Arctic Temperatures Today

I have been posting links on the failure of global warming predictions for years.
Are you proud of how your side has been predicting an imminent ice age for the past 40 years? Of course you are. After all, you've helped spread that conspiracy idiocy.

Needless to say, your HolyIceAge never arrives, and it just keeps warming strongly. That doesn't dim your cult zeal. Like any doomsday cultist, each time your icy armageddon fails to arrive, you just push back the date of doomsday a little more.

In stark contrast, the AGW has been correct with its prediction over those same 40 years. They correctly predictied the warming, and the amount of it. That's why the AGW side has such crediblity, because they've been getting it so right for so long.

Results matter. You always fail, so the world laughs at you.
The predictions stated snow would be rare by now.
No, they didn't. You're just making stupid crap up, because your cult told you to.

Remember, you can only gaslight your fellow cult imbeciles. Normal people know you're parroting dumb cult propaganda.

Now proceed with your "DERP DERP! It was cold in winter, so global warming is a hoax! DERRRRRRRRRP!" screeching. Sweet Jeebus, it makes you look stupid, but as a cultist, you like that. If you get humiliated, it demonstrates to the other cultists how willing you are to debase yourself on behalf of the cult, so you earn big cult brownie points.
are you saying that experts didn't state snow would stop?
Yes. Because it's true. Your side is going on a mass-lying crusade there. You're all just selectively misquoting _one_ person talking about Southern England in the far future. That's wild deliberate dishonesty from your side, and it's your standard tactic.

If there was any truth to your claims that everyone was predicting the end of snow, you'd be able to find something in the IPCC summaries, or in any scientific paper. So show it to us.

If you're not lying about the science, you should have no trouble doing that.

If you are lying about the science, you'll now find an excuse to not back up your wild claims.

We all already know which option you'll select.
If there was any truth to your claims that everyone was predicting the end of snow, you'd be able to find something in the IPCC summaries, or in any scientific paper. So show it to us.
No one said everyone was predicting, it was said warmers were.

Barrow -11
Vize -18
Anabar -35 (major warming trend!)
Mittarfik -2


Climate "Reanalyzer" still shows a .7 "anomaly" for the Arctic

What a joke!
No, they didn't. You're just making stupid crap up, because your cult told you to.

Remember, you can only gaslight your fellow cult imbeciles. Normal people know you're parroting dumb cult propaganda.

Now proceed with your "DERP DERP! It was cold in winter, so global warming is a hoax! DERRRRRRRRRP!" screeching. Sweet Jeebus, it makes you look stupid, but as a cultist, you like that. If you get humiliated, it demonstrates to the other cultists how willing you are to debase yourself on behalf of the cult, so you earn big cult brownie points.
You sound like a desperate kid holding his hands over his ears and crying. “Nah, Nah, Nah.“


No I am not lying or making stuff up. There definitely were predictions that snow would be very rare by now. You can deny that fact all day everyday and twice on Sunday but those predictions were made. Smart people have learned over the years to take such dramatic predictions with a grain of salt. The scare factor doesn’t work anymore on most people.

The first link contains images of the predictions that have been proven false including those predictions that thought we would have a new ice age by now.

Are you proud of how your side has been predicting an imminent ice age for the past 40 years? Of course you are. After all, you've helped spread that conspiracy idiocy.

Needless to say, your HolyIceAge never arrives, and it just keeps warming strongly. That doesn't dim your cult zeal. Like any doomsday cultist, each time your icy armageddon fails to arrive, you just push back the date of doomsday a little more.

In stark contrast, the AGW has been correct with its prediction over those same 40 years. They correctly predictied the warming, and the amount of it. That's why the AGW side has such crediblity, because they've been getting it so right for so long.

Results matter. You always fail, so the world laughs at you.
I personally am not worried at all about an upcoming ice age. In passing I don’t belong to any cult. I do my own research and form my own opinions. I have learned over the years that when you mix politics and science you usually end up with junk science. (The research on the dangers of marijuana is another example of this. Have you ever watch the filmReefer Madness?

The predictions on a new ice age that you are mentioning are from the 1970s. I was alive them and remember those predictions. They ceased in the 1980s. I don’t remember any recent ice age predictions but perhaps you can link me to one. I will get a good laugh out of it too.
You sound like

No I am not lying or making stuff up. There definitely were predictions that snow would be very rare by now.
Yet you couldn't show any, other than the misquotes from Dr. Viner that get recited over and over. All you could do was fling a mass of crap at the wall in the hopes something would stick. It didn't.

I didn't ask for lists of general predictions that failed from non-scientists, media figures, politicians and deniers. I asked you for predictions of less snowfall from climate scientists. You can't show us any, other than the one. That would be why you're not showing us any.

Did you really think you're the first cut-and-paste parrot to show up here?
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Yet you couldn't show any, other than the misquotes from Dr. Viner that get recited over and over. All you could do was fling a mass of crap at the wall in the hopes something would stick. It didn't.

I didn't ask for lists of general predictions that failed from non-scientists, media figures, politicians and deniers. I asked you for predictions of less snowfall from climate scientists. You can't show us any, other than the one. That would be why you're not showing us any.

Did you really think you're the first cut-and-paste parrot to show up here?
You don’t like cut and paste so you won’t like these. …

You don’t like cut and paste so you won’t like these. …

Not sure how else any information can be added here without pasting them in here! Maybe she could explain what is another option

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