As a libertarian I support your choices.

As a committed lifelong libertarian I support your right to enjoy the liberties we have here in the United States. You certainly have every right to eat bad food like a pig, smoke tobacco like a chimney, drink alcohol like a fish, smoke weed on a regular basis and lay around like a sloth. God bless America.

What I find difficult to grasp is your eager support of Venezuelan-style government health insurance like the Affordable Care Act that forces the rest of us to pay for your choices. Forty years ago when many were putting powder up their noses like there was no tomorrow I was running ten miles a day. A respected local physician told me many years ago that when my joints and ligaments began to protest I should transition to the bicycle which I did in 1983.

With the thousands I saved from not smoking, drinking to excess and using illegal drugs I was able to purchase an expensive racing bicycle and never looked back. Today at 72 I have a 45-year-old body from riding with people decades younger than I am.

You are free to do live any way you want. If you want to get your leg sawed off from self-inflicted diabetes go for it. If you want to cough up blood because your liver looks like a Sun-dried sponge, have at it. If you want to be financially destroyed by paying for quadruple heart bypass surgery I won’t stand in your way. You certainly have every right to spend you twilight years enjoying your COPD; I choose to have clear lungs so I can chase the wind on my bike.

What I can’t understand is that you want me to pay for all the dancing you did as the fiddler’s bill comes due. Why are you trying to use the government to strong-arm me to pay your bill? No government insurance buys me new tires for my bike or prescription coverage to pay for expensive frame components or cycle clothing.

I want you to be happy as you dance but you must pay your own bill as you either drop dead or end up swallowing your face in a nursing home at fifty. It’s your choice and as a libertarian I support that choice. Enjoy your handicap parking sticker and electric shopping cart; I’ll ride my bike. I want the government to leave me alone.

In a few words leave me alone if I'm leaving everyone else alone and get your filthy shithooks out of my pocket. That is the basic premise of the libertarian party. I suspect more people are at heart libertarian than they know themselves. I also believe the liberterian party will be the odds on favorite to replace the soon to be dead democratic party.
What I find difficult to grasp is your eager support of Venezuelan-style government health insurance like the Affordable Care Act that forces the rest of us to pay for your choices.
Every insurance pools risk; that's literally the entire point. And we pay for indigent care already, at inflated prices, with worse outcomes. We are already paying for everyone's choices.
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Everyone should have the right to have access to healthcare! Ok so what if we were to tweak the definition of right to choice to have healthcare or not? Of course not because people would probably choose the option to go uninsured because they don’t want to have to deal with the insurance companies or the bills. In my opinion and, frankly it’s one of the numerous issues that I have some concerns about is what will happen if this idea doesn’t cover everything? The progressive democrats are going to rush to yes it’ll ! Is anyone here who is on Medicare I’m curious what does Medicare doesn’t cover

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Is anyone here who is on Medicare I’m curious what does Medicare doesn’t cover

It doesn't cover my bicycle. It covers 80% just like it says. It also negotiates process down which is huge.
I'm fine with letting adults make bad choices but every child in this country should have access to quality healthcare. If that means we all chip in, so be it. I have no issue with private insurance and providers and Medicare for all doesn't mean the end of the private sector.

If you think this country is not already on the left when it comes to health care, try ending Medicare and see where that goes.
No, take care of your OWN kids-it is YOUR responsibility.
True but if I can't or won't take care of my own kids, what then? Until you can come up with something better than 'let them suffer and die' Libertarians will never be more than a radical fringe party.
Orphanage. But why would you NOT take care of your kids? And if your genes are in them, its better they stay out of the mainstream population.
Very Old Testament of you BTW: let the sins on the father be visited on the son. WWJS?
Then let the church take care of them
Your humanity is duly noted.

How is leaving children with a person who cannot or will not take care of them humane?
So you do care about the children? So what is your solution to this complex problem?
How big is your house?
I'm fine with letting adults make bad choices but every child in this country should have access to quality healthcare. If that means we all chip in, so be it. I have no issue with private insurance and providers and Medicare for all doesn't mean the end of the private sector.

If you think this country is not already on the left when it comes to health care, try ending Medicare and see where that goes.
No, take care of your OWN kids-it is YOUR responsibility.
True but if I can't or won't take care of my own kids, what then? Until you can come up with something better than 'let them suffer and die' Libertarians will never be more than a radical fringe party.
Orphanage. But why would you NOT take care of your kids? And if your genes are in them, its better they stay out of the mainstream population.
Is that the libertarian solution? Have the gov't pay for an orphanage rather than health insurance? Doesn't seem cost effective to me.
I'm fine with letting adults make bad choices but every child in this country should have access to quality healthcare. If that means we all chip in, so be it. I have no issue with private insurance and providers and Medicare for all doesn't mean the end of the private sector.

If you think this country is not already on the left when it comes to health care, try ending Medicare and see where that goes.
No, take care of your OWN kids-it is YOUR responsibility.
True but if I can't or won't take care of my own kids, what then? Until you can come up with something better than 'let them suffer and die' Libertarians will never be more than a radical fringe party.
Orphanage. But why would you NOT take care of your kids? And if your genes are in them, its better they stay out of the mainstream population.
Is that the libertarian solution? Have the gov't pay for an orphanage rather than health insurance? Doesn't seem cost effective to me.
You can feel free to pay for irresponsible parents.
Very Old Testament of you BTW: let the sins on the father be visited on the son. WWJS?
Then let the church take care of them
Your humanity is duly noted.

How is leaving children with a person who cannot or will not take care of them humane?
So you do care about the children? So what is your solution to this complex problem?
How big is your house?
Not big enough for all who might need it. Is your house available?
Then let the church take care of them
Your humanity is duly noted.

How is leaving children with a person who cannot or will not take care of them humane?
So you do care about the children? So what is your solution to this complex problem?
How big is your house?
Not big enough for all who might need it. Is your house available?
Unlike yourself, I never offered to force anyone to enact a law to raise taxes to reward irresponsible parents.
Unlike yourself, I never offered to force anyone to enact a law to raise taxes to reward irresponsible parents.
Unlike yourself, I think everyone should be responsible for the health of children even if they have irresponsible parents. Unlike yourself, I don't want to punish the child for the sins of the father.
Unlike yourself, I never offered to force anyone to enact a law to raise taxes to reward irresponsible parents.
Unlike yourself, I think everyone should be responsible for the health of children even if they have irresponsible parents. Unlike yourself, I don't want to punish the child for the sins of the father.
I’m being punished when I foreclose on my house because I can’t pay my mortgage.
I bet that never occurred to you.
You can feel free to pay for irresponsible parents.
Thanks. What about parents that lose their jobs and can't afford healthcare? You can feel free to pay for poor parents, I bet there are way more of those.
Now you’re using logic...
Why did they lose their job?
Was it Globalist Economics?
An illness?
Either bad luck or stupidity on the part of the parents. I don't see how that would matter to the child.

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