Titular Confusion


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Oak Grove, Massachusetts
Go back to sleep, liberals, this isn't about boobs.

It's just about The One Boob!

What to call Him? Early consensus seemed to be "Emperor" or the more formal "Our Kenyan Emperor". But that's not certain as alternatives proliferate like executive diktats:

Dear Mr. Obama It Must Be Good to Be King TheBlaze.com

As reporter* Matt Walsh put it:

"Dear President Obama, Lord, Sultan, Emperor, Pharaoh, Caesar, God-king, Prince of the Americas, whatever we’re supposed to call you. ‘President’ alone simply won’t suffice, will it, Your Grace? We had a thing called a president once, but that lowly office could scarcely contain your Majesty. You found that you couldn’t effectively govern while constrained by the rule of law, so you superseded it, just as you’ve done countless times before. This time you are waving your mighty scepter and magically granting defacto citizenship to millions of illegal aliens"

"Incredibly, even after all of the scandals, corruption, lies, and deceits; even after this past week when we learned about the depth of your Obamacare deception; even after using the IRS to target your political opponents; even after letting your ambassador die in Benghazi and lying about it afterwards; even after dividing the nation and exploiting racial tensions for your own gain; even after six years of incompetence, dishonesty, conspiracy, and illegality; even after every law you’ve flouted, promise you’ve broken, and lie you’ve told, you still found a way to top yourself. In refusing to enforce our borders and uphold our immigration laws, you are now guilty of the most profound presidential power grab since Abraham Lincoln. This is a landmark moment, and I’m sure you’re proud of that fact."

See, even pundits don't know what to call Him! Perhaps the one executive diktat we NEED is one telling us what to call His Majesty as we grease up and bend over....

* of course he's not a reporter, he's a commentator but I had to leave you something to pick at!

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