion dollars in debt. He fucked up. He owns the whole enchilada. And it isn't the first time a fucking conservative fucked up so royally.

It's high time to get the arsonists out of the fucking way..and send in the REAL firefighters.


They don't like yoiu.
They never will.

Wrong, it's time to put you overspending, kleptomaniac desperate housewives in the back seat........
Obama didn't cause this mess..Conservative Republicans have. And they refuse..absolutely refuse..to take any responsibility at all for it. They fucked up. Simple as that. They totally own it. Simple as that.

Obama, has for the most part, made a major mistake in:

A. Not attaching any responsibility to the private sector while bailing them out.
B. Didn't vigorously pursue the wrong doers in both the public and private sectors.

And not doing these things have only deepened the problem. In fact..it's given power to the very people who started the meltdown in the economy.

Obama's developed a "Charlie Brown and Lucy" relationship with Republicans. In that they "pretend" to work with him..and then they walk away with the football when Obama goes fully to their side.

-They started a deficit reduction commission, then disowned when Obama wanted to use their suggestions.
-Obama adopted every single provision for the stimulus that Republicans put in..from cutting it in half to making that half, halved again as they suggested in it the form of tax cuts. Then didn't vote for it.
-Absolutely refusing to raise the Debt ceiling after they raised the debt ceiling 19 times for George W. Bush, resulting in 4 trillion dollars of spending.

George W. Bush came into office with 180 billion dollars in surplus and left with over 13 trillion dollars in debt. He fucked up. He owns the whole enchilada. And it isn't the first time a fucking conservative fucked up so royally.

It's high time to get the arsonists out of the fucking way..and send in the REAL firefighters.


They don't like yoiu.
They never will.

by all means yes doing something, anything, like your job mr president.

where is the 2012 budget sallow? maybe needs to get those suckers who are putting up 5 bucks for dinner with him and joe to give him some ideas? :rolleyes:

Its been 2 years now since a budget has been passed, the dems own that lock stock and barrel, so, where is it?

I am sorry can you please show me the links to obama accepting the deficit commissions recommendations, did he use them for the shot down 97-0 thats ZERO senate vote on his plan? so back to square one- the budget oif you please.

this ;

-Obama adopted every single provision for the stimulus that Republicans put in..from cutting it in half to making that half, halved again as they suggested in it the form of tax cuts. Then didn't vote for it.
-Absolutely refusing to raise the Debt ceiling after they raised the debt ceiling 19 times for George W. Bush, resulting in 4 trillion dollars of spending.

this all a pity party, your memory is, well, it is what it is, as usual......you had control of congress at the time when it came to budgetary reconciliations, i.e.e budget, then a supra majority, you didn't need the reps. and they didn't sppt it, thats why you lost the last election. hello......cheese with that whine?

more cheese?
George W. Bush came into office with 180 billion dollars in surplus and left with over 13 trillion dollars in debt. He fucked up. He owns the whole enchilada. And it isn't the first time a fucking conservative fucked up so royally.

and this?
Obama's developed a "Charlie Brown and Lucy" relationship with Republicans. In that they "pretend" to work with him..and then they walk away with the football when Obama goes fully to their side.

take your meds, please.
Bush was a great president, maybe the best but it was just them darn Democrats that fucked it allllll up... Do you see how moronic you sound?


Obama's big problem is that he's behaving like Ghandi with conservatives when he should be channeling George Patton.

Name ONE, a SINGLE filibuster the Reps have done to policies Obama has pushed but not been able to pass.

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