Aye Carumba! Economic prodigy Ocasio-Cortez wants to know how GOP are going to pay for the tax cuts


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
She has a point .

Is the government supposed to run on smiles and sunshine?
Well, the good thing is that we'll see how supply side works. The deficit is ballooning. So, we should expect to see enough of an increase in tax receipts brought on by growth that they will more than "pay for" the tax cuts.

We're paying for this growth and laying it off on our kids, again. Let's see if it ends up paying for itself. If not...
As usual the gop will simply accept a larger deficit because as everyone knows a fine republican once said, Deficits don't matter.
Well, the good thing is that we'll see how supply side works. The deficit is ballooning. So, we should expect to see enough of an increase in tax receipts brought on by growth that they will more than "pay for" the tax cuts.

We're paying for this growth and laying it off on our kids, again. Let's see if it ends up paying for itself. If not...
Supply side =Peon!

No its not a headline at the Onion.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @Ocasio2018

US House candidate, NY-14

The House GOP wants to add *another* $2.4 trillion in tax cuts after already cutting $2 trillion in taxes on corporations & the very rich last December.

You ever notice how no one asks the GOP how *they’re* going to pay for it?

'Sit this one out, CLOWN'! Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez totally FACEPLANTS over GOP tax cuts
Seems they are borrowing money to pay for tax cuts

Who is the stupid one?
It's 'caramba', not 'carumba', but point made. OP doesn't much like a Latina getting so much publicity. Especially a liberal who doesn't believe most of the gains made in our economy need to go the the major corporations and top half of one percenters like most conservatives on this board seem to believe. Let's do something for the average person and the outright down and out folks. Decent and affordable health care and higher education for starters, if we ever expect to catch up with more modern first world countries.
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Well, the good thing is that we'll see how supply side works. The deficit is ballooning. So, we should expect to see enough of an increase in tax receipts brought on by growth that they will more than "pay for" the tax cuts.

We're paying for this growth and laying it off on our kids, again. Let's see if it ends up paying for itself. If not...

everyone knows that 'trickle down' does not work, has never worked, and will never work.

The definitive attribute of 'trickle down' is the word 'trick' as the GOP uses the same ole 'trick' to try & make ignorant voters fall for the 'trickle down' scheme. It seems to have worked is the past & Trump & his minions have certainly revived 'trickle down.'
It is a 'trick' on the ignorant masses & they have fallen for it, again.
She has a point .

Is the government supposed to run on smiles and sunshine?
No, but then, the government is only supposed to defend us and leave everything else up to the States.

That would be about 75% less than they spend now.
It's actually: ¡Ay, caramba!

O.C. is asking a good question.

Republicans admit they'll slash Medicare, Social Security to pay for ...
Republicans admit they’ll slash Medicare, Social Security to pay for their tax cuts...
Aug 21, 2018 - "I do think we need to deal with some of our spending." ...Republicans that supported the trillion dollar Trump tax bill are revealing their ... reform as the deficit continues to balloon as a result of the GOP tax cuts. ... Mr. Ryan has been salivating over cutting Medicare, Medicaid andSocial Security for as long ...

House GOP plan would cut Medicare, Medicaid to balance budget ...
Jun 19, 2018 - House Republicans released a proposal Tuesday that would balance ... only by making large cuts to entitlement programs, includingMedicare, ... by the GOP's own policy decisions — including the new tax law, ... But Trump has largely taken it off the table by refusing to touch Medicareor Social Security, ...

Ryan says Republicans to target welfare, Medicare, Medicaid ...
Dec 6, 2017 - “We're going to have to get back next year at entitlementreform, which is how you ... As a candidate, Trump vowed not to cutspending on Social Security, ... Republicans are close to passing a tax bill nonpartisan analysts say ...

A leading Republican urges reform for Medicare and Social Security ...
Aug 20, 2018 - A leading Republican urges reform for Medicare and Social Security as deficits balloon after the GOP's tax cut ... Stivers: I do think we need to deal with our some of our spending. ... It might cost them a little more for their social subsidy, but they actually can keep their Medicaidexpansion, or they can keep ...

No its not a headline at the Onion.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @Ocasio2018

US House candidate, NY-14

The House GOP wants to add *another* $2.4 trillion in tax cuts after already cutting $2 trillion in taxes on corporations & the very rich last December.

You ever notice how no one asks the GOP how *they’re* going to pay for it?

'Sit this one out, CLOWN'! Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez totally FACEPLANTS over GOP tax cuts

You rightwing pseudo-cons obviously have your new obsession.
She sure scares the Walmart Blue Light Special pants off you, doesn't she?
It's 'caramba', not 'carumba', but point made. OP doesn't much like a Latina getting so much publicity. Especially a liberal who doesn't believe most of the gains made in our economy need to go the the major corporations and top half of one percenters like most conservatives on this board seem to believe. Let's do something for the average person and the outright down and out folks. Decent and affordable health care and higher education for starters, if we ever expect to catch up with more modern first world countries.

I stopped reading when you started speaking Racist. Not a language I know, or want to know.
Well, the good thing is that we'll see how supply side works. The deficit is ballooning. So, we should expect to see enough of an increase in tax receipts brought on by growth that they will more than "pay for" the tax cuts.

We're paying for this growth and laying it off on our kids, again. Let's see if it ends up paying for itself. If not...
It won't.
She has a point .

Is the government supposed to run on smiles and sunshine?
No, but then, the government is only supposed to defend us and leave everything else up to the States.

That would be about 75% less than they spend now.

Hmmm no. That “defending “ part takes up like. 1/2 the budget .

No, it really doesn't.

Military spending takes about just over half of DISCRETIONARY spending, but ALL discretionary spending combined doesn't make up half of the total budget.

No its not a headline at the Onion.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @Ocasio2018

US House candidate, NY-14

The House GOP wants to add *another* $2.4 trillion in tax cuts after already cutting $2 trillion in taxes on corporations & the very rich last December.

You ever notice how no one asks the GOP how *they’re* going to pay for it?

'Sit this one out, CLOWN'! Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez totally FACEPLANTS over GOP tax cuts

She is pretty damn funny, everyone knows that the GOP does not give a rats ass about the debt or about growing deficits.

Like the GOP would ever cut spending to accompany a tax cut! What a silly little girl she is.

No its not a headline at the Onion.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @Ocasio2018

US House candidate, NY-14

The House GOP wants to add *another* $2.4 trillion in tax cuts after already cutting $2 trillion in taxes on corporations & the very rich last December.

You ever notice how no one asks the GOP how *they’re* going to pay for it?

'Sit this one out, CLOWN'! Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez totally FACEPLANTS over GOP tax cuts

You rightwing pseudo-cons obviously have your new obsession.
She sure scares the Walmart Blue Light Special pants off you, doesn't she?

You obviously have your new obsession, leftwing dipshit.

It sure scares the Goodwill Senior Discount Day pants off you that she's being talked about, doesn't it?

(Oh, FYI, Brain Trust, it was Kmart that had blue-light specials back about a million years ago, not Walmart. Insults work better if you don't talk out of your ass.)

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