Areas Prep for Riots...

Maybe if you gather up a bunch of degenerates.
You never saw that at a Tea Party rally.
Most of people at Tea Party rallies, are the "haves" in society who are there to make sure they keep what they've got. People with education, jobs, and money are less likely to turn to violence.

Is that an excuse? Well I guess the OWS crowd should get of their collective asses and start working for a living. They might have a legit reason for protesting then.
As it is they're a bunch of lazy ne're-do-wells.
No, it's a reason
The lack of serious rioting could be explained by a lack of serious outrage as black people underneath it all, realized that Martin really wasn't all that innocent after all.
The lack of serious rioting could be explained by a lack of serious outrage as black people underneath it all, realized that Martin really wasn't all that innocent after all.

Or it could be explained by whites always fear blacks for no reason, then when nothing happens they remain fearful
The lack of serious rioting could be explained by a lack of serious outrage as black people underneath it all, realized that Martin really wasn't all that innocent after all.

Or it could be explained by whites always fear blacks for no reason, then when nothing happens they remain fearful

Or maybe they decided destroying their own neighborhoods was counter productive.
And those pesky white folk will shoot you if you try to burn down their neighborhoods.
That leaves defenseless businesses,but then it becomes looting instead of rioting.
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The lack of serious rioting could be explained by a lack of serious outrage as black people underneath it all, realized that Martin really wasn't all that innocent after all.

Or it could be explained by whites always fear blacks for no reason, then when nothing happens they remain fearful

Or maybe they decided destroying their own neighborhoods was counter productive.
And those pesky white folk will shoot you if you to burn down their neighborhoods.
That leaves defenseless businesses,but then it becomes looting instead of rioting.

The reason of course was the massive amount of threats to riot. Had there not been an extraordinary threat and call for rioting, no one would be fearful of riots.
The lack of serious rioting could be explained by a lack of serious outrage as black people underneath it all, realized that Martin really wasn't all that innocent after all.

Or it could be explained by whites always fear blacks for no reason, then when nothing happens they remain fearful


You morons threatened to stir up shit and you have a history of it so we took you serious.
Or it could be explained by whites always fear blacks for no reason, then when nothing happens they remain fearful

Or maybe they decided destroying their own neighborhoods was counter productive.
And those pesky white folk will shoot you if you to burn down their neighborhoods.
That leaves defenseless businesses,but then it becomes looting instead of rioting.

The reason of course was the massive amount of threats to riot. Had there not been an extraordinary threat and call for rioting, no one would be fearful of riots.

Yes, by people on Twitter. Now do you realize the foolishness in fearing twitter posts?

I bet you don't...

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