Costing taxpayers MORE than failed Mueller report...'Where's Durham?': Investigation of Russia-collusion probe's origin quietly hits second anniversar

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018

Former President Donald Trump gushed “I am so proud” when then-Attorney General William Barr tapped John Durham to look for widespread wrongdoing by FBI officials in the early stages of its Russia-collusion probe.

That was in May 2019.

Two years later, Mr. Trump and other conservatives mock the investigation that has practically disappeared without an utterance from Mr. Durham or any sign that he has uncovered anything.

“Where’s Durham?” Mr. Trump said in March. “Is he a living, breathing human being? Will there ever be a Durham report?”

Mr. Trump’s about-face is emblematic of the extent to which conservatives have soured on the Durham investigation. Those who once breathlessly predicted the probe would uncover a deep state conspiracy against Mr. Trump have now reduced it to a punchline.

When a poll last month revealed that 67% of Americans are unaware of the Durham probe, some internet jokesters wondered if Mr. Durham himself was among those oblivious to its existence.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

It's a loose end.
It will be interesting to see how it is closed, or if it is closed. As the weeks stretch into months it seems quite possible that we've seen all we will ever see from Durham.

Maybe his "final report" was a three sentence memo to the Assistant AG and it has already been delivered:

"My investigation into the predicate of the Trump Russia investigattion has ended.
There is no further action pending.
My duties are now concluded, and you may send my last check to my home address"
Yours Truly, John
PS: Give my regards to James Comey when you see him.

Former President Donald Trump gushed “I am so proud” when then-Attorney General William Barr tapped John Durham to look for widespread wrongdoing by FBI officials in the early stages of its Russia-collusion probe.

That was in May 2019.

Two years later, Mr. Trump and other conservatives mock the investigation that has practically disappeared without an utterance from Mr. Durham or any sign that he has uncovered anything.

“Where’s Durham?” Mr. Trump said in March. “Is he a living, breathing human being? Will there ever be a Durham report?”

Mr. Trump’s about-face is emblematic of the extent to which conservatives have soured on the Durham investigation. Those who once breathlessly predicted the probe would uncover a deep state conspiracy against Mr. Trump have now reduced it to a punchline.

When a poll last month revealed that 67% of Americans are unaware of the Durham probe, some internet jokesters wondered if Mr. Durham himself was among those oblivious to its existence.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

It's a loose end.
It will be interesting to see how it is closed, or if it is closed. As the weeks stretch into months it seems quite possible that we've seen all we will ever see from Durham.

Maybe his "final report" was a three sentence memo to the Assistant AG and it has already been delivered:

"My investigation into the predicate of the Trump Russia investigattion has ended.
There is no further action pending.
My duties are now concluded, and you may send my last check to my home address"
Yours Truly, John
PS: Give my regards to James Comey when you see him.

SNORT!!..And..what did you think it was going to be? The grand..alt-right moment of salvation where all is revealed, and DJT is exalted and exonerated....NOT!!
Durham's little charade was just another right wing media driven circus designed to distract the lemmings. An investigation into people...just doing the jobs they
were assigned to do. With only loyalty to the United States..not DJT....So sad...Sorry, always seems to be the hardest word!! ....:)
“Where’s Durham?” Mr. Trump said in March. “Is he a living, breathing human being? Will there ever be a Durham report?”
How many times does Tramp have to make SUCKKKERS of you SUCKKKERS before you SUCKKKERS realize he is making SUCKKKERS of you SUCKKKERS yet again?????
Trump is a con man, always has been a con man, and continues to get his cult to feed the con man.

It is embarrassing. Yes it is.
Two years later, Mr. Trump and other conservatives mock the investigation that has practically disappeared without an utterance from Mr. Durham or any sign that he has uncovered anything. “Where’s Durham?” Mr. Trump said in March. “Is he a living, breathing human being? Will there ever be a Durham report?”

My guess is that it'll work this way:
  1. Trump runs for office in 2024.
  2. Right before the election, Durham surfaces with his report.
  3. In it, he reveals he is now a democrat and his report finds no wrongdoing by the DNC but massive crimes needing further investigation committed by the priot Trump Administration. :smoke:
Two years later, Mr. Trump and other conservatives mock the investigation that has practically disappeared without an utterance from Mr. Durham or any sign that he has uncovered anything. “Where’s Durham?” Mr. Trump said in March. “Is he a living, breathing human being? Will there ever be a Durham report?”

My guess is that it'll work this way:
  1. Trump runs for office in 2024.
  2. Right before the election, Durham surfaces with his report.
  3. In it, he reveals he is now a democrat and his report finds no wrongdoing by the DNC but massive crimes needing further investigation committed by the priot Trump Administration. :smoke:
You would then be wrong 3 times in 1 post.
Two years later, Mr. Trump and other conservatives mock the investigation that has practically disappeared without an utterance from Mr. Durham or any sign that he has uncovered anything. “Where’s Durham?” Mr. Trump said in March. “Is he a living, breathing human being? Will there ever be a Durham report?”

My guess is that it'll work this way:
  1. Trump runs for office in 2024.
  2. Right before the election, Durham surfaces with his report.
  3. In it, he reveals he is now a democrat and his report finds no wrongdoing by the DNC but massive crimes needing further investigation committed by the priot Trump Administration. :smoke:
None of that matters. If he says there was nothing to trump's claims, you will say he's a democrat, no matter what the evidence shows. That's your standard answer for anything that doesn't agree with trump's lies. isn't it?

Former President Donald Trump gushed “I am so proud” when then-Attorney General William Barr tapped John Durham to look for widespread wrongdoing by FBI officials in the early stages of its Russia-collusion probe.

That was in May 2019.

Two years later, Mr. Trump and other conservatives mock the investigation that has practically disappeared without an utterance from Mr. Durham or any sign that he has uncovered anything.

“Where’s Durham?” Mr. Trump said in March. “Is he a living, breathing human being? Will there ever be a Durham report?”

Mr. Trump’s about-face is emblematic of the extent to which conservatives have soured on the Durham investigation. Those who once breathlessly predicted the probe would uncover a deep state conspiracy against Mr. Trump have now reduced it to a punchline.

When a poll last month revealed that 67% of Americans are unaware of the Durham probe, some internet jokesters wondered if Mr. Durham himself was among those oblivious to its existence.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

It's a loose end.
It will be interesting to see how it is closed, or if it is closed. As the weeks stretch into months it seems quite possible that we've seen all we will ever see from Durham.

Maybe his "final report" was a three sentence memo to the Assistant AG and it has already been delivered:

"My investigation into the predicate of the Trump Russia investigattion has ended.
There is no further action pending.
My duties are now concluded, and you may send my last check to my home address"
Yours Truly, John
PS: Give my regards to James Comey when you see him.
All of these "investigations" are nothing more than a treasury raid.

They never produce anything of substance, and the people assigned to do the investigation get to take a three-year or four-year vacation and get paid millions to do so.
Trumpers/Republicans have been scammed once again.

There was never anything there

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