Article V call to action!

My answer is the same answer I have been propounding since I came to this forum.

We need to eliminate the government gifts in our tax code. Exemptions, credits, and deductions. Then the budget would not only instantly be balanced, we would have a surplus which could be used to lower tax rates on EVERYONE. And it would have the serendipitous result of automatically reforming campaign finance. After all, if a politician isn't allowed to add a tax break to the tax code for a special interest, then that special interest would have no reason to donate to that politician.

Next, we need to raise the Medicare and Social Security eligibility age to 70, and index the age to 9 percent of the population going forward. We are living longer, we should be working longer. Common sense. We should be working longer, and thus contributing to the treasury longer, and drawing from the treasury less.

So forget about a balanced budget amendment. There are a lot of states with balanced budget amendments, and they all find ways around it to spend more than they take in.

If you want REAL change, then pass an amendment banning all deductions, exemptions, and credits from the tax code. That is the only way to make the playing field finally level for all.

More hopeful thinking. When is the last time Congress passed a balanced budget and when is it likely they will ever do so again?

If they are allowed to, they will continue to give away more free stuff and lower taxes.
No doubt.

But the greatest failing of the GOP since Reagan is that they never get specific. They have deliberately dumbed down their base to the point where the tards have the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker.

The tards can no longer make a cogent argument. They just parrot what they are told to parrot, and drink whatever piss is poured for them. The Tard Herd is moved about by their special interest overlords who do NOT have the country's best interests at heart.

Reagan's greatness lay in his not only having vision, but the ability to communicate his superior ideas. And he was able to get a massive tax reform passed in 1986 as a result.

That is long gone. Reagan's legacy is dead. Reagan and Buckley are spinning in their graves at the gross violation of their conservative beliefs which is going on today.

Now it is all fucking jingoism, racism, police state worship, and bigger government.

We need to dump these fucking hucksters like Trump and get back to basics.

Reagan? Who cares about Reagan?
Clearly you modern day pseudocons don't.

Even though the GOP would be nowhere without him.

Ironically, they are no where with him.

They have a majority but can't seem to act as one.

I bet they couldn't even fight there way out of a wet paper bag.
Exactly my point.

Without the principles which made conservatism the great movement it was, today's pseudocons can't achieve a fraction of what Reagan achieved.

Just a lot of noise, signifying nothing.
Let's stop whining and start doing something about the beltway!

In Ohio they are trying to pass SJR 1 resolution to try and make Ohio part of the 2/3 of the states needed to amend the Constitution and take power from the Feds and return it to the states.

We have the votes in the GOR committee and the full Senate to pass SJR 1. All we need is for Senator Obhof and Senator Coley to put it to a vote and not stall to put it to a vote.

Please call:

Senator Obhof at 614-466-7505 and Senator Coley at 614-466-8072 to support putting it to a vote. Obhof already said he would not stand in the way. Ask him what he is waiting for.


How glorious would it be to have a Constitutional amendment to place term limits on filth like Schumer and McCain?

It's the only way!

More than 600 requests for a convention have been submitted to congress by 49 States over the years, do you think one more will make any difference?


We need constitutional amendments to reduce the size and scope of the federal government.

This is the only way I know to do it without just watching everything go belly up.

As I've stated, we just need 22 more states to pass the resolution and it will start.

You're not getting it, congress will not call a convention, they already have multiple requests from 49 States. It's up to the States to hold their own conventions to propose amendments and bypass congress completely.


Then let's do it!

If that happens, the Feds will be in violation of the Constitution and can be declared despotic!

I've been on my State reps for years to call a State convention, what are you doing to that end? Do you seriously think congress gives a crap what they are called, they've ignored their constitutional mandate to call a convention for decades, they're not going to change now.

Let's stop whining and start doing something about the beltway!

In Ohio they are trying to pass SJR 1 resolution to try and make Ohio part of the 2/3 of the states needed to amend the Constitution and take power from the Feds and return it to the states.

We have the votes in the GOR committee and the full Senate to pass SJR 1. All we need is for Senator Obhof and Senator Coley to put it to a vote and not stall to put it to a vote.

Please call:

Senator Obhof at 614-466-7505 and Senator Coley at 614-466-8072 to support putting it to a vote. Obhof already said he would not stand in the way. Ask him what he is waiting for.


How glorious would it be to have a Constitutional amendment to place term limits on filth like Schumer and McCain?

It's the only way!

More than 600 requests for a convention have been submitted to congress by 49 States over the years, do you think one more will make any difference?


We need constitutional amendments to reduce the size and scope of the federal government.

This is the only way I know to do it without just watching everything go belly up.

As I've stated, we just need 22 more states to pass the resolution and it will start.

You're not getting it, congress will not call a convention, they already have multiple requests from 49 States. It's up to the States to hold their own conventions to propose amendments and bypass congress completely.


Then let's do it!

If that happens, the Feds will be in violation of the Constitution and can be declared despotic!

I've been on my State reps for years to call a State convention, what are you doing to that end? Do you seriously think congress gives a crap what they are called, they've ignored their constitutional mandate to call a convention for decades, they're not going to change now.


To my knowledge there has not been 34 states passing the same Article V petition, has there?

If so, when was the last one?
More hopeful thinking. When is the last time Congress passed a balanced budget and when is it likely they will ever do so again?

If they are allowed to, they will continue to give away more free stuff and lower taxes.
No doubt.

But the greatest failing of the GOP since Reagan is that they never get specific. They have deliberately dumbed down their base to the point where the tards have the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker.

The tards can no longer make a cogent argument. They just parrot what they are told to parrot, and drink whatever piss is poured for them. The Tard Herd is moved about by their special interest overlords who do NOT have the country's best interests at heart.

Reagan's greatness lay in his not only having vision, but the ability to communicate his superior ideas. And he was able to get a massive tax reform passed in 1986 as a result.

That is long gone. Reagan's legacy is dead. Reagan and Buckley are spinning in their graves at the gross violation of their conservative beliefs which is going on today.

Now it is all fucking jingoism, racism, police state worship, and bigger government.

We need to dump these fucking hucksters like Trump and get back to basics.

Reagan? Who cares about Reagan?
Clearly you modern day pseudocons don't.

Even though the GOP would be nowhere without him.

Ironically, they are no where with him.

They have a majority but can't seem to act as one.

I bet they couldn't even fight there way out of a wet paper bag.
Exactly my point.

Without the principles which made conservatism the great movement it was, today's pseudocons can't achieve a fraction of what Reagan achieved.

Just a lot of noise, signifying nothing.

What do you care then? That should make you happy but you seem to care a great deal.
For those that are against this movement, what is the alternative? What movement is out there other than wishful thinking?
What's the alternative? Duh maybe if American kids were taught more about civics and American history rather than putting a condom on a banana they might take an interest in where the Country was headed. Maybe if more than 20% of Americans voted and maybe if the mainstream media wasn't a propaganda arm of the democrat party we could get real news instead of fake junk. Beware of people who want to take the easy ignorant way out of a political issue and assume that amending the Constitution to restrict the citizens right to elect the best candidate might solve their personal lack of education and interest in the process.
More than 600 requests for a convention have been submitted to congress by 49 States over the years, do you think one more will make any difference?


We need constitutional amendments to reduce the size and scope of the federal government.

This is the only way I know to do it without just watching everything go belly up.

As I've stated, we just need 22 more states to pass the resolution and it will start.

You're not getting it, congress will not call a convention, they already have multiple requests from 49 States. It's up to the States to hold their own conventions to propose amendments and bypass congress completely.


Then let's do it!

If that happens, the Feds will be in violation of the Constitution and can be declared despotic!

I've been on my State reps for years to call a State convention, what are you doing to that end? Do you seriously think congress gives a crap what they are called, they've ignored their constitutional mandate to call a convention for decades, they're not going to change now.


To my knowledge there has not been 34 states passing the same Article V petition, has there?

If so, when was the last one?

Where does article 5 say the requests have to be on the same topic? Where does it say the petitions expire? Congress has a duty to call a convention based on the petitions already received, they are ignoring it and the courts are allowing them to do so. You might want to look up Friends of Article 5 and do some reading.

I would not trust ANYONE in this day and age to touch the Constitution.

We have no one even remotely approaching the visionary level of the people who hammered it out.
Let's stop whining and start doing something about the beltway!

In Ohio they are trying to pass SJR 1 resolution to try and make Ohio part of the 2/3 of the states needed to amend the Constitution and take power from the Feds and return it to the states.

We have the votes in the GOR committee and the full Senate to pass SJR 1. All we need is for Senator Obhof and Senator Coley to put it to a vote and not stall to put it to a vote.

Please call:

Senator Obhof at 614-466-7505 and Senator Coley at 614-466-8072 to support putting it to a vote. Obhof already said he would not stand in the way. Ask him what he is waiting for.


How glorious would it be to have a Constitutional amendment to place term limits on filth like Schumer and McCain?

It's the only way!

I agree with you in principle. But I promise you Marxists will overwhelm the convention. I think a better way would be to repeal the 17th amendment and then see what we can do from there. No power on earth will check itself and when the states lost their voice in the Central government their Constitutional powers began eroding as the Federal government expanded over everything.
And I have to say it again...the government is not the problem. The deep state is the problem. Americans elect Republican after Republican as president and give them majorities in both houses time and again. But they are in the end always defeated by the elites. Whereas Democrats are evil it should be obvious that Republicans are simply weak. Thank God from Trump.
We have to scour the media and academia clean of marxist liberals. The billionaires who bankroll them we cant do so much about. The big corporations though...we can do something about their support of democrats and liberals. The WSJ ran an op-ed with a call for shareholders to begin suing corporate boards when they squander goodwill and corporate money on liberal activism.
The Constitution is as good as it gets outside the 17th and perhaps the 14th amendment...both of which distorted the balance of power. Liberals will simply ignore any amendment as they have ignored the Constitution.
For example the Constitution gave women no right to vote. A more moral and law abiding America didnt "discover" womans suffrage in the Constitution. They passed and amendment to enfranchise women.
I think ERA broke that. Americans rejected the Equal Rights Amendment and liberals proceeded to act as if we hadn't rejected it.\
So what safeguards are there to prevent liberals from infiltrating any such convention of the states?
Edit: here is the link to the WSJ piece. It is behind a paywall though. When CEOs Play Politics, Shareholders Can Take Them to Court

edit 2: The article in full no paywall When CEOs Play Politics, Shareholders Can Take Them to Court - WSJ

They can't pass anything without the red states, no matter what they want, there isn't enough of them.

On the other hand, the red states are much closer to being able to pass without their help at all. This is why the left wants NOTHING to do with it.

Let me put it so people can understand-----------> the left wants centralized government. Why? Because when they institute their ideas in states, people FLEE their jurisdiction, and their states with all their nonsensical taxes, still are on the verge of bankruptcy. They need to CENTRALIZE all their ideas, so Americans can NOT flee unless they leave the country.

A convention of states totally REMOVES all the power to vote on ideas from the federal government. They have no say in what the states decide if they ratify it.

I agree that the start of all these problems was the 17th amendment. The way our government was originally set up was---------->

1. The House of Reps to represent the people.

2. The executive branch to represent the federal government.

3. The Senate to represent the states. The State legislatures; the real power inside the states, chose the Senators to go to Washington. The senators were to do the state legislatures bidding in Washington.

After the 17th amendment was passed, the states no longer have a say in Washington unless someone volunteers! The repeal of the 17th amendment would be a GREAT start to begin to diminish the power of Washington. If that was the ONLY thing a convention of states did, it would be worth it!
I would not trust ANYONE in this day and age to touch the Constitution.

We have no one even remotely approaching the visionary level of the people who hammered it out.

Who cares when they just ignore it?
No doubt.

But the greatest failing of the GOP since Reagan is that they never get specific. They have deliberately dumbed down their base to the point where the tards have the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker.

The tards can no longer make a cogent argument. They just parrot what they are told to parrot, and drink whatever piss is poured for them. The Tard Herd is moved about by their special interest overlords who do NOT have the country's best interests at heart.

Reagan's greatness lay in his not only having vision, but the ability to communicate his superior ideas. And he was able to get a massive tax reform passed in 1986 as a result.

That is long gone. Reagan's legacy is dead. Reagan and Buckley are spinning in their graves at the gross violation of their conservative beliefs which is going on today.

Now it is all fucking jingoism, racism, police state worship, and bigger government.

We need to dump these fucking hucksters like Trump and get back to basics.

Reagan? Who cares about Reagan?
Clearly you modern day pseudocons don't.

Even though the GOP would be nowhere without him.

Ironically, they are no where with him.

They have a majority but can't seem to act as one.

I bet they couldn't even fight there way out of a wet paper bag.
Exactly my point.

Without the principles which made conservatism the great movement it was, today's pseudocons can't achieve a fraction of what Reagan achieved.

Just a lot of noise, signifying nothing.

What do you care then? That should make you happy but you seem to care a great deal.
I care because they are destroying the country, and have destroyed the conservative movement.
If you don't like the way our country works, why don't you just leave? We don't need you unpatriotic users anyway.

:laugh::laugh::laugh: you libs are funny. Without us you people would starve to death, plus you need our money. Your post has my vote for empty threat of the month.
Reagan? Who cares about Reagan?
Clearly you modern day pseudocons don't.

Even though the GOP would be nowhere without him.

Ironically, they are no where with him.

They have a majority but can't seem to act as one.

I bet they couldn't even fight there way out of a wet paper bag.
Exactly my point.

Without the principles which made conservatism the great movement it was, today's pseudocons can't achieve a fraction of what Reagan achieved.

Just a lot of noise, signifying nothing.

What do you care then? That should make you happy but you seem to care a great deal.
I care because they are destroying the country, and have destroyed the conservative movement.

What do you care about the conservative movement?

Are you a conservative?
I would not trust ANYONE in this day and age to touch the Constitution.

We have no one even remotely approaching the visionary level of the people who hammered it out.

Yet you have no problem with the folks today not following it, including the federal courts.

Yeah, that's a great plan! Gay marriage, abortion on demand, a right to Sharia law, and all of those things libs support will get enacted into the Constitution and term limits won't even be discussed much less brought up for a vote.

Just listen to yourself. Gay marriage and abortion on demand are already the law of the land. Soon Sharia law will be next unless we do something about it.

Look at a map of the demographics.


What the Article V movement is about, is obtaining 2/3 of the states to vote yes so that red states can finally have a voice in America instead of being led around by states like California and New York who will always give the majority vote to Dims.

We have nothing to lose, I can assure you and everything to gain.

indeed bring it on it an ocean of red out there time to act is now
They can't pass anything without the red states, no matter what they want, there isn't enough of them.

On the other hand, the red states are much closer to being able to pass without their help at all. This is why the left wants NOTHING to do with it.

This is true. And after the sweep of 2016 we need just one more state to pass anything we like. Why else do you think the left has gone so crazy? We call it Trump Derangement Syndrome but it is more than that. It is the ruling elite watching power slip from their fingers when they almost had it locked down forever.
But I will say this..the federal government, the courts, congress none of them can stop the states in convention modifying the Constitution. It is a way given us to overthrow the entrenched powers. But expect exponentially more of what we have been seeing. Like the third world marxists and socialists they take their cue from, the leftards will riot and burn and blockade and shut down any public speaker on the subject with threats. The media will declare war the likes of which has never seen and the Hollyweirdos will never stop trying to derail it. Billionaires and corporations will fund opposition. Then they will try to tie the citizens up in court for decades. And finally they will resort to their standard "since we lost you have to include us" and demand seats at the table and try to saddle you with racial, ethnic, gender, sexual quotas.
Hell with them. We should already be getting used to ignoring them. But we will need alternative forms of communication. Cloudflare, Twitter, Google, Reddit have already stated and demonstrated their willingness to silence opposition voices when it threatens the oligarchy. Communications is key. And of course the backbone to shut liberals out from something they would only seek to sabotage.

But as I say, before anything, the first order of business should be repeal the 17th. I see that then it has my support.

And a secondary comment. Years ago this was bandied about by Pat Buchanan and the like. When the marxists fail in making their case to the people and turn to courts to overturn by force what they couldn't do by persuasion, say by discovering new, secret previously encoded Federal powers in the Constitution as they did with abortion, the decision should automatically be submitted to the states for Constitutional clarification. If 3/4 ratify then it becomes part of the Constitution.
Let me put it so people can understand-----------> the left wants centralized government. Why? Because when they institute their ideas in states, people FLEE their jurisdiction, and their states with all their nonsensical taxes, still are on the verge of bankruptcy. They need to CENTRALIZE all their ideas, so Americans can NOT flee unless they leave the country.

Not just in the US...all over the world the despot loves centralization. Part of it is as you people a choice would humiliate them and expose their liberal failures. For instance, any blue state could have created socialized medicine anytime it liked. If it was so great then other states would have followed. But they knew what the result would be...especially if people could flee it. It *had* to be nationwide.

But another reason is simply that local government is a barrier to control and to faction They could not convince even ONE STATE to legalize abortion completely. Much easier to get to nine judges and overturn the laws of fifty states. As state after state shut down gay marriage they shifted to the easier to infilitrate federal government. The concentrated media, lobbyist and bureaucracy webs that grow up around a centralized power can also be counted on the help maintain control. All of them, like the federal government, far removed from the citizens they rule.

As Paul begala said about Clintons executive orders..."Stroke of the pen. Law of the Land. Kinda cool."
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If you don't like the way our country works, why don't you just leave? We don't need you unpatriotic users anyway.
Can't stand rule of law, can you?Thanks Goebbels.

Liberals such as bulldog have no loyalty to their nation or country. Their loyalty is exclusively to a global ideology. Thus to them it is actually treason when citizens reassert their rights and reject Marxism.
A to speak.
This Article V crap is just another way uber conservatives are trying to go around the voting public to make abortion illegal as well as unions and everything else on their laundry list of loser ideas meant to take the country back to 1846.

Once the Constitution is opened up for amendment they will flood the convention with everything including the kitchen sink that they want to force down everyone else's throats, like making their fake Kristianity the only legal religion.

Reject this anti-American attempt at seizing control of the lives of every American that doesn't agree with the neanderthal agenda of the alt-right.

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