AWKWARD: MSNBC Producers Correct Maddow as She Spreads More Russia Investigation Conspiracy Theories


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
AWKWARD: MSNBC Producers Correct Rachel Maddow as She Spreads More Russia Investigation Conspiracy Theories

AWKWARD: MSNBC Producers Correct Rachel Maddow as She Spreads More Russia Investigation Conspiracy Theories (VIDEO)
April 1, 2019 ~ By Cristina Laila

This was awkward.... Top Trump-Russia conspiracy theorist Rachel Maddow was debunked by her own chyron as she continued to spread more lies about Mueller’s Russia investigation.
MSNBC producers corrected Rachel Maddow while she lied to her audience about Attorney General Bill Barr’s plan to release Mueller’s report with redactions.... Maddow falsely claimed Bill Barr would be going through Mueller’s report by himself, unilaterally choosing what to redact before the report is released to the public.

Meanwhile, the chyron accurately states Friday's news Mueller is "assisting" Barr with redactions.
The gullible sheeple Leftists ate it up like raw steak but at the same time Maddow is abusing her audience. Would you want to say that women (or men) who stay in abusive significant other relationships are to blame? MSNBC had to scramble to replace Keith Olbermann. Boy what a mistake to hire Maddow who has driven their viewing audience further down the tubes.
Anyone who considers Maddow and it's network a "news source" is softer than a grape.
It's a crying shame, "That the general population has been so hopelessly dumbed-down..." Yet, this is exactly what Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats want!! They have suggested changing school grades so 30% is a passing grade!! OMG - exactly why they want to lower the voting age to 16 and include illegals who don't speak much English!
All by design! The PMSD left is losing Blacks and already don't have a great hold on Hispanics - the reason people are leaving the Democratic Party? They lie, are full of double standards and hypocrisy!
Finally, PMS Democrats do NOTHING for their constituents. They talk about jobs. Remember when Bath House Barry told us to get used to few jobs and low GDP.

Why Isn't Rachel Maddow Treated Like Other Crazy Conspiracy Theorists?
Maddow’s performance on Trump-Russia collusion has been as pernicious and false as Alex Jones’ conspiracy theories, yet Jones is deplatformed while Maddow has a primetime show on MSNBC.
You don’t have to be a fan of Alex Jones (and I’m not) to be disturbed by the fact that he was virtually erased from social media, banned at every level, while Rachel Maddow is free to advance all the crazy ideas she can dream up.
No mistake she has ever made rises to the disgusting level of Alex Jones.

They will not pull her show however.

When the ratings report came in from Nielsen at the end of January, MSNBC had plenty to celebrate.

‘The Rachel Maddow Show’ averaged a record 3.29 million viewers for the month. No MSNBC 9 p.m. show had ever hit that mark. It made her show the most-watched in cable news and the most-watched show that wasn’t a sporting event on all of cable.

In terms of raw numbers, Maddow was averaging about 280,000 more viewers than Hannity (3.01 million) every night over that time. Looking at the coveted 25-54 demographic, Maddow (606,000) also had a huge edge on Hannity (529,000).

In terms of network growth and losses, it was also a tale of two divergent paths. MSNBC grew 14% in total-day audience and 6% in prime time while Fox News dropped 11% in total day and 10% in prime time.

When Did Rachel Maddow Become No. 1 in Cable News Ratings Over Sean Hannity?
She will be fired soon anyway.....many of the hate Trump progs in the media are on very thin ice right now....
She is going to short circuit one of these nights. It will happen like this, she will begin blinking faster and faster, her voice will rise in frequency and smoke will come out of her ears, sort of like an old Star Trek episode where the evil computer loses it.

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