Arctic Temperatures Today


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Here's the latest from the Arctic.

I try to pick the same 4 cardinal points approximating about 4.5 MILLION square miles (That's a big number). I could have added another 1 or 2MM square miles as both Russia and Canada are in deep freeze, but I'd rather stay consistent with these 4 points around the Arctic.

Cape Billings Russian Federation 1F
NordAWS Greenland -2F
Sachs Harbor Canada -6F
Cape Chelyuskin Russian Federation 16F

Arctic Weather Map
Did it even occur to you to look up normal temps for that date and time of day? Of course it didn't. You just did one your "derpderp it's not hot in the arctic, so global warming is a hoax!" thing.

Let me help you out here.

Climate Reanalyzer

Temps are well above average in the Arctic.

The temperature is the temperature Ricky Retardo and only "well above average" in your flawed models

Arctic Weather Map

Gambell (N) 19F
Kotel (E) -4F
Nord (S) -8F
Sachs Harbod (W) 5F

Reanalyze that
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Did it even occur to you to look up normal temps for that date and time of day? Of course it didn't. You just did one of your "derpderp it's not hot in the arctic, so global warming is a hoax!" things.

Let me help you out here.

Climate Reanalyzer

Temps are well above average in the Arctic.
BWHAAAaaaaaaa You use the same crap Old Fraud uses... Made up crap from the University of Main and their garbage computer program...
BWHAAAaaaaaaa You use the same crap Old Fraud uses... Made up crap from the University of Main and their garbage computer program...

Sucks to be you, little fraud.

All the data says you're an open fraud.

Thus, the only option you see is to deny the data and invent your own fraudulent reality. You seem to get off on it sexually.

So what university did you get your degree at, little fraud? You can piss yourself and run now, while everyone laughs. That never gets old.
The temperature is the temperature Ricky Retardo and only "well above average" in your flawed models

Thermometers aren't models.

It's hilarious that you can't grasp that. In your addled cult mind, the temperature reports from thermometers around the world don't actually exist. Instead, you declare that some mysterious model really creates the temperature record.

Most deniers are just really stupid human beings.

2.8 C above normal is a bit warm. That is over 5 F, for all the semiliterates this board attracts.
Ever notice how the hottest places are invariably the places with the least instrumental coverage? They require infilling, and homogenization...and quite literally making up data...and it is always those places which are so hot that they actually raise the global average.

When you look at regional records though...that warming seems to only exists in the heavily manipulated, homogenized, infilled global record. Only the tragically duped take that sort of information seriously.
2.8 C above normal is a bit warm. That is over 5 F, for all the semiliterates this board attracts.

Don't you Leftists EVER get tired of pompously declaring how incredibly intelligent YOU are, and by contrast, how STUPID everyone else is who deigns to disagree with your preening, posturing virtues in any topic?

What you overlook are several important facts:
1. You're NOT remotely as smart as you claim/pretend/boast.
2. Intelligence isn't wisdom.
3. Intelligence isn't common sense.
4. Intelligence can be used for good or evil, so in and of itself, intelligence is not virtuous, as you pretend it is.
5. How is it that all the preening, virtue posturing Eco-Hypocrites, such as Jane Fonda and Sir Charles Branson and Barack Incompetent Obama and Al The Whale Gore and Sierra Club Members and National Geographic Club Members and Protesters everywhere fly and drive millions of miles to protest.... flying and driving?
2.8 C above normal is a bit warm. That is over 5 F, for all the semiliterates this board attracts.

Don't you Leftists EVER get tired of pompously declaring how incredibly intelligent YOU are, and by contrast, how STUPID everyone else is who deigns to disagree with your preening, posturing virtues in any topic?

What you overlook are several important facts:
1. You're NOT remotely as smart as you claim/pretend/boast.
2. Intelligence isn't wisdom.
3. Intelligence isn't common sense.
4. Intelligence can be used for good or evil, so in and of itself, intelligence is not virtuous, as you pretend it is.
5. How is it that all the preening, virtue posturing Eco-Hypocrites, such as Jane Fonda and Sir Charles Branson and Barack Incompetent Obama and Al The Whale Gore and Sierra Club Members and National Geographic Club Members and Protesters everywhere fly and drive millions of miles to protest.... flying and driving?
The Earth’s climate is changing in response to increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and particulate matter in the atmosphere, largely as the result of human activities. Chemistry is at the heart of understanding the climate system and integral to addressing the development and deployment of new emission reduction technologies and clean energy alternatives. The American Chemical Society (ACS) acknowledges that climate change is real, is serious and has been influenced by anthropogenic activity. Unmitigated climate change will lead to increases in extreme weather events and will cause significant sea level rise, causing property damage and population displacement. It also will continue to degrade ecosystems and natural resources, affecting food and water availability and human health, further burdening economies and societies. Continued uncontrolled GHG emissions will accelerate and compound the effects and risks of climate change well into the future.

International cooperation will be crucial to addressing climate change, and continued U.S. participation in efforts such as the Paris Agreement is essential. Many solutions to reduce GHG and pollutant emissions are known and should be implemented through policy changes, partnerships, and education. These mitigation policies (e.g. GHG emission reduction) must be augmented by improved approaches for anticipating and adapting to adverse and unavoidable impacts of climate change. Risk reduction by proactive mitigation and adaptation strategies is preferred over global climate intervention schemes where the outcome is difficult to predict and beyond our power to control. Continuing to improve and strengthen our societies’ scientific understanding and literacy concerning all aspects of climate change is vitally important, enabling us to make informed decisions at national and international levels and helping us to lessen the future risk of climate change.

Global Climate Change - American Chemical Society

What real scientists are saying.
Position Statement
Decades of scientific research have shown that climate can change from both natural and anthropogenic causes. The Geological Society of America (GSA) concurs with assessments by the National Academies of Science (2005), the National Research Council (2011), the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2013) and the U.S. Global Change Research Program (Melillo et al., 2014) that global climate has warmed in response to increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases. The concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are now higher than they have been for many thousands of years. Human activities (mainly greenhouse-gas emissions) are the dominant cause of the rapid warming since the middle 1900s (IPCC, 2013). If the upward trend in greenhouse-gas concentrations continues, the projected global climate change by the end of the twenty-first century will result in significant impacts on humans and other species. The tangible effects of climate change are already occurring. Addressing the challenges posed by climate change will require a combination of adaptation to the changes that are likely to occur and global reductions of CO2 emissions from anthropogenic sources.

This position statement (1) summarizes the scientific basis for the conclusion that human activities are the primary cause of recent global warming; (2) describes the significant effects on humans and ecosystems as greenhouse-gas concentrations and global climate reach projected levels; and (3) provides information for policy decisions guiding mitigation and adaptation strategies designed to address the current and future impacts of anthropogenic warming.

Climate Change - GSA Position Statement 10

More real scientists that see the changes on the ground up close and personal.

Download the PDF

Humanity is the major influence on the global climate change observed over the past 50 years. Rapid societal responses can significantly lessen negative outcomes.

Human activities are changing Earth’s climate. At the global level, atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping greenhouse gases have increased sharply since the Industrial Revolution. Fossil fuel burning dominates this increase. Human-caused increases in greenhouse gases are responsible for most of the observed global average surface warming of roughly 0.8°C (1.5°F) over the past 140 years. Because natural processes cannot quickly remove some of these gases (notably carbon dioxide) from the atmosphere, our past, present, and future emissions will influence the climate system for millennia.

Extensive, independent observations confirm the reality of global warming. These observations show large-scale increases in air and sea temperatures, sea level, and atmospheric water vapor; they document decreases in the extent of mountain glaciers, snow cover, permafrost, and Arctic sea ice. These changes are broadly consistent with long-understood physics and predictions of how the climate system is expected to respond to human-caused increases in greenhouse gases. The changes are inconsistent with explanations of climate change that rely on known natural influences.

Position statement on climate change | AGU

Well, Mr. Chem Engineer, or perhaps burger flipper, you really think you know more than these scientists? LOL
We have just four months – four months to secure the future of our planet. - U.N. General Secretary Bang Ti Moon, at Inchon, South Korea, August 11, 2009

Has the future of our planet been secured? Anyone, anyone? Anyone?
If so, please explain. If not, please explain.
Well, Mr. Chem Engineer, or perhaps burger flipper, you really think you know more than these scientists? LOL

You're quite good at giggling, Old Rocks. But if you want to compare incomes or net worths, I'm your Huckleberry. Give it your best shot. Let's see some of your brass.

As to science, I have assembled more science than you can possibly understand if you studied it for a year:
This is a good example of the logical flaw known as "appealing to authority" ... chemists, geologists and the unidentified specialists are all experts in their fields, we have great confidence in their opinion within their area of expertise ... but that doesn't make them experts in climatology, or meteorology, or astronomy ...

Chemistry is at the heart of understanding the climate system

Rubbish ... very little chemistry happens in the atmosphere beyond the biology ... what sort of moron would say such a thing? ... oh, American Chemical Society, well ... okay ... morons, every one of them ... pffft, chemists, low grade science ...
BWHAAAaaaaaaa You use the same crap Old Fraud uses... Made up crap from the University of Main and their garbage computer program...

Sucks to be you, little fraud.

All the data says you're an open fraud.

Thus, the only option you see is to deny the data and invent your own fraudulent reality. You seem to get off on it sexually.

So what university did you get your degree at, little fraud? You can piss yourself and run now, while everyone laughs. That never gets old.

How does the data say that ?

Please don't open your mouth tomorrow. You'll swallow everything.

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