Areas Prep for Riots...

Liberals use race as a means to stay in power, they divide people, without that they'd have a hard time winning anything
Nice response Avatar. Way roadsters the first and last words not the subject.

See when blacks riot it's over some sort if injustice and blacks had to fight, protest and riot for Ppl to take notice.

Whites riot over football, soccer and baseball. Tear up shit in the name of fun. For no real reasons. Constantly and often...but don't pay attention to that. Let's look back 20 years and fear that.

You act as if blacks had zero involvement in any of the sports related chaos that has ensued since Rodney King. You act as if the LA Riots were justified, which they weren't since Rodney deserved his ass beating IMO. You act as if the stupid whites who rioted since LA 92 for sports or against the G8, or against the %1 aren't bed wetters like you.

What sort of white dipshits riot over sports? College kids who support douche sacks like your moonbat messiah perhaps? Asinine little entitled turds who turned a police crowd control response into "oppression"? The same sort of assholes who will riot should GZ be acquitted I suppose?

If ever conservatives decide to rebel they won't be burning down their own neighborhoods or anyone else's. They won't be turning over police cars and pushing flaming dumpsters through store front windows. They won't be looting commercial areas or subdivisions. They won't be beating people to death in the streets or raping people. They won't be shooting at fire fighters and throwing tear gas grenades back at the police. They won't be dragging passing motorists out of their cars and bludgeoning them. They won't be shooting at helicopters or Nat'l Guard soldiers bringing in relief supplies. They won't be the cause of endless days of chaos or billions of dollars of damage to other people's property.

They won't even be visible on TV. If conservatives ever decide to finally resist assholes like you there will be nothing for you to see.

You assholes will end up eating each other because no one will be bringing "relief supplies". There will be no police standing in the way of you burning down your neighborhoods because you'll have either killed the few who stayed or they'll have run off without support. There will be no firefighters for you to shoot at. There will be no soldiers coming to protect you assholes from each other. There will be no adults who care to keep you bed wetters or your slaves in line.

I pray for the day conservatives "Go Galt" and let you parasites finally fend for yourselves and reap the harvest you've sown.

Furthermore YOU'RE the one injecting race into this, because conservative black people haven't joined you in your mindless condemnation of GZ or any sort of riots or "occupations. They left your plantation years ago, and you've resented them ever since.

You're the goddamned racist, and a fascist pig to boot.
The Indiana Black Expo is taking place in Indianapolis until next Saturday. Homeland security has been called in to assist with securing the events. 21 people have been murdered since June 1st. The city is already experiencing never before seen homicide rates this year. How will this verdict effect this city?
I don't know what a black expo is, or a white one, but I do know that if you get a random mass of black males in their teens, and twenties - you are going to have violence!
Repubs show up to conventions with Obama as a monkey, emails of watermelon patches in front the White House and Obama with a bone thru his nose posters

Repubs when confronted with it say "so what"!

Repubs accuse others of unfairly accusing them of racism.

See how that works?
Repubs show up to conventions with Obama as a monkey, emails of watermelon patches in front the White House and Obama with a bone thru his nose posters

Repubs when confronted with it say "so what"!

Repubs accuse others of unfairly accusing them of racism.

See how that works?

Nice deflection you racist asshole.

Heil Ovomit!!!
Repubs show up to conventions with Obama as a monkey, emails of watermelon patches in front the White House and Obama with a bone thru his nose posters

Repubs when confronted with it say "so what"!

Repubs accuse others of unfairly accusing them of racism.

See how that works?

Are those riots?
Repubs show up to conventions with Obama as a monkey, emails of watermelon patches in front the White House and Obama with a bone thru his nose posters

Repubs when confronted with it say "so what"!

Repubs accuse others of unfairly accusing them of racism.

See how that works?

I've NEVER said that....EVER.

FUNNY you resort to insulting righties when the premise of your thread is proven to becbullshit.
I just want to know....

Why is NO ONE worried about "whites" AKA conservatives rioting if the verdict goes against GZ?

I thought "tea baggers" were the greatest terrorist threat according to the bed wetting media....

After all, they have all the guns, make up a majority of the military and police...and simply hate everyone not like them...

Yet the only fear anyone seems to talk about is "oppressed blacks" AKA liberal ovomit voters rioting over the "injustice" of a GZ acquittal...

Why is no one afraid "tea baggers" won't climb up on their roof tops with their deer rifles and "assault weapons" and start "resisting injustice"?

Oh that's right....

"Tea baggers" believe in God and have moral qualms with MURDER.

I think you bed wetters should THANK GOD for that.
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Repubs show up to conventions with Obama as a monkey, emails of watermelon patches in front the White House and Obama with a bone thru his nose posters

Repubs when confronted with it say "so what"!

Repubs accuse others of unfairly accusing them of racism.

See how that works?

I've NEVER said that....EVER.

FUNNY you resort to insulting righties when the premise of your thread is proven to becbullshit.

The whole premise of this thread is an insult to all lucid people.
Repubs show up to conventions with Obama as a monkey, emails of watermelon patches in front the White House and Obama with a bone thru his nose posters

Repubs when confronted with it say "so what"!

Repubs accuse others of unfairly accusing them of racism.

See how that works?

I've NEVER said that....EVER.

FUNNY you resort to insulting righties when the premise of your thread is proven to becbullshit.

The whole premise of this thread is an insult to all lucid people.
consider the source:cuckoo:
[ame=]Occupy Oakland video: Riot police fire tear gas, flashbang grenades - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]'Occupy Wall Street' Protests Turn violent' - ABC News - YouTube[/ame]
Black Panther Update:

Black Panther update:

Panthers: “This Time We’re Going Out To Whitey’s Suburbs and Burning Down HIS Community

In preparation for the possibility of an acquittal of George Zimmerman, The New Black Panther Party has reportedly begun a mobilization campaign to target white communities.

According to a recent post on Sodahead, leader Samir Shabazz and the New Black Panthers are preparing to take the fight directly to those guilty of murdering Trayvon Martin – white people living in suburbs all over America.

“This time we’re doing it right… This time we’re not burning down our communities. This time we’re going out to Whitey’s suburbs and burning down HIS community. We’re going to make Whitey feel the pain.”

Shabazz, who previously made comments insinuating that he’d like to murder white babies and adults, recently made the shocking claim that he’d “love nothing more than to come home with a cracker’s head in my book bag.”

Thousands of tweets and Facebook posts echo Shabazz’s comments, with many users taking to the social networks to proclaim their support for the random killing of whites should George Zimmerman be found innocent.

With jury deliberations set to begin as early as Friday, residents in Florida where the trial is taking place, should take note.

However, because of the widespread coverage of the case, it’s likely that should civil unrest, riots, or violence break out, it would be a nationwide phenomenon with the potential to randomly target Caucasians and Hispanics all over the United States.

Reports have emerged that New Black Panther Party organizers are already taking steps to bus mobs of people into Florida in the event of an acquittal, so a wave of violence resulting from the Zimmerman verdict is all but guaranteed.
When was the last time blacks rioted? Rodney King...what was that uh 1990's?

Lets see what that was about 20 years ago...oh that's right police brutality.

You are a POS lier!

Saturday Apr 14, 2001 Riot-torn Cincinnati under curfew

Cincinnati's mayor asks for patience after days of looting and violence. Night curfew has been imposed in Cincinnati with the mayor announcing a state of emergency after several days of rioting. Mayor Charles Luken was yesterday also considering mobilising the National Guard to deal with the violence, which erupted after police shot dead an unarmed black teenager last weekend.

"I think the black citizens are tired and scared," said Luken. "I think the white citizens are tired and scared"... "There's gunfire going on here like you might hear in Beirut. It's dangerous and it's getting more dangerous"... "We don't like the fact that we are declaring a curfew. For 99.9 per cent of the citizens of our city, a curfew is completely unnecessary. We ask our citizens to bear with us.

"Despite the best efforts of the good citizens of our city, the violence on our streets is uncontrolled and it runs rampant ... The time has come to deal with this seriously. The message is that violence must stop."

Luken asked those people who were not able to go to Easter church services because of the restriction to "stay at home and pray for the city." The curfew, from 8 pm to 6 am, does not affect most people travelling to or from work.

It came into force after another night of violence in the US city, in the state of Ohio, which culminated in a policeman being shot on Thursday night. His belt buckle deflected the bullet. Cars and houses have been set ablaze during the riots, which have centred on the Over-the-Rhine district - a poor and predominantly black area.
If any preparations are being made in the ATL they aren't being discussed.

My house would be at the bottom of any looter's list.

In general things seem unusually calm. Some extensive roadwork was just completed and the traffic problems aren't major. The local school system had a crisis last spring and is now on probation --not certain what is being done--the Governor is doing something to replace the entire school board. No kids in school so I trust that is being handled.

Crime seems to be lower than usual. It has rained for over 20 consecutive days.

Possibly the best time of my life. knock on wood.
Black Panther Update:

Black Panther update:

Panthers: “This Time We’re Going Out To Whitey’s Suburbs and Burning Down HIS Community

In preparation for the possibility of an acquittal of George Zimmerman, The New Black Panther Party has reportedly begun a mobilization campaign to target white communities.

According to a recent post on Sodahead, leader Samir Shabazz and the New Black Panthers are preparing to take the fight directly to those guilty of murdering Trayvon Martin – white people living in suburbs all over America.

“This time we’re doing it right… This time we’re not burning down our communities. This time we’re going out to Whitey’s suburbs and burning down HIS community. We’re going to make Whitey feel the pain.”

Shabazz, who previously made comments insinuating that he’d like to murder white babies and adults, recently made the shocking claim that he’d “love nothing more than to come home with a cracker’s head in my book bag.”

Thousands of tweets and Facebook posts echo Shabazz’s comments, with many users taking to the social networks to proclaim their support for the random killing of whites should George Zimmerman be found innocent.

With jury deliberations set to begin as early as Friday, residents in Florida where the trial is taking place, should take note.

However, because of the widespread coverage of the case, it’s likely that should civil unrest, riots, or violence break out, it would be a nationwide phenomenon with the potential to randomly target Caucasians and Hispanics all over the United States.

Reports have emerged that New Black Panther Party organizers are already taking steps to bus mobs of people into Florida in the event of an acquittal, so a wave of violence resulting from the Zimmerman verdict is all but guaranteed.

My response to Asshat Sabazz and his hordes....

ME said:
Please come to Bastrop TX. Take I35 south to HWY71 East. You'll figure out where to stop if your head hasn't been turned into pink mist first.
One big difference is that when blacks riot, people often get killed. When whites riot, some windows get broken and maybe a few cars set on fire. Not that I think either are acceptable.
People get killed in riots regardless of race.

The New York City Draft riots of 1863 was the largest civil insurrection in American History. It was lead by working-class men, primarily ethnic Irish. They attacked and kill over a 100 blacks, police and innocent bystanders, burning churches, homes, and public buildings.

In the Tulsa riot of 1921 whites attacked the black community of Tulsa, Oklahoma. An estimated 10,000 blacks were left homeless, and 35 city blocks composed of 1,256 residences were destroyed by fire. Estimates of black fatalities have been up to about 300.Some estimates are up to 3000. The Tulsa race riot of 1921 was rarely mentioned in history books, classrooms or even in private. Blacks and whites alike grew into middle age unaware of what had taken place. Today, Tulsa is only 15% black.

No one race has a corner on senseless acts of violence.
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