Even MSM covers huge cheating scandal at black Atlanta schools

Blacks cheating - imagine that :confused: Well I guess it's ok on account of all the stuff the whites owe them for what we did to them. :eusa_whistle:
It is, and hopefully the sheer size and scope of this particular scandal will seriously start to wake people up as to what is going on in our black public schools nationwide.

Fixe it for ya. Remember the thread is about hatin' on black people.

Here we go, back on track:
Blacks cheating - imagine that :confused: Well I guess it's ok on account of all the stuff the whites owe them for what we did to them. :eusa_whistle:
This happens at colleges everywhere.
What college is going to flunk a student when no strings attached taxpayer funded grants give them money regardless of how the student does??

Have someone read you the article. This cheating was on STANDARDIZED tests. Whole different thing.
Blacks cheating - imagine that :confused: Well I guess it's ok on account of all the stuff the whites owe them for what we did to them. :eusa_whistle:

Don't give us that "legacy of slavery" BS. Slavery was the best thing to happen to the black race. Maybe not to the individual slaves but their descendants benefited. Every black in today's america is better off here than he would be in africa.
Disgusting. How did your rep get back above 0

He does have a point though, the Government forces police, fire and emergency agencies to lower test standards for minorities. And the Liberals destroyed the ethics of our teachers. No hurting the feelings of the little darlings.

Hell Florida just passed a plan to allow blacks to get special consideration in school because they aren't doing as well as other groups.

See there's a good conversation starter.

"Cheating is unavoidable if our schools insist that blacks do as well as whites/asians. They don't have the brains and everyone knows it."

^That's just someone being a huge asshole.
Perhaps we should just ignore the less than ingenious comments and discuss the issue itself.
CHeating....This cannot be tolerated. Teachers and school administrators are allegedly highly educated ethical people charged with the duty of educating our children. Essentially they are helping to mold the future leaders of the nation.
Now, if these people cheat how does this look to the kids? Kids get their ideas from the adults in the closest proximity to them. So of their mentors cheat, the kids will believe cheating is acceptable.
I'm reading that this cheating on these NCLB test results to get the schools and the administrators more money is very common.

I would imagine many cash strapped inner city school districts may have this problem.

I'd agree that it's a common occurrence, yet who is going to "out" the offending districts?

Another common trait of our education system is the firing of truly good and effective teachers and replacing them with friends, family, and acquaintances. Nepotism, cronyism, favoritism. It's rampant.

Cash strapped equals mismanagement and inefficiency. Overpaid and over-benefited tenured, unionized family and friends. It's time to bust this shit wide open.
I'd agree that it's a common occurrence, yet who is going to "out" the offending districts?

Another common trait of our education system is the firing of truly good and effective teachers and replacing them with friends, family, and acquaintances. Nepotism, cronyism, favoritism. It's rampant.

Cash strapped equals mismanagement and inefficiency. Overpaid and over-benefited tenured, unionized family and friends. It's time to bust this shit wide open.

Public schools don't work. Teachers and administrators are just babysitters and crooks out to fleece the citizenry. Govt can't do anything right and we need to go to private schools.

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