Anyone know anything about Lacrosse?


Platinum Member
Jun 4, 2012
Directly above the center of the Earth
My daughter goes to a small high school. She is interested in playing Lacrosse, but the school isn't fielding a girl's team. They don't even have an official boy's team either - just a club. She wants to play with the boys. I really don't know much of anything about the sport. My impression is that is a very physical contact sport. I don't want her to compete with boys who are much larger, stronger, and faster than she is. She assures me that she would just be a goalie, but I am still worried about her getting hurt. Anyone have any experience with Lacrosse? Any advice? Pretty sure I'm going to say no to her, but hate disappointing her.
a team game, originally played by North American Indians, in which the ball is thrown, caught, and carried with a long-handled stick having a curved L-shaped or triangular frame at one end with a piece of shallow netting in the angle.

[ame=]This is Lacrosse - YouTube[/ame]
Im not an expert but it certainly can be apretty physical game. Its not like football but there is some checking and the ball is pretty hard and people get swatted with sticks. As a goalie it would more be her in pads with a helmet have that hard little ball flying at her. Persoanlly if she really wants to play id let her. There are always risks with any sport but i dont think they are super high with lacrosse.

Little trivia fact -- former NFL great RB Jim Brown was a high school legend in the sport and considered one of the greatest ever to play it. When you watch films of him in the NFL its not hard to understand why

you should probably watch some video of youtube to get a feel for it yourself because its really an individual think as to what is too violent.

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