Article V call to action!


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Let's stop whining and start doing something about the beltway!

In Ohio they are trying to pass SJR 1 resolution to try and make Ohio part of the 2/3 of the states needed to amend the Constitution and take power from the Feds and return it to the states.

We have the votes in the GOR committee and the full Senate to pass SJR 1. All we need is for Senator Obhof and Senator Coley to put it to a vote and not stall to put it to a vote.

Please call:

Senator Obhof at 614-466-7505 and Senator Coley at 614-466-8072 to support putting it to a vote. Obhof already said he would not stand in the way. Ask him what he is waiting for.


How glorious would it be to have a Constitutional amendment to place term limits on filth like Schumer and McCain?

It's the only way!
Just imagine an impotent federal government, and fifty warring states arguing over trade, borders, easement rights (for landlocked states), and a gigantic range of other petty issues.

The early history of the U.S. proves this point. But, when have conservatives ever learned the lessons of the past? That's right, never.

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Interesting I read the summary of SJR1. It appears to apply term limits and set the compensation of state and local officials. Sounds good to me, what's the problem Libs? There is no upending of the Federal government here, why don't you read it?
Yeah, that's a great plan! Gay marriage, abortion on demand, a right to Sharia law, and all of those things libs support will get enacted into the Constitution and term limits won't even be discussed much less brought up for a vote.

Just listen to yourself. Gay marriage and abortion on demand are already the law of the land. Soon Sharia law will be next unless we do something about it.

Look at a map of the demographics.


What the Article V movement is about, is obtaining 2/3 of the states to vote yes so that red states can finally have a voice in America instead of being led around by states like California and New York who will always give the majority vote to Dims.

We have nothing to lose, I can assure you and everything to gain.
If you don't like the way our country works, why don't you just leave? We don't need you unpatriotic users anyway.


This is the way our government works. Try reading Article V of the Constitution.

The Founding Fathers were wary of the Federal government becoming to dictatorial, which it has. Time to use the Constitution the way it should be used instead of letting dolts like Obama defy immigration laws on the books with impunity while suing Arizona who tried to enforce federal laws. Or perhaps you enjoy Trump being unable to enforce federal immigration laws thanks to sanctuary cities in various states.

It's just amazing how Dims can have it both ways. It's time to put an end to being dictated to by a small radical fringe group of Dims.
Interesting I read the summary of SJR1. It appears to apply term limits and set the compensation of state and local officials. Sounds good to me, what's the problem Libs? There is no upending of the Federal government here, why don't you read it?

Yes, term limits for Congress. Sounds too good to be true, doesn't it.

Congress had no problem putting term limits on the Executive branch, citing corruption as the need for it, but they will NEVER do that to themselves. They are too busy jerking off on the internet or paying off women for sexual abuse using taxpayer money to the tune of some $17 million over the years.

Trust me, it's the only way to get rid of idiots who run on repealing Obamacare for decades and when they finally have the votes decide not to all of a sudden.
If you don't like the way our country works, why don't you just leave? We don't need you unpatriotic users anyway.

Speaking of a working system, how does an approval rating for Congress well under 20% for decades sound to you in terms of "working"?

It is well past time for change.
Just imagine an impotent federal government, and fifty warring states arguing over trade, borders, easement rights (for landlocked states), and a gigantic range of other petty issues.

The early history of the U.S. proves this point. But, when have conservatives ever learned the lessons of the past? That's right, never.


Most of the states are conservative and will remain so unless we continue to let the majority, thanks to California and New York, continue to dictate to us.

We only need 2/3 of the states to pass the measure. We have 2/3 conservative states out there to get this done, but not 2/3 of Dim states.
Yeah, that's a great plan! Gay marriage, abortion on demand, a right to Sharia law, and all of those things libs support will get enacted into the Constitution and term limits won't even be discussed much less brought up for a vote.

Just listen to yourself. Gay marriage and abortion on demand are already the law of the land. Soon Sharia law will be next unless we do something about it.

Look at a map of the demographics.


What the Article V movement is about, is obtaining 2/3 of the states to vote yes so that red states can finally have a voice in America instead of being led around by states like California and New York who will always give the majority vote to Dims.

We have nothing to lose, I can assure you and everything to gain.

That's exactly what Trump-o said. "what have you got to lose?" Respect from the rest of world was the first thing to go.
If you don't like the way our country works, why don't you just leave? We don't need you unpatriotic users anyway.


This is the way our government works. Try reading Article V of the Constitution.

The Founding Fathers were wary of the Federal government becoming to dictatorial, which it has. Time to use the Constitution the way it should be used instead of letting dolts like Obama defy immigration laws on the books with impunity while suing Arizona who tried to enforce federal laws. Or perhaps you enjoy Trump being unable to enforce federal immigration laws thanks to sanctuary cities in various states.

It's just amazing how Dims can have it both ways. It's time to put an end to being dictated to by a small radical fringe group of Dims.

If you say so traitor.
If you don't like the way our country works, why don't you just leave? We don't need you unpatriotic users anyway.

Speaking of a working system, how does an approval rating for Congress well under 20% for decades sound to you in terms of "working"?

It is well past time for change.

Not my fault that republicans elect idiots that block good legislation.
Don't we already have term limits?

The last time I was a 2-year term for a member of the house
a 6-year term for a Senator.

Then, if they want to continue, they must be elected by the people again.
This is a choice for the people of their District/State on whom they want
to represent them.
Don't we already have term limits?

The last time I was a 2-year term for a member of the house
a 6-year term for a Senator.

Then, if they want to continue, they must be elected by the people again.
This is a choice for the people of their District/State on whom they want
to represent them.

Here we go with hijacking terminology again.
If you don't like the way our country works, why don't you just leave? We don't need you unpatriotic users anyway.

Speaking of a working system, how does an approval rating for Congress well under 20% for decades sound to you in terms of "working"?

It is well past time for change.

Not my fault that republicans elect idiots that block good legislation.
That's hilarious when you consider you voted for Hillary...the epitome of a criminal.
Yeah, that's a great plan! Gay marriage, abortion on demand, a right to Sharia law, and all of those things libs support will get enacted into the Constitution and term limits won't even be discussed much less brought up for a vote.

Just listen to yourself. Gay marriage and abortion on demand are already the law of the land. Soon Sharia law will be next unless we do something about it.

Look at a map of the demographics.


What the Article V movement is about, is obtaining 2/3 of the states to vote yes so that red states can finally have a voice in America instead of being led around by states like California and New York who will always give the majority vote to Dims.

We have nothing to lose, I can assure you and everything to gain.

That's exactly what Trump-o said. "what have you got to lose?" Respect from the rest of world was the first thing to go.

Lose respect from the world? You mean like forcing sexual predators like Conyers out of office instead of letting him fester for decades?

How about John McCain hobbling around the halls of Congress with metastatic cancer at the age of 203 years old?

If you don't like the way our country works, why don't you just leave? We don't need you unpatriotic users anyway.

Speaking of a working system, how does an approval rating for Congress well under 20% for decades sound to you in terms of "working"?

It is well past time for change.

Not my fault that republicans elect idiots that block good legislation.
That's hilarious when you consider you voted for Hillary...the epitome of a criminal.

Not surprising, even "W" voted for Hillary from what I hear. People just loved the status quo.

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