Ask A Schizophrenic

This is probably a condition that will be better understood and treated in the near future. Chemistry will doubtless be involved, but much more moderate and effective.

Ah yes, the great iron peak. The reason why iron is a star killer and when massive stars many times the size of the Sun finally finish converting all of the silicon into iron over the course of a day, since iron production consumes energy rather than releasing it, in less than a second, the outer pressure at the core holding up the star against the weight of gravity suddenly ceases and the star collapses in on itself like a lightning clap creating a titanic explosion, and in the resulting blast, all of the heavier elements are formed.

But then, I didn't ask you! I asked Goober.
Ah yes, the great iron peak. The reason why iron is a star killer and when massive stars many times the size of the Sun finally finish converting all of the silicon into iron over the course of a day, since iron production consumes energy rather than releasing it, in less than a second, the outer pressure at the core holding up the star against the weight of gravity suddenly ceases and the star collapses in on itself like a lightning clap creating a titanic explosion, and in the resulting blast, all of the heavier elements are formed.

But then, I didn't ask you! I asked Goober.
When one already knows yet asks anyway? That's being a Douchebag.
When one already knows yet asks anyway? That's being a Douchebag.

No it isn't. He invited people to ask him questions--- I asked him one--- I didn't see anything about it having to be questions folks didn't know the answer to! Otherwise, how would we know if he was right or not? If anyone is a doosh, it is the OP for asking for questions he has no intention in legitimately answering.
Many schizophrenics that are on medication will behave so normally that they either think they no longer need medication, or there was a mistake and they never needed it.

My roommate imagined we were in a relationship since we shared living space. He would imagine we were building a life together. He was cured and stop taking his meds. I'd come home to find disarray and him in a catatonic break.

This guy would constantly leave stuff at my my house so he had a connection with me.
I sold him a trailer years ago but I'd removed the ramp for it since I didnt need it. He left it even after I told him to take it.
It sat in my garage for three years. After I got aggressive with him when it came to leaving me the fuck alone he still left it in my garage.
Recently he demanded the trailer ramp be given back which is what I wanted him to do in the first place.
I'd blocked every number he used to contact me and he bitched about not being able to get the trailer ramp because I wouldnt speak to him.
I'd told him over and over that if he wanted to contact me he could do it through text.
I texted him and told him the ramp was sitting on my driveway and to come and get it. He again complained that he couldnt get in touch with to schedule a time. I told him my name is on the list at the gate and he could call and I'd let him in to pick up the ramp.
I also told him he didnt seem to have a problem getting in the gate without notifying me in the past which he had no comment on.
He finally picked up the ramp yesterday,without calling from the gate,so I hope the ordeal is finally over.
Trying to think the way this dude thinks was stressful to say the least.
Once I figured out how he thought it was much easier to deal with him.
I could seriously write a novel on all the trouble he's caused me from the time we were somewhat friends in my teens until today's problems.
Why can't schizos being afforded the same rights as when they believe they are president?
What is schizophrenia? Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves. People with schizophrenia may seem like they have lost touch with reality, which can be distressing for them and for their family and friends.


lord help us......~S~
This guy would constantly leave stuff at screen he had a connection with me.
I sold him a trailer years ago but I'd removed the ramp for it since I didnt need it. He left it even after I told him to take it.
It sat in my garage for three years. After I got aggressive with him when it came to leaving me the fuck alone he still left it in my garage.
Recently he demanded the trailer ramp be given back which is what I wanted him to do in the first place.
I'd blocked every number he used to contact me and he bitched about not being able to get the trailer ramp because I wouldnt speak to him.
I'd told him over and over that if he wanted to contact me he could do it through text.
I texted him and told him the ramp was sitting on my driveway and to come and get it. He again complained that he couldnt get in touch with to schedule a time. I told him my name is on the list at the gate and he could call and I'd let him in to pick up the ramp.
I also told him he didnt seem to have a problem getting in the gate without notifying me in the past which he had no comment on.
He finally picked up the ramp yesterday,without calling from the gate,so I hope the ordeal is finally over.
Trying to think the way this dude thinks was stressful to say the least.
Once I figured out how he thought it was much easier to deal with him.
I could seriously write a novel on all the trouble he's caused me from the time we were somewhat friends in my teens until today's problems.
What a nightmare for you!

At that time I was working 7 days a week, sometimes 18 hours a day and he would come up with complaining that I didn't cook. I wouldn't have cooked if I did nothing all day but paint my fingernails.

The first time he spaced out he thought my clients were going to kill us. He threw out all the kitchen knives. I flipped out. He ran out of the apartment screaming and stayed with a friend. He went on and on separating more and more from reality. He had a list of things I had to do. Cook, clean the apartment, stop working with those scary criminals, stop fencing and stop going to the gym. Then one day he was found completely unresponsive. He had a psychotic break and was catatonic. Of course he was hospitalized.

I moved to a one bedroom apartment. He was hospitalized for a couple of months. Then he wanted to come back. No. His doctors Begged me. His mother's home was too toxic. Just temporarily. He had to find another job. As long as he was taking his meds he's okay. Please please. He has no one.

Like an utter fool I agreed. Just for awhile. I gave him the bedroom and I took the sofa. First off, he got on disability. The refused to look for a job. Then insisted that disability wasn't enough to pay any expenses. I was supporting his raggedy ass. He's on medication. Too sick to work.

What kind of trouble can I get into by abandoning this guy? I ended up discussing the issue with another attorney. One of my clients dropped in. A motorcycle outlaw. He said, you have seven days to tell him it's time to go. Or, I will.

I rented another apartment And told the landlord. I just could not tell my sad sack roommate. I have no sympathy nor empathy. I found no gentle way to bail. He cried all the time.

Seven days later, the motorcycle roars down my street, through the screen door and into the living room. " It's time to go. I'm here to make that happen." He helped my roommate pack and load his car. That was that. I just had to pay damages.
Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness. People with schizophrenia may seem like they have lost touch with reality.

Exactly right, Spark. Schizophrenia is a form of psychoses, which essentially means a person is out of contact with reality, legally insane, and not responsible for their actions and cannot make life or legal actions of their own accord.
What a nightmare for you!

At that time I was working 7 days a week, sometimes 18 hours a day and he would come up with complaining that I didn't cook. I wouldn't have cooked if I did nothing all day but paint my fingernails.

The first time he spaced out he thought my clients were going to kill us. He threw out all the kitchen knives. I flipped out. He ran out of the apartment screaming and stayed with a friend. He went on and on separating more and more from reality. He had a list of things I had to do. Cook, clean the apartment, stop working with those scary criminals, stop fencing and stop going to the gym. Then one day he was found completely unresponsive. He had a psychotic break and was catatonic. Of course he was hospitalized.

I moved to a one bedroom apartment. He was hospitalized for a couple of months. Then he wanted to come back. No. His doctors Begged me. His mother's home was too toxic. Just temporarily. He had to find another job. As long as he was taking his meds he's okay. Please please. He has no one.

Like an utter fool I agreed. Just for awhile. I gave him the bedroom and I took the sofa. First off, he got on disability. The refused to look for a job. Then insisted that disability wasn't enough to pay any expenses. I was supporting his raggedy ass. He's on medication. Too sick to work.

What kind of trouble can I get into by abandoning this guy? I ended up discussing the issue with another attorney. One of my clients dropped in. A motorcycle outlaw. He said, you have seven days to tell him it's time to go. Or, I will.

I rented another apartment And told the landlord. I just could not tell my sad sack roommate. I have no sympathy nor empathy. I found no gentle way to bail. He cried all the time.

Seven days later, the motorcycle roars down my street, through the screen door and into the living room. " It's time to go. I'm here to make that happen." He helped my roommate pack and load his car. That was that. I just had to pay damages.

Thats Crazy!!!
As I've gotten older I really dont want any new friends,especially ones that are schizophrenic.
It was the weirdest thing. The Wife and I moved to a gated community after an attempted home invasion.
We never have anyone knocking on our door which is what we wanted.
I get a knock and open the door and there he was trying to sell me mulch.
At first I didnt mind seeing him but I had no idea he was going to try and force his way into my life.
He'd show up with strangers at all hours and never called from the gate.
It didnt matter to him when I told him to stop doing it.
The Wife told me he'd park in front of the house and just sit there which was creepy as hell.
I told him if I ever caught him parked in front of my house again I was going to call the police.
Our street signs clearly say private road,even Google Earth isnt allowed to film here.
I felt kinda bad but he just pushed things to far.
Thats Crazy!!!
As I've gotten older I really dont want any new friends,especially ones that are schizophrenic.
It was the weirdest thing. The Wife and I moved to a gated community after an attempted home invasion.
We never have anyone knocking on our door which is what we wanted.
I get a knock and open the door and there he was trying to sell me mulch.
At first I didnt mind seeing him but I had no idea he was going to try and force his way into my life.
He'd show up with strangers at all hours and never called from the gate.
It didnt matter to him when I told him to stop doing it.
The Wife told me he'd park in front of the house and just sit there which was creepy as hell.
I told him if I ever caught him parked in front of my house again I was going to call the police.
Our street signs clearly say private road,even Google Earth isnt allowed to film here.
I felt kinda bad but he just pushed things to far.

What you are describing is a Sociopath.

Jeffrey Dahmer was a sociopath.

Steer clear.
Schizophrenia is a form of psychoses, which essentially means a person is out of contact with reality, legally insane, and not responsible for their actions and cannot make life or legal actions of their own accord.
Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves. People with schizophrenia may seem like they have lost touch with reality, which can be distressing for them and for their family and friends. The symptoms of schizophrenia can make it difficult to participate in usual, everyday activities, but effective treatments are available. Many people who receive treatment can engage in school or work, achieve independence, and enjoy personal relationships.
Are the racing thoughts all in different voices in your mind? Is it more like you start thinking weird stuff about people and situations and then it becomes overwhelming.
Good question.

I would describe the nature of the racing thoughts, when they come, as false signals from the brain (that I know are ridiculous, but can’t control).

For example, I’m out in public (like in a grocery store) and have an attack, of that kind. My brain could be telling me various annoying things (like everyone is watching me, making fun of me, calling me names, talking about me or thinking I’m crazy). It’s an interesting phenomenon. I compare it to a faulty water faucet, where one just can’t shut the water off, as it‘s leaking all over the place. Normal people can do this - schizophrenics can’t and have no defenses when it happens.

Thankfully, it’s extremely rare for me to have an attack out in public these days. And when I do, it comes on gradually, so I can have time to go home, lie down and rest (the only way to fully alleviate my racing mind).

What I have to still watch out for, for instance, is if I am driving a car and it happens. One does not want to operate a motor vehicle when “hearing voices“ - it is simply unsafe to be out on the road. Generally speaking, I will have plenty of time to get home, before my brain overflows. Thankfully, my racing thoughts (when they do occur) only happen at night, after 4pm. It has something to do with the medication wearing off, as I take that in the morning. Anyway, I generally don’t drive at night anymore, just to be safe.

That is it, in a nutshell. Basically, stress brings this kind of stuff on. If I had to sum up schizophrenia in three words or less, I would say “Sensitivity to stress.”
Good question.

I would describe the nature of the racing thoughts, when they come, as false signals from the brain (that I know are ridiculous, but can’t control).

For example, I’m out in public (like in a grocery store) and have an attack, of that kind. My brain could be telling me various annoying things (like everyone is watching me, making fun of me, calling me names, talking about me or thinking I’m crazy). It’s an interesting phenomenon. I compare it to a faulty water faucet, where one just can’t shut the water off, as it‘s leaking all over the place. Normal people can do this - schizophrenics can’t and have no defenses when it happens.

Thankfully, it’s extremely rare for me to have an attack out in public these days. And when I do, it comes on gradually, so I can have time to go home, lie down and rest (the only way to fully alleviate my racing mind).

What I have to still watch out for, for instance, is if I am driving a car and it happens. One does not want to operate a motor vehicle when “hearing voices“ - it is simply unsafe to be out on the road. Generally speaking, I will have plenty of time to get home, before my brain overflows. Thankfully, my racing thoughts (when they do occur) only happen at night, after 4pm. It has something to do with the medication wearing off, as I take that in the morning. Anyway, I generally don’t drive at night anymore, just to be safe.

That is it, in a nutshell. Basically, stress brings this kind of stuff on. If I had to sum up schizophrenia in three words or less, I would say “Sensitivity to stress.”
What medication?

'But we've never actually seen a schizophrenic.'
(Deleuze and Guattari, Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia)
What medication?

'But we've never actually seen a schizophrenic.'
(Deleuze and Guattari, Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia)
Abilify Is the antipsychotic that I’m currently taking, though have been on everything from Haldol to Zyprexa to Risperdal, etc. I will say that, on those older meds, I was barely functional. Also, when the “voices” would come on, they were significantly worse on those old school drugs.

Your article is interesting and presents a viewpoint, which I was unaware of. Am reading the full book right now. Will have to get back to you, after I finish.

You have, I will say, perked my interest.
Ironically, I was watching a short video the other day which was posted on one of the very few Youtube channels I peruse through whereby the narrator was presenting a comparison between schizophrenia and depression...

We would, then, be interested in the pharmacokinetics of Abilify. D&G mention 'that awful noon and five-o'clock,' you mention ~ 4P wearing off. Thus, pharmacodynamics and circadian rhythm must be included in this investigation.

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