Article V call to action!

For those that are against this movement, what is the alternative? What movement is out there other than wishful thinking?
Let's stop whining and start doing something about the beltway!

In Ohio they are trying to pass SJR 1 resolution to try and make Ohio part of the 2/3 of the states needed to amend the Constitution and take power from the Feds and return it to the states.

We have the votes in the GOR committee and the full Senate to pass SJR 1. All we need is for Senator Obhof and Senator Coley to put it to a vote and not stall to put it to a vote.

Please call:

Senator Obhof at 614-466-7505 and Senator Coley at 614-466-8072 to support putting it to a vote. Obhof already said he would not stand in the way. Ask him what he is waiting for.


How glorious would it be to have a Constitutional amendment to place term limits on filth like Schumer and McCain?

It's the only way!
Which part of the Constitution do they want to fuck up?

80% of the American people favor both term limits and a balanced budget amendment of some kind.

I guess you despise democracy, probably as much as you despise those who don't vote for establishment candidates.
The American people CLAIM to favor term limits and a balanced budget amendment, and yet they continue to re-elect the same people over and over and over, and they refuse to vote for people who won't shower government gifts on them.

Nice try.

"Those other guys spend too much on PORK, but my guy brings home the BACON."
Yeah, that's a great plan! Gay marriage, abortion on demand, a right to Sharia law, and all of those things libs support will get enacted into the Constitution and term limits won't even be discussed much less brought up for a vote.

Just listen to yourself. Gay marriage and abortion on demand are already the law of the land. Soon Sharia law will be next unless we do something about it.

Look at a map of the demographics.


What the Article V movement is about, is obtaining 2/3 of the states to vote yes so that red states can finally have a voice in America instead of being led around by states like California and New York who will always give the majority vote to Dims.

We have nothing to lose, I can assure you and everything to gain.

That's exactly what Trump-o said. "what have you got to lose?" Respect from the rest of world was the first thing to go.
Ridiculous.... such a drama queen. Do you morons believe this crap?
The House chapter of the American Politboro has enjoyed a 98 percent re-election rate for over four decades. The Senate chapter of the American Politboro has enjoyed a 90 percent re-election rate during the same period. This, despite multiple court rulings and Politiboro legislation "reforming" campaign finance and elections.

Despite all that legislation and court rulings, campaign cash flows in ever larger amounts to our incumbents with each succeeding election.

You know why?

Because liberal tards are trying to treat the symptoms while feeding the disease. And because pseudocon tards are stupid enough to bleev their Republican overlords who tell them they will cut spending, even though their overlords have increased spending every time they have power.

Campaign cash is a symptom, not the disease.

Think about this liberals. If a politician had no power over our lives, what would be the point of giving them cash?

But if you give a politician power, then there is a reason to give him cash to do what you want him to do with that power.

And you dumb fucks keep giving our central government more and more power, and then are stunned when more and more cash flows into their pockets from special interests who want to own that power!

How can you be this fucking CLUELESS?!?!?!
Congress has single digit approval, and yet a 98 percent re-election rate.

Go figure.

American voters are hypocrites.

"Those other guys spend too much on PORK, but my guy brings home the BACON."
Those Article V resolutions passed by the states sound really nice, but they are a fucking joke.

The Americans who voted for those hoaxes say they want a balanced budget.

Not really. They want their government gifts to keep flowing to them, they just want the gifts to stop flowing to the people they are told and taught to hate.

Everybody is all about "gimme, gimme, gimme and make that guy over there pay for it."
Let's stop whining and start doing something about the beltway!

In Ohio they are trying to pass SJR 1 resolution to try and make Ohio part of the 2/3 of the states needed to amend the Constitution and take power from the Feds and return it to the states.

We have the votes in the GOR committee and the full Senate to pass SJR 1. All we need is for Senator Obhof and Senator Coley to put it to a vote and not stall to put it to a vote.

Please call:

Senator Obhof at 614-466-7505 and Senator Coley at 614-466-8072 to support putting it to a vote. Obhof already said he would not stand in the way. Ask him what he is waiting for.


How glorious would it be to have a Constitutional amendment to place term limits on filth like Schumer and McCain?

It's the only way!

More than 600 requests for a convention have been submitted to congress by 49 States over the years, do you think one more will make any difference?

Let's stop whining and start doing something about the beltway!

In Ohio they are trying to pass SJR 1 resolution to try and make Ohio part of the 2/3 of the states needed to amend the Constitution and take power from the Feds and return it to the states.

We have the votes in the GOR committee and the full Senate to pass SJR 1. All we need is for Senator Obhof and Senator Coley to put it to a vote and not stall to put it to a vote.

Please call:

Senator Obhof at 614-466-7505 and Senator Coley at 614-466-8072 to support putting it to a vote. Obhof already said he would not stand in the way. Ask him what he is waiting for.


How glorious would it be to have a Constitutional amendment to place term limits on filth like Schumer and McCain?

It's the only way!
Which part of the Constitution do they want to fuck up?

80% of the American people favor both term limits and a balanced budget amendment of some kind.

I guess you despise democracy, probably as much as you despise those who don't vote for establishment candidates.
The American people CLAIM to favor term limits and a balanced budget amendment, and yet they continue to re-elect the same people over and over and over, and they refuse to vote for people who won't shower government gifts on them.

Nice try.

"Those other guys spend too much on PORK, but my guy brings home the BACON."

So what is your answer?

My answer is to FORCE them to create a budget that will be sensible rather than hearing them bitch and whine about a cut here or there and how draconian it is.

A balanced budget amendment is the only answer, otherwise whatever cuts they make politicians will be demonized for it. So if they don't have to make hard decisions, they simply won't.

The great part about the two party system is one side lowers taxes while the other side gives away free stuff.

End the madness!
Congress has single digit approval, and yet a 98 percent re-election rate.

Go figure.

American voters are hypocrites.

"Those other guys spend too much on PORK, but my guy brings home the BACON."

More aptly put, American voters are held hostage.
Let's stop whining and start doing something about the beltway!

In Ohio they are trying to pass SJR 1 resolution to try and make Ohio part of the 2/3 of the states needed to amend the Constitution and take power from the Feds and return it to the states.

We have the votes in the GOR committee and the full Senate to pass SJR 1. All we need is for Senator Obhof and Senator Coley to put it to a vote and not stall to put it to a vote.

Please call:

Senator Obhof at 614-466-7505 and Senator Coley at 614-466-8072 to support putting it to a vote. Obhof already said he would not stand in the way. Ask him what he is waiting for.


How glorious would it be to have a Constitutional amendment to place term limits on filth like Schumer and McCain?

It's the only way!

More than 600 requests for a convention have been submitted to congress by 49 States over the years, do you think one more will make any difference?


We need constitutional amendments to reduce the size and scope of the federal government.

This is the only way I know to do it without just watching everything go belly up.

As I've stated, we just need 22 more states to pass the resolution and it will start.
Let's stop whining and start doing something about the beltway!

In Ohio they are trying to pass SJR 1 resolution to try and make Ohio part of the 2/3 of the states needed to amend the Constitution and take power from the Feds and return it to the states.

We have the votes in the GOR committee and the full Senate to pass SJR 1. All we need is for Senator Obhof and Senator Coley to put it to a vote and not stall to put it to a vote.

Please call:

Senator Obhof at 614-466-7505 and Senator Coley at 614-466-8072 to support putting it to a vote. Obhof already said he would not stand in the way. Ask him what he is waiting for.


How glorious would it be to have a Constitutional amendment to place term limits on filth like Schumer and McCain?

It's the only way!
Which part of the Constitution do they want to fuck up?

80% of the American people favor both term limits and a balanced budget amendment of some kind.

I guess you despise democracy, probably as much as you despise those who don't vote for establishment candidates.
The American people CLAIM to favor term limits and a balanced budget amendment, and yet they continue to re-elect the same people over and over and over, and they refuse to vote for people who won't shower government gifts on them.

Nice try.

"Those other guys spend too much on PORK, but my guy brings home the BACON."

So what is your answer?

My answer is to FORCE them to create a budget that will be sensible rather than hearing them bitch and whine about a cut here or there and how draconian it is.

A balanced budget amendment is the only answer, otherwise whatever cuts they make politicians will be demonized for it. So if they don't have to make hard decisions, they simply won't.

The great part about the two party system is one side lowers taxes while the other side gives away free stuff.

End the madness!
My answer is the same answer I have been propounding since I came to this forum.

We need to eliminate the government gifts in our tax code. Exemptions, credits, and deductions. Then the budget would not only instantly be balanced, we would have a surplus which could be used to lower tax rates on EVERYONE. And it would have the serendipitous result of automatically reforming campaign finance. After all, if a politician isn't allowed to add a tax break to the tax code for a special interest, then that special interest would have no reason to donate to that politician.

Next, we need to raise the Medicare and Social Security eligibility age to 70, and index the age to 9 percent of the population going forward. We are living longer, we should be working longer. Common sense. We should be working longer, and thus contributing to the treasury longer, and drawing from the treasury less.

So forget about a balanced budget amendment. There are a lot of states with balanced budget amendments, and they all find ways around it to spend more than they take in.

If you want REAL change, then pass an amendment banning all deductions, exemptions, and credits from the tax code. That is the only way to make the playing field finally level for all.
Let's stop whining and start doing something about the beltway!

In Ohio they are trying to pass SJR 1 resolution to try and make Ohio part of the 2/3 of the states needed to amend the Constitution and take power from the Feds and return it to the states.

We have the votes in the GOR committee and the full Senate to pass SJR 1. All we need is for Senator Obhof and Senator Coley to put it to a vote and not stall to put it to a vote.

Please call:

Senator Obhof at 614-466-7505 and Senator Coley at 614-466-8072 to support putting it to a vote. Obhof already said he would not stand in the way. Ask him what he is waiting for.


How glorious would it be to have a Constitutional amendment to place term limits on filth like Schumer and McCain?

It's the only way!
Which part of the Constitution do they want to fuck up?

80% of the American people favor both term limits and a balanced budget amendment of some kind.

I guess you despise democracy, probably as much as you despise those who don't vote for establishment candidates.
The American people CLAIM to favor term limits and a balanced budget amendment, and yet they continue to re-elect the same people over and over and over, and they refuse to vote for people who won't shower government gifts on them.

Nice try.

"Those other guys spend too much on PORK, but my guy brings home the BACON."

So what is your answer?

My answer is to FORCE them to create a budget that will be sensible rather than hearing them bitch and whine about a cut here or there and how draconian it is.

A balanced budget amendment is the only answer, otherwise whatever cuts they make politicians will be demonized for it. So if they don't have to make hard decisions, they simply won't.

The great part about the two party system is one side lowers taxes while the other side gives away free stuff.

End the madness!
My answer is the same answer I have been propounding since I came to this forum.

We need to eliminate the government gifts in our tax code. Exemptions, credits, and deductions. Then the budget would not only instantly be balanced, we would have a surplus which could be used to lower tax rates on EVERYONE. And it would have the serendipitous result of automatically reforming campaign finance. After all, if a politician isn't allowed to add a tax break to the tax code for a special interest, then that special interest would have no reason to donate to that politician.

Next, we need to raise the Medicare and Social Security eligibility age to 70, and index the age to 9 percent of the population going forward. We are living longer, we should be working longer. Common sense. We should be working longer, and thus contributing to the treasury longer, and drawing from the treasury less.

So forget about a balanced budget amendment. There are a lot of states with balanced budget amendments, and they all find ways around it to spend more than they take in.

If you want REAL change, then pass an amendment banning all deductions, exemptions, and credits from the tax code. That is the only way to make the playing field finally level for all.

More hopeful thinking. When is the last time Congress passed a balanced budget and when is it likely they will ever do so again?

If they are allowed to, they will continue to give away more free stuff and lower taxes.
Let's stop whining and start doing something about the beltway!

In Ohio they are trying to pass SJR 1 resolution to try and make Ohio part of the 2/3 of the states needed to amend the Constitution and take power from the Feds and return it to the states.

We have the votes in the GOR committee and the full Senate to pass SJR 1. All we need is for Senator Obhof and Senator Coley to put it to a vote and not stall to put it to a vote.

Please call:

Senator Obhof at 614-466-7505 and Senator Coley at 614-466-8072 to support putting it to a vote. Obhof already said he would not stand in the way. Ask him what he is waiting for.


How glorious would it be to have a Constitutional amendment to place term limits on filth like Schumer and McCain?

It's the only way!

More than 600 requests for a convention have been submitted to congress by 49 States over the years, do you think one more will make any difference?


We need constitutional amendments to reduce the size and scope of the federal government.
See, that all sounds very nice on paper.

But you know what causes the people to choke every single time?

When you ask them which parts of the federal government they want to be rid of.

Oh, boy! Then the sparks fly! :lol:

Reagan promised to throttle the Department of Education if he was elected. And that Department was less than a year old at the time.

Reagan failed, obviously.

So good luck with that "reduce the size and scope" plan.

Don't get me wrong. I'm with you. I'm totally with you. I have a wide libertarian streak in me.

But the big government assholes win this game every time just by asking what everyone would like to see cut.

Then they portray every idea as throwing grandmas and babies off a cliff.
If you don't like the way our country works, why don't you just leave? We don't need you unpatriotic users anyway.
the fk you don't, you need every fking working man and woman out there to feed your lazy welfare families.
Which part of the Constitution do they want to fuck up?

80% of the American people favor both term limits and a balanced budget amendment of some kind.

I guess you despise democracy, probably as much as you despise those who don't vote for establishment candidates.
The American people CLAIM to favor term limits and a balanced budget amendment, and yet they continue to re-elect the same people over and over and over, and they refuse to vote for people who won't shower government gifts on them.

Nice try.

"Those other guys spend too much on PORK, but my guy brings home the BACON."

So what is your answer?

My answer is to FORCE them to create a budget that will be sensible rather than hearing them bitch and whine about a cut here or there and how draconian it is.

A balanced budget amendment is the only answer, otherwise whatever cuts they make politicians will be demonized for it. So if they don't have to make hard decisions, they simply won't.

The great part about the two party system is one side lowers taxes while the other side gives away free stuff.

End the madness!
My answer is the same answer I have been propounding since I came to this forum.

We need to eliminate the government gifts in our tax code. Exemptions, credits, and deductions. Then the budget would not only instantly be balanced, we would have a surplus which could be used to lower tax rates on EVERYONE. And it would have the serendipitous result of automatically reforming campaign finance. After all, if a politician isn't allowed to add a tax break to the tax code for a special interest, then that special interest would have no reason to donate to that politician.

Next, we need to raise the Medicare and Social Security eligibility age to 70, and index the age to 9 percent of the population going forward. We are living longer, we should be working longer. Common sense. We should be working longer, and thus contributing to the treasury longer, and drawing from the treasury less.

So forget about a balanced budget amendment. There are a lot of states with balanced budget amendments, and they all find ways around it to spend more than they take in.

If you want REAL change, then pass an amendment banning all deductions, exemptions, and credits from the tax code. That is the only way to make the playing field finally level for all.

More hopeful thinking. When is the last time Congress passed a balanced budget and when is it likely they will ever do so again?

If they are allowed to, they will continue to give away more free stuff and lower taxes.
No doubt.

But the greatest failing of the GOP since Reagan is that they never get specific. They have deliberately dumbed down their base to the point where the tards have the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker.

The tards can no longer make a cogent argument. They just parrot what they are told to parrot, and drink whatever piss is poured for them. The Tard Herd is moved about by their special interest overlords who do NOT have the country's best interests at heart.

Reagan's greatness lay in his not only having vision, but the ability to communicate his superior ideas. And he was able to get a massive tax reform passed in 1986 as a result.

That is long gone. Reagan's legacy is dead. Reagan and Buckley are spinning in their graves at the gross violation of their conservative beliefs which is going on today.

Now it is all fucking jingoism, racism, police state worship, and bigger government.

We need to dump these fucking hucksters like Trump and get back to basics.
Let's stop whining and start doing something about the beltway!

In Ohio they are trying to pass SJR 1 resolution to try and make Ohio part of the 2/3 of the states needed to amend the Constitution and take power from the Feds and return it to the states.

We have the votes in the GOR committee and the full Senate to pass SJR 1. All we need is for Senator Obhof and Senator Coley to put it to a vote and not stall to put it to a vote.

Please call:

Senator Obhof at 614-466-7505 and Senator Coley at 614-466-8072 to support putting it to a vote. Obhof already said he would not stand in the way. Ask him what he is waiting for.


How glorious would it be to have a Constitutional amendment to place term limits on filth like Schumer and McCain?

It's the only way!

More than 600 requests for a convention have been submitted to congress by 49 States over the years, do you think one more will make any difference?


We need constitutional amendments to reduce the size and scope of the federal government.

This is the only way I know to do it without just watching everything go belly up.

As I've stated, we just need 22 more states to pass the resolution and it will start.

You're not getting it, congress will not call a convention, they already have multiple requests from 49 States. It's up to the States to hold their own conventions to propose amendments and bypass congress completely.

Let's stop whining and start doing something about the beltway!

In Ohio they are trying to pass SJR 1 resolution to try and make Ohio part of the 2/3 of the states needed to amend the Constitution and take power from the Feds and return it to the states.

We have the votes in the GOR committee and the full Senate to pass SJR 1. All we need is for Senator Obhof and Senator Coley to put it to a vote and not stall to put it to a vote.

Please call:

Senator Obhof at 614-466-7505 and Senator Coley at 614-466-8072 to support putting it to a vote. Obhof already said he would not stand in the way. Ask him what he is waiting for.


How glorious would it be to have a Constitutional amendment to place term limits on filth like Schumer and McCain?

It's the only way!

More than 600 requests for a convention have been submitted to congress by 49 States over the years, do you think one more will make any difference?


We need constitutional amendments to reduce the size and scope of the federal government.

This is the only way I know to do it without just watching everything go belly up.

As I've stated, we just need 22 more states to pass the resolution and it will start.

You're not getting it, congress will not call a convention, they already have multiple requests from 49 States. It's up to the States to hold their own conventions to propose amendments and bypass congress completely.


Then let's do it!

If that happens, the Feds will be in violation of the Constitution and can be declared despotic!
80% of the American people favor both term limits and a balanced budget amendment of some kind.

I guess you despise democracy, probably as much as you despise those who don't vote for establishment candidates.
The American people CLAIM to favor term limits and a balanced budget amendment, and yet they continue to re-elect the same people over and over and over, and they refuse to vote for people who won't shower government gifts on them.

Nice try.

"Those other guys spend too much on PORK, but my guy brings home the BACON."

So what is your answer?

My answer is to FORCE them to create a budget that will be sensible rather than hearing them bitch and whine about a cut here or there and how draconian it is.

A balanced budget amendment is the only answer, otherwise whatever cuts they make politicians will be demonized for it. So if they don't have to make hard decisions, they simply won't.

The great part about the two party system is one side lowers taxes while the other side gives away free stuff.

End the madness!
My answer is the same answer I have been propounding since I came to this forum.

We need to eliminate the government gifts in our tax code. Exemptions, credits, and deductions. Then the budget would not only instantly be balanced, we would have a surplus which could be used to lower tax rates on EVERYONE. And it would have the serendipitous result of automatically reforming campaign finance. After all, if a politician isn't allowed to add a tax break to the tax code for a special interest, then that special interest would have no reason to donate to that politician.

Next, we need to raise the Medicare and Social Security eligibility age to 70, and index the age to 9 percent of the population going forward. We are living longer, we should be working longer. Common sense. We should be working longer, and thus contributing to the treasury longer, and drawing from the treasury less.

So forget about a balanced budget amendment. There are a lot of states with balanced budget amendments, and they all find ways around it to spend more than they take in.

If you want REAL change, then pass an amendment banning all deductions, exemptions, and credits from the tax code. That is the only way to make the playing field finally level for all.

More hopeful thinking. When is the last time Congress passed a balanced budget and when is it likely they will ever do so again?

If they are allowed to, they will continue to give away more free stuff and lower taxes.
No doubt.

But the greatest failing of the GOP since Reagan is that they never get specific. They have deliberately dumbed down their base to the point where the tards have the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker.

The tards can no longer make a cogent argument. They just parrot what they are told to parrot, and drink whatever piss is poured for them. The Tard Herd is moved about by their special interest overlords who do NOT have the country's best interests at heart.

Reagan's greatness lay in his not only having vision, but the ability to communicate his superior ideas. And he was able to get a massive tax reform passed in 1986 as a result.

That is long gone. Reagan's legacy is dead. Reagan and Buckley are spinning in their graves at the gross violation of their conservative beliefs which is going on today.

Now it is all fucking jingoism, racism, police state worship, and bigger government.

We need to dump these fucking hucksters like Trump and get back to basics.

Reagan? Who cares about Reagan?
The American people CLAIM to favor term limits and a balanced budget amendment, and yet they continue to re-elect the same people over and over and over, and they refuse to vote for people who won't shower government gifts on them.

Nice try.

"Those other guys spend too much on PORK, but my guy brings home the BACON."

So what is your answer?

My answer is to FORCE them to create a budget that will be sensible rather than hearing them bitch and whine about a cut here or there and how draconian it is.

A balanced budget amendment is the only answer, otherwise whatever cuts they make politicians will be demonized for it. So if they don't have to make hard decisions, they simply won't.

The great part about the two party system is one side lowers taxes while the other side gives away free stuff.

End the madness!
My answer is the same answer I have been propounding since I came to this forum.

We need to eliminate the government gifts in our tax code. Exemptions, credits, and deductions. Then the budget would not only instantly be balanced, we would have a surplus which could be used to lower tax rates on EVERYONE. And it would have the serendipitous result of automatically reforming campaign finance. After all, if a politician isn't allowed to add a tax break to the tax code for a special interest, then that special interest would have no reason to donate to that politician.

Next, we need to raise the Medicare and Social Security eligibility age to 70, and index the age to 9 percent of the population going forward. We are living longer, we should be working longer. Common sense. We should be working longer, and thus contributing to the treasury longer, and drawing from the treasury less.

So forget about a balanced budget amendment. There are a lot of states with balanced budget amendments, and they all find ways around it to spend more than they take in.

If you want REAL change, then pass an amendment banning all deductions, exemptions, and credits from the tax code. That is the only way to make the playing field finally level for all.

More hopeful thinking. When is the last time Congress passed a balanced budget and when is it likely they will ever do so again?

If they are allowed to, they will continue to give away more free stuff and lower taxes.
No doubt.

But the greatest failing of the GOP since Reagan is that they never get specific. They have deliberately dumbed down their base to the point where the tards have the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker.

The tards can no longer make a cogent argument. They just parrot what they are told to parrot, and drink whatever piss is poured for them. The Tard Herd is moved about by their special interest overlords who do NOT have the country's best interests at heart.

Reagan's greatness lay in his not only having vision, but the ability to communicate his superior ideas. And he was able to get a massive tax reform passed in 1986 as a result.

That is long gone. Reagan's legacy is dead. Reagan and Buckley are spinning in their graves at the gross violation of their conservative beliefs which is going on today.

Now it is all fucking jingoism, racism, police state worship, and bigger government.

We need to dump these fucking hucksters like Trump and get back to basics.

Reagan? Who cares about Reagan?
Clearly you modern day pseudocons don't.

Even though the GOP would be nowhere without him.
So what is your answer?

My answer is to FORCE them to create a budget that will be sensible rather than hearing them bitch and whine about a cut here or there and how draconian it is.

A balanced budget amendment is the only answer, otherwise whatever cuts they make politicians will be demonized for it. So if they don't have to make hard decisions, they simply won't.

The great part about the two party system is one side lowers taxes while the other side gives away free stuff.

End the madness!
My answer is the same answer I have been propounding since I came to this forum.

We need to eliminate the government gifts in our tax code. Exemptions, credits, and deductions. Then the budget would not only instantly be balanced, we would have a surplus which could be used to lower tax rates on EVERYONE. And it would have the serendipitous result of automatically reforming campaign finance. After all, if a politician isn't allowed to add a tax break to the tax code for a special interest, then that special interest would have no reason to donate to that politician.

Next, we need to raise the Medicare and Social Security eligibility age to 70, and index the age to 9 percent of the population going forward. We are living longer, we should be working longer. Common sense. We should be working longer, and thus contributing to the treasury longer, and drawing from the treasury less.

So forget about a balanced budget amendment. There are a lot of states with balanced budget amendments, and they all find ways around it to spend more than they take in.

If you want REAL change, then pass an amendment banning all deductions, exemptions, and credits from the tax code. That is the only way to make the playing field finally level for all.

More hopeful thinking. When is the last time Congress passed a balanced budget and when is it likely they will ever do so again?

If they are allowed to, they will continue to give away more free stuff and lower taxes.
No doubt.

But the greatest failing of the GOP since Reagan is that they never get specific. They have deliberately dumbed down their base to the point where the tards have the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker.

The tards can no longer make a cogent argument. They just parrot what they are told to parrot, and drink whatever piss is poured for them. The Tard Herd is moved about by their special interest overlords who do NOT have the country's best interests at heart.

Reagan's greatness lay in his not only having vision, but the ability to communicate his superior ideas. And he was able to get a massive tax reform passed in 1986 as a result.

That is long gone. Reagan's legacy is dead. Reagan and Buckley are spinning in their graves at the gross violation of their conservative beliefs which is going on today.

Now it is all fucking jingoism, racism, police state worship, and bigger government.

We need to dump these fucking hucksters like Trump and get back to basics.

Reagan? Who cares about Reagan?
Clearly you modern day pseudocons don't.

Even though the GOP would be nowhere without him.

Ironically, they are no where with him.

They have a majority but can't seem to act as one.

I bet they couldn't even fight there way out of a wet paper bag.

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