Are Republicans "complicit" as Jeff Flake states?

Are Republicans complicit for not confronting Trump on his behavior & lies?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 70.0%
  • No

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • other

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
I think this is a very good question. Watch the entire 17 minute video FIRST--then comment and cast your vote. Are Senate & House Republicans complicit for not confronting Trump on his behavior and Lies?

I watched one California congressmen get asked this question today--and he beat around the bush--stating it's his job is to legislate, and if he had to correct the President that would be his job 24/7. Asked if he thought Trump was a good role model in this country for kids, he stated yes because he is the POTUS, but he sure wouldn't want his kids behaving and talking like Trump--:badgrin:

But shouldn't they stand up for decency--and demand decency and truth out of the POTUS, and if they can't get it, shouldn't they remove him from office? Should they risk losing their seats to stand up for their principles? Are they to save the Republican party, or save themselves?

I think going along to get along--is NOT going to cut it during the midterm election cycle, and I think Republicans need to stand up NOW and speak up before it's too late.

So far we have had speech's from--G.W. Bush, John McCain, now Jeff Flake, and Bob Corker all going after Trump. Waiting until January 2018 is going to hurt the entire Republican party--because then they are running for reelection and seeking new seats.

Trump closing in on a 70% disapproval rating and that is going to kill the Republican party. They will have to separate themselves anyway from Trump in the midterm, so I don't know what they're waiting for.
Trump Disapproval Rating Nears 70 Percent: Poll
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval!
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They are elected to represent their constituents. Nothing more. Now that being said, the real reason Flake is running back to Arizona with his tail between his legs is because Team Bannon is taking out this piece of garbage and ending his so called career.

Good riddance.
I think this is a very good question. Watch the entire 17 minute video FIRST--then comment and cast your vote. Are Senate & House Republicans complicit for not confronting Trump on his behavior and Lies?

I watched one California congressmen get asked this question today--and he beat around the bush--stating it's his job is to legislate, and if he had to correct the President that would be his job 24/7. Asked if he thought Trump was a good role model in this country for kids, he stated yes because he is the POTUS, but he sure wouldn't want his kids behaving and talking like Trump--:badgrin:

But shouldn't they stand up for decency--and demand decency and truth out of the POTUS, and if they can't get it, shouldn't they remove him from office? Should they risk losing their seats to stand up for their principles? Are they to save the Republican party, or save themselves?

I think going along to get along--is NOT going to cut it during the midterm election cycle, and I think Republicans need to stand up NOW and speak up before it's too late.

So far we have had speech's from--G.W. Bush, John McCain, now Jeff Flake, and Bob Corker all going after Trump. Waiting until January 2018 is going to hurt the entire Republican party--because then they are running for reelection and seeking new seats.

Trump closing in on a 70% disapproval rating is going to kill the Republican party. They will have to separate themselves anyway from Trump in the midterm, so I don't know what they're waiting for.
Trump Disapproval Rating Nears 70 Percent: Poll
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval!

The problem I have is that he sees the problems and then runs away so he doesn't have to solve the problems. He is part of the problem.
Flake is a flake and a snowflake! Folks, I am not kidding, Flake was born in in Snowflake, Arizona allegedly. :p Anyhoo, I was watching Jim Cramer on Mad Money earlier and he indicated the world economy is off the charts right now as a result of The Donald. He does caution certain analysts suggest the bull rally is subject to pullbacks here and there.
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They are elected to represent their constituents. Nothing more. Now that being said, the real reason Flake is running back to Arizona with his tail between his legs is because Team Bannon is taking out this piece of garbage and ending his so called career.

Good riddance.
What didn’t you like about Flake. He was pretty conservative, no?
Flake voted for Trump's policies close to 100%. Because conservatives are awful.
But Flake is suddenly worried about his children and their children. He knows his kind, including Trump, are destroying the country.
They are elected to represent their constituents. Nothing more. Now that being said, the real reason Flake is running back to Arizona with his tail between his legs is because Team Bannon is taking out this piece of garbage and ending his so called career.

Good riddance.

Steve Bannon has his own issues specifically with adding a new wing of the Republican party called the ALT RIGHT.

'Slowly but surely, Bannon turned Breitbart into not only the most-read conservative web outlet but also the most incendiary one. It was happy to embrace fringe beliefs like birtherism and play footsie with blatantly racist notions of black criminality. It wasn’t interested in looking even faintly objective, instead inventing easily understood “narratives” of crusading conservative heroes and their many victories against the hated left.

Bannon’s Breitbart also realized that there was a large online community that naturally gravitated to Trump, a mix of people who saw themselves as far too radical to be accepted by polite society. Among them, conservative suspicions of diversity, inclusion, feminism, and political correctness had metastasized into something much darker.

This was the alt-right, a collection of racists, pick-up artists, men’s rights activists, and other noxious trolls of the internet."
Steve Bannon and the alt-right: a primer

They showed up in Charlottesville for Trump.
As the official start of the “Unite the Right” rally kicked off in Charlottesville, Virginia, former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke said the gathering of white supremacists, neo-Nazis and far-right individuals pointed to a future fulfillment of President Donald Trump’s “promises.”
Ex-KKK Leader David Duke Says White Supremacists Will 'Fulfill' Trump's Promises

You certainly can't be naive enough to believe that a candidate that Steve Bannon picks for the midterms are not going to be attacked by the Democrat opponent of being related to Neo-Nazi's and White Supremacists.

Any candidate that Steve Bannon endorses is going to be viciously attacked by Democrats, especially in Arizona that is getting a little bluer in every election cycle.
Flake voted for Trump's policies close to 100%. Because conservatives are awful.
But Flake is suddenly worried about his children and their children. He knows his kind, including Trump, are destroying the country.

Flake is a self-serving NaziCon asshole with a little more turd polish than Trump. I see nothing saintly about him. He knows he can't win reelection so he pretends to take the high road. Does anyone really think he is worried about your children and their children?

They are elected to represent their constituents. Nothing more. Now that being said, the real reason Flake is running back to Arizona with his tail between his legs is because Team Bannon is taking out this piece of garbage and ending his so called career.

Good riddance.
What didn’t you like about Flake. He was pretty conservative, no?
Flake is one of the reasons Trump was elected. He's for open borders.
Bob Corker, John McCain, and a few other Republicans are siding with the Democrats. Most likely he and others have taken bribes and are trying to help Hillary and Obama conduct a coup to throw Trump out of office. Notice how these assholes all wait till an important piece of legislation is close to be voted on and start insulting Trump in front of cameras. The corrupt media eats it up and never asks them once why they all of the sudden feel like cussing out our president.
Flake should have been silenced by the acting Senate president on the floor, because the type of slander that asshole was spreading was against Senate rules. You can talk about differences of opinion on policy on the floor, but you cannot personally slander the president or another member of congress. There is a conspiracy to get rid of Trump by members of the swamp, better known as the Washington Establishment. The American people can see it and that is why Bob Corker and Jeff Flake have no chance of being elected dog-catcher in the home states, as reflected in the polls. This is why they've decided to retire.

Steve Bannon: It's a Conspiracy!

Flake’s Blistering Attack on Trump Is the Latest Crack in GOP Unity
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They are elected to represent their constituents. Nothing more. Now that being said, the real reason Flake is running back to Arizona with his tail between his legs is because Team Bannon is taking out this piece of garbage and ending his so called career.

Good riddance.
What didn’t you like about Flake. He was pretty conservative, no?
Flake is one of the reasons Trump was elected. He's for open borders.
Bob Corker, John McCain, and a few other Republicans are siding with the Democrats. Most likely he and others have taken bribes and are trying to help Hillary and Obama conduct a coup to throw Trump out of office. Notice how these assholes all wait till an important piece of legislation is close to be voted on and start insulting Trump in front of cameras. The corrupt media eats it up and never asks them once why they all of the sudden feel like cussing out our president.
Flake should have been silenced by the acting Senate president on the floor, because the type of slander that asshole was spreading was against Senate rules. You can talk about differences of opinion on policy on the floor, but you cannot personally slander the president or another member of congress. There is a conspiracy to get rid of Trump by members of the swamp, better known as the Washington Establishment. The American people can see it and that is why Bob Corker and Jeff Flake have no chance of being elected dog-catcher in the home states, as reflected in the polls. This is why they've decided to retire.
Ahh the ol shadow government conspiracy... nice one. Or maybe he just doesn’t like working with so many phony assholes or maybe he does t like king asshole representing his party.
They are elected to represent their constituents. Nothing more. Now that being said, the real reason Flake is running back to Arizona with his tail between his legs is because Team Bannon is taking out this piece of garbage and ending his so called career.

Good riddance.
What didn’t you like about Flake. He was pretty conservative, no?

Open borders. Never Trumper. That's for starters.
Asked if he thought Trump was a good role model in this country for kids, he stated yes because he is the POTUS, but he sure wouldn't want his kids behaving and talking like Trump
I guess he's confused as to what a role model is.
They are elected to represent their constituents. Nothing more. Now that being said, the real reason Flake is running back to Arizona with his tail between his legs is because Team Bannon is taking out this piece of garbage and ending his so called career.

Good riddance.

Steve Bannon has his own issues specifically with adding a new wing of the Republican party called the ALT RIGHT.

'Slowly but surely, Bannon turned Breitbart into not only the most-read conservative web outlet but also the most incendiary one. It was happy to embrace fringe beliefs like birtherism and play footsie with blatantly racist notions of black criminality. It wasn’t interested in looking even faintly objective, instead inventing easily understood “narratives” of crusading conservative heroes and their many victories against the hated left.

Bannon’s Breitbart also realized that there was a large online community that naturally gravitated to Trump, a mix of people who saw themselves as far too radical to be accepted by polite society. Among them, conservative suspicions of diversity, inclusion, feminism, and political correctness had metastasized into something much darker.

This was the alt-right, a collection of racists, pick-up artists, men’s rights activists, and other noxious trolls of the internet."
Steve Bannon and the alt-right: a primer

They showed up in Charlottesville for Trump.
As the official start of the “Unite the Right” rally kicked off in Charlottesville, Virginia, former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke said the gathering of white supremacists, neo-Nazis and far-right individuals pointed to a future fulfillment of President Donald Trump’s “promises.”
Ex-KKK Leader David Duke Says White Supremacists Will 'Fulfill' Trump's Promises

You certainly can't be naive enough to believe that a candidate that Steve Bannon picks for the midterms are not going to be attacked by the Democrat opponent of being related to Neo-Nazi's and White Supremacists.

Any candidate that Steve Bannon endorses is going to be viciously attacked by Democrats, especially in Arizona that is getting a little bluer in every election cycle.

Yeah Bannon is a neo Nazi. Just was Breitbart's great friend. Andrew was a Jew. All the editors of Breitbart are Jews. Bannon fulfilled Andrews dream of Breitbart Jerusalem. That really nails him as a neo nazi.

Oh and for sure picking this young man to run Breitbart London really really proves that Bannon is a neo nazi AND KKK.


They are elected to represent their constituents. Nothing more. Now that being said, the real reason Flake is running back to Arizona with his tail between his legs is because Team Bannon is taking out this piece of garbage and ending his so called career.

Good riddance.
What didn’t you like about Flake. He was pretty conservative, no?
Flake is one of the reasons Trump was elected. He's for open borders.
Bob Corker, John McCain, and a few other Republicans are siding with the Democrats. Most likely he and others have taken bribes and are trying to help Hillary and Obama conduct a coup to throw Trump out of office. Notice how these assholes all wait till an important piece of legislation is close to be voted on and start insulting Trump in front of cameras. The corrupt media eats it up and never asks them once why they all of the sudden feel like cussing out our president.
Flake should have been silenced by the acting Senate president on the floor, because the type of slander that asshole was spreading was against Senate rules. You can talk about differences of opinion on policy on the floor, but you cannot personally slander the president or another member of congress. There is a conspiracy to get rid of Trump by members of the swamp, better known as the Washington Establishment. The American people can see it and that is why Bob Corker and Jeff Flake have no chance of being elected dog-catcher in the home states, as reflected in the polls. This is why they've decided to retire.
Ahh the ol shadow government conspiracy... nice one. Or maybe he just doesn’t like working with so many phony assholes or maybe he does t like king asshole representing his party.
Well, it's not up to him, isn't it?
I'm sure there are plenty of other assholes across the isle for him to cuss out. It's pretty damned obvious why he's doing it to the president right now. He's trying to cause a bunch of shit and derail the process. And yes, if Uranium One proves anything, there is a massive shadow government at work trying to fuck over America.
They are elected to represent their constituents. Nothing more. Now that being said, the real reason Flake is running back to Arizona with his tail between his legs is because Team Bannon is taking out this piece of garbage and ending his so called career.

Good riddance.
What didn’t you like about Flake. He was pretty conservative, no?
Flake is one of the reasons Trump was elected. He's for open borders.
Bob Corker, John McCain, and a few other Republicans are siding with the Democrats. Most likely he and others have taken bribes and are trying to help Hillary and Obama conduct a coup to throw Trump out of office. Notice how these assholes all wait till an important piece of legislation is close to be voted on and start insulting Trump in front of cameras. The corrupt media eats it up and never asks them once why they all of the sudden feel like cussing out our president.
Flake should have been silenced by the acting Senate president on the floor, because the type of slander that asshole was spreading was against Senate rules. You can talk about differences of opinion on policy on the floor, but you cannot personally slander the president or another member of congress. There is a conspiracy to get rid of Trump by members of the swamp, better known as the Washington Establishment. The American people can see it and that is why Bob Corker and Jeff Flake have no chance of being elected dog-catcher in the home states, as reflected in the polls. This is why they've decided to retire.
Ahh the ol shadow government conspiracy... nice one. Or maybe he just doesn’t like working with so many phony assholes or maybe he does t like king asshole representing his party.
Well, it's not up to him, isn't it?
I'm sure there are plenty of other assholes across the isle for him to cuss out. It's pretty damned obvious why he's doing it to the president right now. He's trying to cause a bunch of shit and derail the process. And yes, if Uranium One proves anything, there is a massive shadow government at work trying to fuck over America.
Do you realize how paranoid you sound? Try thinking through things with realistic reasoning
They are elected to represent their constituents. Nothing more. Now that being said, the real reason Flake is running back to Arizona with his tail between his legs is because Team Bannon is taking out this piece of garbage and ending his so called career.

Good riddance.
What didn’t you like about Flake. He was pretty conservative, no?
Flake is one of the reasons Trump was elected. He's for open borders.
Bob Corker, John McCain, and a few other Republicans are siding with the Democrats. Most likely he and others have taken bribes and are trying to help Hillary and Obama conduct a coup to throw Trump out of office. Notice how these assholes all wait till an important piece of legislation is close to be voted on and start insulting Trump in front of cameras. The corrupt media eats it up and never asks them once why they all of the sudden feel like cussing out our president.
Flake should have been silenced by the acting Senate president on the floor, because the type of slander that asshole was spreading was against Senate rules. You can talk about differences of opinion on policy on the floor, but you cannot personally slander the president or another member of congress. There is a conspiracy to get rid of Trump by members of the swamp, better known as the Washington Establishment. The American people can see it and that is why Bob Corker and Jeff Flake have no chance of being elected dog-catcher in the home states, as reflected in the polls. This is why they've decided to retire.

Steve Bannon: It's a Conspiracy!

Flake’s Blistering Attack on Trump Is the Latest Crack in GOP Unity
That is why Arizona needs to consider Arpaio.


The Dems' welcome wagon..


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