Attention Deitists: Please Post Irrefutable Evidence that Your God Exists

You're not God, nor are you omnipotent.

God is God, he's omnipotent. Try to appreciate that there's someone with more power and intelligence than yourself, rather than just assuming it isn't possible.
I guess that where we differ.

There is not one single fact that supports a god...only belief - and there's nothing wrong with that.

Then why do you make threads about it?

1) I have started A thread
2) The subject interests me
3) Is that OK with you, or is there some sort of bureaucratic forms I have to fill out before I start a thread to meet your criteria? :cool:[/QUOTE]

1) Oh please, you're in lots of threads like this and they're ALL dull.

2) Why? You just said that basically it's inconsequential. There's nothing more than trolling to do. Is that where your interest lies? it sure looks like it. In fact, I can't remember your last post that wasn't a troll.

3) No, actually, it's not. If it were up to me, dull threads like this wouldn't be allowed. And people that start them would be banned. There might not be many people left if I had my way, but at least it would be interesting.
1) Oh please, you're in lots of threads like this and they're ALL dull.

2) Why? You just said that basically it's inconsequential. There's nothing more than trolling to do. Is that where your interest lies? it sure looks like it. In fact, I can't remember your last post that wasn't a troll.

3) No, actually, it's not. If it were up to me, dull threads like this wouldn't be allowed. And people that start them would be banned. There might not be many people left if I had my way, but at least it would be interesting.

1) If it is all dull, then don't post on it ya mook. And if you look through my history, you'll find you are wrong
2) At least I am who I am, not pretending to be somebody I'm not. If I'm a troll why are you interacting. And it is not inconsequential, and if you had half a brain you would see that. On the Jungle Juice tonight are we?
3) Ah, so you're a fascist....nice to know...have another drink you lush...

BTW, there are an absolute myriad of messageboards out there that meet your you go troll....
Ya know, I think you just gotta seek and find Him. But He is there to be found. I think some have walked so far away they have to backtrack a bit, but He is there, always has been.

And lately I've been thinking about it. I have no doubt about God because of a few things He's done directly, and I have no doubt about demons because I was once threatened by one, I have no doubt about either of those. But I've never had anything happen directly from an angel, not that I know of, and I noticed I don't really have a lot of faith where angels are concerned probably for that reason, even though the Bible says they're there.

I think the only way I could gain faith in angels is to seek them, and if they were a fraction as important as God, I would. But they're not, so I don't. But if you want to know God, spend some real time alone with Him. Read John in the New Testament and ask Him to show you. It might take a while if you've hardened your own heart, but you were created to be with Him, and He's there, and you will find Him if you seek.
You're not God, nor are you omnipotent.

God is God, he's omnipotent. Try to appreciate that there's someone with more power and intelligence than yourself, rather than just assuming it isn't possible.

Oh, I believe there is something more powerful out there, not just a super being...

Well that's good. But how can something more powerful not be a super being?

Turn it over to God, brother, and see what happens. Or sister. Not sure about the sex thing. But anyway...
I'm serious. It didn't come from God, He called you.

I don't think some are born with it and some aren't, it had to be picked up from somewhere.

Where did it come from Dr. Grump? Do you know?

It comes from a variety of sources. I mean, seriously, I could sit here for an hour with a tonne of questions and not even cover 10 percent of why I don't believe.

Note I am talking about all Gods, not just the Christian one. I think those who believe have that right...just as i have mine.

At the end of the day, if there is a God, I certainly have a few questions for him/her

Well I think everyone has a right to follow what they want, it's a God given right, He even gave us an alternative to choose, because He wants us to choose Him. What good is a relationship with someone if they're only with you because you have no other choice.
Unless you consider chimps as more powerful beings...which they most certainly are...physically, anyway:

Damn we go again:


My dog is currently freaking out at the audio on this one.
1) Oh please, you're in lots of threads like this and they're ALL dull.

2) Why? You just said that basically it's inconsequential. There's nothing more than trolling to do. Is that where your interest lies? it sure looks like it. In fact, I can't remember your last post that wasn't a troll.

3) No, actually, it's not. If it were up to me, dull threads like this wouldn't be allowed. And people that start them would be banned. There might not be many people left if I had my way, but at least it would be interesting.

1) If it is all dull, then don't post on it ya mook. And if you look through my history, you'll find you are wrong
2) At least I am who I am, not pretending to be somebody I'm not. If I'm a troll why are you interacting. And it is not inconsequential, and if you had half a brain you would see that. On the Jungle Juice tonight are we?
3) Ah, so you're a fascist....nice to know...have another drink you lush...

BTW, there are an absolute myriad of messageboards out there that meet your you go troll....

1) I'll post anywhere I fucking please thank you very much Dr Facist. And who the fuck cares about your history? No 1 that I'm aware of. If you have a list, let's see it.

2) On noes, another personal attack. What shall I do? :lol: And it is inconsequential, you said so yourself. Duh. "Jungle Juice"? Damn, 2 personal attacks in 1 line item, you must really be flailing over there.... where ever it is that you are that you think anyone in the US thinks your opinion matters. And before you type your retort please recall we're on a site called US message board.

3) Yup, I have a few facist tendencies... how does that go? Oh yeah... at least I'm who I am. Suck on that Grumpy. :lol:
Ok, let's see if a simple link works.

I have no faith, but could happen:

[ame=]YouTube - Chimp Attack[/ame]
Unless you consider chimps as more powerful beings...which they most certainly are...physically, anyway:



I see a lot on TV trying to put something out there. Seems like everyone is looking for anything other than God because God says to stop doing so many of the things we love doing.

But if you look closely at what God tells us not to do, it's pretty obvious WHY He tells us not to. All the things He forbids really do hurt us, BAD sometimes. He's just watching out for us. But it is hard to give up some of the stuff at first, because you don't know yet what you're getting in return.

But I'll tell ya, it's so worth it. And it's funny but everything I thought I wanted before I was born again, He gave me, but I didn't want it any more. Everything changes from the inside. For some it's instant. For others it's real slow. But it rocks.
Here's something fun to do, think about it long and hard. Just before you go to bed, imagine just ceasing to exist. Nothing, no dreams, nothing, just ceasing. Just ending. Not even blackness. Think about that every night before going to bed. Even those who adamantly denounce all possibility fear that, it's not a pleasant idea, and it's why people sought spirits.

I know. Look at it from an athiests POV. Most religions have a lot to offer, and i really, really, really wish I could believe. Really do. I mean, I'm a fool not to really - but, it just don't ring true...

No, that's where atheists mess up a lot, they don't have to believe in a religion or follow a specific religious path, there are many religious people who have no set religion, and many who follow religions that are barely religions by the traditional idea. Acknowledging the existence of spirit makes you a spiritualist, acknowledging the existence of any god makes you religious, even if your idea of a god is some computer program of a larger civilization, or a mad scientist of another dimension, or some alien intelligence. "Magic" doesn't have to exist for a god to exist, and though you can have purpose without a god, it helps to include such simply for sanities sake. Because think about how insane the world would be if there was simply nothing after life? If everyone just lay awake at night more afraid of dying than living? You think religion has caused so much war, but the insane cause much more atrocity in this world than the religious. Believing in something beyond that which you can understand does not make you insane, if so, then every single artist, scientist, and author is insane. Look up quarks if you haven't already, they are something we don't even have evidence of, but it's a widely accepted theory among scientists. ;)
Ok, let's see if a simple link works.

I have no faith, but could happen:

YouTube - Chimp Attack

This is why with Pit bulls and chimps you always need to have a dog stick nearby..

That's a 3-inch diameter stick to place between the jaws when the p.o.s. get outta hand. And then club them behind the skull, between the skull and the spine, ifya get the chance. Instant paralysis if you do it right.
Ok, let's see if a simple link works.

I have no faith, but could happen:

YouTube - Chimp Attack

This is why with Pit bulls and chimps you always need to have a dog stick nearby..

That's a 3-inch diameter stick to place between the jaws when the p.o.s. get outta hand. And then club them behind the skull, between the skull and the spine, ifya get the chance. Instant paralysis if you do it right.

lol Allie you chimp clubber! but I bet he could have done some REAL damage, wonder what set him off?

And that''s the hugest chimp I've ever seen! Did you see how long his legs stretched out sitting in that chair? whoah!
1) Oh please, you're in lots of threads like this and they're ALL dull.

2) Why? You just said that basically it's inconsequential. There's nothing more than trolling to do. Is that where your interest lies? it sure looks like it. In fact, I can't remember your last post that wasn't a troll.

3) No, actually, it's not. If it were up to me, dull threads like this wouldn't be allowed. And people that start them would be banned. There might not be many people left if I had my way, but at least it would be interesting.

1) If it is all dull, then don't post on it ya mook. And if you look through my history, you'll find you are wrong
2) At least I am who I am, not pretending to be somebody I'm not. If I'm a troll why are you interacting. And it is not inconsequential, and if you had half a brain you would see that. On the Jungle Juice tonight are we?
3) Ah, so you're a fascist....nice to know...have another drink you lush...

BTW, there are an absolute myriad of messageboards out there that meet your you go troll....

1) I'll post anywhere I fucking please thank you very much Dr Facist. And who the fuck cares about your history? No 1 that I'm aware of. If you have a list, let's see it.

2) On noes, another personal attack. What shall I do? :lol: And it is inconsequential, you said so yourself. Duh. "Jungle Juice"? Damn, 2 personal attacks in 1 line item, you must really be flailing over there.... where ever it is that you are that you think anyone in the US thinks your opinion matters. And before you type your retort please recall we're on a site called US message board.

3) Yup, I have a few facist tendencies... how does that go? Oh yeah... at least I'm who I am. Suck on that Grumpy. :lol:

1) Of course you can post wherever you want, I never said otherwise. I just find it weird that you are obsessed with posting on this thread when you clearly don't want to be here. If you don't care about my history, stop making erroneous comments about it, ijit.
2) Calling me a troll is not a personal attack? LOL...Not flailing at all, but I have this thing about syntax and I can tell when somebody's had a few too many alcoholic beverages. Hope the hangover isn't too bad. I couldn't give a shit what the site is called. And yes, we all know that you're not some 19 year old Christian chick. I'm betting DevNell, although others think it might be a Charlie Bass in drag. So stop with the pretense, you're fooling no one..
3) Telling me you're a fascist is nothing new to me. And no, you're not who you say you are. You're just a liar...and they're a dime a dozen..
1) If it is all dull, then don't post on it ya mook. And if you look through my history, you'll find you are wrong
2) At least I am who I am, not pretending to be somebody I'm not. If I'm a troll why are you interacting. And it is not inconsequential, and if you had half a brain you would see that. On the Jungle Juice tonight are we?
3) Ah, so you're a fascist....nice to know...have another drink you lush...

BTW, there are an absolute myriad of messageboards out there that meet your you go troll....

1) I'll post anywhere I fucking please thank you very much Dr Facist. And who the fuck cares about your history? No 1 that I'm aware of. If you have a list, let's see it.

2) On noes, another personal attack. What shall I do? :lol: And it is inconsequential, you said so yourself. Duh. "Jungle Juice"? Damn, 2 personal attacks in 1 line item, you must really be flailing over there.... where ever it is that you are that you think anyone in the US thinks your opinion matters. And before you type your retort please recall we're on a site called US message board.

3) Yup, I have a few facist tendencies... how does that go? Oh yeah... at least I'm who I am. Suck on that Grumpy. :lol:

1) Of course you can post wherever you want, I never said otherwise. I just find it weird that you are obsessed with posting on this thread when you clearly don't want to be here. If you don't care about my history, stop making erroneous comments about it, ijit.
2) Calling me a troll is not a personal attack? LOL...Not flailing at all, but I have this thing about syntax and I can tell when somebody's had a few too many alcoholic beverages. Hope the hangover isn't too bad. I couldn't give a shit what the site is called. And yes, we all know that you're not some 19 year old Christian chick. I'm betting DevNell, although others think it might be a Charlie Bass in drag. So stop with the pretense, you're fooling no one..
3) Telling me you're a fascist is nothing new to me. And no, you're not who you say you are. You're just a liar...and they're a dime a dozen..

Oh Grumpy....

1) You, and those like you, try to pull this same shit all the time. It's dull, everytime.

2) Who said it wasn't? You ARE a troll. You never post anything of substance. EVER. And who cares if I've had a few drinks or not? Your ad homonyms are still ad homonyms. At least I have the balls to be who I am. Don't you wish you had enough of a personality here to say the same? Yea, I bet you so. :lol:

3) You got some proof to that or are you blowing smoke out of your ass as usual Grumpy? :lol: That's the thing when it comes to people like you Grumps, you're all talk and no substance. You hope and wish that I'm not who I say I am, but in reality you got NOTHING! You got something, let's see it? Oh damn, you got nothing... just LIKE ALWAYS. :lol:

Where are you from again? Why do you think your opinion is relevant to the US? Let's hear it Grumps. Go ahead and invalidate yourself, we're all waiting. :)

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