Are We Being Selfish Or Just Plain Stupid?


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Is it selfish to expect the president to enforce our borders at the same time that he welcomes in another 5 million illegal invaders into the job market? Maybe. Is is selfish to want to keep our kids safe from diseases that haven't been in this country for over 50 years? Maybe. Is it selfish to expect our leaders to look out for the welfare of it's citizens before they take care of the people of the rest of the world? Definitely not. Is it is stupid to expect that only good can come from opening our borders and allowing yet again another batch of illegals to stay? You bet your ass!!!

Sheila Jackson Lee is out there calling Americans who don't support this new form of amnesty selfish. Seems the only time she opens her mouth is when she's saying something stupid. It's stupid to believe that we're going to be ashamed of ourselves when we fight against this criminal conspiracy that Democrats are perpetrating on the people of this country. She wants us to think we're being selfish if we try to stop the Democrats from doing to the rest of the country what they did to California. They changed it from a beautiful state filled with prosperity and turned it into a shithole full of poverty, violence, and people that weren't born here and only marginally want to be here. The massive influx of illegal immigrants facilitated by politicians has destroyed one of the strongest economies in America and turned it into a welfare state rivaling Louisiana. New Orleans was horrible before and terrible after Katrina. This is what a welfare state becomes in a crisis. It becomes a disaster. This is what Democrats want the rest of America to become. They don't want to strengthen the Middle-class, they want to take advantage of it, want to suck the life out of it.

Legal immigration didn't move fast enough for the Democrats. It took years to earn your right to be a naturalized citizen. You had to learn English, learn our history, and worst of all, learn to appreciate your new homeland. Democrats can't afford any of this. They need millions of new voters who can't speak the language, don't appreciate being here, don't want to fit in, and don't question their benefactors. They want people that owe everything to them. They want slaves. Once these people become less dependent on Democrat policies there will be a call to legalize more. And as long as Democrats refuse to seal our borders millions upon millions will keep coming. It will never end and that's what Democrats wanted from the beginning. Am I being selfish for recognizing it?
Black Activists Speak Out against Obama Amnesty Agenda
by David W. Almasi |
Nov 21, 2014 at 1:16 PM
As the potential harm of the President Obama’s amnesty bid for possibly more than 5 million illegal aliens residing in the United States becomes clearer, members of the Project 21 black leadership network are continuing to speak out against his unilateral action to try to remake America.

Joe R. Hicks, former executive director of the Greater Los Angeles chapter of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference:

President Obama strode into the White House promising to give the American people the audacity of hope. What we are witnessing instead, with his immigration agenda, is an audacious grab for power and an evisceration of the Constitution.

Having kicked the can down the road, obviously refusing to ruin his own chances for re-election in 2012, and tap-dancing on the issue until after the 2014 mid-term elections, Obama now disdainfully punches the amnesty card for upwards of five million illegal residents with the knowledge that almost half of all Americans polled oppose his maneuver.

With the stroke of a pen, Obama rewards those who arrogantly mock our border laws while simultaneously telling those hopeful immigrants still waiting patiently to lawfully come to America that they are chumps.

After these five million or so, what then? The magnet that draws illegal immigrants across the border just got stronger. They will come expecting, — no, demanding — to get “Obama’s amnesty.”

In 2010, defending his inaction on immigration issues, Obama said, “I’m president, I’m not king. I can’t do these things just by myself.” That’s all changed, and the Constitution lies in tatters as a result.
Black Activists Speak Out against Obama Amnesty Agenda - Amy Ridenour s National Center Blog - A Conservative Blog

Some people say the Obama administration is buying businesses cheap labor because union labor is too expensive. Some people say the Obama administration is buying Democrats cheap voters because their traditional base voters are getting too expensive to buy, per vote.

Who said these Marxists did not understand economics?

Ask her if she is willing to walk the walk, sell all her possessions and give the money to the government to care for these poor illegals, her head will explode.
This whole debate is really just conservative anger at 5 million more likely democrats. All it is. And entirely Republican's fault. Could gotten those new members by getting it done before a Democrat did.
oh , that woman , wait a few years till we start getting a flood of up and coming Hispanic politicians like the 'castro' brothers and 'horhey bush' from Texas . Course your not being selfish , you just see whats coming .
its not what I want Delta and my reps did as I wanted as they are supposed to do .
This whole debate is really just conservative anger at 5 million more likely democrats. All it is. And entirely Republican's fault. Could gotten those new members by getting it done before a Democrat did.

And the far left narrative runs wild!

The Republican House tried to do this earlier in 2014, for the DACA program, passing a bill that would have prevented anyone new from signing up, and preventing current beneficiaries from renewing. Democrats controlled the Senate, so it didn't come to the floor there. Once Republicans take control of the Senate in the New Year, they could pass a similar bill — but Obama would almost certainly veto it.

Rather than a standalone bill, Congress could attach riders killing Obama's immigration programs to the annual appropriations bills. If Obama vetoed the bills (or if Senate Democrats filibustered them) then we'll have another government shutdown.
the problem here is that the dems couldn't get what they wanted through normal means so mrobama just went and did it himself . Now the game will be a game of legal or illegal and there'll be polls showing approval or lack of approval of mrobamas actions . No matter what , the damage has been done , what else is mrobama going to do with a stroke of the pen !!
This whole debate is really just conservative anger at 5 million more likely democrats. All it is. And entirely Republican's fault. Could gotten those new members by getting it done before a Democrat did.

Conservatives, and most Republicans, would never have done it because it would be unfair to the immigrants who legally became citizens. The immigrants who followed the rules get screwed.

Imagine that...Democrats, the party of inequality, unfairness, and social injustice.

Who would have thunk...?

This whole debate is really just conservative anger at 5 million more likely democrats. All it is. And entirely Republican's fault. Could gotten those new members by getting it done before a Democrat did.

That assessment only applies if you think illegal immigrants should vote. President Obama didn't make them citizens or give them the right to vote ...

... Unless of course his handouts result in driver's licenses so they can get past poll workers in states that require a valid ID.

mudwhistle[SIZE=6][B] said:
Are We Being Selfish Or Just Plain Stupid?

When this question is followed by a picture of Sheila Jackson Lee, the answer right there is clearly the latter.
This whole debate is really just conservative anger at 5 million more likely democrats. All it is. And entirely Republican's fault. Could gotten those new members by getting it done before a Democrat did.

So you admit your illegal immigration policy is actually a voter drive. Interesting.

The ones who should be angry are the low end workers who are losing their jobs and having their wages driven down by Democrats.
This whole debate is really just conservative anger at 5 million more likely democrats. All it is. And entirely Republican's fault. Could gotten those new members by getting it done before a Democrat did.

So you admit your illegal immigration policy is actually a voter drive. Interesting.

The ones who should be angry are the low end workers who are losing their jobs and having their wages driven down by Democrats.

Have you noticed we haven't heard from the min wage wackos lately?
I guess it's kinda tough to sound outraged about it when their messiah just let in five million min wage workers who will compete with their base.
I hope they all starve to death.
Have you noticed we haven't heard from the min wage wackos lately?
I guess it's kinda tough to sound outraged about it when their messiah just let in five million min wage workers who will compete with their base.
I hope they all starve to death.

Holy crap ... You know where to find decent illegal immigrant construction workers for minimum wage?

This whole debate is really just conservative anger at 5 million more likely democrats. All it is. And entirely Republican's fault. Could gotten those new members by getting it done before a Democrat did.
This whole debate is really just conservative anger at 5 million more likely democrats. All it is. And entirely Republican's fault. Could gotten those new members by getting it done before a Democrat did.

exactly ... the republicans refused to pass a bipartisan bill just so they could rag about it (immigration) .. whithout an illegal alien to rant about they would be lost. Actually, I believe they really like being second to the Dems for that very reason .. lose/bitch lose/bitch .. its who they have become.
Have you noticed we haven't heard from the min wage wackos lately?
I guess it's kinda tough to sound outraged about it when their messiah just let in five million min wage workers who will compete with their base.
I hope they all starve to death.

Holy crap ... You know where to find decent illegal immigrant construction workers for minimum wage?


I do now. The market will be flooded with em.
Have you noticed we haven't heard from the min wage wackos lately?
I guess it's kinda tough to sound outraged about it when their messiah just let in five million min wage workers who will compete with their base.
I hope they all starve to death.

Holy crap ... You know where to find decent illegal immigrant construction workers for minimum wage?


I do now. The market will be flooded with em.

it's not already?

good to know .. the RW has been bitching about nothing for years.
If they just made it illegal to rent housing to illegals, with the result of the property losing his property if caught renting to an illegal. We would have an illegal immigrant problem.

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