Atlanta teachers convicted for cheating and racketeering. 7 looking at 20 yrs

Atlanta cheating scandal teachers go to cells in hand-cuffs Eleven educators face up to 20 years in prison for inflating their students test scores to get money for their schools . . . and for themselves Daily Mail Online

I bet they thought with Holder as AG and Obama as POTUS nothing would happen

Great role models for the youths to see their mentors off to the cell in handcuffs
I guess rthey thought the rules did not apply to them....They found out such was not the case.
Atlanta cheating scandal teachers go to cells in hand-cuffs Eleven educators face up to 20 years in prison for inflating their students test scores to get money for their schools . . . and for themselves Daily Mail Online

I bet they thought with Holder as AG and Obama as POTUS nothing would happen

Great role models for the youths to see their mentors off to the cell in handcuffs

What the hell does Obama and Holder have to do with any of this? You people seriously need to get a fkken life, like enough of the hate, seriously!!
are you kidding? This Administration sticks its nose in everything.
Atlanta cheating scandal teachers go to cells in hand-cuffs Eleven educators face up to 20 years in prison for inflating their students test scores to get money for their schools . . . and for themselves Daily Mail Online

I bet they thought with Holder as AG and Obama as POTUS nothing would happen

Great role models for the youths to see their mentors off to the cell in handcuffs
I guess rthey thought the rules did not apply to them....They found out such was not the case.
And they apparently got a judge who feels very strongly about the crisis we have in our schools, and what it means when we churn out uneducated morons like all of the leftists on this site....who think they've received an education.
Only in America, can we sentence stupid teachers to 20 years for cheating and allow cops, who without video to gun down black men and lie, not spend one damned day in jail...This country will rule the day, they allowed their priorities to get this fucked up!!
* Michael Pitts, a former schools executive, was accused of telling teachers to cheat and then telling them not to talk to Georgia Bureau of Investigators who were looking into the scandal. He was ordered to serve seven years in prison, perform 2,000 hours of community service and pay a $25,000 fine.

Why did he get one of the longest sentences when all he did was advise them to cheat and didn't do any actual cheating himself? That is mighty strange.

Couldn't that be interpreted as freedom of speech?
Because it sounds like he was the instigator in getting the cheating going and then told them not to cooperate with the investigation.
Plus he's in a position of power...they were getting bonuses and stuff for cheating.
I'm pretty sure his bonus was directly tied to their test results.
* Michael Pitts, a former schools executive, was accused of telling teachers to cheat and then telling them not to talk to Georgia Bureau of Investigators who were looking into the scandal. He was ordered to serve seven years in prison, perform 2,000 hours of community service and pay a $25,000 fine.

Why did he get one of the longest sentences when all he did was advise them to cheat and didn't do any actual cheating himself? That is mighty strange.

Couldn't that be interpreted as freedom of speech?
Because it sounds like he was the instigator in getting the cheating going and then told them not to cooperate with the investigation.
Plus he's in a position of power...they were getting bonuses and stuff for cheating.
I'm pretty sure his bonus was directly tied to their test results.
The sad part is the Atlanta School District offered a bonus for meeting minimum requirements.
In the real world, a bonus is a reward for exemplary performace
What they did is wrong no doubt. That being said, there are no capable teachers out there that would work a god awful job like that for shut wages. Putting up with Americas ilk in an big city area and then being told to make sure they test well is purely set up to fail from the get go. If you want better teachers you had better step up and pay them to attract them there. Then we had better start kicking failure parents in the rear really hard too with big time fines for truancy, not turing in work, etch as parents share a big big part of the blame. If the parents knew hot to parent their kids wouldn't be so far behind. They want the schools to do everything. America is not, repeat no exceptional.
[QUOTE="tigerred59, post: 11191969, member: 54015"][QUOTE="Porker, post: 11191872, member: 52390"][QUOTE="tigerred59, post: 11191822, member: 54015"]

What the hell does Obama and Holder have to do with any of this? You people seriously need to get a fkken life, like enough of the hate, seriously!!

Junior, you don't have a fucking clue.
Your the one who's fixated on the hate, not me...jr!![/QUOTE]

telling it like it is, isn't hate..You'd think that teachers would be a tad smarter than a cop...but, no so much.[/QUOTE]

The teachers were stupid for pulling this off, they deserve to simply lose their jobs and end up unemployed...but going to prison for this is even dumber.

Picture this:

Inmate 1: I'm here for using drugs and abandoning my kids to a drug dealer -15 years
Inmate 2: I murdered my husband and set him on fire -life
Atlanta teacher: I erased test scores -20 years

Now does that make sense you morons?[/QUOTE]
Nope....Sometimes the acts of the guilty so outrage the community, examples must be made of the criminals.
This sends a message. That is "if you cheat, this is the resulting consequence".
What they did is wrong no doubt. That being said, there are no capable teachers out there that would work a god awful job like that for shut wages. Putting up with Americas ilk in an big city area and then being told to make sure they test well is purely set up to fail from the get go. If you want better teachers you had better step up and pay them to attract them there. Then we had better start kicking failure parents in the rear really hard too with big time fines for truancy, not turing in work, etch as parents share a big big part of the blame. If the parents knew hot to parent their kids wouldn't be so far behind. They want the schools to do everything. America is not, repeat no exceptional.
Unfortunately, public education has been taken away from educators and taken over by bean counters, educrats and lawyers.
Parents have abandoned their local schools. Those with no children in the system view the school systems as a tax burden.
Those with children in the system are ignored by the educrats and school board members. They also view the schools as a tax burden.
Home schooling and charter schools are a growing alternative.
[QUOTE="tigerred59, post: 11191969, member: 54015"][QUOTE="Porker, post: 11191872, member: 52390"][QUOTE="tigerred59, post: 11191822, member: 54015"]

What the hell does Obama and Holder have to do with any of this? You people seriously need to get a fkken life, like enough of the hate, seriously!!

Junior, you don't have a fucking clue.
Your the one who's fixated on the hate, not me...jr!!

telling it like it is, isn't hate..You'd think that teachers would be a tad smarter than a cop...but, no so much.[/QUOTE]

The teachers were stupid for pulling this off, they deserve to simply lose their jobs and end up unemployed...but going to prison for this is even dumber.

Picture this:

Inmate 1: I'm here for using drugs and abandoning my kids to a drug dealer -15 years
Inmate 2: I murdered my husband and set him on fire -life
Atlanta teacher: I erased test scores -20 years

Now does that make sense you morons?[/QUOTE]
Nope....Sometimes the acts of the guilty so outrage the community, examples must be made of the criminals.
This sends a message. That is "if you cheat, this is the resulting consequence".[/QUOTE]

A felony is a felony.

They committed felonies and totally betrayed their students and the entire community. They deserve prison.
So, the conservative mania for test scores has created the results the liberals predicted it would. No surprise there, the liberals being right again.

If you fire or promote teachers based on test scores, that encourages cheating on the test scores. The best cheaters will prosper. If you encourage cheating, you'll get more of it. It's a basic economics type thing, which is probably why the conservatives fail to understand it.
Hey genius....Conservatives are 100% opposed to testing.
If anything conservatives want public education to return to the days where students were taught the basics, prepared for adulthood and permitted critical thinking skills.
Testing is garbage.
Talk to any public school teacher willing to discuss the matter of testing. They will tell you they are not supposed to "teach the test", but they all do..Because they must.
Most left wing teachers will tow the company line and say they support standardized testing.
So, the conservative mania for test scores has created the results the liberals predicted it would. No surprise there, the liberals being right again.

If you fire or promote teachers based on test scores, that encourages cheating on the test scores. The best cheaters will prosper. If you encourage cheating, you'll get more of it. It's a basic economics type thing, which is probably why the conservatives fail to understand it.
I think the cat is smarter than you.....
If we can just get prayer back in the schools, everything will be fine.

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