Armada of Naval Power Massing in the Gulf as Israel Prepares an Iran Strike


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Armada of Naval Power Massing in the Gulf as Israel Prepares an Iran Strike

1. Battleships, aircraft carriers, minesweepers and submarines from 25 nations are converging on the strategically important Strait of Hormuz in an unprecedented show of force as Israel and Iran move towards the brink of war.

2. A blockade would have a catastrophic effect on the fragile economies of Britain, Europe the United States and Japan, all of which rely heavily on oil and gas supplies from the Gulf.

3. In preparation for any pre-emptive or retaliatory action by Iran, warships from more than 25 countries, including the United States, Britain, France, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, will today begin an annual 12-day exercise

4. Obama refused a requested meeting to see Prime Minister Netanyahu any time this month, but found time to see Prime Minister Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood.

5. Apparently other countries are worried about the situation Israel finds itself in at this time.

6. President Obama continues campaigning as the crisis develops between Iran and Israel and the US embassies in the Middle East and Northern Africa com under fire by the people.

7. The Leaders of the Sudan will not permitted the Marines to come in and protect the US embassy there. No comment from Obama.

Armada of British naval power massing in the Gulf as Israel prepares an Iran strike - Telegraph

Sudan rejects U.S. request to send Marines to guard embassy | Reuters

How much more chaos crises does there have to be in the world before the president decides to do his job?

burning embassies brink of war with Iran and Israel Third Credit downgrade declining value of the dollar gas prices doubled Sudan won't let the Marines come to protect our own embassy
Isreal, without US aid, might find themselve in a hard way, even with Iran removed from the equation. American interests are not Isreali interests.
Isreal, without US aid, might find themselve in a hard way, even with Iran removed from the equation. American interests are not Isreali interests.

Then Obama should meet with Netanyahu and let him know that. Stop stringing him along so he knows what he's up against. Obama has to be clear. He sent warships to be part of the Armada but it's probably for the oil. If he doesn't plan on being any help in an attack or a defense to Israel, let Israel know that. Stop the pussyfooting around. Obama is a feckless leader.

As long as Obama is our president, I beginning to believe in the Mayan calandar!
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Isreal, without US aid, might find themselve in a hard way, even with Iran removed from the equation. American interests are not Isreali interests.

don't be too certain.....

what happened during the last arab-Israeli war?

Mooslims are still butt hurt over that
Isreal, without US aid, might find themselve in a hard way, even with Iran removed from the equation. American interests are not Isreali interests.

YOu can never take Iran out of the equation.

I'm thinking he means if Iran is totally destroyed there are still other moslim countries that will attack Israel.

No doubt in my mind

Isreal is fully capable of defending themselves against the Arabic world. But without a market in Europe and without American aid, they are crippled for the foreseeable future, economically.
YOu can never take Iran out of the equation.

I'm thinking he means if Iran is totally destroyed there are still other moslim countries that will attack Israel.

No doubt in my mind

Isreal is fully capable of defending themselves against the Arabic world. But without a market in Europe and without American aid, they are crippled for the foreseeable future, economically.

I'm waiting for Amadinajadh (sp.) to make some grandiose announcement
I'madinnerjacket will spout off something that will be promptly ignored by everyone but Obama and the rest of the jihadists in the world.
Israel is capable of defending itself. The armada is there to protect the Strait of Hormuz. Israel knows that if the Strait is to be protected, they must strike before January 1. After that, not only with our Navy be unable to protect the Strait, we won't even be able to protect ourselves.
Armada of Naval Power Massing in the Gulf as Israel Prepares an Iran Strike

1. Battleships, aircraft carriers, minesweepers and submarines from 25 nations are converging on the strategically important Strait of Hormuz in an unprecedented show of force as Israel and Iran move towards the brink of war.


Guy, no country currently has any "Battleships" on active duty... If whoever wrote that article is so ignorant on things military, I'm not sure what else can be said.
Guy, no country currently has any "Battleships" on active duty... If whoever wrote that article is so ignorant on things military, I'm not sure what else can be said.

You are out of your lane.

Yet again.

It is not the class battleship.
Isreal, without US aid, might find themselve in a hard way, even with Iran removed from the equation. American interests are not Isreali interests.

I don't know if Israel has much of a choice other then attacking Iran on Israel's terms.
If they wait and Iran finishes building a few nukes and then sends them on their way what does Israel do then.This President has said he is fine with Iran going nuclear.

It can't be good Iran having nukes and no one seems all that interested in stopping them.
Guy, no country currently has any "Battleships" on active duty... If whoever wrote that article is so ignorant on things military, I'm not sure what else can be said.

You are out of your lane.

Yet again.

It is not the class battleship.

Then the proper word would have been "Warship", not "Battleship".

Again, words mean things, they have definitions, and if this guy was supposedly a military affairs writer for this paper (why do I get the feeling it's one of Murdoch's abortions?) and can't get this kind of phrasing right, it makes me wonder if he understands the problem.
Isreal, without US aid, might find themselve in a hard way, even with Iran removed from the equation. American interests are not Isreali interests.

I don't know if Israel has much of a choice other then attacking Iran on Israel's terms.
If they wait and Iran finishes building a few nukes and then sends them on their way what does Israel do then.This President has said he is fine with Iran going nuclear.

It can't be good Iran having nukes and no one seems all that interested in stopping them.

1) There's really nothing Israel can do to stop Iran from getting nukes.

2) If Iran gets nukes, it really doesn't mean all that much. Iran will not launch their nukes when the US, Israel, India, Pakistan all have more nukes and bigger nukes.

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