Aren't you glad Trump is President?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Despite the lingering left wing anguish over blowing the 2016 election, most people are relieved that America is no longer being sold off to our enemies. Can you imagine what Russia, China, NK and Iran would be doing if Hillary's corpse had been elected?

Not to mention the economy...
Oh, is not the OP precious.

Despite the lingering left wing anguish over blowing the 2016 election, most people are relieved that America is no longer being sold off to our enemies. Can you imagine what Russia, China, NK and Iran would be doing if Hillary's corpse had been elected?
Not to mention the economy...
I am grateful for Trump in more ways than you can count.
That’s sort of like asking somebody if they’re glad they got gonorrhea instead of syphilis

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Syphilis and gonorrhea can be treated, a successful Clinton election would have been "death" to our sovereign nation, as there would no longer have been actual border control, only any terrorists, drug cartel members, murderers, rapists and thieves, casually drifting in and no Constitutional Republic.
I is an old tired lady-------but I stayed up ALL NITE-----
on election nite-----like a five year old waiting for Santa.
---------------it was better than Christmas eve
That’s sort of like asking somebody if they’re glad they got gonorrhea instead of syphilis

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Syphilis and gonorrhea can be treated, a successful Clinton election would have been "death" to our sovereign nation, as there would no longer have been actual border control, only any terrorists, drug cartel members, murderers, rapists and thieves, casually drifting in and no Constitutional Republic.

blah blah blah...because Trump cares so much about the Constitution! Give me a fucking break.
Thank God for President Trump. He isn’t declaring war on Syria and demanding a regime change like Hillary and the Hussein. He put them in their place and that’s it. We’re better off keeping Assad around to let him handle the Sunni crazies in his own country, than allowing the jihadists to take over the country and let it descend into total anarchy.
Thank God for President Trump. He isn’t declaring war on Syria and demanding a regime change like Hillary and the Hussein. He put them in their place and that’s it. We’re better off keeping Assad around to let him handle the Sunni crazies in his own country, than allowing the jihadists to take over the country and let it descend into total anarchy.

Hillary sold us out when she was SOS.
She would have damaged our country even more if she was CIC.
I consider the '16 election an illusion of choice

yet i read DOJ's tweets every day

and every day i'm more depressed

Can you imagine if Crooked Hillary had been elected?

Russia would be able to get anything out of her that they wanted simply by making contributions to her money laundering foundation and giving either her or Slick Willy a half mil for a stupid speech.

American foreign policy would be for sell and her domestic policy would to bring in as many illegals as possible and sign them up to be welfare dependents of the Democrat Party.

Thank god she was not elected. It would have been as bad a disaster as we had with that affirmative action asshole Obama.
Despite the lingering left wing anguish over blowing the 2016 election, most people are relieved that America is no longer being sold off to our enemies. Can you imagine what Russia, China, NK and Iran would be doing if Hillary's corpse had been elected?

Not to mention the economy...

Most Americans dislike Trump and his historically low approval ratings prove it!

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