Atlanta Fire Chief Fired for Writing Christian Book

Exactly how did he "discriminate"?

You'll have to ask the employees and whoever was in charge of the investigation.
Dumbass racist, you're the one who made the accusation. I can't prove a negative. You said he discriminated. Against who?

Obviously when you compare homosexuality to bestiality, you are discriminating against gay people, you idiot. I'm not sure about the discrimination policies the city has, but they did an investigation and determined that he did in fact discriminate.
Really? Is that what they determined? Do you have a quote on that or did you just assume it because he's black?

I like how you're not afraid to humiliate and make yourself look like a dumbass. Go read the article.
I did. You're full of shit and I can't prove a negative. Quote your claim or leave and take your bedsheets with you.
This is directly from the article:

"But the mayor never pointed to any acts of discrimination from Cochran. He only disagreed with the book the chief wrote."

So Carla Grand Wizard, will you please just admit that your only problem with this fire chief is the color of his skin?
This is directly from the article:

"But the mayor never pointed to any acts of discrimination from Cochran. He only disagreed with the book the chief wrote."

So Carla Grand Wizard, will you please just admit that your only problem with this fire chief is the color of his skin?
Which article?
From the Washington Post

Cochran wrote: “Uncleanness — whatever is opposite of purity; including sodomy, homosexuality, lesbianism, pederasty, bestiality, all other forms of sexual perversion.”

In another section, Cochran wrote that “naked men refuse to give in, so they pursue sexual fulfillment through multiple partners, with the opposite sex, the same sex and sex outside of marriage and many other vile, vulgar and inappropriate ways which defile their body-temple and dishonor God.”

The mayor’s administration learned about the book after employees complained about it last week.

Although the mayor’s decision to suspend Cochran seems to focus on Cochran’s comments about LGBT people, along with complaints about the chief distributing materials to employees,

I wonder how long I would keep my job if I were to hand out books to employees saying all Christian Righties are going to hell? LOL!

How about nobody loses their job for their private viewpoints and the practice of their faith?

That's the "liberalism" that defined this country to begin with.

It's not a private viewpoint if he puts it in a book and hands it out to the employees, you big dummy.
How do you know he didn't give it to just those who wanted it? That's the problem with people like you, assuming the worst about black people when you don't have the facts, just your racist assumptions.

Because the employees are the ones who filed the complaint. Try to keep up.

How many employees were offended?

My name is Carla, not Nancy Drew.

Mayor Kasim Reed’s spokeswoman Anne Torres said the administration didn’t know about “Who Told You That You Are Naked?” until employees came forward with complaints last week. In addition to suspending Cochran, Reed’s office has now opened an investigation to determine whether the chief’s actions violated the city policies or discriminated against employees.

Cochran has been ordered to undergo sensitivity training and has been barred from distributing copies of the book on city property after a number of firefighters said they received them in the workplace.

Reed said he was “deeply disturbed” by the sentiments Cochran expressed in his book and will “not tolerate discrimination of any kind” in his administration.

“I want to be clear that the material in Chief Cochran’s book is not representative of my personal beliefs, and is inconsistent with the administration’s work to make Atlanta a more welcoming city for all of her citizens — regardless of their sexual orientation, gender, race and religious beliefs,” Reed said in a statement on Monday.

Atlanta fire chief suspended over book controversy
The oppressed majority certainly likes to whine a lot.

I understand your view. My point is a citizen has lost his livelihood for doing no more than writing a book that offends a protected political class and pandering for their vote by a corrupt mayor. Do you see my view?
You left out distributing the book to his employees
Whose rights did that violate, racist?
It violated the city's non-discrimination policy.

I'm curious, would you support a muslim fire chief distributing a book he wrote condemning people that behaved contrary to his ideals?
Yes. I'm a liberal, not a totalitarian Leftist.
At least you're consistent.
Yeah, that author is about as trustworthy as the weekly world news. You need a real news source
How about nobody loses their job for their private viewpoints and the practice of their faith?

That's the "liberalism" that defined this country to begin with.

It's not a private viewpoint if he puts it in a book and hands it out to the employees, you big dummy.
How do you know he didn't give it to just those who wanted it? That's the problem with people like you, assuming the worst about black people when you don't have the facts, just your racist assumptions.

Because the employees are the ones who filed the complaint. Try to keep up.

How many employees were offended?

My name is Carla, not Nancy Drew.

Mayor Kasim Reed’s spokeswoman Anne Torres said the administration didn’t know about “Who Told You That You Are Naked?” until employees came forward with complaints last week. In addition to suspending Cochran, Reed’s office has now opened an investigation to determine whether the chief’s actions violated the city policies or discriminated against employees.

Cochran has been ordered to undergo sensitivity training and has been barred from distributing copies of the book on city property after a number of firefighters said they received them in the workplace.

Reed said he was “deeply disturbed” by the sentiments Cochran expressed in his book and will “not tolerate discrimination of any kind” in his administration.

“I want to be clear that the material in Chief Cochran’s book is not representative of my personal beliefs, and is inconsistent with the administration’s work to make Atlanta a more welcoming city for all of her citizens — regardless of their sexual orientation, gender, race and religious beliefs,” Reed said in a statement on Monday.

Atlanta fire chief suspended over book controversy
I'll attend your "sensitivity class" when you attend my church. Fair?
How about nobody loses their job for their private viewpoints and the practice of their faith?

That's the "liberalism" that defined this country to begin with.

It's not a private viewpoint if he puts it in a book and hands it out to the employees, you big dummy.
How do you know he didn't give it to just those who wanted it? That's the problem with people like you, assuming the worst about black people when you don't have the facts, just your racist assumptions.

Because the employees are the ones who filed the complaint. Try to keep up.

How many employees were offended?

My name is Carla, not Nancy Drew.

Mayor Kasim Reed’s spokeswoman Anne Torres said the administration didn’t know about “Who Told You That You Are Naked?” until employees came forward with complaints last week. In addition to suspending Cochran, Reed’s office has now opened an investigation to determine whether the chief’s actions violated the city policies or discriminated against employees.

Cochran has been ordered to undergo sensitivity training and has been barred from distributing copies of the book on city property after a number of firefighters said they received them in the workplace.

Reed said he was “deeply disturbed” by the sentiments Cochran expressed in his book and will “not tolerate discrimination of any kind” in his administration.

“I want to be clear that the material in Chief Cochran’s book is not representative of my personal beliefs, and is inconsistent with the administration’s work to make Atlanta a more welcoming city for all of her citizens — regardless of their sexual orientation, gender, race and religious beliefs,” Reed said in a statement on Monday.

Atlanta fire chief suspended over book controversy

You still haven't proven your claim that somebody's been discriminated against. Maybe you have a hard time reading through the eye cutouts in your pointed hood, but I asked for proof of your assertions. It's already becoming clear that the only problem you have with this chief is your bigoted racism. Just admit it.
Yeah, that author is about as trustworthy as the weekly world news. You need a real news source

To the racist:

Is there another news source that points to the specific accusations of discrimination the mayor came up with?

Or do you just not like uppity nggrs in positions of power?
Yeah, that author is about as trustworthy as the weekly world news. You need a real news source

To the racist:

Is there another news source that points to the specific accusations of discrimination the mayor came up with?

Or do you just not like uppity nggrs in positions of power?
This is really how you want to behave?

What's the matter? We learned this from you guys. I know what you're going to say next before you do.
Yeah, that author is about as trustworthy as the weekly world news. You need a real news source

To the racist:

Is there another news source that points to the specific accusations of discrimination the mayor came up with?

Or do you just not like uppity nggrs in positions of power?
This is really how you want to behave?
So you can't answer the question? Because the only other logical conclusion is that it grates you to see minorities succeed in life. I see no other alternative.
It's not a private viewpoint if he puts it in a book and hands it out to the employees, you big dummy.
How do you know he didn't give it to just those who wanted it? That's the problem with people like you, assuming the worst about black people when you don't have the facts, just your racist assumptions.

Because the employees are the ones who filed the complaint. Try to keep up.

How many employees were offended?

My name is Carla, not Nancy Drew.

Mayor Kasim Reed’s spokeswoman Anne Torres said the administration didn’t know about “Who Told You That You Are Naked?” until employees came forward with complaints last week. In addition to suspending Cochran, Reed’s office has now opened an investigation to determine whether the chief’s actions violated the city policies or discriminated against employees.

Cochran has been ordered to undergo sensitivity training and has been barred from distributing copies of the book on city property after a number of firefighters said they received them in the workplace.

Reed said he was “deeply disturbed” by the sentiments Cochran expressed in his book and will “not tolerate discrimination of any kind” in his administration.

“I want to be clear that the material in Chief Cochran’s book is not representative of my personal beliefs, and is inconsistent with the administration’s work to make Atlanta a more welcoming city for all of her citizens — regardless of their sexual orientation, gender, race and religious beliefs,” Reed said in a statement on Monday.

Atlanta fire chief suspended over book controversy
I'll attend your "sensitivity class" when you attend my church. Fair?

I don't care what you do. Freedom of speech doesn't necessarily mean you will have no consequences with employment.

Texas teacher fired after Ferguson tweets -

This teacher learned her lesson the hard way.
Yeah, that author is about as trustworthy as the weekly world news. You need a real news source

To the racist:

Is there another news source that points to the specific accusations of discrimination the mayor came up with?

Or do you just not like uppity nggrs in positions of power?

It's not nice to use that word. Careful, you'll give yourself away.
How do you know he didn't give it to just those who wanted it? That's the problem with people like you, assuming the worst about black people when you don't have the facts, just your racist assumptions.

Because the employees are the ones who filed the complaint. Try to keep up.

How many employees were offended?

My name is Carla, not Nancy Drew.

Mayor Kasim Reed’s spokeswoman Anne Torres said the administration didn’t know about “Who Told You That You Are Naked?” until employees came forward with complaints last week. In addition to suspending Cochran, Reed’s office has now opened an investigation to determine whether the chief’s actions violated the city policies or discriminated against employees.

Cochran has been ordered to undergo sensitivity training and has been barred from distributing copies of the book on city property after a number of firefighters said they received them in the workplace.

Reed said he was “deeply disturbed” by the sentiments Cochran expressed in his book and will “not tolerate discrimination of any kind” in his administration.

“I want to be clear that the material in Chief Cochran’s book is not representative of my personal beliefs, and is inconsistent with the administration’s work to make Atlanta a more welcoming city for all of her citizens — regardless of their sexual orientation, gender, race and religious beliefs,” Reed said in a statement on Monday.

Atlanta fire chief suspended over book controversy
I'll attend your "sensitivity class" when you attend my church. Fair?

I don't care what you do. Freedom of speech doesn't necessarily mean you will have no consequences with employment.

Texas teacher fired after Ferguson tweets -

This teacher learned her lesson the hard way.
So does that mean you can't prove your racist assertions and now you're sidetracking?
Because the employees are the ones who filed the complaint. Try to keep up.

How many employees were offended?

My name is Carla, not Nancy Drew.

Mayor Kasim Reed’s spokeswoman Anne Torres said the administration didn’t know about “Who Told You That You Are Naked?” until employees came forward with complaints last week. In addition to suspending Cochran, Reed’s office has now opened an investigation to determine whether the chief’s actions violated the city policies or discriminated against employees.

Cochran has been ordered to undergo sensitivity training and has been barred from distributing copies of the book on city property after a number of firefighters said they received them in the workplace.

Reed said he was “deeply disturbed” by the sentiments Cochran expressed in his book and will “not tolerate discrimination of any kind” in his administration.

“I want to be clear that the material in Chief Cochran’s book is not representative of my personal beliefs, and is inconsistent with the administration’s work to make Atlanta a more welcoming city for all of her citizens — regardless of their sexual orientation, gender, race and religious beliefs,” Reed said in a statement on Monday.

Atlanta fire chief suspended over book controversy
I'll attend your "sensitivity class" when you attend my church. Fair?

I don't care what you do. Freedom of speech doesn't necessarily mean you will have no consequences with employment.

Texas teacher fired after Ferguson tweets -

This teacher learned her lesson the hard way.
So does that mean you can't prove your racist assertions and now you're sidetracking?

I don't need to prove anything.

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