Are drivers really clueless?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Survey: Many drivers are clueless- MSN Money

85% of respondents got this one wrong

2. You are approaching an intersection with a traffic signal and the light changes from green to yellow. You should:
a. Consider it the same as a caution sign and continue through the intersection.
b. Stop immediately.
c. Stop before entering the intersection unless you are too close to stop safely.
d. Speed up to get through the intersection before the light changes to red.

The correct answer is supposed to be (c). I think anyone who has ever used our roads knows that if you stop at a yellow, you are likely to get rear ended by someone trying to make the light.

85% of respondents know the correct answer is (a)
85% of the respondents answered correctly. Yellow doesn't mean stop.
The key is "unless you are too close to stop safely". You also have to consider the oncoming left-hand turners who will gun it.
It is one of those things like driving 55 where 55 is the posted speed limit. If you follow the law, you are a safety hazard.

The correct answer is C. IF you do that, you are going to get smacked.
An interesting side note: a recent study shows that red light cameras are increasing accidents at intersections. They encourage people to slam on the breaks when it is "not safe" in order to avoid a ticket.
Survey: Many drivers are clueless- MSN Money

85% of respondents got this one wrong

2. You are approaching an intersection with a traffic signal and the light changes from green to yellow. You should:
a. Consider it the same as a caution sign and continue through the intersection.
b. Stop immediately.
c. Stop before entering the intersection unless you are too close to stop safely.
d. Speed up to get through the intersection before the light changes to red.

The correct answer is supposed to be (c). I think anyone who has ever used our roads knows that if you stop at a yellow, you are likely to get rear ended by someone trying to make the light.

85% of respondents know the correct answer is (a)
Dat's cool, you can buy me a new car.
It is one of those things like driving 55 where 55 is the posted speed limit. If you follow the law, you are a safety hazard.

Depends on where you're at. If everyone else is going 55 you're fine. If everyone else is going 85 you're not.

I read once that a study was done to see how drivers reacted to changed speed limits. They increased the speed limit on a section of road for a few months - then decreased it. what they found was surprising - the posted speed limit had little effect on the actual speed drivers went. When the speed limit was raised - drivers did not tend to go much faster - and vice versa. Their conclusion was that drivers will go whatever speed they feel is safe and ignore posted limits.
It is one of those things like driving 55 where 55 is the posted speed limit. If you follow the law, you are a safety hazard.

Depends on where you're at. If everyone else is going 55 you're fine. If everyone else is going 85 you're not.

I read once that a study was done to see how drivers reacted to changed speed limits. They increased the speed limit on a section of road for a few months - then decreased it. what they found was surprising - the posted speed limit had little effect on the actual speed drivers went. When the speed limit was raised - drivers did not tend to go much faster - and vice versa. Their conclusion was that drivers will go whatever speed they feel is safe and ignore posted limits.

I rarely check my speedometer while driving, you have to take your eyes off the road. I have always gone with the flow of traffic or what I feel is safe for my car under current road conditions. I have never gotten a speeding ticket
I think anyone who has ever used our roads knows that if you stop at a yellow, you are likely to get rear ended by someone trying to make the light

I'm trying to understand your train of thought here... so you're driving down the road coming up to an intersection. The light turns yellow, and you see red lights from the car in front of you. You instinctively know this means the person ahead of you is braking, so your first thought is, "I'd better slam the gas and ram this sucker so I can make the light!"
I think anyone who has ever used our roads knows that if you stop at a yellow, you are likely to get rear ended by someone trying to make the light

I'm trying to understand your train of thought here... so you're driving down the road coming up to an intersection. The light turns yellow, and you see red lights from the car in front of you. You instinctively know this means the person ahead of you is braking, so your first thought is, "I'd better slam the gas and ram this sucker so I can make the light!"


He is already anticipating you going through the light and picks up speed to make it also right on your tail.
Your brake lights come on and he does not have sufficient buffer to stop.
His fault, but you still get hit
He is already anticipating you going through the light and picks up speed to make it also right on your tail.

So your answer would not be c, but rather would be d?

If you maintain your current speed and continue through the yellow light, he will follow you through and everyone is happy. If you jump on your brakes to stop at a yellow, he is likely to rear end you or at least flip you off
C is correct. You stop unless there isn't enough time . . . but keep yer eye on the guy in front of you, he might stop anyway. If they guy in back of you is a dope and plows into you no worries, it's his fault.

My dad taught me when driving on a highway to always try and isolate yourself rather than driving 'in the pack' of cars. That way if there is an accident you have more time to react and are less likely to be involved in the mess. I do this instinctively at this point . . . .

When I pass someone on a highway, after I've done all the checks and such, I proceed into the next lane before accelerating. The hubs accelerates while still in the right lane, then proceeds into the left lane. :eusa_eh: I prefer to do the driving.

I also tend to watch the drivers in certain situations (rather than the car). You can often tell what idiotic thing a driver is attempting just by looking at them. Yes, drivers are clueless idiots . . . drive accordingly.
C is correct. You stop unless there isn't enough time . . . but keep yer eye on the guy in front of you, he might stop anyway. If they guy in back of you is a dope and plows into you no worries, it's his fault.

My dad taught me when driving on a highway to always try and isolate yourself rather than driving 'in the pack' of cars. That way if there is an accident you have more time to react and are less likely to be involved in the mess. I do this instinctively at this point . . . .

When I pass someone on a highway, after I've done all the checks and such, I proceed into the next lane before accelerating. The hubs accelerates while still in the right lane, then proceeds into the left lane. :eusa_eh: I prefer to do the driving.

I also tend to watch the drivers in certain situations (rather than the car). You can often tell what idiotic thing a driver is attempting just by looking at them. Yes, drivers are clueless idiots . . . drive accordingly.

Your hub is correct

Accelerate before you change lanes, this ensures that anyone in the faster moving lane will not fill your available zone in the new lane.
C is correct. You stop unless there isn't enough time . . . but keep yer eye on the guy in front of you, he might stop anyway. If they guy in back of you is a dope and plows into you no worries, it's his fault.

My dad taught me when driving on a highway to always try and isolate yourself rather than driving 'in the pack' of cars. That way if there is an accident you have more time to react and are less likely to be involved in the mess. I do this instinctively at this point . . . .

When I pass someone on a highway, after I've done all the checks and such, I proceed into the next lane before accelerating. The hubs accelerates while still in the right lane, then proceeds into the left lane. :eusa_eh: I prefer to do the driving.

I also tend to watch the drivers in certain situations (rather than the car). You can often tell what idiotic thing a driver is attempting just by looking at them. Yes, drivers are clueless idiots . . . drive accordingly.

Your hub is correct

Accelerate before you change lanes, this ensures that anyone in the faster moving lane will not fill your available zone in the new lane.

:eek: I respectfully really disagree. Too, too many close calls when he's accelerated while still in the right lane. Really close calls. I am always proceeding into the left lane when I start to accelerate. If someone else is coming up fast in the left lane I wait until they pass before I get over.
C is correct. You stop unless there isn't enough time . . . but keep yer eye on the guy in front of you, he might stop anyway. If they guy in back of you is a dope and plows into you no worries, it's his fault.

My dad taught me when driving on a highway to always try and isolate yourself rather than driving 'in the pack' of cars. That way if there is an accident you have more time to react and are less likely to be involved in the mess. I do this instinctively at this point . . . .

When I pass someone on a highway, after I've done all the checks and such, I proceed into the next lane before accelerating. The hubs accelerates while still in the right lane, then proceeds into the left lane. :eusa_eh: I prefer to do the driving.

I also tend to watch the drivers in certain situations (rather than the car). You can often tell what idiotic thing a driver is attempting just by looking at them. Yes, drivers are clueless idiots . . . drive accordingly.

Your hub is correct

Accelerate before you change lanes, this ensures that anyone in the faster moving lane will not fill your available zone in the new lane.

:eek: I respectfully really disagree. Too, too many close calls when he's accelerated while still in the right lane. Really close calls. I am always proceeding into the left lane when I start to accelerate. If someone else is coming up fast in the left lane I wait until they pass before I get over.

Tell your husband I agree with him :beer:
It doesn't matter. So long as you enter the intersection on the yellow, you are not in violation of the law vis a vis running the red light that follows. Of course, if you are doing 110 at the time, you might be in violation of the speed limit law.

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