Are Sanctuary cities constitutional?

Your super hero D's have been in control for almost 2 years, why haven't they fixed any of it? Why haven't any of the past D majorities?
They did recently, when they finally started using reconciliation...but they need 60 votes in the senate to raise taxes nationally on the ridiculously bloated megarich....and the GOP is pure obstruction. They love the giveaway to the rich that has ruined the country the last 35 years period change the damn channel....
I live in a sanctuary city. Creating a sanctuary city and ignoring federal immigration laws, I would think 99% of us expect our local government was following our local ideals and OUR wishes. That is NOT TRUE here, in fact, creating so called "sanctuary cities" where NEVER by popular fiat of popular demand. In fact, I can't find out exactly HOW they happen, but its not done openly with wide public knowledge. Let alone voter approval. That has to be unconstitutional. States/cities or municipalities cannot create sanctuaries to anyone or anything without local foreknowledge and our approval. And they did just THAT.

You can't be a sanctuary city and believe that we are a sovereign Nation that upholds the Constitution, at the same time!!

They are two diametrically opposed ideas: Soverignity vs. Sanctuary.
It's not a matter of stopping it. It is a matter of not trying to stop it. The Mexican border is in complete control of the cartels. It wasn't that way when Trump was president. He had the border secure. It is the way it is now, because Biden has allowed it to be that way. He is enabling.

Didn't happen. His only accomplishment was reducing legal immigration. Biden has supported the Drug War his entire career.

I'm so sad the neo-Cons who hated, and hate, MAGA, were upset that they had to send business visas back home and hire Americans.
LOL wrong as always....or ridiculously obvious.... He was an independent who was a member of neither party until he decided to run as a republican in 1952. Dingbat
um…when did i say different? when it was time to be political, he became political…
False...SCOTUS refused to deal with States Rights.

In Printz, Justice Scalia reinforced that concept. “The Federal Government may neither issue directives requiring the States to address particular problems, nor command the States’ officers, or those of their political subdivisions, to administer or enforce a federal regulatory program,” Scalia said. “Such commands are fundamentally incompatible with our constitutional system of dual sovereignty.”


In Printz, Justice Scalia reinforced that concept. “The Federal Government may neither issue directives requiring the States to address particular problems, nor command the States’ officers, or those of their political subdivisions, to administer or enforce a federal regulatory program,” Scalia said. “Such commands are fundamentally incompatible with our constitutional system of dual sovereignty.”

That's what I posted...
Nope. Sanctuary cities are legal as determined by SCOTUS.

Wrong. The Supreme Court only said it wouldn't take up a legal battle over whether local governments can declare themselves sanctuary cities. It's pretty much left up to the states to decide whether or not they will allow sanctuary cities. The following states have actually banned them: Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Alabama, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Florida, Arkansas, Texas, and Montana.

States that have Banned Sanctuary Cities | American Police Officers Alliance
Wrong. The Supreme Court only said it wouldn't take up a legal battle over whether local governments can declare themselves sanctuary cities. It's pretty much left up to the states to decide whether or not they will allow sanctuary cities. The following states have actually banned them: Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Alabama, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Florida, Arkansas, Texas, and Montana.

States that have Banned Sanctuary Cities | American Police Officers Alliance

It's like abortion.
Wrong. The Supreme Court only said it wouldn't take up a legal battle over whether local governments can declare themselves sanctuary cities. It's pretty much left up to the states to decide whether or not they will allow sanctuary cities. The following states have actually banned them: Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Alabama, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Florida, Arkansas, Texas, and Montana.

States that have Banned Sanctuary Cities | American Police Officers Alliance
Right, because SCOTUS stated that the fed can't force states to assist in federal law enforcement issues...which basically all a sanctuary city is is a city that doesn't cooperate with federal officials regarding illegals.

You do know what a sanctuary city is right?

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