Are Allah & God the same?


Jesus was a devout Jew. God the Father, thus, is a Jewish God in Christianity

Go sit in the Dunce Corner
The religion of Jesus was transformed by Paul and his followers into the religion about Jesus. The Christian God is almost nothing like the God of the Jews.

Mainstream Christianity regards God as a Jewish God, God of Israel. Paul never renounced his Jewish faith, a Hebrew of Hebrews
Islam condemns Christians to hell for shirk, the unforgivable sin of associating Jesus with “Allah” as his son. Islam just hates Jews for not being Muslim and for allegedly tampering with the Torah which, of course, is nonsense
Muslims never bought into the whole trinity thing, to them it sounds like a belief in multiple gods. Islam does not hate Jews. Jews lived among Muslims for centuries. When Christians kicked them out Muslims took them in. The animosity between Jews and Muslims is a recent thing tied to the State of Israel.
Koran has “reverence” for Jews and Christians but admonishes Muslims not to befriend them LOL
Every religion has to protect itself from the 'contamination' of other beliefs. Jews to this day frown on intermarriage. Christians put Jews into ghettos in many places.

Koran espouses venomous hatred of Christians and Jews, not reverence. And they’re People of Many Books, not “the” book. Koran can’t even show that respect
Mainstream Christianity regards God as a Jewish God, God of Israel. Paul never renounced his Jewish faith, a Hebrew of Hebrews
Jesus preached to Jews, you had to be a Jew to be a follower of Jesus. Paul changed that so you could follow Jesus without being a Jew. Jesus would have been appalled.
Islam condemns Christians to hell for shirk, the unforgivable sin of associating Jesus with “Allah” as his son. Islam just hates Jews for not being Muslim and for allegedly tampering with the Torah which, of course, is nonsense
Muslims never bought into the whole trinity thing, to them it sounds like a belief in multiple gods. Islam does not hate Jews. Jews lived among Muslims for centuries. When Christians kicked them out Muslims took them in. The animosity between Jews and Muslims is a recent thing tied to the State of Israel.

You don’t know what you’re talking about.

Islam hates Jews. Every reference to Jews in the Koran attacks them. Even the Islamic reference to Jews “Yahud” is pejorative.

Muhammad perpetrated the first holocaust of Jews and here the doctrine for their genocide ⤵️


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Mainstream Christianity regards God as a Jewish God, God of Israel. Paul never renounced his Jewish faith, a Hebrew of Hebrews
Jesus preached to Jews, you had to be a Jew to be a follower of Jesus. Paul changed that so you could follow Jesus without being a Jew. Jesus would have been appalled.

Jesus is quoted in the Bible saying he did not come to abolish the (Mosaic) Law or the (Jewish) Prophets.
Islam condemns Christians to hell for shirk, the unforgivable sin of associating Jesus with “Allah” as his son. Islam just hates Jews for not being Muslim and for allegedly tampering with the Torah which, of course, is nonsense
Muslims never bought into the whole trinity thing, to them it sounds like a belief in multiple gods. Islam does not hate Jews. Jews lived among Muslims for centuries. When Christians kicked them out Muslims took them in. The animosity between Jews and Muslims is a recent thing tied to the State of Israel.

Precisely why Allah and the Christian God are different: Allah does not have children.
You don’t know what you’re talking about.

Islam hates Jews. Every reference to Jews in the Koran attacks them. Even the Islamic reference to Jews “Yahud” is pejorative.

Muhammad perpetrated the first holocaust of Jews and here the doctrine for their genocide
The Koran is complex book and the relations between Mohammad and the local Jewish tribes were also complex. It is a widely held interpretation that Mohammad didn't condemn Judaism but did condemn specific Jews when they crossed him.
Paul eliminated circumcision and kosher laws simply because it was expedient for converting Romans
I'm sure you're correct. Does that mean Jesus lied, Paul just made stuff up, God changed his mind on proper conduct, or Jews were more Godly than others so they could handle the law?
You don’t know what you’re talking about.

Islam hates Jews. Every reference to Jews in the Koran attacks them. Even the Islamic reference to Jews “Yahud” is pejorative.

Muhammad perpetrated the first holocaust of Jews and here the doctrine for their genocide
The Koran is complex book and the relations between Mohammad and the local Jewish tribes were also complex. It is a widely held interpretation that Mohammad didn't condemn Judaism but did condemn specific Jews when they crossed him.

Relations between Muhammad and Jews and Christians were simple and straightforward: They rejected as ridiculous an Arab prophet arriving in a chariot carrying a sword who had a harem with 10+ wives!

And it didn’t help matters that his bogus “messages” screwed up Biblical material, such as denying Jesus’ crucifixion and claiming a body double was really crucified, suggesting Jacob was Abraham’s son and placing Persian Haman and the Tower of Babel in Egypt! LOL!!! These and other foolish “revelations” became legendary through the years
Yes, Allah simply means God in Arabic.

Both Jews and Muslims claim to worship the God of the Bible. But, Muslims, and more so Jews, worship the Devil. Their god has no son. And, Jesus even pointed out that Jews are children of the devil. Jews, but not Muslims, exactly meet the biblical definition of Antichrist.
Could you be more ignorant about anything?
Muslims are quick to claim that Allah and God of the Jewish and Christian People are the same and that Allah simply means God in Arabic But are they?

Turns out, Allah originated as a pre-Islamic pagan Arab god, al-ilah—Allah is merely a contraction. In fact, Muhammad’s father AbdALLAH and Muhammad himself, Muhammad ibn AbdALLAH, both had pagan names. Muhammad wasn’t very original and didn’t start worshipping Allah his one god until much later in life when he learned about monotheism from the Jews and Christians

Aside from the pagan origin of Allah, does Allah have a son? Ask Muslims this question and watch their heads explode! Absolutely not, for Muslims. Ask them if Allah has a Jewish son and your head may explode!

So far, Allah isn’t stacking up too well with God!

As regards Jews, Allah in the Koran turns Jews into apes and pigs Would God of Israel do such a vile thing? Absolutely not!

Would God of Israel have sanctioned Muhammad’s massacre of the Jews and selling Jewish children and women into slavery? Of course not! Would God of Jews and Christians have ordered the expulsion of Jews and Christians from Arabia, as Muhammad did guided by Allah? No!

Regarding both Jews and Christians, would God of the Jews and Christians order Muslims not to befriend Jews and Christians as Allah does in the Koran? Would God call Jews and Christians “worst of creatures” as Allah does in the Koran? Would God say Jews and Christians should be destroyed, as Allah says in the Koran?

No, no, and no.

As much as Muslims desperately seek legitimacy as latecomers by latching onto God of the Bible and insisting God of the Bible and Allah of the Koran are the same, they are absolutely different.

jesus was born on mithras' birthday. and a story made up at the council of nicea is passed around.

do I think G-d would have made muslims not get along with Jews? I don't know. I don't think G-d is that much of a micromanager. But I know when Ishmael was banished that started a sibling rivalry that has lasted a long time.

I'm afraid I also don't see what Christians have done to jews as that much better. (Spanish inquisition, anyone?)

btw, yes, I think the idea of a pedophile G-d is disturbing.... but then again, Jesus isn't G-d either. Only G-d is G-d. so there ya go.
Relations between Muhammad and Jews and Christians were simple and straightforward: They rejected as ridiculous an Arab prophet arriving in a chariot carrying a sword who had a harem with 10+ wives!
Yet they managed to live very well in Muslim lands for centuries. Usually much better than they did under Christianity.
Paul eliminated circumcision and kosher laws simply because it was expedient for converting Romans
I'm sure you're correct. Does that mean Jesus lied, Paul just made stuff up, God changed his mind on proper conduct, or Jews were more Godly than others so they could handle the law?

Paul was the architect of Christianity and developed the ideology and requirements for spreading Christianity: Waving circumcision and kosher restrictions, in addition to relaxing adherence to Jewish laws, were a means to an end. Jesus and his followers were all devout Jews who did not think they were starting any new religion.
Relations between Muhammad and Jews and Christians were simple and straightforward: They rejected as ridiculous an Arab prophet arriving in a chariot carrying a sword who had a harem with 10+ wives!
Yet they managed to live very well in Muslim lands for centuries. Usually much better than they did under Christianity.

Yes and no. Jews were mostly just tolerated under Islamic rule, and they suffered with severe restrictions on their rights.
Relations between Muhammad and Jews and Christians were simple and straightforward: They rejected as ridiculous an Arab prophet arriving in a chariot carrying a sword who had a harem with 10+ wives!
Yet they managed to live very well in Muslim lands for centuries. Usually much better than they did under Christianity.
Pay the Muslims your "I'm not a Muslim" tax and they don't behead you.
Seems rather reasonable to me.
Allah in the Koran wants Jews and Christians destroyed. Allah is not God of Jews and Christians

The Koran considers Jews and Christians to be people of the book and has a reverence for them. They are granted a special place in the Muslim world. Like the Bible, the Koran has many passages that can be contradictory when taken out of context.

God in the New Testament condemns Jews as enemies of God. He is not the God of the Jews.

The Gospel of John has long provided anti-Semites with grist for their mill.[28] There are 31 instances where the gospel uses the word Ἰουδαῖοι, the Jews in a hostile sense,[29] among the 63 uses [30] of the word in this gospel,[31] and all Jewish groups are lumped together, with no distinctions made between them. The Sadducees, prominent elsewhere, disappear.[32] The enemies of Jesus are described collectively as "the Jews", in contradistinction to the other evangelists, who do not generally [33] ascribe to "the Jews" en masse calls for the death of Jesus. In the other 3 texts, the plot to put him to death is always presented as coming from a small group of priests and rulers, the Sadducees.[31][34] John's gospel is thus the primary source of the image of "the Jews" acting collectively as the enemy of Jesus, which later became fixed in Christian minds.[35]
The NT condemns all non-Christians equally.

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