At this point in my life my only reason for living is to make money so I can keep on living...

I'm divorced, my children are all grown, I really don't have a function any more except to hold down a job, and the only reason I do that is to pay the bills I have to pay which are only necessary because I'm still alive.
Wow. Sucks to be you.

Gonna make a suggestion:

Turn off the computer and go do something. Doesn't have to be anything huge or important, just something. Join a bowling league, a book club, call a friend and go to the movies, anything rather than sit and rot.
I'm divorced, my children are all grown, I really don't have a function any more except to hold down a job, and the only reason I do that is to pay the bills I have to pay which are only necessary because I'm still alive.
You need to look at the glass half FULL rather than EMPTY!
I’m sure you have it much better than many guys in underdeveloped & undemocratic countries.
Don’t sweat the small stuff.
Get some v-iagra and start dating without “strong” expectations.
damn dump your therapist ....she is shaming you ..that doesnt help in the long run
stop pining for the were dating...try dating you have contra dancing in your area? great way to meet people
I do see a shrink. She tells me my problems aren't really problems compared to her other patients. She sees women who are abused by their husbands, stuff like that.

Excuse me, but pardon me.

Such is laughable. It is like going to the doctor telling him you are sick, vomiting with headache and fever, and the doctor telling you, "oh, you have nothing if you see my other patients..."

I am older than you, having children, with lots of self work to do, with several health problems, bills to pay, and a low standard way of life. This is to say, not a saint by any means.

Contrary to your position, even when I love investigating religion, I would like the end of my life to be "this is it" and never ever have life again.

My experience in this life has been with highs and lows, about life I liked it, it was fine, it was fun, it was bored sometimes, etc. Today, I just keep obtaining more knowledge and in this task I'm very picky, I select only what is worthy to be studied.

Same as plants and animals, I think my place in this world was to continue the human species having children. This is to say, to me such expression of "living forever" is having my turn of living, die later and my children continuing with life, and their children doing the same.

I have studied very carefully what the god of the bible offers to his followers, and I really don't feel attracted to such idea. To me, this life is enough.

However, if you really want to continue having life after you die and being resurrected, then best will be for you to give yourself more encouragement. This is to say, try to leave this "first phase of your life" with a better attitude, like giving thanks for what you have received. Do not compare yourself to others, because this is about you and your god, it is not about the rest.

No need to become more "religious" but really take that feeling of appreciation for what your god has given you.

You know, this is like going to school. Ending the elementary school with good grades so you can start better on Middle School, and later with High School, and College, etc. It should not be fair for you ending one of those steps like you weren't happy of finishing the race with satisfaction.

I know is hard when life become "solitary", one might feel like a cactus in the middle of the dessert, however think about that plant, it fights for survival, and if this plant has not companions, I bet the entertainment will be trying to see what forms the clouds make today, guessing what way the wind will take, and similar.

I, for example, am considering buying those offers from Regal, $20 a month and you can watch as many movies as you want -I think not the recent ones but the ones having more than two weeks-. I think that will be great for this Winter season. It is just trying yourself to put monotony under the bed, and live, yes, live this life the best you can, and this won't mean spending more money but finding the seasoned flavor of everything you are in contact with.

About your age, you are 54 years old, look, how much you want for your age? I buy it. Surely I would like to be many years younger as you are right now. At this moment I'm happy, but being at your age would make me more happier.

So, do a favor to yourself, you still have a lot to discover, and if one day you can't move, if one day you will depend of others, then, that day you can worry about that status. But today, today you enjoy life, today be your best, today give thanks.
Fishing has drawn me to Canada, the Bahamas, Fiji and other places.

Point is, it's the fishing, but it's more than that too...
Maybe I should take up fishing. It would give me an excuse to sit around and do nothing, which is something I already like to do.

Yep, true, but you'll be doing it in the bahamas or south america or some remote location in canada. Join a club and meet some new people.

It's not about the fishing. Doesnt even have to be fishing. Could be something else. Could be volunteering, mentoring kids, fostering dogs, building high end rockets and partying with those people or whatever.

Normally $ is the limiter, if you have that you can explore and find your "it"

Get out and have some fun. Life is short.
If a doctor told me tomorrow I was dying of cancer, my reaction would be

beating feet down to the Walgreens and buying a carton of Camel filters... Quit 7 years ago and after smoking for 43 years the urge still hits me like a big ole Freightliner Semi... I do not fear death and with the way the world is changing... :dunno:
I might take up smoking myself. I was bar hopping Los Angeles with my sister and I smoked a few cigarettes and it wasn't too bad.
Grow up you old crybaby, no one in their right mind takes up smoking at 54. See a shrink you are severely disoriented
I do see a shrink. She tells me my problems aren't really problems compared to her other patients. She sees women who are abused by their husbands, stuff like that.

Sounds like a really shitty shrink.
I'm 54-years-old and every birthday is just one year closer to getting old and not being able to take care of myself.
Then get off your lazy, whiney ass and do something.
I have hobbies.
I make beer, which is rewarding in it's own right of course.
Find something you like to do and do it.
The only reason there is no point in your life is you haven't made one.
I'm 54-years-old and every birthday is just one year closer to getting old and not being able to take care of myself.
Then get off your lazy, whiney ass and do something.
I have hobbies.
I make beer, which is rewarding in it's own right of course.
Find something you like to do and do it.
The only reason there is no point in your life is you haven't made one.

Sounds like a combo of empty nest syndrome and post divorce problems. That is not him not making a point to his life, but about those points being finished, one way or another.
I'm divorced, my children are all grown, I really don't have a function any more except to hold down a job, and the only reason I do that is to pay the bills I have to pay which are only necessary because I'm still alive.

I'm retired....

and I have MANY reasons to live;

my grandson lives close and I see him a lot!

I still love my female companion. and we both still enjoy intimacy with each other! In fact; we hug, kiss, hug more, touch hands, cuddle ALL THE TIME!

I hunt/search for antiques/collectible. MOST every weekend we go to estate sales, rummage sales, flea markets searching for delightful treasures to bring home and fondle and admire. Unless the item is TOO GOOD, where-upon my woman puts it away never to be seen by human eyes again!

I haven't seen every episode of MidSomer Murders or Murdoch Mysteries yet

I still have 10 more pounds to lose. Can't die until I accomplish THAT!

I have been playing guitar/keys/percussion and recording my own music since I was 15. I still play every day and i still "work on" getting better; Have just started to work on "sweep picking" and I can't die until I get good at it.

I dabble in writing stories. Have NEVER finished any but i have a number of projects started. I spend time MOST every day working on various writing projects.

I love fun food!
So we have (and still search for) interesting cook books from which we can try new and interesting menu items.

and last but not least;

I'm endeavoring to save America from a right wing christian theocracy.
It's long hard work but I can't die until it is done.
I'm 54-years-old and every birthday is just one year closer to getting old and not being able to take care of myself.
Then get off your lazy, whiney ass and do something.
I have hobbies.
I make beer, which is rewarding in it's own right of course.
Find something you like to do and do it.
The only reason there is no point in your life is you haven't made one.

Sounds like a combo of empty nest syndrome and post divorce problems. That is not him not making a point to his life, but about those points being finished, one way or another.

I am also 54, divorced and both of mu children are obviously not home anymore.
It was certainly rough for a couple years adjusting to finding a new purpose, but I got on with it.
Met a great woman, I love making beer, cooking and just enjoy the peacefulness that comes in these between years.
Life has been a struggle, and I really don't see a point to it anymore.
My guess is you work ,sleep, hang out on here. Am I wrong? This is how people live today. Get back outside,get back out into nature and ditch sedintary lifestyle. Wife and kids gone means your money stays in your wallet. I have found with wife and kids not around living is realy cheap for me. I quit appraising property and started a fishing charter buisness. I now live in a vacation town and do for a living what I use to pay to do. I did not make near the money this year I did while appraising but I did proffit for the first year, so it was a good start. You can now chase your dreams and do what you want take advantageet off thqat couch and live s the way start.
I'm divorced, my children are all grown, I really don't have a function any more except to hold down a job, and the only reason I do that is to pay the bills I have to pay which are only necessary because I'm still alive.
Wow. Sucks to be you.

Gonna make a suggestion:

Turn off the computer and go do something. Doesn't have to be anything huge or important, just something. Join a bowling league, a book club, call a friend and go to the movies, anything rather than sit and rot.

a place to go: flea markets! lots of dealers and shoppers walking around. These are people you can actually meet, talk to and interact with for no other reason other than everyone is there to buy and sell stuff.

Just walk up to a guy selling beer signs and start talking to him about them!

I meet LOTS of people at flea markets (many of whom do not share my political views) but we all get along good because we have "crap" in common.
I'm divorced, my children are all grown, I really don't have a function any more except to hold down a job, and the only reason I do that is to pay the bills I have to pay which are only necessary because I'm still alive.
Me too. I support a family I hate, who in turn hates me. They feed me, I pay the damn bills.


are you and blackrook 2 of those VERY HAPPY conservatives who are SO MUCH HAPPIER than liberals?

has a lightning bolt sent blackrook to the "happy" land - if not here, happy what's he going to do there ... how about a true religion, obviously that's what they are missing.
If a doctor told me tomorrow I was dying of cancer, my reaction would be

beating feet down to the Walgreens and buying a carton of Camel filters... Quit 7 years ago and after smoking for 43 years the urge still hits me like a big ole Freightliner Semi... I do not fear death and with the way the world is changing... :dunno:
I might take up smoking myself. I was bar hopping Los Angeles with my sister and I smoked a few cigarettes and it wasn't too bad.
Grow up you old crybaby, no one in their right mind takes up smoking at 54. See a shrink you are severely disoriented
I do see a shrink. She tells me my problems aren't really problems compared to her other patients. She sees women who are abused by their husbands, stuff like that.
You do not need to hear about other peoples problems, you need the right medication. No ifs ands or butts
If a doctor told me tomorrow I was dying of cancer, my reaction would be

beating feet down to the Walgreens and buying a carton of Camel filters... Quit 7 years ago and after smoking for 43 years the urge still hits me like a big ole Freightliner Semi... I do not fear death and with the way the world is changing... :dunno:
I might take up smoking myself. I was bar hopping Los Angeles with my sister and I smoked a few cigarettes and it wasn't too bad.
Grow up you old crybaby, no one in their right mind takes up smoking at 54. See a shrink you are severely disoriented
I do see a shrink. She tells me my problems aren't really problems compared to her other patients. She sees women who are abused by their husbands, stuff like that.

Sounds like a really shitty shrink.
He does not need to talk, he just needs the right serotonin drug, there are many
I'm divorced, my children are all grown, I really don't have a function any more except to hold down a job, and the only reason I do that is to pay the bills I have to pay which are only necessary because I'm still alive.
Ask yourself this; “what do I want”? Start there...
I'm divorced, my children are all grown, I really don't have a function any more except to hold down a job, and the only reason I do that is to pay the bills I have to pay which are only necessary because I'm still alive.
try Charity work and helping those in need. Might fill that void and give you a purpose. Just do everybody a favor and don’t share your political views ;-)

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