Are you American?

It's awesome being an American.

Top of the food chain.

to a few Vietnamese peasants
A load of Afghan tribesmen
A bunch of uneducated blokes in Somali
The Chinese who kicked your arses in Korea

As for 1812, does anyone really believe you didn't get totally hammered?
Come on - you may have won the odd battle but most ended in a sound defeat and Americans being forced to pledge allegiance to King George.
New York was destroyed and your president's home was burnt out.
I think we can pretty much call that an arse fucking of the first order.
You're top of the food chain when you're fighting people who can't fight back but the moment someone stands up to you, you run away like snotty nosed school bullies.

However, think positive, I don't believe America has ever surrendered in any war; just run away from a few.

Some people, apparently you are one, dislike Americans. I travel extensively, including spending a lot of time in the ME. I do get the sense that there are people who don't like Americans (sadly it is often a Britiish person), but I don't ever get the sense anyone wants to attack me or kill me because I am American. I think the British have very, very short memories: the British Empire viciously oppressed about one third of the world for a couple hundred years, destroying cultures; stealing, robbing and looting; and commiting genocide on an immeasurable scale. Many of the problems the world has today are due to the actions and policies of the British Empire. Now that the British Empire has shrunk to a little island in the North Atlantic and a tiny archipelago off Argentina, you stick your fucking noses up in the air and act like your shit doesn't stink. Well, it does.
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An interesting point.
You've been to one of the most extreme areas in Malaysia and were welcomed because USAID was delivered there but no US bombs have been delivered there.

Does that tell posters something?

Yes, it says if you don't try to bomb us, kidnap and murder our citizens, then we'll treat you with respect.
Please link to where the WMDs were found.

Right, now we know you can't, I think it's safe to say the war was based on lies.

Your conclusion is illogical.

One of the main reasons for attack was WMD that could be deployed against American targets in 45 minutes.

There were no WMD, it was a lie.

Please tell me where that's wrong.

It's no good making sticking your head in the sand.
The US government's support for Israel, various wars and terror attacks using drones cause the hate to spread where there need be none.

Basically, your government is fucking you over in favour of arms sales.

WMD wasn't the main reason for invading Iraq.

Iraq had been violating the stipulations set up after the first Gulf War for years, and it was time to put an end to their bullshit.
Bush also thought it would be a good idea to overthrow Saddam and give democracy to the Iraqi people (an idea I do not agree with, as Islam and freedom are contradictory). Bush believed if we brought democracy into the Middle East, it would spread and the threat of radical Islamic terrorists would go away. But, Bush was wrong. Islam is not a "religion of peace" as he once claimed. It is an ideology of hatred and oppression.

Most western nations believed Saddam was capable of producing WMD, and feared he had stockpiles of it. Luckily he didn't (or he would of used it against us), but he did have labs that were used for researching WMDs. The fact that he didn't have large stockpiles doesn't mean anyone "lied", it simply meant their worst fears weren't true.

But don't let the facts stop you. Just keep believing what the liberal media feeds you, your appetite for anti-Americanism needs it.
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I'm often asked if I'm American but, upon telling people I'm English, their harsh voice becomes friendly and happy.

Why do you think that is?

Whats your point? people who judge citizens because of the actions of their government are fucking stupid anyways.

I think that the "people" with whom Idofred interacts are very stupid ---birds of a
feather, flock together------I wonder why scum with "harsh voices" are attracted
to him--------well--actually I do not really wonder------it is obvious
I'm often asked if I'm American but, upon telling people I'm English, their harsh voice becomes friendly and happy.

Why do you think that is?

Whats your point? people who judge citizens because of the actions of their government are fucking stupid anyways.

I think that the "people" with whom Idofred interacts are very stupid ---birds of a
feather, flock together------I wonder why scum with "harsh voices" are attracted
to him--------well--actually I do not really wonder------it is obvious

And he claims he doesn't hate the US either, smfh.
I'm often asked if I'm American but, upon telling people I'm English, their harsh voice becomes friendly and happy.

Why do you think that is?

Whats your point? people who judge citizens because of the actions of their government are fucking stupid anyways.

Excellent point. Indo: why not just do what the Canadians do and wear clothing with your national flag on it and maybe carry a sign that says 'I'm not an American'?

It is, in fact, usually the case for me that people I meet around the world are friendly and warm to me, even though I am, oh the horror, an American. Could be you are projecting something towards those people, like your own negative attitude toward Americans, and you are thinking they are unfriendly until they realize you are British, while they are not unfriendly at all.
Many times, I'm asked if I'm American but once they find out I'm not, their whole attitude changes for the better.
In my opinion, U.S. foreign policy is endangering Americans all over the world and putting others in danger because they may be mistaken for Americans.
That's why many Canadians wear Canadian flag pins when travelling abroad -- and why some savvy Americans wear Canadian flag pins when travelling abroad !!
Maybe Canadians are just proud of their country.
That too, but mainly it is because they don't want to be mistaken for Americans, since they (superficially) resemble Americans.

Any Americans wearing Canadian flag pins to hide their true nationality don't deserve to be Americans....
I agree with you that Americans with enough intelligence to do so do not deserve to be Americans -- but in a sense quite opposite to your meaning! · · :D

And, finally, we won the war that really, really mattered..the Revolutionary War. So stick that in your pipe and smoke it, Englishman.
Actually, it was the French who fought and won it.
Actually, you are an ignorant dope who clearly doesn't understand American History.
Oh, "Unco" -- I could never compete with you in the dopey department !!

France in the American Revolutionary War

French money, munitions, soldiers and naval forces proved essential to America's victory over the Crown....

The French goal was to weaken Britain....

In 1778 France recognized the United States of America as a sovereign nation, signed a military alliance, went to war with Britain, built coalitions with the Netherlands and Spain that kept Britain without a significant ally of its own, provided the Americans with grants, arms and loans, sent a combat army to serve under George Washington, and sent a navy that prevented the second British army from escaping from Yorktown in 1781. In all, the French spent about 1.3 billion livres (in modern currency, approximately thirteen billion U.S. dollars) to support the Americans directly, not including the money it spent fighting Britain on land and sea outside the U.S....

Starting with the Siege of Yorktown, Benjamin Franklin never informed France of the secret negotiations that took place directly between Britain and the United States.
[emphases added]

Sneaky, sneaky Franklin!! Such was the "Punic faith" of the insurrectionary terrorists to those who won the war for them!!

And after all that the French had done for them!! For shame!! · ·

It's awesome being an American.

Top of the food chain.
Those at the "top" of the food chain are ripe pickings for the bacteria at the "bottom".

Are you saying you're bottom-feeding bacteria?
It should be obvious that personages as superior as myself lead our exalted lives completely above the food-chain -- where you barely human types drag out your trivial, meaningless existences.

"Vivre? Nos serviteurs le feront pour nous."
Villiers de l'Isle-Adam, "Axel"

"Live? Our servants will do that for us!"

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Those at the "top" of the food chain are ripe pickings for the bacteria at the "bottom".

Are you saying you're bottom-feeding bacteria?
It should be obvious that personages as superior as myself lead our exalted lives completely above the food-chain -- where you barely human types drag out your trivial, meaningless existences.

"Vivre? Nos serviteurs le feront pour nous."
Villiers de l'Isle-Adam, "Axel"

"Live? Our servants will do that for us!"


I'll take that as a "yes."
Actually, it was the French who fought and won it.
Actually, you are an ignorant dope who clearly doesn't understand American History.
Oh, "Unco" -- I could never compete with you in the dopey department !!

You're in a class by yourself alright, moron. No one said French assistance wasn't important. You said, " it was the French who fought and won it." That is ignorant and stupid - like you.

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